
Defines functions qwdap.sws

Documented in qwdap.sws

#' @title Mode Selection by Stepwise Regression
#' @description Mode selection by Stepwise Regression. The purpose of this function
#' is to select the part modes with similar characteristics to the observed time series
#' from the modes generated by the quantum walk. And it is based on the linear model.
#' The core algorithm comes from StepReg(ver. 1.4.2).
#' @usage qwdap.sws(real, ctqw, index, select_method, plotting)
#' @param real the real series observed.
#' @param ctqw the 'CTQW' object.
#' @param index the index of the data for mode selection.
#' @param select_method choose a stepwise method.
#' @param plotting whether to plot.
#' @return a 'QWMS' object.
#' @details The 'QWMS' object include the original time series and the modes generated by
#' quantum walks.
#' @useDynLib QWDAP
#' @importFrom stats lm deviance df.residual pf
#' @importFrom graphics axis
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export qwdap.sws
#' @examples
#' data("traffic.qw")
#' data("trafficflow")
#' res.sws <- qwdap.sws(trafficflow,traffic.qw,1,"bidirection",TRUE)
qwdap.sws<-function(real,ctqw,index,select_method = c("forward","backward","bidirection"),
                    plotting = FALSE){
  # library(StepReg)
  # get the data
  # data_y = as.data.frame(data_y)
  # data_x = as.data.frame(data_x)
  # # dot need reshape
  # if(p_reshape){
  #   data_x = as.data.frame(matrix(data_x[[1]],nrow = length(data_y[[1]]),byrow = FALSE))
  # }
  if(!inherits(ctqw, 'CTQW')){
    stop("The parameter 'ctqw' is not a 'CTQW' object.")
    stop("The parameter 'index' is out of range.")
    stop("The row of 'real' is not equal to the 'lens' of 'ctqw'.")
    real = as.data.frame(real)
  baseStepwise <- function(data,y,exclude=NULL,include=NULL,Class=NULL,weights=c(rep(1,nrow(data))),selection="bidirection",select="SBC",sle=0.15,sls=0.15,tolerance=1e-7,Trace="Pillai",Choose=NULL){
    if(!is.character(selection) | !selection %in% c("forward","bidirection","backward")){
      stop("'selection' must be one of 'forward','bidirection','backward'")
    ##select and Choose
    if(!is.character(select) | !select %in% c("AIC","AICc","BIC","CP","HQ","HQc","Rsq","adjRsq","SL","SBC")){
      stop("'select' must be one of 'AIC','AICc','BIC','CP','HQ','HQc','Rsq','adjRsq','SL','SBC'")
      if(!is.character(Choose) | !Choose %in% c("AIC","AICc","BIC","CP","HQ","HQc","Rsq","adjRsq","SBC")){
        stop("'Choose' must be one of 'AIC','AICc','BIC','CP','HQ','HQc','Rsq','adjRsq',NULL,'SBC'")
    ## weights
    if (!is.null(weights) & !is.numeric(weights)){
      stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
    if(any(weights < 0) | any(weights > 1)){
      if(any(weights < 0)){
        warning("'weights' with negtive values are forcibly converted to 0")
        weights[weights < 0] <- 0
      if(any(weights > 1)){
        warning("'weights' greater than 1 are forcibly converted to 1")
        weights[weights > 1] <- 1
      warning("'weights' should be a numeric vector ranging from 0 to 1")
      data <- data[which(weights!=0),]
      weights <- weights[weights != 0]
    ## y 
    nameset <- colnames(data)
      if(0 %in% y){
        stop("0 should be remove from 'y'")
        Yname <- nameset[y]
    }else if(is.character(y)){
      if(!all(y %in% nameset)){
        stop("'y' should be included in data set")
        Yname <- y
      stop("'y' should be numeric or character vector")
    nY <- length(Yname)
    Y <- as.matrix(data[,Yname])
    colnames(Y) <- Yname
    ## exclude
      if(0 %in% exclude){
        stop("0 should be remove from exclude")
        notXname <- colnames(data)[exclude]
    }else if(is.character(exclude)){
      if(!all(exclude %in% nameset)){
        stop("'exclude' should be included in data set")
        notXname <- exclude
    }else if(is.null(exclude)){
      notXname <- exclude
      stop("illegal 'exclude' variable")
    X <- as.matrix(data[,!nameset %in% c(Yname,notXname)])
    if(nrow(Y) != nrow(X)){
      stop("The rows of y does not equals independent variable")
      nObs <- nrow(X)
    Xf <- X
    nX <- ncol(Xf)
    XName <- colnames(Xf)
    ## Class
      Classname <- NULL
      if(length(Class) > 1){
        stop("class effect should be catalogy variable and should be not greater than one variable")
          if(0 %in% Class){
            stop("0 should be remove from Class")
            Classname <- colnames(data)[Class]
        }else if(is.character(Class)){
          Classname <- Class
      NoClass <- 1
      NestClass <- as.numeric(data[,Classname])
      NoClass <- nlevels(as.factor(NestClass))
      VecClass <- levels(as.factor(NestClass))
    ## Total sum of squares corrected for the mean for the dependent variable
    Ysst <- round(Y,2)
    Yd <- Ysst-mean(Ysst)
    SST <- t(Yd) %*% (Yd)
    SST <- t(Yd*sqrt(weights)) %*% (Yd*sqrt(weights))
    SSTdet <- abs(det(SST))
    ## weighted data
    b <- matrix(1,nObs,1)*sqrt(weights)
    colnames(b) <- "Intercept"
    Y <- Y*sqrt(weights)
    Xf <- Xf*sqrt(weights)
    qrxf <- qr(Xf)
    ## continous to continous-nesting-class
    if(NoClass > 1){
      Xf1 <- NULL
      NoSub <- rep(0,NoClass+1)
      for (k in 1:NoClass){
        tempNo <- sum(NestClass %in% VecClass[k])
        NoSub[1+k] <- tempNo+NoSub[k]
        X_part <- matrix(0,tempNo,NoClass*nX)
        X_part[,seq(k,NoClass*nX,by=NoClass)] <- Xf[(NoSub[k]+1):NoSub[k+1],]
        Xf1 <- rbind(Xf1,X_part)
      Xf <- Xf1
    # get sigma for BIC and CP
    #qr(Xf)$rank not no. of Xf # modified by junhuili @20191225
    #lmf$rank = qr(Xf)$rank + 1(intercept) ## modified by junhuili @20191227
    Ys <- Y/sqrt(weights)
    Xfs <- Xf/sqrt(weights)
    lmf <- lm(Ys~Xfs,weights = weights)
    if(lmf$rank >= nObs){
      sigmaVal <- 0
      sigmaVal <- sum(deviance(lmf)/df.residual(lmf))/nY
      if(select=="CP" & sigmaVal == 0){
        stop("The CP criterion cannot be used as sigma=0 for the full model")
      if((select=="CP" | Choose=="CP") & sigmaVal == 0){
        stop("The CP criterion cannot be used as sigma=0 for the full model")
      includename <- NULL
    }else if(is.numeric(include)){
      includename <- nameset[include]
    }else if(is.character(include)){
      if(all(include %in% XName)){
        includename <- include
    if(length(notXname)*length(includename) != 0){
      if(any(notXname %in% includename)){
        stop("elements in exclude should not be listed in include")
    ##include intercept
    nInclude <- 1
    if(length(includename) != 0){
      includek <- which(XName %in% includename)
      nInclude <- c(1,includek+1) #modified by junhuili @ 20191012
      includeAll <- 0
      for(k in includek){
        includeAll <- append(includeAll,(NoClass*(k-1)+1):(k*NoClass))
      b <- cbind(b,Xf[,includeAll])
    nk <- length(includename)
    slcOpt <- list(serial = 'numeric', bestValue = 'numeric', bestPoint = 'numeric', enOrRe = 'logical', nVarIn = 'numeric')
    class(slcOpt) <- select
      chsOpt <- list(serial = 'numeric', bestValue = 'numeric', bestPoint = 'numeric', enOrRe = 'logical', nVarIn = 'numeric')
      class(chsOpt) <- Choose
    modelFitStat <- function(Stattype,SSE,SST,n,nY,p,sigmaVal){
        ICvalue <- n*log(SSE/n)+log(n)*p
        ICvalue <- n*log(SSE/n)+(2*p*nY*n+nY*(nY+1))/n-2/n+n+2
        ICvalue <- n*log(SSE/n)+n*(n+p)*nY/(n-p-nY-1)
        ICvalue <- SSE/sigmaVal+2*p-n
        ICvalue <- n*log(SSE/n)+2*log(log(n))*p*nY/n
        ICvalue <- n*log(SSE*SSE/n)+2*log(log(n))*p*nY/(n-p-nY-1)
        ICvalue <- n*log(SSE/n)+2*(2+p)*(n*sigmaVal/SSE)-2*(n*sigmaVal/SSE)*(n*sigmaVal/SSE)
        ICvalue <- 1-SSE/SST
        ICvalue <- 1-(SSE/SST)*(n-1)/(n-p)
    # initial tempX for step0
      tmpX <- cbind(b,Xf)
      tmpX1 <- as.matrix(tmpX)
      qrX <- qr(tmpX1)
      p <- qrX$rank
      tmpX1 <- tmpX1[,qrX$pivot[1:p]]
      IdentityVec <- diag(nObs)
      tempSSEp <- tmpX1 %*% solve(t(tmpX1) %*% tmpX1) %*% t(tmpX1)
      SSEp <- t(Y)%*%(IdentityVec-tempSSEp)%*%Y
      SSEpSq <- t(SSEp)%*%SSEp
      SSESqdet <- abs(det(SSEpSq))
      SSEdet <- abs(det(SSEp))
        chsOpt$bestValue <- modelFitStat(class(chsOpt),SSEdet,SSTdet,nObs,nY,p,sigmaVal)
      # Calculate bestValue of select
      if (is(slcOpt, 'SL')) {
        slcOpt$bestValue <- 1
        slcOpt$bestValue <- modelFitStat(class(slcOpt),SSEdet,SSTdet,nObs,nY,p,sigmaVal)
      slcOpt$serial <- 1
      slcOpt$bestPoint <- c(0:nX)
      slcOpt$nVarIn <- p
        slcOpt$enOrRe <- c(rep(TRUE,p/NoClass),rep(FALSE,nX-p/NoClass))
        slcOpt$enOrRe[1:(p/NoClass)] <- rep(TRUE,p/NoClass)
      tmpX <- b
      IdentityVec <- diag(nObs)
      for(k in 0:length(includename)){
        tmpX1 <- as.matrix(tmpX[,c(1:(k*NoClass+1))])
        qrX <- qr(tmpX1)
        p <- qrX$rank
        tmpX1 <- tmpX1[,qrX$pivot[1:p]]
        tempSSEp <- tmpX1 %*% solve(t(tmpX1) %*% tmpX1) %*% t(tmpX1)
        SSEp <- t(Y)%*%(IdentityVec-tempSSEp)%*%Y
        SSEpSq <- t(SSEp)%*%SSEp
        SSESqdet <- abs(det(SSEpSq))
        SSEdet <- abs(det(SSEp))
          chsOptbestValue <- modelFitStat(class(chsOpt),SSEdet,SSTdet,nObs,nY,p,sigmaVal)
        # Calculate bestValue of select
        if (is(slcOpt, 'SL')) {
          slcOptbestValue <- 1
          slcOptbestValue <- modelFitStat(class(slcOpt),SSEdet,SSTdet,nObs,nY,p,sigmaVal)
        # Calculate select
          slcOpt$serial <- slcOpt$serial + 1
          slcOpt$bestPoint[slcOpt$serial] <- which(XName %in% includename[k])
          slcOpt$bestValue[slcOpt$serial] <- slcOptbestValue
          slcOpt$enOrRe[slcOpt$serial] <- TRUE
          slcOpt$nVarIn[slcOpt$serial] <- p
          if (!is.null(Choose)){
            chsOpt$bestValue[slcOpt$serial] <- chsOptbestValue
          slcOpt$serial <- 1
          slcOpt$bestPoint <- 0
          slcOpt$enOrRe <- TRUE
          slcOpt$nVarIn <- p
          #forced Rsq=0 and adjRsq=0 with weighted data when Xf=b
          if(select=="Rsq" | select=="adjRsq"){
            slcOpt$bestValue <- 0
            slcOpt$bestValue <- slcOptbestValue
          if (!is.null(Choose)){
            #forced Rsq=0 and adjRsq=0 with weighted data when Xf=b
            if(Choose=="Rsq" | Choose=="adjRsq"){
              chsOpt$bestValue <- 0
              chsOpt$bestValue <- chsOptbestValue
      addVar <- FALSE
      addVar <- TRUE	
    varIn <- slcOpt$bestPoint
    while (TRUE) {
      findIn <- if (addVar == TRUE) FALSE else TRUE
      pointer <- if(addVar == TRUE) 1 else -1 #modified by junhuili @ 20190918
      p <- slcOpt$nVarIn[slcOpt$serial]
      addX <- varIn[-c(nInclude)]
        if(length(addX) > 0){
          X0 <-	cbind(b,Xf[,addX])
          X1 <- Xf[,-addX]
          X0Name <- colnames(X0)[-nInclude]
          X1Name <- XName[-addX]
          X0 <- b
          X1 <- Xf
          X1Name <- XName
        if (length(addX) > 0){
          MresdX <- NULL
          for(l in 1:length(addX)){
            temp <- ((addX[l]-1)*NoClass+1):(addX[l]*NoClass)
            MresdX <- append(MresdX,temp)
          X0 <- cbind(b,Xf[,MresdX])
          X1 <- Xf[,-MresdX]
          X0Name <- XName[addX]
          X1Name <- XName[-addX]
          X0 <- b
          X1 <- Xf
          X1Name <- XName
      X0 <- as.matrix(X0)
      X1 <- as.matrix(X1)
      stepvalue <- stepOne(findIn,NoClass,nObs,sigmaVal,tolerance,Trace,class(slcOpt),Y,X1,X0,nk,SSTdet)
      if(stepvalue$rank0==stepvalue$rank && findIn ==FALSE){
        if (is(slcOpt, 'SL')) {
          if (findIn == TRUE) {
            indicator <- stepvalue$PIC > log10(sls)
          } else {
            indicator <- stepvalue$PIC < log10(sle)
        }else if(inherits(slcOpt, 'Rsq')  | inherits(slcOpt, 'adjRsq') ){
          indicator <- round(stepvalue$PIC,digits=7) > round(slcOpt$bestValue[slcOpt$serial],digits=7)
          indicator <- round(stepvalue$PIC,digits=7) <= round(slcOpt$bestValue[slcOpt$serial],digits=7)
        if (indicator == TRUE) {
          #goodness of fit
          SEQ <- stepvalue$SEQ
            SEQclass <- pointer*((SEQ-1)*NoClass+1):(SEQ*NoClass)
            X01 <- cbind(X0,as.matrix(X1[,SEQclass]))
            X02 <- X01[,qr(X01)$pivot[1:qr(X01)$rank]]
            smr <- summary(lm(Y~X02))
              f <- smr$fstatistic
                pval <- NaN
                pval <- pf(f[1],f[2],f[3],lower.tail=F)
              for(ny in 1:length(y)){
                f <- smr[[ny]]$fstatistic
                  pval <- NaN
                  pval <- pf(f[1],f[2],f[3],lower.tail=F)
          if(is.nan(pval)==TRUE && (!inherits(slcOpt, 'Rsq') && !inherits(slcOpt, 'adjRsq'))){
          if(addVar == TRUE){
            Order <- which(XName %in% X1Name[stepvalue$SEQ])
            varIn <- append(varIn,Order)
            Order <- which(XName %in% X0Name[stepvalue$SEQ])
            varIn <- varIn[!varIn %in% Order] #modified by junhuili @ 20190918
          slcOpt$serial <- slcOpt$serial + 1
          slcOpt$bestPoint[slcOpt$serial] <- Order
          slcOpt$bestValue[slcOpt$serial] <- stepvalue$PIC
          slcOpt$enOrRe[slcOpt$serial] <- addVar
          slcOpt$nVarIn[slcOpt$serial] <- if (addVar == TRUE) p + 1 else p - 1
            chsOpt$bestValue[slcOpt$serial] <- modelFitStat(class(chsOpt),stepvalue$SSE,SSTdet,nObs,nY,stepvalue$rank,sigmaVal)
          if(selection == 'bidirection'){
            if(addVar == FALSE){
              addVar <- FALSE
          if(selection == 'bidirection' && addVar == FALSE) {
            addVar <- TRUE
    varName <- array(FALSE, slcOpt$serial)
    fname <- if(selection=="backward") c('') else c('intercept')
    varName[1:(slcOpt$serial)] <- c(fname,XName[slcOpt$bestPoint[1:slcOpt$serial]])
      qrXf <- qr(as.matrix(tmpX))
        dupVarName <- c("",XName[sort(qrXf$pivot[(1+qrXf$rank):ncol(tmpX)],decreasing = TRUE)-1])
        dupVarName <- NULL
        process <- data.frame(Step=rep(0,length(dupVarName)),EffectRemoved=dupVarName,
                              EffectNumber=ncol(tmpX):qrXf$rank,Select = slcOpt$bestValue[1])
          ChooseVal <- c(rep(chsOpt$bestValue[1],length(dupVarName)),chsOpt$bestValue[-1])
        process <- data.frame(Step=0,EffectRemoved=varName[1],
                              EffectNumber=ncol(tmpX),Select = slcOpt$bestValue[1])
          ChooseVal <- chsOpt$bestValue
        process <- rbind(process,data.frame(Step = 1:(slcOpt$serial-1), EffectRemoved = varName[-1], 
                                            EffectNumber = slcOpt$nVarIn[-1], Select = slcOpt$bestValue[-1]))
    }else if(selection=="forward"){
      process <- data.frame(Step = 0:(slcOpt$serial-1), EffectEntered = varName, EffectNumber = slcOpt$nVarIn, Select = slcOpt$bestValue)
      PosE <- which(slcOpt$enOrRe[1:slcOpt$serial] %in% TRUE)
      PosR <- which(slcOpt$enOrRe[1:slcOpt$serial] %in% FALSE)
      varE <- slcOpt$enOrRe[1:slcOpt$serial]
      VarR <- slcOpt$enOrRe[1:slcOpt$serial]
      varE[PosR] <- ""
      varE[PosE] <- c(varName[PosE])
      VarR[PosR] <- c(varName[PosR])
      VarR[PosE] <- ""
      process <- data.frame(Step = 0:(slcOpt$serial-1), EffectEntered = varE, EffectRemoved = VarR,
                            EffectNumber = slcOpt$nVarIn, Select = slcOpt$bestValue)
      if(selection != "backward"){
        ChooseVal <- chsOpt$bestValue 
      process <- data.frame(process,Choose = ChooseVal)
      ChooseSet <- process[(length(includename)+1):nrow(process),"Choose"]
      ChooseSet1 <- ChooseSet[-length(ChooseSet)]
      ChooseSet2 <- ChooseSet[-1]
      if(Choose=="Rsq" | Choose=="adjRsq"){
        if(all(ChooseSet1 < ChooseSet2)==TRUE){
          optVal <- length(ChooseSet)
          optVal <- min(which(c(ChooseSet1 < ChooseSet2) == FALSE))
        if(all(ChooseSet1 > ChooseSet2)==TRUE){
          optVal <- length(ChooseSet)
          optVal <- min(which(c(ChooseSet1 < ChooseSet2) == TRUE))
      sleres <- process[1:(length(includename)+optVal),]
      sleres <- process
    resVar <- as.character(sleres[,2])
      resVar <- c("intercept",XName[!XName %in% resVar])
    }else if(selection=="bidirection"){
      emtpy <- which(resVar %in% "")
      resVar[emtpy] <- as.character(sleres[emtpy,c(3)])
      Xtab <- table(resVar)
      dupresVar <- resVar[!resVar %in% names(Xtab)[Xtab%%2 == 0]]
      resVar <- rev(unique(rev(dupresVar)))
    results <- list(process,resVar)
    names(results) <- c("process","variate")
  proc.data <- cbind(real[index],as.data.frame(ctqw$ctqw[,index,]))
  res <- baseStepwise(proc.data,1,selection = select_method)
    plot(res$process["Select"][-1,1],xaxt="n",type="l",lwd=2,col=1,xlab="Parameters",ylab="Index value")
    axis(side=1,at=res$process["Step"][-1,1],labels = as.vector(res$process["EffectEntered"][-1,1]))
  # if(p_reshape){
  #   return(list(data_x,res))
  # }else{
  #   return(res)
  # }
  res<-list(real=as.matrix(real[index]), ctqw=ctqw$ctqw[,index,], index = index, method = select_method, variate = res$variate[-1])

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