
Defines functions CholeskyAllocator CholeskyMicrobenchmark CrossprodAllocator CrossprodMicrobenchmark DeformtransAllocator DeformtransMicrobenchmark DeterminantAllocator DeterminantMicrobenchmark EigenAllocator EigenMicrobenchmark LsfitAllocator LsfitMicrobenchmark MatmatAllocator MatmatMicrobenchmark MatvecAllocator MatvecMicrobenchmark QrAllocator QrMicrobenchmark SolveAllocator SolveMicrobenchmark SvdAllocator SvdMicrobenchmark TransposeAllocator TransposeMicrobenchmark

Documented in CholeskyAllocator CholeskyMicrobenchmark CrossprodAllocator CrossprodMicrobenchmark DeformtransAllocator DeformtransMicrobenchmark DeterminantAllocator DeterminantMicrobenchmark EigenAllocator EigenMicrobenchmark LsfitAllocator LsfitMicrobenchmark MatmatAllocator MatmatMicrobenchmark MatvecAllocator MatvecMicrobenchmark QrAllocator QrMicrobenchmark SolveAllocator SolveMicrobenchmark SvdAllocator SvdMicrobenchmark TransposeAllocator TransposeMicrobenchmark

# Copyright 2016 Indiana University
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Allocates and initializes input to the Cholesky factorization dense matrix
#' kernel microbenchmarks
#' \code{CholeskyAllocator} allocates and populates the input to the
#' Cholesky factorization dense matrix kernel for the purposes of conducting a
#' single performance trial with the \code{CholeskyMicrobenchmark} function.
#' The matrices or vectors corresponding to the \code{index} parameter must be
#' allocated, populated and returned in the \code{kernelParameters} list.
#' @param benchmarkParameters an object of type
#'   \code{\link{DenseMatrixMicrobenchmark}} specifying various parameters
#'   needed to generate input for the dense matrix kernel.
#' @param index an integer index indicating the dimensions of the matrix or
#'   vector data to be generated as input for the dense matrix kernel.
#' @return a list containing the matrices or vectors to be input for the
#'   dense matrix kernel for which a single performance trial is to be
#'   conducted.
#' @export
CholeskyAllocator <- function(benchmarkParameters, index) {
   RNGkind(kind=RBenchmarkOptions$rng.kind, normal.kind=RBenchmarkOptions$rng.normal.kind)

   # Create list of kernel parameters
   kernelParameters <- list("A")
   s <- benchmarkParameters$dimensionParameters[index]
   X <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)
   kernelParameters$A <- crossprod(X)
   return (kernelParameters)

#' Conducts a single performance trial with the Cholesky factorization dense
#' matrix kernel
#' \code{CholeskyMicrobenchmark} conducts a single performance trial of the
#' Cholesky factorization dense matrix kernel for the matrix given in the
#' \code{kernelParameters} parameter.  The function times the single function
#' call \code{chol(kernelParameters$A)}.
#' @param benchmarkParameters an object of type
#'   \code{\link{DenseMatrixMicrobenchmark}} specifying various parameters
#'   for microbenchmarking the dense matrix kernel
#' @param kernelParameters a list of matrices or vectors to be used as input to
#'   the dense matrix kernel
#' @return a vector containing the user, system, and elapsed performance
#'   timings in that order
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Allocate input to the Cholesky microbenchmark for the first matrix size
#' # to be tested
#' microbenchmarks <- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
#' kernelParameters <- CholeskyAllocator(microbenchmarks[["cholesky"]], 1)
#' # Execute the microbenchmark
#' timings <- CholeskyMicrobenchmark(microbenchmarks[["cholesky"]], kernelParameters)
#' }
#' @export
CholeskyMicrobenchmark <- function(benchmarkParameters, kernelParameters) {
   timings <- system.time({C <- chol(kernelParameters$A)})
   return (timings)

#' Allocates and populates input to the matrix cross product dense matrix kernel
#' microbenchmarks
#' \code{CrossprodAllocator} allocates and populates the input to the
#' matrix cross product dense matrix kernel for the purposes of conducting a
#' single performance trial with the \code{CrossprodMicrobenchmark} function.
#' The matrices or vectors corresponding to the \code{index} parameter must be
#' allocated, initialized and returned in the \code{kernelParameters} list.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyAllocator
#' @export
CrossprodAllocator <- function(benchmarkParameters, index) {
   # Create list of kernel parameters
   kernelParameters <- list("A")   
   s <- benchmarkParameters$dimensionParameters[index]
   kernelParameters$A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)

#' Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix cross product dense
#' matrix kernel
#' \code{CrossprodMicrobenchmark} conducts a single performance trial of the
#' matrix cross product dense matrix kernel for the matrix given in the
#' \code{kernelParameters} parameter.  The function times the single function
#' call \code{crossprod(kernelParameters$A)}.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyMicrobenchmark
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Allocate input to the matrix cross product microbenchmark for the first
#' # matrix size to be tested
#' microbenchmarks <- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
#' kernelParameters <- CrossprodAllocator(microbenchmarks[["crossprod"]], 1)
#' # Execute the microbenchmark
#' timings <- CrossprodMicrobenchmark(microbenchmarks[["crossprod"]], kernelParameters)
#' }
#' @export
CrossprodMicrobenchmark <- function(benchmarkParameters, kernelParameters) {
   timings <- system.time({C <- crossprod(kernelParameters$A)})

#' Allocates and populates input to the matrix deformation and transpose dense
#' matrix kernel microbenchmarks
#' \code{DeformtransAllocator} allocates and populates the input to the
#' matrix deformation and transpose dense matrix kernel for the purposes of
#' conducting a single performance trial with the
#' \code{DeformtransMicrobenchmark} function.  The matrices or vectors
#' corresponding to the \code{index} parameter must be allocated, initialized
#' and returned in the \code{kernelParameters} list.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyAllocator
#' @export
DeformtransAllocator <- function(benchmarkParameters, index) {
   # Create list of kernel parameters
   kernelParameters <- list("A")
   s <- benchmarkParameters$dimensionParameters[index]

   if (s %% 2 != 0) {
      stop("deformtrans kernel matrix dimension must be a multiple of 2")
   kernelParameters$A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)
   return (kernelParameters)

#' Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix deformation and transpose
#' dense matrix kernel
#' \code{DeformtransMicrobenchmark} conducts a single performance trial of the
#' matrix deformation and transpose dense matrix kernel for the matrix given in
#' the \code{kernelParameters} parameter.  The function times the transposition
#' of the input matrix, resizing of the input matrix, and transposition of the
#' resized matrix.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyMicrobenchmark
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Allocate input to the matrix deformation and transpose microbenchmark for
#' # the first matrix size to be tested
#' microbenchmarks <- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
#' kernelParameters <- DeformtransAllocator(microbenchmarks[["deformtrans"]], 1)
#' # Execute the microbenchmark
#' timings <- DeformtransMicrobenchmark(microbenchmarks[["deformtrans"]], kernelParameters)
#' }
#' @export
DeformtransMicrobenchmark <- function(benchmarkParameters, kernelParameters) {
   nr <- nrow(kernelParameters$A)
   nc <- ncol(kernelParameters$A)

   timings <- system.time({
      B <- t(kernelParameters$A);
      dim(B) <- c(nr/2, 2*nc);
      A <- t(B)


#' Allocates and populates input to the matrix determinant dense matrix kernel
#' microbenchmarks
#' \code{DeterminantAllocator} allocates and populates the input to the
#' matrix determinant dense matrix kernel for the purposes of conducting a
#' single performance trial with the \code{DeterminantMicrobenchmark} function.
#' The matrices or vectors corresponding to the \code{index} parameter must be
#' allocated, initialized and returned in the \code{kernelParameters} list.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyAllocator
#' @export
DeterminantAllocator <- function(benchmarkParameters, index) {
  # Create list of kernel parameters
  kernelParameters <- list("A")
  s <- benchmarkParameters$dimensionParameters[index]
  kernelParameters$A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)
  return (kernelParameters)

#' Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix determinant dense
#' matrix kernel
#' \code{DeterminantMicrobenchmark} conducts a single performance trial of the
#' dense matrix determinant dense matrix kernel for the matrix given in the
#' \code{kernelParameters} parameter.  The function times the single function
#' call \code{determinant(kernelParameters$A)}.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyMicrobenchmark
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Allocate input to the matrix determinant microbenchmark for the first
#' # matrix size to be tested
#' microbenchmarks <- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
#' kernelParameters <- DeterminantAllocator(microbenchmarks[["determinant"]], 1)
#' # Execute the microbenchmark
#' timings <- DeterminantMicrobenchmark(microbenchmarks[["determinant"]], kernelParameters)
#' }
#' @export
DeterminantMicrobenchmark <- function(benchmarkParameters, kernelParameters) {
   timings <- system.time({d <- determinant(kernelParameters$A)})

#' Allocates and populates input to the matrix eigendecomposition kernel
#' microbenchmarks
#' \code{EigenAllocator} allocates and populates the input to the
#' matrix eigendecomposition dense matrix kernel for the purposes of conducting
#' a single performance trial with the \code{EigenMicrobenchmark} function.  The
#' matrices or vectors corresponding to the \code{index} parameter must be
#' allocated, initialized and returned in the \code{kernelParameters} list.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyAllocator
#' @export
EigenAllocator <- function(benchmarkParameters, index) {
   # Create list of kernel parameters
   kernelParameters <- list("A")
   s <- benchmarkParameters$dimensionParameters[index]
   kernelParameters$A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)
   return (kernelParameters)

#' Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix eigendecomposition dense
#' matrix kernel
#' \code{EigenMicrobenchmark} conducts a single performance trial of the
#' matrix eigendecomposition dense matrix kernel for the matrix given in the
#' \code{kernelParameters} parameter.  The function times the single function
#' call \code{eigen(kernelParameters$A, symmetric=FALSE, only.values=FALSE)}.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyMicrobenchmark
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Allocate input to the matrix eigendecomposition microbenchmark for the
#' # first matrix size to be tested
#' microbenchmarks <- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
#' kernelParameters <- EigenAllocator(microbenchmarks[["eigen"]], 1)
#' # Execute the microbenchmark
#' timings <- EigenMicrobenchmark(microbenchmarks[["eigen"]], kernelParameters)
#' }
#' @export
EigenMicrobenchmark <- function(benchmarkParameters, kernelParameters) {
   timings <- system.time({
         E <- eigen(kernelParameters$A, symmetric=FALSE, only.values=FALSE)
   return (timings)

#' Allocates and populates input to the matrix least squares fit dense matrix
#' kernel microbenchmarks
#' \code{LsfitAllocator} allocates and populates the input to the
#' matrix least squares fit dense matrix kernel for the purposes of conducting
#" a single performance trial with the \code{LsfitMicrobenchmark} function.  The
#' matrices or vectors corresponding to the \code{index} parameter must be
#' allocated, initialized and returned in the \code{kernelParameters} list.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyAllocator
#' @export
LsfitAllocator <- function(benchmarkParameters, index) {
   # Create list of kernel parameters
   kernelParameters <- list("A", "b")
   s <- benchmarkParameters$dimensionParameters[index]

   if (s %% 2 != 0) {
      stop("least squares fit kernel matrix dimension must be a multiple of 2")

   kernelParameters$A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=2*s, ncol=s/2)
   kernelParameters$b <- matrix(stats::rnorm(2*s), nrow=2*s, ncol=1)
   return (kernelParameters)

#' Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix least squares fit dense
#' matrix kernel
#' \code{LsfitMicrobenchmark} conducts a single performance trial of the
#' matrix least squares fit dense matrix kernel for the matrix given in the
#' \code{kernelParameters} parameter.  The function times the single function
#' call \code{lsfit(kernelParameters$A, kernelParameters$b, intercept=FALSE)}.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyMicrobenchmark
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Allocate input to the least-squares fit microbenchmark for the
#' # first matrix size to be tested
#' microbenchmarks <- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
#' kernelParameters <- LsfitAllocator(microbenchmarks[["lsfit"]], 1)
#' # Execute the microbenchmark
#' timings <- LsfitMicrobenchmark(microbenchmarks[["lsfit"]], kernelParameters)
#' }
#' @export
LsfitMicrobenchmark <- function(benchmarkParameters, kernelParameters) {
   timings <- system.time({
      x <- stats::lsfit(kernelParameters$A, kernelParameters$b, intercept=FALSE)

   return (timings)

#' Allocates and populates input to the matrix-matrix multiplication dense
#' matrix kernel microbenchmarks
#' \code{MatmatAllocator} allocates and populates the input to the
#' matrix-matrix multiplication dense matrix kernel for the purposes of
#' conducting a single performance trial with the \code{MatmatMicrobenchmark}
#' function.  The matrices or vectors corresponding to the \code{index}
#' parameter must be allocated, initialized and returned in the
#' \code{kernelParameters} list.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyAllocator
#' @export
MatmatAllocator <- function(benchmarkParameters, index) {
  # Create list of kernel parameters
  kernelParameters <- list("A", "B")
  s <- benchmarkParameters$dimensionParameters[index]
  kernelParameters$A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)
  kernelParameters$B <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)

#' Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix-matrix multiplication
#' dense matrix kernel
#' \code{MatmatMicrobenchmark} conducts a single performance trial of the
#' matrix-matrix multiplication dense matrix kernel for the matrix given in the
#' \code{kernelParameters} parameter.  The function times the single function
#' call \code{kernelParameters$A \%*\% kernelParameters$B}.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyMicrobenchmark
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Allocate input to the matrix-matrix multiplication microbenchmark for the
#' # first matrix size to be tested
#' microbenchmarks <- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
#' kernelParameters <- MatmatAllocator(microbenchmarks[["matmat"]], 1)
#' # Execute the microbenchmark
#' timings <- MatmatMicrobenchmark(microbenchmarks[["matmat"]], kernelParameters)
#' }
#' @export
MatmatMicrobenchmark <- function(benchmarkParameters, kernelParameters) {
   timings <- system.time({
      C <- kernelParameters$A %*% kernelParameters$B
   return (timings)

#' Allocates and populates input to the matrix-vector multiplication dense
#' matrix kernel microbenchmarks
#' \code{MatvecAllocator} allocates and populates the input to the
#' matrix-vector multiplication dense matrix kernel for the purposes of
#' conducting a single performance trial with the \code{MatvecMicrobenchmark}
#' function.  The matrices or vectors corresponding to the \code{index}
#' parameter must be allocated, initialized and returned in the
#' \code{kernelParameters} list.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyAllocator
#' @export
MatvecAllocator <- function(benchmarkParameters, index) {
   # Create list of kernel parameters
   kernelParameters <- list("A", "b")
   s <- benchmarkParameters$dimensionParameters[index]
   kernelParameters$A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)
   kernelParameters$b <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s), nrow=s, ncol=1)
   return (kernelParameters)      

#' Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix-vector multiplication
#' dense matrix kernel
#' \code{MatvecMicrobenchmark} conducts a single performance trial of the
#' matrix-vector multiplication dense matrix kernel for the matrix given in the
#' \code{kernelParameters} parameter.  The function times the single function
#' call \code{kernelParameters$A \%*\% kernelParameters$b}.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyMicrobenchmark
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Allocate input to the matrix-vector multiplication microbenchmark for the
#' # first matrix size to be tested
#' microbenchmarks <- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
#' kernelParameters <- MatvecAllocator(microbenchmarks[["matvec"]], 1)
#' # Execute the microbenchmark
#' timings <- MatvecMicrobenchmark(microbenchmarks[["matvec"]], kernelParameters)
#' }
#' @export
MatvecMicrobenchmark <- function(benchmarkParameters, kernelParameters) {
   timings <- system.time({
      C <- kernelParameters$A %*% kernelParameters$b

   return (timings)

#' Allocates and populates input to the QR factorization dense matrix kernel
#' microbenchmarks
#' \code{QrAllocator} allocates and populates the input to the
#' QR factorization dense matrix kernel for the purposes of
#' conducting a single performance trial with the \code{QrMicrobenchmark}
#' function.  The matrices or vectors corresponding to the \code{index}
#' parameter must be allocated, initialized and returned in the
#' \code{kernelParameters} list.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyAllocator
#' @export
QrAllocator <- function(benchmarkParameters, index) {
   # Create list of kernel parameters
   kernelParameters <- list("A")
   s <- benchmarkParameters$dimensionParameters[index]
   kernelParameters$A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)
   return (kernelParameters)

#' Conducts a single performance trial with the QR factorization dense matrix
#' kernel
#' \code{QrMicrobenchmark} conducts a single performance trial of the
#' QR factorization dense matrix kernel for the matrix given in the
#' \code{kernelParameters} parameter.  The function times the single function
#' call \code{qr(kernelParameters$A, LAPACK=TRUE)}.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyMicrobenchmark
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Allocate input to the QR decomposition microbenchmark for the
#' # first matrix size to be tested
#' microbenchmarks <- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
#' kernelParameters <- QrAllocator(microbenchmarks[["qr"]], 1)
#' # Execute the microbenchmark
#' timings <- QrMicrobenchmark(microbenchmarks[["qr"]], kernelParameters)
#' }
#' @export
QrMicrobenchmark <- function(benchmarkParameters, kernelParameters) {
   timings <- system.time({
      qr_result <- qr(kernelParameters$A, LAPACK=TRUE)
   return (timings)

#' Allocates and populates input to the dense matrix kernel microbenchmark
#' for computing the solution to a system of linear equations with multiple
#' right-hand sides
#' \code{SolveAllocator} allocates and populates the input to the
#' solve kernel for the purposes of conducting a single performance trial with
#' the \code{QrMicrobenchmark} function.  The matrices or vectors corresponding
#' to the \code{index} parameter must be allocated, initialized and returned in
#' the \code{kernelParameters} list.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyAllocator
#' @export
SolveAllocator <- function(benchmarkParameters, index) {
   # Create list of kernel parameters
   kernelParameters <- list("A", "B")

   s <- benchmarkParameters$dimensionParameters[index]
   kernelParameters$A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)
   X <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)
   kernelParameters$B <- kernelParameters$A %*% X

#' Conducts a single performance trial with the dense matrix kernel for
#' computing the solution to a system of linear equations with multiple
#' right-hand sides
#' \code{SolveMicrobenchmark} conducts a single performance trial of the
#' solve dense matrix kernel for the matrix given in the
#' \code{kernelParameters} parameter.  The function times the single function
#' call \code{solve(kernelParameters$A, kernelParameters$B, LAPACK=TRUE)}.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyMicrobenchmark
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Allocate input to the linear solve microbenchmark for the
#' # first matrix size to be tested
#' microbenchmarks <- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
#' kernelParameters <- SolveAllocator(microbenchmarks[["solve"]], 1)
#' # Execute the microbenchmark
#' timings <- SolveMicrobenchmark(microbenchmarks[["solve"]], kernelParameters)
#' }
#' @export
SolveMicrobenchmark <- function(benchmarkParameters, kernelParameters) {
   timings <- system.time({X <- solve(kernelParameters$A, kernelParameters$B)})

#' Allocates and populates input to the singular value decomposition (SVD) dense
#' matrix kernel microbenchmarks
#' \code{SvdAllocator} allocates and populates the input to the
#' SVD dense matrix kernel for the purposes of conducting a single performance
#' trial with the \code{SvdMicrobenchmark} function.  The matrices or vectors
#' corresponding to the \code{index} parameter must be allocated, initialized
#' and returned in the \code{kernelParameters} list.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyAllocator
#' @export
SvdAllocator <- function(benchmarkParameters, index) {
   # Create list of kernel parameters
   kernelParameters <- list("A")
   s <- benchmarkParameters$dimensionParameters[index]
   kernelParameters$A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)
   return (kernelParameters)

#' Conducts a single performance trial with the singular value decomposition
#' (SVD) dense matrix kernel
#' \code{SvdMicrobenchmark} conducts a single performance trial of the
#' SVD dense matrix kernel for the matrix given in the \code{kernelParameters}
#' parameter.  The function times the single function call
#' \code{svd(kernelParameters$A)}.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyMicrobenchmark
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Allocate input to the singular value decomposition microbenchmark for the
#' # first matrix size to be tested
#' microbenchmarks <- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
#' kernelParameters <- SvdAllocator(microbenchmarks[["svd"]], 1)
#' # Execute the microbenchmark
#' timings <- SvdMicrobenchmark(microbenchmarks[["svd"]], kernelParameters)
#' }
#' @export
SvdMicrobenchmark <- function(benchmarkParameters, kernelParameters) {
   timings <- system.time({
      svd_results <- svd(kernelParameters$A)

   return (timings)

#' Allocates and populates input to the matrix transpose dense matrix kernel
#' microbenchmarks
#' \code{TransposeAllocator} allocates and populates the input to the
#' transpose dense matrix kernel for the purposes of conducting a single
#' performance trial with the \code{TransposeMicrobenchmark} function.  The
#' matrices or vectors corresponding to the \code{index} parameter must be
#' allocated, initialized and returned in the \code{kernelParameters} list.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyAllocator
#' @export
TransposeAllocator <- function(benchmarkParameters, index) {
   # Create list of kernel parameters
   kernelParameters <- list("A")
   s <- benchmarkParameters$dimensionParameters[index]
   kernelParameters$A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(s*s), nrow=s, ncol=s)
   return (kernelParameters)

#' Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix transpose dense matrix
#' kernel
#' \code{TransposeMicrobenchmark} conducts a single performance trial of the
#' SVD dense matrix kernel for the matrix given in the \code{kernelParameters}
#' parameter.  The function times the single function call
#' \code{svd(transposeParameters$A)}.
#' @inheritParams CholeskyMicrobenchmark
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Allocate input to the matrix transpose microbenchmark for the
#' # first matrix size to be tested
#' microbenchmarks <- GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks()
#' kernelParameters <- TransposeAllocator(microbenchmarks[["transpose"]], 1)
#' # Execute the microbenchmark
#' timings <- TransposeMicrobenchmark(microbenchmarks[["transpose"]], kernelParameters)
#' }
#' @export
TransposeMicrobenchmark <- function(benchmarkParameters, kernelParameters) {
   timings <- system.time({
      B <- t(kernelParameters$A)

   return (timings)

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RHPCBenchmark documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:40 a.m.