
Defines functions EmpDir.variog

Documented in EmpDir.variog

EmpDir.variog <-
# default values
  cut.points <- NULL
  max.dist <- NULL
  nbins <- NULL
  stop("Invalid input for type: a type should be provided")
  tol.angle1 <- 45
  tol.angle2 <- 135
# Here we check if the input is right.
l.day <- length(day)
l.obs <- length(obs)
l.for <- length(forecast)
l.id <- length(id)
l.coord1 <- length(coord1)
l.coord2 <- length(coord2)
  stop("Mismatch in dimensions in the data")
  stop("obs should be a numeric vector")
  stop("day should be a vector containing integers")
if(sum(is.numeric(coord1)==rep("TRUE",l.coord1)) < l.coord1 | sum(is.numeric(coord2)==rep("TRUE",l.coord2)) < l.coord2){
  stop("coord1 and coord2 should be numeric vectors")
## here we check the tolerance angles

l.tol.angle1 <- length(tol.angle1)

  tol.angle1 <- 45}

if(l.tol.angle1 > 1){
  stop("tol.angle1 should be a number")

if(l.tol.angle1==1 & is.numeric(tol.angle1)==FALSE){
  stop("tol.angle1 should be a number between 0 and 360")
if(tol.angle1 <0 | tol.angle1 > 360){
  stop("tol.angle1 should be a number between 0 and 360")

l.tol.angle2 <- length(tol.angle2)

  tol.angle2 <- 135}

if(l.tol.angle2 > 1){
  stop("tol.angle2 should be a number")

if(l.tol.angle2==1 & is.numeric(tol.angle2)==FALSE){
  stop("tol.angle1 should be a number between 0 and 360")
if(tol.angle2 <0 | tol.angle2 > 360){
  stop("tol.angle1 should be a number between 0 and 360")

if(tol.angle2 <= tol.angle1){
  stop("tol.angle2 should be greater than tol.angle1")
## here we check the cutpoints vector
l.cuts <- length(cut.points)
  stop("cut.points should be a numeric vector")
if(l.cuts>=2 & (sum(is.numeric(cut.points)==rep("TRUE",l.cuts))<l.cuts)){
  stop("cut.points should be a numeric vector")
if(l.cuts>=2 & (sum(is.numeric(cut.points)==rep("TRUE",l.cuts))==l.cuts)){
  stop("Cut points should be in increasing order")
  if(sum(cut.points >= 0) < l.cuts){
  stop("Cut points should be non-negative numbers")
  stop("The vector with cut points should not contain repeated entries")
## check on the max.dist
l.mdist <- length(max.dist)
if(l.mdist > 1){
   stop("max.dist is a numeric field, not a vector")}
    stop("max.dist is a numeric field")
  if(max.dist < 0){
    stop("max.dist should be a positive number")
## check on the number of bins
l.nbins <- length(nbins)
if(l.nbins==0 & l.cuts==0){
  nbins <- 300
if(l.nbins==1 & l.cuts >=2){
l.nbins <- length(nbins)
if(l.nbins >1){
   stop("nbins should be an integer: not a vector")
     stop("Invalid input: the number of bins should be a positive integer")
  if(ceiling(nbins)==nbins & nbins < 0){
     stop("Invalid input: the number of bins should be a positive integer")
## check on the type ##
l.type <- length(type)
  stop("type should be entered")
if(type!="E" & type!="N"){
    stop("type can only be equal to E or to N")
# here we order the data in ascending date order
day.o <- order(day)
coord1 <- coord1[day.o]
coord2 <- coord2[day.o]
obs <- obs[day.o]
id <- id[day.o]
forecast <- forecast[day.o]
# here we calculate the residuals 
gop.mod <- lm(obs~forecast)
gop.res <- gop.mod$res
gop.var <- var(gop.res)
tol.angle.rad1 <- tol.angle1/57.29577951
tol.angle.rad2 <- tol.angle2/57.29577951

# if the vector with the cutpoints
# is not specified, we determine the cutpoints by looking at the day with the median number
# of observations, we calculate the cutpoints so that the number 
# of bins is equal to the one specified and each bin contains approx the same number of pairs. If the vector with the 
# if the vector of cutpoints is specified, then we just use that vector of cutpoints.
if(length(cut.points)!=0 & length(max.dist)!=0){
  cut.points <- cut.points[cut.points <= max.dist]
# all this part is to determine the day with the median number of observations
  obs.day <- table(day)
  obs.day.vec <- matrix(obs.day,nrow=length(unique(day)),ncol=1)
  obs.median <- round(apply(obs.day.vec,2,median),0)
  diff.median <- abs(obs.day-obs.median)
  unique.day <- unique(day)
  day.index <- min(unique.day[diff.median==min(diff.median)])
# this part is to determine the directional distance among stations that have been recorded in the 
# day with the median number of observations and to determine the cutpoints.
  obs.day.index <- obs[day==day.index]
  id.day.index <- id[day==day.index]
  coord1.day.index <- coord1[day==day.index]
  coord2.day.index <- coord2[day==day.index]
  dist.day.index <- calc.dist.dir(coord1.day.index,coord2.day.index,id.day.index,tol.angle.rad1,tol.angle.rad2,type)
  dist.day.index <- dist.day.index[lower.tri(dist.day.index)]
  dist.day.index <- dist.day.index[dist.day.index > 0]
  ord.dist.day <- sort(dist.day.index)
# this is in case we want to consider only those pairs of stations where the distance 
# is smaller than the maximum distance allowed among locations.
  if(length(max.dist)!= 0){
   ord.dist.day <- ord.dist.day[ord.dist.day < max.dist]
    max.dist <- quantile(ord.dist.day,.9)
    ord.dist.day <- ord.dist.day[ord.dist.day < max.dist]

  l.dist.day <- length(ord.dist.day)
  l.bins <- ceiling(l.dist.day/nbins)
  for(i in 1:(nbins-1)){
      cut.points[i] <- ord.dist.day[i*l.bins]

# this part is to calculate the empirical directional variogram
unique.day <- unique(day)
l.day <- length(unique.day)
n.stations <- length(unique(id))
n.cuts <- length(cut.points)
W <- rep(0,(n.cuts-1))
W.obs <- rep(0,(n.cuts-1))
for(i in 1:l.day){
      distance.day <- NULL
      difference.day <- NULL
      new.dist.day <- NULL
      s.new.dist.day <- NULL
      o.new.dist.day <- NULL
      new.diff.day <- NULL  
      s.new.diff.day <- NULL
      gop.res.day <- NULL
      id.day <- NULL
      coord1.day <- NULL
      coord2.day <- NULL  
      gop.res.day <- gop.res[day==unique.day[i]]
      id.day <- id[day==unique.day[i]]
      coord1.day <- coord1[day==unique.day[i]]
      coord2.day <- coord2[day==unique.day[i]]
      distance.day <-
       new.dist.day <- distance.day[lower.tri(distance.day)]
       s.new.dist.day <- sort(new.dist.day)
       o.new.dist.day <- order(new.dist.day)
       difference.day  <- calc.difference(gop.res.day)
       new.diff.day <- difference.day[lower.tri(difference.day)]
       s.new.diff.day <- new.diff.day[o.new.dist.day]
       W.new <- rep(0,(n.cuts-1))
       W.obs.new <- rep(0,(n.cuts-1))
       for(s in 1:(n.cuts-1)){
           low.bound <- cut.points[s]
           upp.bound <- cut.points[s+1]
           v.dist <- NULL
           v.dist1 <- NULL
           v.diff1 <- NULL
           index.v.dist <- NULL
           index.v.dist1 <- NULL 
           if(s < (n.cuts-1)){
                v.dist <- s.new.dist.day[s.new.dist.day >= low.bound & s.new.dist.day < upp.bound]
                index.v.dist <- seq(1:length(s.new.dist.day))[s.new.dist.day >= low.bound & s.new.dist.day < upp.bound]
                v.dist1 <- v.dist[v.dist!=0]
                index.v.dist1 <- index.v.dist[v.dist!=0]
                if(length(v.dist1) >=1){
                   v.diff1 <- s.new.diff.day[index.v.dist1]
                   W.new[s] <- sum(v.diff1)
                   W.obs.new[s] <- length(v.dist1)}
                if(length(v.dist1) ==0){
                   W.new[s] <- 0
                   W.obs.new[s] <- 0}
                 v.dist <- s.new.dist.day[s.new.dist.day >= low.bound & s.new.dist.day <= upp.bound]
                 index.v.dist <- seq(1:length(s.new.dist.day))[s.new.dist.day >= low.bound & s.new.dist.day <= upp.bound]
                 v.dist1 <- v.dist[v.dist!=0]
                 index.v.dist1 <- index.v.dist[v.dist!=0]
                 if(length(v.dist1) >=1){
                   v.diff1 <- s.new.diff.day[index.v.dist1]
                   W.new[s] <- sum(v.diff1)
                   W.obs.new[s] <- length(v.dist1)}
                 if(length(v.dist1) ==0){
                   W.new[s] <- 0
                   W.obs.new[s] <- 0}   
   W <- W+W.new
   W.obs <- W.obs + W.obs.new  
   avg.variog <- round(W/(2*W.obs),2)
   n.h <- W.obs
   x.vec <- NULL
   for(i in 1:(n.cuts-1)){
     x.vec[i] <- (cut.points[i]+cut.points[i+1])/2
   fin.avg.variog <- c(0,avg.variog)
   fin.x.vec <- c(0,x.vec)
   fin.n.h <- c(n.stations,n.h)
   B <- list(bin.midpoints=fin.x.vec,number.pairs=fin.n.h,dir.variog=fin.avg.variog)

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ProbForecastGOP documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:42 a.m.