
Defines functions fit.AC dcopula.gumbel dcopula.clayton dcopula.AC rcopula.GumbelNested rcopula.Gumbel2Gp rBB9Mix rFrankMix rstable rcopula.frank rcopula.clayton rcopula.gumbel rACp rAC

Documented in dcopula.AC dcopula.clayton dcopula.gumbel fit.AC rAC rACp rBB9Mix rcopula.clayton rcopula.frank rcopula.gumbel rcopula.Gumbel2Gp rcopula.GumbelNested rFrankMix rstable

## Copyright (C) 2013 Marius Hofert, Bernhard Pfaff
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## TODO: should all be deprecated -- use package 'copula'

## Random variates
## Wrapper function for AC
rAC <- function(name = c("clayton", "gumbel", "frank", "BB9", "GIG"), n, d, theta){
  name <- match.arg(name)
  illegalpar <- switch(name,
                       clayton = (theta < 0),
                       gumbel = (theta < 1),
                       frank = (theta < 0),
                       BB9 = ((theta[1] < 1) | (theta[2] < 0)),
                       GIG = ((theta[2] < 0) | (theta[3] < 0) | ((theta[1]>0) & (theta[3]==0)) | ((theta[1]<0) & (theta[2]==0))))
  if(illegalpar) stop("Illegal parameter value")
  independence <- switch(name,
                         clayton = (theta == 0),
                         gumbel = (theta == 1),
                         frank = (theta == 0),
                         BB9 = (theta[1] == 1),
  U <- runif(n * d)
  U <- matrix(U, nrow = n, ncol = d)
  if(independence) return(U)
  Y <- switch(name,
              clayton = rgamma(n, 1/ theta),
              gumbel = rstable(n, 1/ theta) * (cos(pi / (2 * theta)))^theta,
              frank = rFrankMix(n, theta),
              BB9 = rBB9Mix(n, theta),
              GIG = rGIG(n, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3]))
  Y <- matrix(Y, nrow = n, ncol = d)
  phi.inverse <- switch(name,
                        clayton = function(t, theta){
                          (1 + t)^(-1/theta)
                        gumbel = function(t, theta){
                          exp( - t^(1/theta))
                        frank = function(t, theta){
                          (-1 / theta) * log(1 - (1 - exp( - theta)) * exp( - t))
                        BB9 = function(t, theta){
                          exp( - (theta[2]^theta[1] + t)^(1/theta[1]) + theta[2])
                        GIG = function(t, theta){
                          lambda <- theta[1]
                          chi <- theta[2]
                          psi <- theta[3]
                            out <- (1 + 2 * t / psi)^(-lambda)
                          } else if(psi==0){
                            out <- 2^(lambda + 1) * exp(log(besselK(x = sqrt(2*chi*t), nu = lambda, expon.scaled = FALSE)) -
                                                    lambda * log(2 * chi * t) / 2) / gamma(-lambda)
                          } else {
                            out <- exp(log(besselK(x = sqrt(chi * (psi + 2 * t)), nu = lambda, expon.scaled = FALSE)) +
                                       lambda * log(chi * psi) / 2 - log(besselK(x = sqrt(chi*psi), nu = lambda, expon.scaled = FALSE)) -
                                       lambda * log(chi * (psi + 2 * t)) / 2)
  phi.inverse( - log(U) / Y, theta)
## Random variates for weighted AC
rACp <- function(name = c("clayton", "gumbel", "frank", "BB9", "GIG"), n, d, theta, A){
  name <- match.arg(name)
  p <- length(theta)
  if ((dim(A)[1] != d) | (dim(A)[2] !=p)) stop("\nWeight matrix 'A' has incorrect dimensions.\n")
  sumcheck <- apply(A, 1, sum) - rep(1,d)
  if (sum(sumcheck^2) != 0) stop("\nWeights do not sum to one.\n")
  for (j in 1:p){
    tmp <- rAC(name = name, n = n, d = d, theta = theta[j])
    Amat <- matrix(A[, j], ncol = d, nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
    tmp <- tmp^(1 / Amat)
    eval(parse(text = paste("U", j, " <- tmp", sep="")))
  args <- paste("U", 1:p, sep = "", collapse = ",")
  result <- parse(text = paste("pmax(", args, ")"))
## Gumbel
rcopula.gumbel <- function(n, theta, d){
  rAC("gumbel", n, d, theta)
## Clayton
rcopula.clayton <- function(n, theta, d){
  rAC("clayton", n, d, theta)
## Frank
rcopula.frank <- function(n, theta, d){
  rAC("frank", n, d, theta)
## Stable
rstable <- function(n, alpha, beta = 1){
  t0 <- atan(beta * tan((pi * alpha) / 2)) / alpha
  Theta <- pi * (runif(n) - 0.5)
  W <-  - log(runif(n))
  term1 <- sin(alpha * (t0 + Theta)) / (cos(alpha * t0) * cos(Theta))^(1 / alpha)
  term2 <- ((cos(alpha * t0 + (alpha - 1) * Theta)) / W)^((1 - alpha) / alpha)
  term1 * term2
## Frank Mix
rFrankMix <- function(n, theta){
    rfrank(n, theta)
## BB9 Mix
rBB9Mix <- function(n, theta){
  out <- rep(NA, n)
  for (i in 1:n){
    X <- 0
    U <- 2
    while (U > exp(-X * theta[2]^theta[1])){
      X <- rstable(1, 1 / theta[1])
      U <- runif(1)
    out[i] <- X
## Gumbel to GP
rcopula.Gumbel2Gp <- function(n = 1000, gpsizes = c(2, 2), theta =c(2, 3, 5)){
  Y <- rstable(n, 1 / theta[1]) * (cos(pi / (2 * theta[1])))^theta[1]
  innerU1 <- rcopula.gumbel(n, theta[2] / theta[1], gpsizes[1])
  innerU2 <- rcopula.gumbel(n, theta[3] / theta[1], gpsizes[2])
  U <- cbind(innerU1, innerU2)
  Y <- matrix(Y, nrow = n, ncol = sum(gpsizes))
  out <- exp( - ( - log(U) / Y)^(1 / theta[1]))
## Nested Gumbel
rcopula.GumbelNested <- function(n, theta){
  d <- length(theta) + 1
  if (d==2)
    out <- rcopula.gumbel(n, theta, d)
  else if (d > 2){
    Y <- rstable(n, 1 / theta[1]) * (cos(pi / (2 * theta[1])))^theta[1]
    U <- runif(n)
    innerU <- rcopula.GumbelNested(n, theta[-1] / theta[1])
    U <- cbind(U, innerU)
    Y <- matrix(Y, nrow = n, ncol = d)
    out <- exp( - ( - log(U) / Y)^(1 / theta[1]))
## Densities
## Wrapper function
dcopula.AC <- function(u, theta, name = c("clayton", "gumbel"), log = TRUE){
  name <- match.arg(name)
  d <- dim(u)[2]
  if ((name == "gumbel") & (d > 2)) stop("\nOnly bivariate Gumbel implemented.\n")
  illegalpar <- switch(name,
		clayton = (theta <= 0),
		gumbel = (theta <= 1))
    out <- NA
  } else {
    phi <- switch(name,
                  clayton = function(u, theta){(u^(-theta) - 1) / theta},
                  gumbel = function(u, theta){(-log(u))^theta})
    lnegphidash <- switch(name,
                         clayton = function(u, theta){(-theta - 1)*log(u)},
                         gumbel = function(u, theta){log(theta) + (theta - 1) * log(-log(u)) -log(u)})
    loggfunc <- switch(name,
                       clayton = function(t, d, theta){d * log(theta) + sum(log((1:d) +1 /theta - 1))-(d + 1 / theta) * log(t * theta + 1)},
                       gumbel = function(t, d= 2, theta){-2 * log(theta) -t^(1 / theta) + (1 / theta - 2) *log(t) + log(t^(1 / theta) + theta - 1)})
    gu <- apply(phi(u, theta), 1, sum)
    term1 <- loggfunc(gu, d, theta)
    term2 <- apply(lnegphidash(u, theta), 1, sum)
    out <- term1 + term2
    if(!(log)) out <- exp(out)
## Clayton
dcopula.clayton <- function(u, theta, log = FALSE){
  d <- dim(u)[2]
  if(d > 2) stop("\nClayton copula density only implemented for d = 2.\n")
  u1 <- u[, 1]
  u2 <- u[, 2]
  out <- log(1 + theta) + (-1 - theta) * log(u1 * u2) + (-2 - 1 / theta) * log(u1^(-theta) + u2^(-theta) - 1)
  if (!(log)) out <- exp(out)
## Gumbel
dcopula.gumbel <- function(u, theta, log = FALSE){
  d <- dim(u)[2]
  if(d > 2) stop("\nGumbel copula density only implemented for d = 2.\n")
  u1 <- u[, 1]
  u2 <- u[, 2]
  innerfunc <- function(x, y, theta){((-log(x))^theta + (-log(y))^theta)^(1 / theta)}
  out <- -innerfunc(u1, u2, theta) -log(u1 * u2) + (theta - 1) * log(log(u1) * log(u2)) + log(theta - 1 + innerfunc(u1, u2, theta)) + (1 - 2 * theta) * log(innerfunc(u1, u2, theta))
  if (!(log)) out <- exp(out)
## Fitting
## Wrapper function
fit.AC <- function(Udata, name = c("clayton", "gumbel"), initial = 2, ...){
  negloglik <- function(x, data, name){
    - sum(dcopula.AC(data, x, name, log = TRUE))
  cl <- match.call()
  if(!("lower" %in% names(cl))){
    lower <- switch(name, gumbel = 1+1e-10, clayton = 0)
    fit <- nlminb(initial, negloglik, data = Udata, name = name, lower = lower, ...)
  } else {
    fit <- nlminb(initial, negloglik, data = Udata, name = name, ...)
  theta <- fit$par
  ifelse(fit$convergence == 0, converged <- TRUE, converged <- FALSE)
  hessianmatrix <- hessian(negloglik, theta, data = Udata, name = name)
  varcov <- solve(hessianmatrix)
  se <- sqrt(diag(varcov))
  ll.max <-  - fit$objective
  out <- list(ll.max = ll.max, theta = theta, se = se, converged = converged, fit = fit)

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