Defines functions ORSummaryRRFC

# this checks out for dataset02 and DfFroc2Roc(dataset04), i.e., VanDyke and FedRoc datasets
# checked vs. OR-DBM MRMC 2.51 <beta> Build  20181028 </beta> output in inst/Iowa
ORSummaryRRFC <- function(dataset, FOMs, ANOVA, alpha, diffTRName) {
  # ===========================================================================
  #   *****    Analysis 3 (OR Analysis): Random Readers and Fixed Cases     *****
  # ===========================================================================
  modalityID <- dataset$descriptions$modalityID
  readerID <- dataset$descriptions$readerID
  I <- length(modalityID)
  J <- length(readerID)
  trtMeans <-  FOMs$trtMeans
  trtMeanDiffs  <-  FOMs$trtMeanDiffs
  # since IndividualTrt["Cov2","VarCom"] and IndividualTrt["Cov3","VarCom"] are zeroes for split-plot-c, FTests will be 
  # identical to FTestsRRRC; other values below may differ
  # not sure about what is going one here; I am proceeding on assumption that
  # the only difference is setting IndividualTrt["Cov2","VarCom"] = IndividualTrt["Cov3","VarCom"] = 0, and reusing code from crossed
  # analysis
  # (Results apply to the population of readers but only for the cases used in
  #   this study)
  # These results result from using the OR model, but treating reader as a random 
  # factor and treatment and case as fixed factors.  Because case is treated as a fixed
  # factor, it follows that Cov1 = Cov2 = Cov3 = 0; i.e., there is no correlation
  # between reader-performance measures (e.g, AUCs) due to reading the same
  # cases.  Thus the OR model reduces to a conventional treatment x reader ANOVA
  # for the reader-performance outcomes, where reader is a random factor and
  # treatment is a fixed factor.  This is the same as a repeated measures ANOVA
  # where treatment is the repeated measures factor, i.e., readers provide an
  # outcome (e.g., AUC) under each treatment.
  # Note that the DBM and OR papers do not discuss this approach, but rather 
  # it is included here for completeness.
  # a) Test for H0: Treatments have the same AUC
  msDen <- ANOVA$TRanova["TR","MS"]
  f <- ANOVA$TRanova["T","MS"]/msDen
  ddf <- ((I - 1) * (J - 1))
  p <- 1 - pf(f, I - 1, ddf)
  RRFC <- list()
  RRFC$FTests <- data.frame(DF = c(I-1,(I-1)*(J-1)), 
                            MS = c(ANOVA$TRanova["T","MS"],ANOVA$TRanova["TR","MS"]), 
                            F = c(f,NA),  p = c(p,NA), 
                            row.names = c("T","TR"), 
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  #   b) 95% confidence intervals and hypothesis tests (H0: difference = 0)
  #   for treatment AUC differences
  stdErr <- sqrt(2 * msDen/J)
  tStat <- vector()
  PrGTt <- vector()
  CI <- array(dim = c(choose(I,2), 2))
  for (i in 1:choose(I,2)) {
    tStat[i] <- trtMeanDiffs[i,1]/stdErr
    PrGTt[i] <- 2 * pt(abs(tStat[i]), ddf, lower.tail = FALSE)  # correction, noted by user Lucy D'Agostino McGowan
    CI[i, ] <- c(trtMeanDiffs[i,1] + qt(alpha/2, ddf) * stdErr, 
                 trtMeanDiffs[i,1] + qt(1-alpha/2, ddf) * stdErr)
  RRFC$ciDiffTrt <- data.frame(Estimate = trtMeanDiffs, 
                               StdErr = rep(stdErr, choose(I, 2)), 
                               DF = rep(ddf, choose(I, 2)), 
                               t = tStat, 
                               PrGTt = PrGTt, 
                               CILower = CI[,1],
                               CIUpper = CI[,2],
                               row.names = diffTRName, 
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # StdErr = sqrt[2/r * MS(T*R)]
  # DF = df[MS(T*R)] = (t-1)(r-1)
  # 95% CI: Difference +- t(.025;df) * StdErr
  # Note: If there are only 2 treatments, this is equivalent to a paired t-test applied
  # to the AUCs
  #   c) Single treatment AUC 95% confidence intervals
  # (Each analysis is based only on data for the specified treatment, 
  #   i.e. on the treatment-specfic reader ANOVA of AUCs
  dfSingle <- array(dim = I)
  msDenSingle <- array(dim = I)
  stdErrSingle <- array(dim = I)
  CISingle <- array(dim = c(I, 2))
  for (i in 1:I) {
    msDenSingle[i] <- ANOVA$IndividualTrt[i, "msREachTrt"]
    dfSingle[i] <- (J - 1)
    stdErrSingle[i] <- sqrt(msDenSingle[i]/J)
    CISingle[i, ] <- sort(c(trtMeans[i,1] - 
                              qt(alpha/2, dfSingle[i]) * stdErrSingle[i], trtMeans[i,1] + 
                              qt(alpha/2, dfSingle[i]) * stdErrSingle[i]))
  RRFC$ciAvgRdrEachTrt <- data.frame(Estimate = trtMeans, 
                                     StdErr = as.vector(stdErrSingle), 
                                     DF = as.vector(dfSingle), 
                                     CILower = CISingle[,1], 
                                     CIUpper = CISingle[,2], 
                                     row.names = paste0("Trt", modalityID), 
                                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # StdErr = sqrt[1/r * MS(R)]
  # DF = df[MS(R)] = r-1
  # 95% CI: AUC +- t(.025;df) * StdErr
  # Note: this is the conventional CI, treating the reader AUCs as a random sample.

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