# Load data
blocks <- list(
agriculture = Russett[, seq(3)],
industry = Russett[, 4:5],
politic = Russett[, 6:11]
# Test check_blockx
test_that("check_blockx raises an error if x is greater than the number of
blocks", {
expect_error(check_blockx("x", 7, blocks),
"x must be lower than the number of blocks, i.e. 3.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_blockx raises an error for invalid x", {
expect_error(check_blockx("x", -1, blocks))
expect_error(check_blockx("x", c(1, 2, 3), blocks))
expect_error(check_blockx("x", 1.7, blocks))
expect_error(check_blockx("x", NA, blocks))
test_that("check_blockx passes and returns x when x is valid", {
expect_equal(check_blockx("x", 2, blocks), 2)
# Test check_boolean
test_that("check_boolean raises an error if x contains NA", {
expect_error(check_boolean("x", c(FALSE, NA)),
"x must not be NA.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_boolean raises an error if x is not logical", {
expect_error(check_boolean("x", 0),
"x must be TRUE or FALSE.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_boolean raises an error if type is scalar and x not of
length 1", {
expect_error(check_boolean("x", c(TRUE, FALSE), type = "scalar"),
"x must be of length 1.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_boolean passes when x is valid", {
expect_error(check_boolean(TRUE), NA)
expect_error(check_boolean(c(TRUE, FALSE), type = "vector"), NA)
# Test check_colors
test_that("check_colors raises an error if colors contains unknown colors", {
expect_error(check_colors(c("white", "blueen")),
"Unrecognized colors. Colors must be in colors() ",
"or a rgb character."
fixed = TRUE
expect_error(check_colors(c("white", "#79eff16342")),
"Unrecognized colors. Colors must be in colors() ",
"or a rgb character."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_colors passes when colors is valid", {
expect_error(check_colors(c("#79eff1", "white", "yellow", NA)), NA)
# Test check_compx
test_that("check_compx raises an error if x is greater than the number
of components", {
expect_error(check_compx("x", 7, c(3, 3, 3), 1), paste0(
"not existing component. Trying to extract component 7",
" for block 1 , but only 3 component(s) are available for ",
"this block."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_compx raises an error for invalid x", {
expect_error(check_compx("x", -1, c(3, 3, 3), 1))
expect_error(check_compx("x", c(1, 2, 3), c(3, 3, 3), 1))
expect_error(check_compx("x", 1.7, c(3, 3, 3), 1))
expect_error(check_compx("x", NA, c(3, 3, 3), 1))
test_that("check_compx passes and returns x when x is valid", {
expect_equal(check_compx("x", 2, c(3, 3, 3), 1), 2)
# Test check_connection
test_that("check_connection raises an error if C is not a matrix", {
expect_error(check_connection(print, blocks),
"connection matrix C must be a matrix.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_connection raises an error if C is not symmetric", {
expect_error(check_connection(matrix(1:4, 2, 2), blocks),
"connection matrix C must be symmetric.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_connection raises an error if C contains NA values", {
C <- diag(2)
C[1, 1] <- NA
expect_error(check_connection(C, blocks),
"connection matrix C must not contain NA values.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_connection raises an error if C contains values outside
[0, 1]", {
expect_error(check_connection(diag(2) * 2, blocks),
"connection matrix C must contain numbers between 0 and 1.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_connection raises an error if C is the null matrix", {
expect_error(check_connection(matrix(0, 2, 2), blocks),
"connection matrix C must not contain only 0.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_connection raises an error if the dimensions of C do not
match the number of blocks", {
expect_error(check_connection(diag(2), blocks),
"connection matrix must have the same number of ",
"columns (actually 2) as the number of blocks (3)."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_connection raises an error if the dimnames of C do not match
block names", {
C <- diag(3)
rownames(C) <- colnames(C) <- paste0("V", 1:3)
expect_error(check_connection(C, blocks),
"connection matrix C must have the rownames and the ",
"colnames that match with the names of the blocks."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_connection passes and returns C when C is valid", {
C <- diag(3)
rownames(C) <- colnames(C) <- names(blocks)
expect_equal(check_connection(diag(3), blocks), C)
# Test check_integer
test_that("check_integer raises an error if x is not numeric", {
expect_error(check_integer("x", "toto"),
"x must be numeric.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_integer raises an error if x contains NA", {
expect_error(check_integer("x", c(42, NA)),
"x must not be NA.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_integer raises an error if type is scalar and x not of
length 1", {
expect_error(check_integer("x", c(42, 7), type = "scalar"),
"x must be of length 1.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_integer raises an error any element of x is a float but float
is false", {
expect_error(check_integer("x", c(1, 1.7, 2), type = "vector", float = FALSE),
"x must be an integer.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_integer raises an error if any element of x is below min", {
expect_error(check_integer("x", c(0, 1, 2), type = "vector", min = 1),
"x must be higher than or equal to 1.",
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_integer raises an error if any element of x is above max", {
expect_error(check_integer("x", c(1, 3), type = "vector", max = 2),
"x must be lower than or equal to 2.",
fixed = TRUE
check_integer("x", c(1, 3), type = "vector", max = 2, message = "error"),
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_integer passes and returns x when x is valid", {
expect_equal(check_integer(1), 1)
expect_equal(check_integer(c(1, 2, 3), type = "vector"), c(1, 2, 3))
expect_equal(check_integer(1.7, float = TRUE), 1.7)
x <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2)
rownames(x) <- paste0("R", 1:2)
colnames(x) <- paste0("C", 1:2)
expect_equal(check_integer(x, type = "matrix"), x)
x <-
expect_equal(check_integer(x, type = "data.frame"), x)
# Test check_method
test_that("check_method raises an error when method", {
test_that("check_method passes when method is valid", {
for (method in available_methods()) {
expect_error(check_method(method), NA)
# Test check_nblocks
test_that("check_nblocks raises an error if method is pca and number of blocks
different from 1", {
expect_error(check_nblocks(blocks, method = "pca"),
"3 blocks were provided but the number of",
" blocks for pca must be 1."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_nblocks raises an error if method is cca and number of blocks
is different from 2", {
expect_error(check_nblocks(blocks, method = "cca"),
"3 blocks were provided but the number of",
" blocks for cca must be 2."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_nblocks passes and returns blocks when blocks is valid", {
A <- list(blocks[[1]])
expect_equal(check_nblocks(A, method = "pca"), A)
A <- list(blocks[[1]], blocks[[2]])
expect_equal(check_nblocks(A, method = "cca"), A)
# Test check_ncomp
test_that("check_ncomp raises an error if there is a superblock and ncomp
contains at least two distinct values", {
expect_error(check_ncomp(c(1, 2, 1), blocks, superblock = TRUE),
"only one number of components must be ",
"specified (superblock)."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_ncomp raises an error if blocks and ncomp have different
lengths and length of ncomp is greater than 1", {
expect_error(check_ncomp(c(2, 2), blocks),
"ncomp must have the same size (actually 2) ",
"as the number of blocks (3)."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_ncomp raises an error if any element of ncomp is greater than
the number of variables in the corresponding block", {
expect_error(check_ncomp(c(2, 7, 2), blocks),
"ncomp[2] must be lower than the number of variables for block 2,",
" i.e. 2."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_ncomp raises an error if ncomp is greater than the number of
columns in the superblock", {
expect_error(check_ncomp(12, blocks, superblock = TRUE),
"the number of components must be lower ",
"than the number of variables in the superblock,",
" i.e. 11."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_ncomp raises an error for invalid ncomp", {
expect_error(check_ncomp(c(-1, 1, 1), blocks))
expect_error(check_ncomp(c(1, 1, 1.7), blocks))
expect_error(check_ncomp(c(NA, 1, 2), blocks))
test_that("check_ncomp passes and returns ncomp when ncomp is valid", {
expect_equal(check_ncomp(2, blocks), c(2, 2, 2))
expect_equal(check_ncomp(c(2, 2, 2), blocks), c(2, 2, 2))
# Test check_sign_comp
test_that("check_sign_comp changes the sign of weight vector if correlation
with reference is negative", {
fit_rgcca <- rgcca(blocks, ncomp = 1)
a <- fit_rgcca$a
a[[1]] <- -a[[1]]
expect_identical(fit_rgcca$a, check_sign_comp(fit_rgcca, a))
fit_rgcca <- rgcca(blocks, ncomp = 2)
a <- fit_rgcca$a
a[[1]][, 1] <- -a[[1]][, 1]
expect_identical(fit_rgcca$a, check_sign_comp(fit_rgcca, a))
# Test check_size_blocks
test_that("check_size_blocks raises an error when number of columns of x does
not match length of blocks", {
expect_error(check_size_blocks(blocks, "x", diag(2)),
"x must have the same number of columns",
" (actually 2) as the number of blocks (3)."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_size_blocks raises an error when number of rows of x does
not match specified n_row", {
expect_error(check_size_blocks(blocks, "x", diag(3), n_row = 2),
paste0("x must have 2 rows."),
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_size_blocks raises an error when size of x does
not match length of blocks", {
expect_error(check_size_blocks(blocks, "x", c(2, 2)),
"x must have the same size (actually 2) ",
"as the number of blocks (3)."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_size_blocks passes when x is valid", {
expect_error(check_size_blocks(blocks, "x", diag(3)), NA)
expect_error(check_size_blocks(blocks, "x", c(2, 2, 2)), NA)
# Test check_penalty
test_that("check_penalty raises an error if blocks and penalty have different
lengths and length of penalty is greater than 1", {
expect_error(check_penalty(c(1, 1), blocks),
"tau must have the same size ",
"(actually 2) as the number of blocks (3)."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_penalty raises an error if penalty has two rows but
ncomp is 1", {
expect_error(check_penalty(matrix(1, 2, 3), blocks, ncomp = 1),
paste0("tau must have 1 rows."),
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_penalty raises an error if any element of sparsity is lower
than the inverse of the square root of the number of variables in the
corresponding block", {
min_sparsity <- 1 / sqrt(NCOL(blocks[[3]]))
expect_error(check_penalty(c(1, 1, 0.2), blocks, method = "sgcca"),
"too low sparsity. Sparsity parameter equals 0.2. For SGCCA, ",
"it must be greater than 1/sqrt(number_column)",
" (i.e., ", round(min_sparsity, 4), " for block 3)."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_penalty raises an error for invalid penalty", {
expect_error(check_penalty(c(-1, 1, 1), blocks, method = "rgcca"))
expect_error(check_penalty(c(1, 1, 2), blocks, method = "rgcca"))
expect_error(check_penalty(c(NA, 1, 1), blocks, method = "rgcca"))
expect_error(check_penalty("toto", blocks, method = "rgcca"))
expect_error(check_penalty(c(-1, 1, 1), blocks, method = "sgcca"))
expect_error(check_penalty(c(1, 1, 2), blocks, method = "sgcca"))
expect_error(check_penalty(c(NA, 1, 1), blocks, method = "sgcca"))
expect_error(check_penalty("optimal", blocks, method = "sgcca"))
test_that("check_penalty passes and returns penalty when penalty is valid", {
expect_equal(check_penalty(1, blocks, method = "rgcca"), c(1, 1, 1))
check_penalty(c(0.8, 1, 0.5), blocks, method = "rgcca"), c(0.8, 1, 0.5)
check_penalty("optimal", blocks, method = "rgcca"),
c("optimal", "optimal", "optimal")
check_penalty(matrix(1, 5, 3), blocks, method = "rgcca"), matrix(1, 5, 3)
check_penalty(rep(1, 4), blocks, method = "rgcca", superblock = TRUE),
rep(1, 4)
expect_equal(check_penalty(1, blocks, method = "sgcca"), c(1, 1, 1))
check_penalty(c(0.8, 1, 0.5), blocks, method = "sgcca"), c(0.8, 1, 0.5)
check_penalty(matrix(1, 5, 3), blocks, method = "sgcca"), matrix(1, 5, 3)
# Test check_spars
test_that("check_spars raises an error for invalid sparsity", {
expect_error(check_spars(0.2, blocks[[3]]))
expect_error(check_spars(2, blocks[[1]]))
expect_error(check_spars(NA, blocks[[2]]))
test_that("check_spars passes and returns sparsity when sparsity is valid", {
expect_equal(check_spars(1, blocks[[1]], 1), 1)
expect_equal(check_spars(0.5, blocks[[3]], 0.5), 0.5)
# Test check_tau
test_that("check_tau raises an error for invalid tau", {
test_that("check_tau passes and returns tau when tau is valid", {
expect_equal(check_tau(1), 1)
expect_equal(check_tau(0.3), 0.3)
expect_equal(check_tau("optimal"), "optimal")
# Test check_scheme
test_that("check_scheme raises an error for invalid scheme", {
"scheme must be one of the following schemes: 'horst', ",
"'centroid', 'factorial' or a function."
fixed = TRUE
test_that("check_scheme passes when scheme is valid", {
expect_error(check_scheme("horst"), NA)
expect_error(check_scheme("centroid"), NA)
expect_error(check_scheme("factorial"), NA)
g <- function(x) x^2
expect_error(check_scheme(g), NA)
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