#'Wrapper for calculating pairwise differentially expressed genes
#'@description Produces and saves a list of volcano plots with each showing differentially expressed genes between pairs groups. If e.g. seurat_clusters used as, a plot will be generated for every pairwise comparison of clusters. For large numbers of this may take longer to run. Only available for platypus v3
#' @param GEX Output Seurat object of the VDJ_GEX_matrix function (VDJ_GEX_matrix.output[[2]])
#' @param Character. Defaults to "seurat_clusters" Column name of to use for pairwise comparisons. More than 20 groups are discuraged.
#' @param min.pct Numeric. Defaults to 0.25 passed to Seurat::FindMarkers
#' @param RP.MT.filter Boolean. Defaults to True. If True, mitochondrial and ribosomal genes are filtered out from the output of Seurat::FindMarkers
#' @param Integer. Defaults to 50. Defines how many genes are labelled via geom_text_repel. Genes are ordered by adjusted p value and the first label.n.genes are labelled
#' @param Character vector. Defaults to "none". Vector of gene names to plot independently of their p value. Can be used in combination with label.n.genes.
#' @param save.plot Boolean. Defaults to False. Whether to save plots as appropriately named .png files
#' @param save.csv Boolean. Defaults to False. Whether to save deg tables as appropriately named .csv files
#' @return A nested list with out[[i]][[1]] being ggplot volcano plots and out[[i]][[2]] being source DEG dataframes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' GEX_pairwise_DEGs(GEX = Platypus::small_vgm[[2]], = "sample_id"
#' ,min.pct = 0.25,RP.MT.filter = TRUE, = 2, = c("CD24A")
#' ,save.plot = FALSE, save.csv = FALSE)
GEX_pairwise_DEGs <- function(GEX,,
gene <- NULL
avg_log2FC <- NULL
p_val_adj <- NULL
perc_expressing_cells <- NULL
if(missing( <- 50
if(missing( <- "none"
if(missing( <- "sample_id"
if(missing(min.pct)) min.pct <- 0.25
if(missing(RP.MT.filter)) RP.MT.filter <- TRUE
if(missing(save.plot)) save.plot <- FALSE
if(missing(save.csv)) save.csv <- FALSE
if(! %in% names({stop("Please enter valid metadata column name")}
to_group <- unique(as.character([,]))
SeuratObject::Idents(GEX) <- as.character([,])
if(length(to_group) == 1){stop("Grouping column has to contain at least two unique entries")}
if(length(to_group) > 2){
combs <-, m = 2,simplify = TRUE)))#get combinations to test
combs[,1] <- ordered(as.factor(combs[,1]), levels = rev(to_group))
combs[,2] <- ordered(as.factor(combs[,2]), levels = to_group)
} else {
combs <- data.frame(to_group[1], to_group[2])
degs.list <- list()
plot.list <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(combs)){
message(paste0("Calculating pairwise DEGs ", i, " of ", nrow(combs)))
degs <- Seurat::FindMarkers(GEX, ident.1 = combs[i,1], ident.2 = combs[i,2],min.pct = min.pct)
degs$gene <- rownames(degs)
if(RP.MT.filter == TRUE){
degs <- subset(degs, stringr::str_detect(degs$gene, "(^RPL)|(^MRPL)|(^MT-)|(^RPS)") == FALSE)
#choose which points to label
degs <- degs[order(degs$p_val_adj),]
degs_rel <- degs[,]
if([1] != "none"){
extra_genes <- subset(degs, gene %in%
if(nrow(extra_genes) > 0){
degs_rel <- rbind(degs_rel, extra_genes)
plot.out <- ggplot2::ggplot(degs, ggplot2::aes(x = avg_log2FC, y = -log10(p_val_adj), col = avg_log2FC)) + ggplot2::geom_point(show.legend = F, size = 3, alpha = 0.7) + cowplot::theme_cowplot() + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none") + ggplot2::labs(title = paste0("DEGs ", combs[i,1], " vs. ", combs[i,2]), x = "log2(FC)", y = "-log10(adj p)")+ ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = degs_rel, ggplot2::aes(x = avg_log2FC, y = -log10(p_val_adj), label = gene), inherit.aes = F, size = 6, segment.alpha = 1, max.overlaps = 50) + ggplot2::scale_colour_viridis_c(option = "B")
if(save.plot == TRUE){
ggplot2::ggsave(plot.out, filename = paste0("DEGs_", combs[i,1], "_vs_", combs[i,2],".png"), dpi = 300, width = 12, height = 12)
if(save.csv == TRUE){
utils::write.csv(degs, file = paste0("DEGs_", combs[i,1], "_vs_", combs[i,2],".csv"))
degs.list[[i]] <- degs
plot.list[[i]] <- plot.out
return(list(plot.list, degs.list))
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