
# This source code file contains constructor and function definitions that
# are used for loading this package only.
# To please R CMD check
attachX <- base::attach

  Object = function(core=NA, finalize=TRUE) {
    # Create a new environment and wrap it up as a private field of a list.
    this <- core
    this.env <- new.env()
    attr(this, ".env") <- this.env
    class(this) <- "Object"

    if (getOption("R.oo::Object/instantiationTime", FALSE)) {
      attr(this, "...instantiationTime", Sys.time())

    finalizer <- function(env) {
      # Nothing needed to be done in this temporary finalizer factory,
      # because it is only utilized by this very package and none of
      # the classes in this package created Object:s that needs to be
      # finalized.
    } # finalizer()

    # Should this Object be finalized?
    if (finalize) {
      onexit <- getOption("R.oo::Object/finalizeOnExit", FALSE)
      reg.finalizer(this.env, finalizer, onexit=onexit)
    assign("...finalize", finalize, envir=this.env, inherits=FALSE)


  extend = function(this, ...className, ..., ...finalize=TRUE) {
    fields <- list(...)
    names <- names(fields)
    this.env <- attr(this, ".env")
    for (name in names)
      assign(name, fields[[name]], envir=this.env)
    class(this) <- c(...className, class(this))

    # Override this (=unregister finalizer) according to argument
    # '...finalize' of extend()?
    if (!is.na(...finalize) && !isTRUE(...finalize)) {
      # Unregister finalizer (by registering a dummy one)
      reg.finalizer(this.env, f=function(...) {})


  Class = function(name=NULL, constructor=NULL) {
    if (is.null(name)) {
      constructor <- NA
    } else if (!is.function(constructor)) {
      throw("Argument 'constructor' must be a function: ", mode(constructor))

    # This is an example where one wants to have the core of an Object to not
    # be NA, but something else.
    this <- extend(Object(constructor), "Class",
      .staticInstance = NULL

), name="R.oo")

# Cleanup

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R.oo documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:41 a.m.