
#' Clear objects from the global environment
#' This function removes specific (or all by default) named objects from the global
#' environment.  If used within a \code{ProjectTemplate} project, then any variables
#' defined in the \code{config$sticky_variables} will remain.
#' @param ... A sequence of character strings  of the objects to
#'  be removed from the global environment.  If none given, then all items except
#'  those in \code{keep} will be deleted.  This includes items beginning with \code{.}
#' @param keep A character vector of variables that should remain in the global
#'  environment
#' @param force If \code{TRUE}, then variables will be deleted even if
#'  specified in \code{keep} or \code{config$sticky_variables}
#' @return The variables kept and removed are reported
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library('ProjectTemplate')
#' \dontrun{
#' clear("x", "y", "z")
#' clear(keep="a")
#' clear()
#' }
clear <- function (..., keep=c(), force=FALSE) {

        # ensure names or character strings are passed in ...
        dots <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
        if (length(dots) && !all(vapply(dots, function(x) is.symbol(x) ||
                                        is.character(x), NA, USE.NAMES = FALSE)))
                stop("... must contain names or character strings")
        names <- vapply(dots, as.character, "")

        # If no ... specified, get everything from global environment
        if (length(names) == 0L)
                names <- ls(envir = .TargetEnv, all.names = TRUE)
        else {
                # Remove any names not in the Global Env
                not_in_genv <- !sapply(names, exists)
                if (length(not_in_genv)>0) {
                        message(paste0("Following objects not in memory: ",
                                       paste(names[not_in_genv], collapse = " ")))
                        names <- names[!not_in_genv]

        # Remove any that should be kept
        if(!force) names <- .remove.sticky.vars(names, keep)

        if (length(names) >0) {
                message(paste0("Objects to clear from memory: ",
                               paste(names, collapse = " ")))
                rm(list=names, envir = .TargetEnv)
        } else {
                message("No objects to clear")

#' Remove variables to keep from a list of candidates for removal
#' @param names character vector of variable names that are candidate for removal
#' @param keep character vector of variable names that should not be removed
#' @details If the \code{sticky_variables} option is part of the \code{config}
#'   variable the \code{config} variable itself is added to the list of variables
#'   to keep. Also all variables listed in \code{config$sticky_variables} in a
#'   comma separated list are added to keep.
#' @return A character vector containing the variables to remove.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname internal.remove.sticky.vars
.remove.sticky.vars <- function (names, keep) {

        # If we're in a project template directory, load a copy of config to
        # make sure it's the latest into the global env
        if (.is.ProjectTemplate()) {
                config <- .load.config()
                assign("config", config, envir = .TargetEnv)

        # If config$sticky_variables exists, add it to keep and also add
        # config itself so that is preserved after the clear
        if (exists("config") && is.list(config) &&
            ("sticky_variables" %in% names(config)) &&
            config$sticky_variables != "NONE") {
                    keep <- c("config", keep,
                              strsplit(config$sticky_variables, '\\s*,\\s*')[[1]])

        # Remove any names not in the Global Env
        keep <- keep[sapply(keep, exists)]

        if (length(keep) > 0)
                message(paste0("Variables not cleared: ", paste(keep, collapse = " ")))

        setdiff(names, keep)

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ProjectTemplate documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:10 a.m.