
gensample <- function(law.index, n, law.pars = NULL, check = TRUE, center = FALSE, scale = FALSE) {

    if (class(law.index) == "function") {

        return(.Call("gensampleRcpp", law.index, n, if (is.null(law.pars)) 0 else law.pars,
                     nbparlaw = length(law.pars), as.character(match.call()[2]), as.integer(center),
                     as.integer(scale), PACKAGE = "PoweR"))

    } else {
        if(getRversion() < "3.1.0") dontCheck <- identity

        Claw.name <- paste("law", law.index, sep = "")
        if (check) {  # The following instruction takes time! This is why the check argument exists.
            tmp <- names(getDLLRegisteredRoutines("PoweR")[[".C"]])
            ind.laws <- grep("law", tmp[grep("law", tmp)])
            if (!(law.index %in% ind.laws)) stop(paste("This law (", law.index, ") has not been included in the package!", sep = ""))
            name <- .C(dontCheck(Claw.name), 0L, 0.0, name = rep(" ", 50), 1L, rep(0.0, 4), 0L, 1L, PACKAGE = "PoweR")$name
            law.name <- gsub('\\', '', gsub('$', '', sub(' +$', '', paste(name, collapse = "")), fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE)
            if (length(law.pars) > 4) stop("The maximum number of law parameters is 4. Contact the package author to increase this value.")      
        } else {
            law.name <- ""
        if (is.null(law.pars)) {law.pars <- rep(0.0, 4); nbparlaw <- 0L} else {nbparlaw <- length(law.pars); law.pars <- c(law.pars, rep(0.0, 4 - nbparlaw))}
        out <- .C(dontCheck(Claw.name), as.integer(n), x = rep(0.0, n), rep(" ", 50), 0L,
                  law.pars = as.double(law.pars), nbparlaw = as.integer(nbparlaw), 1L, PACKAGE = "PoweR")

        if (center) out$x <- out$x - mean(out$x)
        if (scale) out$x <- out$x / sd(out$x)
        return(list(sample = out$x, law = law.name, law.pars = out$law.pars[1:out$nbparlaw]))

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PoweR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:09 p.m.