#' @export
#' @title QuantifQuantile for X bivariate
#' @name QuantifQuantile.d2
#' @description Estimation of conditional quantiles using optimal quantization
#' when \code{X} is bivariate.
#' @details \itemize{\item This function calculates estimated conditional
#' quantiles with a method based on optimal quantization when the covariate is
#' bivariate. The matrix of covariate \code{X} must have two rows (dimension).
#' For other dimensions, see \code{\link{QuantifQuantile}} or
#' \code{\link{QuantifQuantile.d}}. The argument \code{x} must also have two rows.
#' \item The criterion for selecting the number of quantizers is implemented in
#' this function. The user has to choose a grid \code{testN} of possible values
#' in which \code{N} will be selected. It actually minimizes some bootstrap
#' estimated version of the ISE (Integrated Squared Error). More precisely, for
#' \code{N} fixed, it calculates the sum according to \code{alpha} of
#' \code{hatISE_N} and then minimizes the resulting vector to get \code{N_opt}.
#' However, the user can choose to select a different value of \code{N_opt} for
#' each \code{alpha} by setting \code{same_N=FALSE}. In this case, the vector
#' \code{N_opt} is obtained by minimizing each column of \code{hatISE_N}
#' separately. The reason why \code{same_N=TRUE} by default is that taking
#' \code{N_opt} according to \code{alpha} could provide crossing conditional
#' quantile curves (rarely observed for not too close values of \code{alpha}).
#' The function \code{\link{plot.QuantifQuantile}}
#' illustrates the selection of \code{N_opt}. If the graph is not decreasing
#' then increasing, the argument \code{testN} should be adapted.
#' \item This function can use parallel computation to save time, by simply
#' increasing the parameter \code{ncores}. Parallel computation relies on
#' \code{\link{mclapply}} from \code{\link{parallel}} package, hence is not available
#' on Windows unless \code{ncores}=1 (default value).
#' }
#' @param X matrix of covariates.
#' @param Y vector of response variables.
#' @param alpha vector of order of the quantiles.
#' @param x matrix of values for \code{x} in q_alpha(x).
#' @param testN grid of values of \code{N} that will be tested.
#' @param p L_p norm optimal quantization.
#' @param B number of bootstrap replications for the bootstrap estimator.
#' @param tildeB number of bootstrap replications for the choice of \code{N}.
#' @param same_N whether to use the same value of \code{N} for each \code{alpha}
#' (\code{TRUE} by default).
#' @param ncores number of cores to use. Default is set to 1 (see Details below).
#' @return An object of class \code{QuantifQuantile} which is a list with the
#' following components:
#' @return \item{hatq_opt}{A matrix containing the estimated conditional
#' quantiles. The number of columns is the number of considered values for \code{x}
#' and the number of rows the size of the order vector \code{alpha}. This object
#' can also be returned using the usual \code{fitted.values} function.}
#' @return \item{N_opt}{Optimal selected value for \code{N}. An integer if
#' \code{same_N=TRUE} and a vector of integers of length \code{length(alpha)}
#' otherwise.}
#' @return \item{hatISE_N}{The matrix of estimated ISE provided by our selection
#' criterion for \code{N} before taking the mean according to \code{alpha}. The
#' number of columns is then \code{length(testN)} and the number of rows
#' \code{length(alpha)}.}
#' @return \item{hatq_N}{A 3-dimensional array containing the estimated
#' conditional quantiles for each considered value for \code{alpha}, \code{x} and \code{N}.}
#' @return \item{X}{The matrix of covariates.}
#' @return \item{Y}{The vector of response variables.}
#' @return \item{x}{The considered vector of values for \code{x} in q_alpha(x).}
#' @return \item{alpha}{The considered vector of order for the quantiles.}
#' @return \item{testN}{The considered grid of values for \code{N} that were tested.}
#' @references Charlier, I. and Paindaveine, D. and Saracco, J.,
#' \emph{Conditional quantile estimation through optimal quantization},
#' Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2015 (156), 14-30.
#' @references Charlier, I. and Paindaveine, D. and Saracco, J.,
#' \emph{Conditional quantile estimator based on optimal
#' quantization: from theory to practice}, Submitted.
#' @seealso \code{\link{QuantifQuantile}} and \code{\link{QuantifQuantile.d}}
#' for other dimensions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.QuantifQuantile}},
#' \code{\link{print.QuantifQuantile}}, \code{\link{summary.QuantifQuantile}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #(a few seconds to execute)
#' set.seed(164964)
#' n <- 1000
#' X <- matrix(runif(n*2,-2,2),ncol=n)
#' Y <- apply(X^2,2,sum)+rnorm(n)
#' res <- QuantifQuantile.d2(X,Y,testN=seq(90,140,by=10),B=20,tildeB=15)
#' res2 <- QuantifQuantile.d2(X,Y,testN=seq(90,150,by=10),B=20,tildeB=15,same_N=FALSE)
#' }
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom stats quantile
QuantifQuantile.d2 <- function(X, Y, alpha = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5,
0.75, 0.95), x = matrix(c(rep(seq(min(X[1, ]), max(X[1, ]),
length = 20), 20), sort(rep(seq(min(X[2, ]), max(X[2, ]),
length = 20), 20))), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE), testN = c(110,
120, 130, 140, 150), p = 2, B = 50, tildeB = 20, same_N=TRUE,ncores=1) {
if (!is.numeric(X))
stop("X must be numeric")
if (!is.numeric(Y))
stop("Y must be numeric")
if (!is.numeric(x))
stop("x must be numeric")
if (!is.matrix(X))
stop("X must be a matrix with d rows")
if (!is.vector(Y))
stop("Y must be a vector")
if (!is.matrix(x))
stop("X must be a matrix with d rows")
if (!all(floor(testN) == testN & testN > 0))
stop("testN must have entire positive entries")
if (all(alpha > 0 & alpha < 1) == FALSE)
stop("alpha must be strictly between 0 and 1")
if ((!(floor(B) == B)) | (B <= 0))
stop("B must be a positive entire")
if ((!(floor(tildeB) == tildeB)) | (tildeB <= 0))
stop("tildeB must be a positive entire")
if (p < 1)
stop("p must be at least 1")
if (!is.logical(same_N))
stop("same_N must be logical")
n <- ncol(X)
d <- nrow(X)
if (nrow(x) != d)
stop("X must be a matrix with d rows")
m <- length(x)/d #number of vectors x for which we estimate q_alpha(x)
hatISE_N <- array(0, dim = c(length(alpha), length(testN)))
hatq_N <- array(0, dim = c(length(alpha), m, length(testN)))
if (nrow(X) == n)
X = t(X)
} #X doit avoir d lignes
if (nrow(x) == m)
x = t(x)
} #X doit avoir d lignes
primeX <- array(X[, sample(c(1:n), n * (B + tildeB), replace = T)],
dim = c(d, n, (B + tildeB)))
calc_hatq_N <- function(N){
hatX <- choice.grid(X, N, ng = (B + tildeB) )$opti_grid
# projection of the sample X on the B+tildeB optimal grids
projXboot <- array(0, dim = c(d, n, B + tildeB))
# index of the grid on which X is projected
iminx <- array(0, dim = c(n, B + tildeB))
for (i in 1:n) {
RepX <- array(rep(X[, i], N * (B + tildeB)), dim = c(d,
N, B + tildeB))
Ax <- sqrt(apply((RepX - hatX)^2, c(2, 3), sum))
iminx[i, ] <- apply(Ax, 2, which.min)
mx <- array(0, dim = c(d, B + tildeB, 3))
for (k in 1:d) {
mx[k, , ] <- matrix(c(rep(k, B + tildeB), iminx[i,
], c(1:(B + tildeB))), ncol = 3)
projXboot[k, i, ] <- hatX[mx[k, , ]]
# estimation of q_alpha(x) for N fixed
# save the B+tildeB estimation of q_alpha(x)
Hatq <- array(0, dim = c(m, length(alpha), B + tildeB))
# save by Voronoi cell
Hatq_cell <- array(0, dim = c(N, length(alpha), (B +
proj_gridx_boot = function(z) {
proj <- array(0, dim = c(d, B + tildeB))
Repz <- array(rep(z, N * (B + tildeB)), dim = c(d,
N, B + tildeB))
A <- sqrt(apply((Repz - hatX)^2, c(2, 3), sum))
i <- apply(A, 2, which.min)
mx <- array(0, dim = c(d, B + tildeB, 3))
for (k in 1:d) {
mx[k, , ] <- matrix(c(rep(k, B + tildeB), i,
c(1:(B + tildeB))), ncol = 3)
proj[k, ] <- hatX[mx[k, , ]]
projection_x <- apply(x, FUN = proj_gridx_boot, MARGIN = 2)
projection_x <- array(projection_x, dim = c(d, B + tildeB,
repY <- matrix(rep(Y, B + tildeB), nrow = n)
# calculation of the conditional quantile for each cell.
# Since any point of a cell is projected on the center of this cell,
# the corresponding conditional quantiles are equal
for (i in 1:N) {
for (j in 1:(B + tildeB)) {
init = proc.time()
a <- which(projXboot[1, , j] == hatX[1, i, j] &
projXboot[2, , j] == hatX[2, i, j])
proc.time() - init
if (length(a) > 0) {
Hatq_cell[i, , j] <- quantile(repY[a, j], probs = alpha)
# we now identify the cell in which belongs each x to associate the
# corresponding value of conditional quantiles
identification <- function(z) {
identification <- array(0, dim = c(B + tildeB, 1))
i <- which(z[1] == x[1, ] & z[2] == x[2, ])
for (j in 1:(B + tildeB)) {
identification[j, ] <- which(projection_x[1,
j, i] == hatX[1, , j] & projection_x[2, j,
i] == hatX[2, , j])
identification_projection_x <- apply(x, FUN = identification,
for (i in 1:length(alpha)) {
for (j in 1:m) {
r <- matrix(c(identification_projection_x[, j],
rep(i, B + tildeB), c(1:(B + tildeB))), ncol = 3)
Hatq[j, i, ] <- Hatq_cell[r]
# the final estimation is the mean of the B estimations
hatq <- array(0, dim = c(m, length(alpha)))
hatq <- apply(Hatq[, , c(1:B), drop = FALSE], c(1, 2),
# the last tilde B are used to estimate the ISE
HATq <- array(rep(hatq, tildeB), dim = c(m, length(alpha),
hatISE <- (HATq - Hatq[, , c((1 + B):(B + tildeB)), drop = FALSE])^2
hatISE <- apply(hatISE, 2, sum)/(m * tildeB)
parallel_hatq_hatISE <- mclapply(testN,calc_hatq_N,mc.cores = ncores,mc.set.seed=F)
for(i in 1:length(testN)){
hatq_N[,,i] <- t(parallel_hatq_hatISE[[i]]$hatq)
hatISE_N[,i] <- parallel_hatq_hatISE[[i]]$hatISE
#choice of optimal N
hatISEmean_N <- apply(hatISE_N, 2, mean)
i_opt <- which.min(hatISEmean_N)
#optimal value for N chosen as minimizing the sum of hatISE for the
# different alpha's
N_opt <- testN[i_opt]
# table of the associated estimated conditional quantiles
hatq_opt <- hatq_N[, , i_opt, drop = F]
hatq_opt <- matrix(hatq_opt, nrow = length(alpha))
#choice of optimal N
i_opt <- apply(hatISE_N, 1, which.min)
#optimal value for N chosen as minimizing the sum of hatISE for the
# different alpha's
N_opt <- testN[i_opt]
# table of the associated estimated conditional quantiles
hatq_opt <- array(0, dim = c(length(alpha), dim(x)[2]))
for(i in 1:length(alpha)){
hatq_opt[i, ] <- hatq_N[i, , i_opt[i]]
if(N_opt==min(testN)){warning("N_opt is on the left boundary of testN")}
if(N_opt==max(testN)){warning("N_opt is on the right boundary of testN")}
"N_opt is on the left boundary of testN for at least one value of alpha")}
"N_opt is on the right boundary of testN for at least one value of alpha")}
output <- list(fitted.values = hatq_opt,hatq_opt = hatq_opt, N_opt = N_opt,
hatISE_N = hatISE_N, hatq_N = hatq_N, X = X, Y = Y, x = x,
alpha = alpha, testN = testN)
class(output) <- "QuantifQuantile"
} # fin de la fonction
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