#' Expectation Maximization Algorithm
#' @param X numeric data frame containing all the variables needed in the factor analysis
#' @param k number of factors considered in the analysis
#' @param constraints p x k matrix of zeros and ones denoting the factors (rows) and observed variables (columns)
#' @param rotation factor rotation method (either 'oblimin' or 'varimax')
#' @param ctrREM provides control parameters (default: controlREM(steps = 25, tol = 1e-6, maxiter = 1e3))
#' @returns List of outputs that contains the following components:
#' \item{mu}{intercept}
#' \item{lambda}{loadings}
#' \item{psi}{variance}
#' \iten(phi){factor covariance matrix}
#' \item{ind_lik}{likelihood value for each individual}
#' @author Bryan Ortiz-Torres (; Kenneth Nieser (
#' @references Nieser, K. J., & Cochran, A. L. (2021). Addressing heterogeneous populations in latent variable settings through robust estimation. Psychological Methods.
#' @importFrom stats factanal quantile rnorm varimax na.omit cov2cor pnorm
#' @importFrom GPArotation oblimin
#' @noRd
EMAlg <- function(X, k, constraints, rotation, ctrREM = controlREM()){
# data dimensions
n = nrow(X)
p = ncol(X)
# sample mean and covariance matrix
mu = apply(X, 2, mean)
X_centered = t(apply(X, 1, function(y) y - mu))
Cxx = 1/n * t(X_centered) %*% X_centered
if(k == 1)
intl_guess <- factanal(X, k) #Maximum likelihood factor analysis (r function)
inv_rotmat <- 1
} else {
intl_guess <- factanal(X, k, rotation = 'oblimin') #Maximum likelihood factor analysis (r function)
inv_rotmat <- solve(intl_guess$rotmat)
lambda <- matrix(intl_guess$loadings, ncol = k)
lambda[constraints==0] <- 0
psi <- intl_guess$uniquenesses #describes variances of the error terms (unique factors $\epsilon in the paper$)
phi <- inv_rotmat %*% t(inv_rotmat)
# tolerance parameters
tol = ctrREM$tol
maxiter = ctrREM$maxiter
# constraint patterns to be processed separately
patterns = unique(constraints) = 1:nrow(patterns)
for (j in 1:nrow(patterns)){
idx = which(apply(constraints, 1, function(x) return(all(x == c(patterns[j,])))))[idx] = j
# EM algorithm
obj = rep(-Inf, maxiter)
for (iter in 2:maxiter){
# calculate log-likelihoods
sigma = lambda %*% phi %*% t(lambda) + diag(psi)
V = chol(sigma)
inv_V = solve(V)
logdetV = log(det(V))
Z = t(apply(X, 1, function(y) y - mu)) %*% inv_V
ind_lik = -(1/2)*(p*log(2*pi) + 2*logdetV + apply(Z, 1, function(y) t(y) %*% y))
# calculate value for objective function
obj[iter] = sum(ind_lik)
# check for convergence
if(abs(obj[iter] - obj[iter-1]) < tol*abs(obj[iter-1])){break}
# E step
beta = phi %*% (t(lambda) %*% inv_V) %*% t(inv_V)
CxxB = Cxx %*% t(beta)
Ezz = (diag(k) - beta %*% lambda) %*% phi + beta %*% CxxB
# M step
# estimate the subsets of lambda and psi for each constraint pattern
for (i in 1:nrow(patterns)){
item_idx <-
factor_idx <- patterns[i,]!=0
Cxx.ii = diag(Cxx)[item_idx]
CxxB.i = matrix(CxxB[item_idx, factor_idx], nrow = length(Cxx.ii))
Ezz.i = Ezz[factor_idx, factor_idx]
chol_Ezz.i = chol(Ezz.i)
inv_chol_Ezz.i = solve(chol_Ezz.i)
lambda[item_idx, factor_idx] = (CxxB.i %*% inv_chol_Ezz.i) %*% t(inv_chol_Ezz.i)
psi[item_idx] = Cxx.ii - diag(((CxxB.i %*% inv_chol_Ezz.i) %*% t(inv_chol_Ezz.i)) %*% t(CxxB.i))
phi = cov2cor(phi - beta %*% lambda %*% phi + beta %*% CxxB)
paste('maxiter reached; consider increasing maxiter or increasing convergence tolerance'))}
# rescale estimates
sigma = lambda %*% phi %*% t(lambda) + diag(psi)
total_var = diag(sigma)
lambda = apply(lambda, 2, function(x) x / sqrt(total_var))
psi = psi / total_var
mu = mu / sqrt(total_var)
# rotate loadings
if (k > 1){
if (rotation == "oblimin"){lambda = matrix(GPArotation::oblimin(lambda)$loadings, ncol = k)}
if (rotation == "varimax"){lambda = matrix(varimax(lambda)$loadings, ncol = k)}
output = list(mu = mu, lambda = lambda, psi = psi, phi = phi, ind_lik = ind_lik)
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