
#' Summarizing Generalized Linear Model Fits with Odds Ratios for Survey Data
#' \code{RDS::summary.svyglm.RDS} is a version of \code{summary.svyglm} that 
#' reports odds-ratios in place of coefficients in the summary table. 
#' This only applies for the \code{binomial} family. Otherwise it is identical to
#' \code{summary.svyglm}.
#' The default in \code{summary.svyglm} is to display the log-odds-ratios 
#' and this displays the exponetiated from
#' and a 95% confidence interval in place of the standard errors and \code{z ratio} columns. The
#' p-values are still displayed.
#' \code{svyglm} fits a generalised linear model to data from a complex survey design, with
#' inverse-probability weighting and design-based standard errors.
#' There is no \code{anova} method for \code{svyglm} as the models are not
#' fitted by maximum likelihood.
#' See the manual page on \code{svyglm} for detail of that function.
#' @param object an object of class \code{"svyglm"}, usually, a result of a call
#' to \code{\link[survey]{svyglm}}.
#' @param correlation logical; if \code{TRUE}, the correlation matrix of the
#' estimated parameters is returned and printed.
#' @param df.resid Optional denominator degrees of freedom for Wald tests.
#' @param odds logical; Should the coefficients be reported as odds (rather than log-odds)?
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \code{RDS::summary.svyglm} returns an object of class \code{"summary.svyglm.RDS"},
#' a list with components
#' \item{call}{the component from \code{object}.} \item{family}{the component
#' from \code{object}.} \item{deviance}{the component from \code{object}.}
#' \item{contrasts}{the component from \code{object}.} \item{df.residual}{the
#' component from \code{object}.} \item{null.deviance}{the component from
#' \code{object}.} \item{df.null}{the component from \code{object}.}
#' \item{deviance.resid}{the deviance residuals: see
#' \code{\link[survey]{residuals.svyglm}}.} \item{coefficients}{the matrix of
#' coefficients, standard errors, z-values and p-values.  Aliased coefficients
#' are omitted.} \item{aliased}{named logical vector showing if the original
#' coefficients are aliased.} \item{dispersion}{either the supplied argument or
#' the inferred/estimated dispersion if the latter is \code{NULL}.} \item{df}{a
#' 3-vector of the rank of the model and the number of residual degrees of
#' freedom, plus number of coefficients (including aliased ones).}
#' \item{cov.unscaled}{the unscaled (\code{dispersion = 1}) estimated
#' covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients.} \item{cov.scaled}{ditto,
#' scaled by \code{dispersion}.} \item{correlation}{(only if \code{correlation}
#' is true.)  The estimated correlations of the estimated coefficients.}
#' \item{symbolic.cor}{(only if \code{correlation} is true.)  The value of the
#' argument \code{symbolic.cor}.}
#' \item{odds}{Are the coefficients reported as odds (rather than log-odds)?}
#' @seealso \code{\link[survey]{svyglm}}, \code{\link{summary}}.
#' @keywords models regression
#' @examples
#' ## For examples see example(svyglm)
#' @export
#' @method summary svyglm.RDS
summary.svyglm.RDS<-function (object, correlation = FALSE, df.resid=NULL, odds=TRUE, ...) 
  Qr <- object$qr
  est.disp <- TRUE
  if (is.null(df.resid))
    df.r <- object$df.residual
  dispersion<-survey::svyvar(stats::resid(object,"pearson"), object$survey.design,
  coef.p <- stats::coef(object)
  dimnames(covmat) <- list(names(coef.p), names(coef.p))
  var.cf <- diag(covmat)
  s.err <- sqrt(var.cf)
  tvalue <- coef.p/s.err
  if(object$family$family == "binomial" & odds){
    dn <- c("Estimate", "Lower")
    qvalue <- stats::qt(0.975,df=df.r)
    if (!est.disp) {
      pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(tvalue))
      coef.table <- cbind(exp(coef.p), 
                          exp(coef.p+qvalue*s.err), pvalue)
      dimnames(coef.table) <- list(names(coef.p),
                                   c(dn, "Upper","Pr(>|z|)"))
    else if (df.r > 0) {
      pvalue <- 2 * stats::pt(-abs(tvalue), df.r)
      coef.table <- cbind(exp(coef.p), 
                          exp(coef.p+qvalue*s.err), pvalue)
      dimnames(coef.table) <- list(names(coef.p),
                                   c(dn, "Upper","Pr(>|t|)"))
    else {
      coef.table <- cbind(exp(coef.p), Inf)
      dimnames(coef.table) <- list(names(coef.p), dn)
    dn <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error")
    if (!est.disp) {
      pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(tvalue))
      coef.table <- cbind(coef.p, s.err, tvalue, pvalue)
      dimnames(coef.table) <- list(names(coef.p), c(dn, "z value", 
    else if (df.r > 0) {
      pvalue <- 2 * stats::pt(-abs(tvalue), df.r)
      coef.table <- cbind(coef.p, s.err, tvalue, pvalue)
      dimnames(coef.table) <- list(names(coef.p), c(dn, "t value", 
    else {
      coef.table <- cbind(coef.p, Inf)
      dimnames(coef.table) <- list(names(coef.p), dn)
  ans <- c(object[c("call", "terms", "family", "deviance", 
                    "aic", "contrasts", "df.residual", "null.deviance", "df.null", 
                    "iter")], list(deviance.resid = stats::residuals(object, type = "deviance"), 
                                   aic = object$aic, coefficients = coef.table, dispersion = dispersion, 
                                   df = c(object$rank, df.r,NCOL(Qr$qr)), cov.unscaled = covmat, 
                                   cov.scaled = covmat))
  if (correlation) {
    dd <- sqrt(diag(covmat))
    ans$correlation <- covmat/outer(dd, dd)
  class(ans) <- c("summary.svyglm.RDS","summary.svyglm","summary.glm")

#' Summarizing Generalized Linear Model Fits with Odds Ratios
#' \code{print.summary.svyglm.RDS} is a version of \code{print.summary.svyglm} that 
#' reports odds-ratios in place of coefficients in the summary table. 
#' This only applies for the \code{binomial} family. Otherwise it is identical to
#' \code{print.summary.svyglm}.
#' The default in\cr
#' \code{print.summary.svyglm} is to display the log-odds-ratios 
#' and this displays the exponetiated from
#' and a 95% confidence interval in place of the standard errors and \code{z ratio} columns. The
#' p-values are still displayed.
#' @param x an object of class \code{"summary.svyglm.RDS"}, usually, a result of a
#' call to \code{RDS::summary.svyglm}.
#' @param digits the number of significant digits to use when printing.
#' @param symbolic.cor logical. If \code{TRUE}, print the correlations in a
#' symbolic form (see \code{\link{symnum}}) rather than as numbers.
#' @param signif.stars logical. If \code{TRUE}, \sQuote{significance stars} are
#' printed for each coefficient.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @seealso \code{\link[survey]{svyglm}}, \code{\link[survey]{summary.svyglm}}.
#' @keywords models regression
#' @examples
#' ## For examples see example(svyglm)
#' @export
#' @method print summary.svyglm.RDS
print.summary.svyglm.RDS<-function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
                                    symbolic.cor = x$symbolic.cor, 
                                    signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...) 
  ##if (!exists("printCoefmat")) stats::printCoefmat<-print.coefmat
  cat(paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
      "\n\n", sep = "") 
  cat("Survey design:\n")
  if (!is.null(df <- x$df) && (nsingular <- df[3] - df[1])) 
    if(x$odds & x$family$family == "binomial"){
      cat("\nOdds Ratios: (", nsingular, " not defined because of singularities)\n", 
          sep = "")
      cat("\nCoefficients: (", nsingular, " not defined because of singularities)\n", 
          sep = "")
  else {
    if(x$odds & x$family$family == "binomial"){
      cat("\nOdds Ratios\n")
  coefs <- x$coefficients
  if (!is.null(aliased <- is.na(x$coefficients[,1])) && any(aliased)) {
    cn <- names(aliased)
    coefs <- matrix(NA, length(aliased), 4, dimnames = list(cn, 
    coefs[!aliased, ] <- x$coefficients
  #       if(x$family$family == "binomial"){
  #  coefs[,1:3] <- exp(coefs[,1:3])
  stats::printCoefmat(coefs, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars, 
                      na.print = "NA", ...)
  cat("\n(Dispersion parameter for ", x$family$family, " family taken to be ", 
      format(x$dispersion), ")\n\n",  "Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: ", 
      x$iter, "\n", sep = "")
  correl <- x$correlation
  if (!is.null(correl)) {
    p <- NCOL(correl)
    if (p > 1) {
      cat("\nCorrelation of Coefficients:\n")
      if (is.logical(symbolic.cor) && symbolic.cor) {
        print(stats::symnum(correl, abbr.colnames = NULL))
      else {
        correl <- format(round(correl, 2), nsmall = 2, 
                         digits = digits)
        correl[!lower.tri(correl)] <- ""
        print(correl[-1, -p, drop = FALSE], quote = FALSE)
  cat("\n Warning: The model fit currently only adjusts for the first-order RDS weights, and not other complexities of the sampling.\n  The numerical summaries should be interpreted with caution.\n")

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RDS documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:13 p.m.