
Defines functions Return.rebalancing Return.portfolio.arithmetic Return.portfolio.geometric

Documented in Return.rebalancing

#' Calculate weighted returns for a portfolio of assets
#' Using a time series of returns and any regular or irregular time series of weights
#' for each asset, this function calculates the returns of a portfolio with the same 
#' periodicity of the returns data.  
#' By default, this function calculates the time series of portfolio returns given asset
#' returns and weights. In verbose mode, the function returns a list of intermediary 
#' calculations that users may find helpful, including both asset contribution and  
#' asset value through time.
#' When asset return and weights are matched by period, contribution is simply the 
#' weighted return of the asset.  c_i = w_i * R_i Contributions are summable across the 
#' portfolio to calculate the total portfolio return.
#' Contribution cannot be aggregated through time.  For example, say we have an equal 
#' weighted portfolio of five assets with monthly returns.  The geometric return of the 
#' portfolio over several months won't match any aggregation of the individual 
#' contributions of the assets, particularly if any rebalancing was done during the 
#' period.
#' To aggregate contributions through time such that they are summable to the geometric 
#' returns of the portfolio, the calculation must track changes in the notional value of 
#' the assets and portfolio.  For example, contribution during a quarter will be 
#' calculated as the change in value of the position through those three months, divided 
#' by the original value of the portfolio.  Approaching it this way makes the 
#' calculation robust to weight changes as well. c_pi = V_(t-p)i - V_t)/V_ti  
#' If the user does not specify weights, an equal weight portfolio is assumed.  
#' Alternatively, a vector or single-row matrix of weights that matches the length 
#' of the asset columns may be specified.  In either case, if no rebalancing period is
#' specified, the weights will be applied at the beginning of the asset time series
#' and no further rebalancing will take place. If a rebalancing period is specified, 
#' the portfolio will be rebalanced to the starting weights at the interval specified.
#' Note that if \code{weights} is an xts object, then any value passed to 
#' \code{rebalance_on} is ignored. The \code{weights} object specifies the 
#' rebalancing dates, therefore a regular rebalancing frequency provided via
#' \code{rebalance_on} is not needed and ignored.
#' \code{Return.portfolio} will work only on daily or lower frequencies. If you are 
#' rebalancing intraday, you should be using a trades/prices framework like 
#' the \code{blotter} package, not a weights/returns framework.
#' Irregular rebalancing can be done by specifying a time series of weights.  The 
#' function uses the date index of the weights for xts-style subsetting of rebalancing 
#' periods.
#' Weights specified for rebalancing should be thought of as "end-of-period" weights. 
#' Rebalancing periods can be thought of as taking effect immediately after the close 
#' of the bar. So, a March 31 rebalancing date will actually be in effect for April 1. 
#' A December 31 rebalancing date will be in effect on Jan 1, and so forth. This 
#' convention was chosen because it fits with common usage, and because it simplifies 
#' xts Date subsetting via endpoints.
#' In verbose mode, the function returns a list of data and intermediary calculations.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{returns}:}{ The portfolio returns.}
#'   \item{\code{contribution}:}{ The per period contribution to portfolio 
#'   return of each asset. Contribution is calculated as BOP weight times the 
#'   period's return divided by BOP value. Period contributions are summed 
#'   across the individual assets to calculate portfolio return}
#'   \item{\code{BOP.Weight}:}{ Beginning of Period (BOP) Weight for each 
#'   asset. An asset's BOP weight is calculated using the input weights 
#'   (or assumed weights, see below) and rebalancing parameters given. The next 
#'   period's BOP weight is either the EOP weights from the prior period or 
#'   input weights given on a rebalance period.}
#'   \item{\code{EOP.Weight:}}{ End of Period (BOP) Weight for each asset. 
#'   An asset's EOP weight is the sum of the asset's BOP weight and 
#'   contribution for the period divided by the sum of the contributions and 
#'   initial weights for the portfolio.}
#'   \item{\code{BOP.Value:}}{ BOP Value for each asset. The BOP value for each 
#'   asset is the asset's EOP value from the prior period, unless there is a 
#'   rebalance event.  If there is a rebalance event, the BOP value of the 
#'   asset is the rebalance weight times the EOP value of the portfolio. That 
#'   effectively provides a zero-transaction cost change to the position values 
#'   as of that date to reflect the rebalance.  Note that the sum of the BOP 
#'   values of the assets is the same as the prior period's EOP portfolio value.}
#'   \item{\code{EOP.Value:}}{ EOP Value for each asset. The EOP value is for 
#'   each asset is calculated as (1 + asset return) times the asset's BOP value. 
#'   The EOP portfolio value is the sum of EOP value across assets.}
#' }
#' To calculate BOP and EOP position value, we create an index for each position.  The 
#' sum of that value across assets represents an indexed value of the total portfolio.  
#' Note that BOP and EOP position values are only computed when \code{geometric = TRUE}.
#' From the value calculations, we can calculate different aggregations through time 
#' for the asset contributions.  Those are calculated as the EOP asset value less the 
#' BOP asset value; that quantity is divided by the BOP portfolio value.  
#' Across assets, those will sum to equal the geometric chained returns of the 
#' portfolio for that same time period.  The function does not do this directly, however.
#' @note
#' This function was previously two functions: \code{Return.portfolio} and 
#' \code{Return.rebalancing}.  Both function names are still exported,
#' but the code is now common, and \code{Return.portfolio} is probably to be preferred.
#' @aliases Return.portfolio Return.rebalancing
#' @param R An xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of
#' asset returns
#' @param weights A time series or single-row matrix/vector containing asset
#' weights, as decimal percentages, treated as beginning of period weights.  
#' See Details below.
#' @param wealth.index TRUE/FALSE whether to return a wealth index. Default FALSE
#' @param contribution if contribution is TRUE, add the weighted return 
#' contributed by the asset in a given period. Default FALSE
#' @param geometric utilize geometric chaining (TRUE) or simple/arithmetic (FALSE)
#' to aggregate returns. Default TRUE. 
#' @param rebalance_on Default "none"; alternatively "daily" "weekly" "monthly" 
#' "annual"  to specify calendar-period rebalancing supported by 
#' \code{\link[xts]{endpoints}}. Ignored if \code{weights} is an xts object
#' that specifies the rebalancing dates.
#' @param value The beginning of period total portfolio value. This is used for calculating position value.
#' @param verbose If verbose is TRUE, return a list of intermediary calculations. 
#' See Details below.
#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters. Not currently used.
#' @return returns a time series of returns weighted by the \code{weights}
#' parameter, or a list that includes intermediate calculations
#' @author Peter Carl, Ross Bennett, Brian Peterson
#' @seealso \code{\link{Return.calculate}} \code{\link[xts]{endpoints}} \cr
#' @references Bacon, C. \emph{Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement and
#' Attribution}. Wiley. 2004. Chapter 2\cr
###keywords ts multivariate distribution models
#' @examples
#' data(edhec)
#' Return.portfolio(edhec["1997",1:5], rebalance_on="quarters") # returns time series
#' Return.portfolio(edhec["1997",1:5], rebalance_on="quarters", verbose=TRUE) # returns list
#' # with a weights object
#' data(weights) # rebalance at the beginning of the year to various weights through time
#' chart.StackedBar(weights)
#' x <- Return.portfolio(edhec["2000::",1:11], weights=weights,verbose=TRUE)
#' chart.CumReturns(x$returns)
#' chart.StackedBar(x$BOP.Weight)
#' chart.StackedBar(x$BOP.Value)
#' @rdname Return.portfolio
#' @export Return.portfolio
#' @export Return.rebalancing
Return.portfolio <- Return.rebalancing <- function(R, 
                                                   rebalance_on=c(NA, 'years', 'quarters', 'months', 'weeks', 'days'),
  R = checkData(R, method="xts")
    warning("NA's detected: filling NA's with zeros")
    #R <- zerofill(R)
    R[is.na(R)] <- 0
  rebalance_on = rebalance_on[1]
  # find the right unit to subtract from the first return date to create a start date
  dots <- list(...)
  if (is.null(dots$freq)) freq = periodicity(R) else freq = list(scale=dots$freq)
         seconds = { stop("Use a returns series of daily frequency or higher.") },
         minute = { stop("Use a returns series of daily frequency or higher.") },
         hourly = { stop("Use a returns series of daily frequency or higher.") },
         daily = { time_unit = "day" },
         weekly = { time_unit = "week" },
         monthly = { time_unit= "month" },
         quarterly = { time_unit = "quarter" },
         yearly = { time_unit = "year"}
  # calculates the end of the prior period 
  # need to use the if on quarter as quarter is incompatible with seq (it does not work with by)
  if(time_unit=='quarter'){  start_date = as.yearqtr(seq(as.Date(index(R)[1]), length = 2, by = paste("-3", 'month'))[2])}else{  start_date = seq(as.Date(index(R)[1]), length = 2, by = paste("-1", time_unit))[2]}  
    # generate equal weight vector for return columns  
    weights = rep(1 / NCOL(R), NCOL(R))
  if(is.vector(weights)) { # weights are a vector
    if(is.na(rebalance_on)) { # and endpoints are not specified 
      # then use the weights only at the beginning of the returns series, without rebalancing
      weights = xts(matrix(weights, nrow=1), order.by=as.Date(start_date))
    } else { # and endpoints are specified
      #  generate a time series of the given weights at the endpoints
      weight_dates = c(as.Date(start_date), as.Date(index(R[endpoints(R, on=rebalance_on)])))
      weights = xts(matrix(rep(weights, length(weight_dates)), ncol=NCOL(R), byrow=TRUE), order.by=as.Date(weight_dates))
    colnames(weights) = colnames(R)
  } else { # check the beginning_weights object for errors
    # check that weights are given in a form that is probably a time series
    weights = checkData(weights, method="xts")
    # make sure that frequency(weights)<frequency(R) ?
    # make sure the number of assets in R matches the number of assets in weights
    # We also check the names of R and names of weights
    if(NCOL(R) != NCOL(weights)){
        stop("number of assets is greater than number of columns in returns object")
      } else if(is.matrix(weights)&&length(intersect(names(R), colnames(weights)))!=0){
        R = R[ , intersect(names(R), colnames(weights))]
      } else if(!is.matrix(weights)&&length(intersect(names(R), names(weights)))!=0){
        R = R[ , intersect(names(R), names(weights))]
      } else {
        R = R[, 1:NCOL(weights)]
        warning("number of assets in beginning_weights is less than number of columns in returns, so subsetting returns.")
  } # we should have good weights objects at this point
  if(as.Date(last(index(R))) < (as.Date(index(weights[1,]))+1)){
    stop(paste('last date in series',as.Date(last(index(R))),'occurs before beginning of first rebalancing period',as.Date(first(index(weights)))+1))
  # Subset the R object if the first rebalance date is after the first date 
  # in the return series
  if(as.Date(index(weights[1,])) > as.Date(first(index(R)))) {
    R <- R[paste0(as.Date(index(weights[1,]))+1, "/")]
    out = Return.portfolio.geometric(R=R, 
  } else {
    out = Return.portfolio.arithmetic(R=R, 

Return.portfolio.arithmetic <- function(R, 
  # bop = beginning of period
  # eop = end of period
  # Initialize objects
  # portfolio returns are only accounted for after the first rebalancing date
  R.idx = index(R[paste0(as.Date(index(weights[1,]))+1, "/")])
  bop_weights = matrix(0, NROW(R.idx), NCOL(R))
  colnames(bop_weights) = colnames(R)
  eop_weights = period_contrib = bop_weights
  ret = vector("numeric", NROW(R.idx))
  # initialize counter
  k = 1
  for(i in 1:NROW(weights)) {
    # identify rebalance from and to dates (weights[i,], weights[i+1]) and
    # subset the R(eturns) object
    from = as.Date(index(weights[i,]))+1
    if (i == nrow(weights)){
      to = as.Date(index(last(R))) # this is correct
    } else {
      to = as.Date(index(weights[(i+1),]))
    returns = R[paste0(from, "::", to)]
    # Only enter the loop if we have a valid returns object
    if(nrow(returns) >= 1){
      # inner loop counter
      jj = 1
      for(j in 1:nrow(returns)){
        # For arithmetic returns, the beginning of period weights are always 
        # equal to the rebalance weights
        bop_weights[k,] = weights[i,]
        period_contrib[k,] = coredata(returns[j,]) * bop_weights[k,]
        eop_weights[k,] = (period_contrib[k,] + bop_weights[k,]) / sum(c(period_contrib[k,], bop_weights[k,]))
        ret[k] = sum(period_contrib[k,])
        # increment the counters
        k = k + 1
  ret = xts(ret, R.idx)
  colnames(ret) = "portfolio.returns"
    result = cumsum(ret) + 1
    colnames(result) = "portfolio.wealthindex"
  } else {
    result = ret
    out = list()
    out$returns = ret
    out$contribution = xts(period_contrib, R.idx)
    out$BOP.Weight = xts(bop_weights, R.idx)
    out$EOP.Weight = xts(eop_weights, R.idx)
      out$wealthindex = result
  } else if(contribution){
    out = cbind(result, xts(period_contrib, R.idx))
  } else {
    out = result

Return.portfolio.geometric <- function(R, 
  if(!isTRUE(all.equal(rowSums(weights), rep(1, NROW(weights))))){
    warning("The weights for one or more periods do not sum up to 1: assuming a return of 0 for the residual weights")
    if(!"Residual" %in% colnames(weights)) {
      weights$Residual = 1-rowSums(weights)
    } else {
      weights = cbind(weights, (1-rowSums(weights)))
    if(!"Residual" %in% colnames(R)) {
      R$Residual = 0
    } else {
      R = cbind(R, 0)
  # bop = beginning of period
  # eop = end of period
  # Initialize objects
  # portfolio returns are only accounted for after the first rebalancing date
  R.idx = index(R[paste0(as.Date(index(weights[1,]))+1, "/")])
  bop_value = matrix(0, NROW(R.idx), NCOL(R))
  colnames(bop_value) = colnames(R)
  eop_value = bop_value
  if(verbose | contribution){
    period_contrib = bop_value
      bop_weights = bop_value
      eop_weights = bop_value
  ret = eop_value_total = bop_value_total = vector("numeric", NROW(R.idx))
  # The end_value is the end of period total value from the prior period
  end_value <- value
  # initialize counter
  k = 1
  for(i in 1:NROW(weights)) {
    # identify rebalance from and to dates (weights[i,], weights[i+1]) and
    # subset the R(eturns) object
    from = as.Date(index(weights[i,]))+1
    if (i == nrow(weights)){
      to = as.Date(index(last(R))) # this is correct
    } else {
      to = as.Date(index(weights[(i+1),]))
    returns = R[paste0(from, "::", to)]
    # Only enter the loop if we have a valid returns object
    if(nrow(returns) >= 1){
      # inner loop counter
      jj = 1
      for(j in 1:nrow(returns)){
        # We need to know when we are at the start of this inner loop so we can
        # set the correct beginning of period value. We start a new inner loop
        # at each rebalance date.
        # Compute beginning of period values
        if(jj == 1){
          bop_value[k,] = end_value * weights[i,]
        } else {
          bop_value[k,] = eop_value[k-1,]
        bop_value_total[k] = sum(bop_value[k,])
        # Compute end of period values
        eop_value[k,] = (1 + coredata(returns[j,])) * bop_value[k,]
        eop_value_total[k] = sum(eop_value[k,])
        if(contribution | verbose){
          # Compute period contribution
          period_contrib[k,] = returns[j,] * bop_value[k,] / bop_value_total[k]
            # Compute bop and eop weights
            bop_weights[k,] = bop_value[k,] / bop_value_total[k]
            eop_weights[k,] = eop_value[k,] / eop_value_total[k]
        # Compute portfolio returns
        # Could also compute this by summing contribution, but this way we
        # don't have to compute contribution if verbose=FALSE
        ret[k] = eop_value_total[k] / end_value - 1
        # Update end_value
        end_value = eop_value_total[k]
        # increment the counters
        jj = jj + 1
        k = k + 1
  #R.idx = index(R)
  ret = xts(ret, R.idx)
  colnames(ret) = "portfolio.returns"
    result = cumprod(1 + ret)
    colnames(result) = "portfolio.wealthindex"
  } else {
    result = ret
    out = list()
    out$returns = ret
    out$contribution = xts(period_contrib, R.idx)
    out$BOP.Weight = xts(bop_weights, R.idx)
    out$EOP.Weight = xts(eop_weights, R.idx)
    out$BOP.Value = xts(bop_value, R.idx)
    out$EOP.Value = xts(eop_value, R.idx)
      out$wealthindex = result
  } else if(contribution){
    out = cbind(result, xts(period_contrib, R.idx))
  } else {
    out = result

# R (http://r-project.org/) Econometrics for Performance and Risk Analysis
# Copyright (c) 2004-2020 Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson
# This R package is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$

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