
statcompute <- function(stat.index, data, levels = c(0.05, 0.1), critvalL = NULL, critvalR = NULL, alter = 0, stat.pars = NULL, check = TRUE) {

    n <- length(data)
  nblevels <- length(levels)
    Cstat.name <- "tmp" # To remove a NOTE at R CMD check
    Cstat.name <- paste("stat", stat.index, sep = "")

    if (check) {  # The following instructions take time! This is why the 'check' argument exists.
        if (getRversion() < "3.1.0") dontCheck <- identity
        tmp <- names(getDLLRegisteredRoutines("PoweR")[[".C"]])
        ind.stats <- grep("stat", tmp)
        nb.stats <- length(ind.stats)
        if (!(paste("stat", stat.index, sep = "") %in% tmp)) stop("This test statistic has not been included in the package!")
        if (is.null(stat.pars) || is.na(stat.pars)) {
            stat.pars <- rep(0.0, getnbparstats(stat.index)) # C++ technical requirement.
            nbparstat <- 0 # The default values will be used by the C++ function.
        } else {
            nbparstat <- length(stat.pars)
        if (n < 2) stop("'data' should be a vector of length at least 2")
        if (!(alter %in% 0:4)) stop("'alter' should be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4")

        testname <- .C(dontCheck(Cstat.name), 0.0, 0L, 0.0, 0L, statname = rep(" ",50), 1L, 0.0, 0L, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0L, alter = 0L, 0L, rep(0.0, 4), 1L, PACKAGE = "PoweR")$statname
        testname <- gsub('\\', '', gsub('$', '', sub(' +$', '', paste(testname, collapse = "")), fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE) # Remove $ and backlash signs

    } else {
        nbparstat <- length(stat.pars)
        testname <- ''

    if (!is.null(critvalL)) {
        if (length(critvalL) != nblevels) stop("'critvalL' length and 'levels' length should not differ!")
        cL <- critvalL
    } else {
        cL <- 0    
    if (!is.null(critvalR)) {
        if (length(critvalR) != nblevels) stop("'critvalR' length and 'levels' length should not differ!")
        cR <- critvalR
    } else {
        cR <- 0    
    usecrit <- 1
    if (is.null(critvalL) && is.null(critvalR)) usecrit <- 0
    out <- .C(dontCheck(Cstat.name), as.double(data), as.integer(n), as.double(levels), as.integer(nblevels), rep(" ", 50), 0L, statistic = 0.0, pvalcomp = 1L, pvalue = 0.0, cL = as.double(cL), cR = as.double(cR), as.integer(usecrit), alter = as.integer(alter), decision = as.integer(rep(0, nblevels)), stat.pars = as.double(stat.pars), nbparstat = as.integer(nbparstat), PACKAGE = "PoweR")

    if (out$pvalcomp == 0L) out$pvalue <- NA
    return(list(statistic = out$statistic, pvalue = out$pvalue, decision = out$decision, alter = out$alter, stat.pars = out$stat.pars[1:out$nbparstat], symbol = testname))

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PoweR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:09 p.m.