

test_that('Unknown fields give a warning, except if start with hash', {

  test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
  on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
  on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

  config <- .new.config
  config$dummy <- 'dummy'
  write.dcf(config, 'config/global.dcf')
  expect_that(load.project(), gives_warning("Your configuration contains the following unused entries"))

  config <- .new.config
  write.dcf(config, 'config/global.dcf')
  # write.dcf won't allow writing fields that start with a hash
  config.dcf <- readLines('config/global.dcf')
  config.dcf <- c(config.dcf, "# comment: A comment",
                  "#: Yet another comment")
  writeLines(config.dcf, 'config/global.dcf')
  expect_warning(load.project(), NA)


test_that('project.config() displays config correctly', {

        test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
        on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

        oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
        on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

        # Read the config and flip a value
        config <- .read.config()
        flipped_value <- !config$as_factors
        config$as_factors <- flipped_value

        # check that the flipped value is displayed
        expect_message(project.config(), paste0("as_factors[ ]+", as.character(flipped_value)))


test_that('R code in between back ticks is evaluated in config files', {

        test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
        on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

        oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
        on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

        # Set an environment variable to an old version number

        config <- .load.config()
        #change the version number field to be some R code to retrieve the environment variable
        config$version <- '`Sys.getenv("version")`'
        write.dcf(config, .project.config)

        expect_warning(load.project(), "compatible with version 0.1")


test_that('Replace data_tables with tables_type', {

  test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
  on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
  on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

  config <- .new.config
  config$tables_type <- 'tibble'
  config$data_tables <- NULL
  write.dcf(config, 'config/global.dcf')
  expect_warning(load.project(), NA)


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ProjectTemplate documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:10 a.m.