
Defines functions VDJ_phylogenetic_trees_plot

Documented in VDJ_phylogenetic_trees_plot

#' Phylogenetic tree plotting
#' @description Function to plot phylogenetic trees obtained from VDJ_phylogenetic_trees

#'@description !Requires the ggtree package to be loaded! Plots trees from function VDJ_phylogenetic_trees
#' @param tree.dfs nested list of tidytree dataframes obtained from VDJ_phylogenetic_trees with output.format='tree.df.list'. tree.dfs[[1]][[2]] represent a tree dataframe for the first sample, second clonotype.
#' @param color.by string - VDJ or tree df column name which will be used to color the tree nodes.
#' @param size.by string or NULL - VDJ or tree df column name which determines the node size. If NULL, node sizes will be equal.
#' @param shape.by string or NULL - VDJ or tree df column name which determines the node shape. If NULL, node sizes will be equal.
#' @param specific.leaf.colors named list or NULL - if NULL, colors will be automatically selected for each node according to its color.by value.
#' @param specific.leaf.shapes named list or NULL - if NULL, shapes will be automatically selected for each node according to its shape.by value.
#' @return nested list of ggtree plot objects for each sample and each clonotype.
#' @importFrom ggtree %<+%
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' VDJ_phylogenetic_trees_plot(tree.dfs,color.by='clonotype_id', size.by='sequence_frequency')

VDJ_phylogenetic_trees_plot <- function(tree.dfs,

 if(missing(tree.dfs)) stop('Please input a nested list of tidytree dataframes from VDJ_clonal_lineages(ouput.format=tree.df.list)')
 if(missing(color.by)) color.by <-  'clonotype_id'
 if(missing(size.by)) size.by <- 'sequence_frequency'
 if(missing(shape.by)) shape.by <- NULL
 if(missing(specific.leaf.colors)) specific.leaf.colors <- NULL
 if(missing(specific.leaf.shapes)) specific.leaf.shapes <- NULL

 output_plots <- list()

   unique_features <- c()

   for(i in 1:length(tree.dfs)){
     for(j in 1:length(tree.dfs[[i]])){
       feats <- unlist(tree.dfs[[i]][[j]][color.by])
       unique_features <- c(feats, unique_features)
   unique_features <- unique(unique_features)
   specific.leaf.colors <- grDevices::rainbow(length(unique_features))
   names(specific.leaf.colors) <- unique_features

     unique_features <- c()

     for(i in 1:length(tree.dfs)){
       for(j in 1:length(tree.dfs[[i]])){
         feats <- unlist(tree.dfs[[i]][[j]][shape.by])
         unique_features <- c(feats, unique_features)
     unique_features <- unique(unique_features)
     specific.leaf.shapes <- 1:length(unique_features)
     names(specific.leaf.shapes) <- unique_features

 for(i in 1:length(tree.dfs)){
   output_plots[[i]] <- list()
   for(j in 1:length(tree.dfs[[i]])){
     label_df <- tree.dfs[[i]][[j]][which(!is.na(tree.dfs[[i]][[j]]$label) & tree.dfs[[i]][[j]]$germline=='no'),]
     label_df[color.by] <- as.character(unlist(label_df[color.by]))
     label_df[size.by] <- as.integer(unlist(label_df[size.by]))

       label_df[shape.by] <- as.character(label_df[shape.by])

      output_plots[[i]][[j]] <- ggtree::ggtree(ape::as.phylo(tree.dfs[[i]][[j]])) %<+% label_df + ggtree::geom_tippoint(ggplot2::aes_string(color=color.by, size=size.by, shape = shape.by)) + ggplot2::theme_bw() +
                              ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major=ggplot2::element_blank(), panel.grid.minor=ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.text = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
                              ggplot2::labs(color=paste0(color.by), size='Sequence frequency', shape=paste0(shape.by))

       output_plots[[i]][[j]] <- output_plots[[i]][[j]] + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = specific.leaf.colors)
       output_plots[[i]][[j]] <- output_plots[[i]][[j]] + ggplot2::scale_shape(specific.leaf.shapes)


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Platypus documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:08 a.m.