

expect_defaults <- function(config) {

  c("0.5", "0.5-2"),
  function(version) {
    test_that(paste('Version', version), {
      projdir <- tempfile("PT-test-")
      file.copy(dir(file.path('migration', version), full.names = T), projdir, recursive = TRUE)
      oldwd <- setwd(projdir)
      on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

      expect_that(suppressMessages(load.project()), gives_warning("migrate.project"))
      on.exit(.unload.project(), add = TRUE)

      expect_message(migrate.project(), "file was missing entries")
      expect_warning(suppressMessages(load.project()), NA)

test_that('migrating a project which doesnt need config update results in an Up to date message', {

        test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
        on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

        oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
        on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

        # should be nothing
        expect_message(migrate.project(), "Already up to date")

test_that('projects without the cached_loaded_data config have their migrated config set to FALSE ', {

        test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
        on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

        oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
        on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

        # Read the config data and remove the cache_loaded_data flag
        config <- .read.config()
        expect_error(config$cache_loaded_data <- NULL, NA)

        # should get a warning because of the missing cache_loaded_data
        expect_warning(suppressMessages(load.project()), "missing the following entries")

        test_data <- data.frame(Names=c("a", "b", "c"), Ages=c(20,30,40))

        # save test data as a csv in the data directory
        write.csv(test_data, file="data/test.csv", row.names = FALSE)

        # run load.project again and check that the the test variable has not been cached
        # because the default should be FALSE if the cache_loaded_data is missing before migrate.project
        # is called
        expect_warning(suppressMessages(load.project()), "missing the following entries: cache_loaded_data")
        expect_error(suppressWarnings(load("cache/test.RData", envir = environment())), "cannot open the connection")

        # Migrate the project
        expect_message(migrate.project(), "new config item called cache_loaded_data")

        # Read the config data and check cached_loaded_data is FALSE
        config <- .read.config()
        expect_equal(config$cache_loaded_data, FALSE)

        # Should be a clean load.project
        expect_warning(suppressMessages(load.project()), NA)

        # check that the the test variable has not been cached
        expect_error(suppressWarnings(load("cache/test.RData", envir = environment())), "cannot open the connection")


test_that('migrating a project with a missing config file results in a message to user', {

        test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
        on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

        oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
        on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

        # remove the config file

        # should be a message to say no config file
        expect_message(migrate.project(), "didn't have a config\\.dcf file")


        # Get the default config
        default_config <- .read.config(.default.config.file())
        default_config$version <- .package.version()

        # check the config is all the default
        expect_equal(get.project()$config, default_config)


test_that('migrating a project with a missing config item results in a message to user', {

        test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
        on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

        oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
        on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)


        # remove the config item
        config$data_loading <- NULL

        # should be a message to say no config item
        expect_message(migrate.project(), "data_loading")


        # check the missing config item is the default value
        default_config <- .read.config(.default.config.file())
        expect_equal(get.project()$config$data_loading, default_config$data_loading)


test_that('migrating a project with a dummy config item results in a message to user', {

        test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
        on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

        oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
        on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)


        # add the dummy config item
        config$dummy <- TRUE

        # should be a message to say no config item
        expect_message(migrate.project(), "dummy")


        # check that the dummy config item is not in the config


test_that('migrating a project with a data/*.csv2 file results in a message to user', {

        test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
        on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

        oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
        on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

        test_data <- data.frame(Names=c("a", "b", "c"), Ages=c(20,30,40))

        # save test data as a csv in the data directory
        write.csv2(test_data, file="data/test.csv2", row.names = FALSE)

        expect_warning(suppressMessages(load.project()), "csv2")

        # should be a message to say check code and data for .csv2 files
        expect_message(migrate.project(), 'csv2')


        # remove .csv2 file


test_that('migrating a project without a cache directory has a cache directory created', {
  test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
  on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  cache_dir <- file.path(test_project, 'cache')

  oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
  on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

  ## Delete the cache dir
  unlink(cache_dir, recursive = TRUE)

  # should be a message to say adding cache directory
  expect_message(migrate.project(), 'cache')

  # should be a cache directory

test_that('projects without the tables_type config have their migrated config set to data_frame', {

        test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
        on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

        oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
        on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

        # Read the config data and remove the tables_type config
        config <- .read.config()
        expect_error(config$tables_type <- NULL, NA)

        # should get a warning because of the missing tables_type
        expect_warning(suppressMessages(load.project()), "missing the following entries: tables_type")

        # Migrate the project
        expect_message(migrate.project(), "data_tables has been renamed tables_type")

        # Read the config data and check tables_type is 'tibble'
        config <- .read.config()
        expect_equal(config$tables_type, 'data_frame')

        # Should be a clean load.project
        expect_warning(suppressMessages(load.project()), NA)


test_that('projects without the tables_type config have their migrated config set to data_table', {

        test_project <- tempfile('test_project')
        on.exit(unlink(test_project, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

        oldwd <- setwd(test_project)
        on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

        # Read the config data and remove the tables_type config and set data_tables to TRUE
        config <- .read.config()
        expect_error(config$tables_type <- NULL, NA)
        expect_error(config$data_tables <- TRUE, NA)

        # should get a warning because of the missing tables_type
        expect_warning(suppressMessages(load.project()), "missing the following entries: tables_type")
        expect_warning(suppressMessages(load.project()), "contains the following unused entries: data_tables")

        # Migrate the project
        expect_message(migrate.project(), "data_tables has been renamed tables_type")

        # Read the config data and check tables_type is 'data_table'
        config <- .read.config()
        expect_equal(config$tables_type, 'data_table')

        # Should be a clean load.project
        expect_warning(suppressMessages(load.project()), NA)


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ProjectTemplate documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:10 a.m.