
  .get.performance.measures <- function(pred, measures) {
    ans <- list()
    for (measure in measures) {
      ## need to enclose y.values into a list to avoid flattening
      perf <- performance(pred, measure)
      .check.performance.object( perf )
      ans <- c(ans, list(perf@y.values))
    names(ans) <- measures
  .check.consistency <- function(measures) {
    ## check entries of contingency table for consistency
    for (measure in c("acc", "err", "fnr", "tpr", "fpr", "tnr", "pcfall", "prec", "npv", "pcmiss",'rpp','rnp')) {
      if (!measure %in% names(measures)) {
        stop(paste("Performance measure", measure, "not in argument list."))
    for (i in 1:length(measures$acc)) {
      finite.bool <- is.finite(measures$acc[[i]]) & is.finite(measures$err[[i]])
      expect_equal(measures$acc[[i]][finite.bool] + measures$err[[i]][finite.bool],
      finite.bool <- is.finite(measures$fnr[[i]]) & is.finite(measures$tpr[[i]])
      expect_equal(measures$fnr[[i]][finite.bool] + measures$tpr[[i]][finite.bool],
      finite.bool <- is.finite(measures$fpr[[i]]) & is.finite(measures$tnr[[i]])
      expect_equal(measures$fpr[[i]][finite.bool] + measures$tnr[[i]][finite.bool],
      finite.bool <- is.finite(measures$prec[[i]]) & is.finite(measures$pcfall[[i]])
      expect_equal(measures$prec[[i]][finite.bool] + measures$pcfall[[i]][finite.bool],
      finite.bool <- is.finite(measures$npv[[i]]) & is.finite(measures$pcmiss[[i]])
      expect_equal(measures$npv[[i]][finite.bool] + measures$pcmiss[[i]][finite.bool],
      expect_equal(measures$rpp[[i]] + measures$rnp[[i]], rep(1, length(measures$rpp[[i]])))
  # test length of performance measures
  .check.performance.object <- function(perf) {
    ylen <- length(perf@y.values)
    xlen <- length(perf@x.values)
    alphalen <- length(perf@alpha.values)
    expect_equal( (xlen==0 || xlen==ylen) && (alphalen==0 || (alphalen==xlen && alphalen==ylen)), T )
    if (xlen==ylen) {
      for (i in 1:ylen) expect_equal( length(perf@x.values[[i]]), length(perf@y.values[[i]])  )
    if (alphalen==ylen) {
      for (i in 1:ylen) expect_equal( length(perf@alpha.values[[i]]), length(perf@y.values[[i]])  )
  .check.prediction.object <- function( pred) {
    # 1. all entries in prediction object must have equals number of cross-validation runs
    lenvec <- c(length(pred@predictions), length(pred@labels), length(pred@cutoffs), length(pred@fp),
                length(pred@tp), length(pred@fn), length(pred@tn), length(pred@n.pos),
                length(pred@n.neg), length(pred@n.pos.pred), length(pred@n.neg.pred))
    expect_equal( length(unique(lenvec)), 1)
    # 2. inside: xval runs:
    for (i in 1:length(pred@predictions)) {
      expect_equal( length(pred@predictions[[i]]), length(pred@labels[[i]]))
      lenvec <- c(length(pred@cutoffs[[i]]), length(pred@fp[[i]]),
                  length(pred@tp[[i]]), length(pred@fn[[i]]),
                  length(pred@tn[[i]]), length(pred@n.pos.pred[[i]]), length(pred@n.neg.pred[[i]]))
      expect_equal( length(unique(lenvec)), 1)
      expect_equal( unique(lenvec), length(unique(pred@predictions[[i]]))+1 )
    # 3. cutoffs sorted in descending order?
    for (i in 1:length(pred@predictions)) {
      expect_equal( sort(pred@cutoffs[[i]], decreasing=TRUE ), pred@cutoffs[[i]] ) 
    # 4. check 2x2 table for consistency with marginal sums
    for (i in 1:length(pred@predictions)) {
      expect_equal( pred@tp[[i]] + pred@fp[[i]], pred@n.pos.pred[[i]] )
      expect_equal( pred@fn[[i]] + pred@tn[[i]], pred@n.neg.pred[[i]] )
      expect_equal( pred@tp[[i]] + pred@fn[[i]], rep( pred@n.pos[[i]], length(pred@tp[[i]]))  )
      expect_equal( pred@fp[[i]] + pred@tn[[i]], rep( pred@n.neg[[i]], length(pred@tp[[i]]))  )
      expect_equal(pred@n.pos.pred[[i]] + pred@n.neg.pred[[i]],
                   rep( pred@n.pos[[i]] + pred@n.neg[[i]], length(pred@n.pos.pred[[i]])) )
      expect_equal(pred@n.pos[[i]] + pred@n.neg[[i]], length(pred@labels[[i]]))
  .mock.prediction <- function( n.predictions, error.rate ) {
    if ( length(n.predictions) > 1 && length(error.rate)==1) {
      error.rate <- rep(error.rate, length(n.predictions) )
    if (length(n.predictions)>1) {
      predictions <- list()
      labels <- list()
    } else {
      predictions <- c()
      labels <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(n.predictions)) {
      current.predictions <- runif( n.predictions[i] )
      current.labels <- as.numeric( current.predictions >= 0.5)
      flip.indices <- sample( n.predictions[i], round( error.rate[i] * n.predictions[i] ))
      current.labels[ flip.indices ] <- !current.labels[ flip.indices ]
      # current.labels[ current.labels=="1" ] <- "+"
      # current.labels[ current.labels=="0" ] <- "-"
      if (length(n.predictions)>1) {
        predictions <- c( predictions, list( current.predictions ))
        labels <- c( labels, list( current.labels ))
    if (length( n.predictions)==1) {
      predictions <- list(current.predictions)
      labels <- list(current.labels)
    ans <- list(predictions= predictions, labels= labels)
    # ensure, that random labels have exactly two levels
    if (any(   sapply(labels, function(run) {length(unique(run))})  !=  rep(2, length(labels)) )) {
      # print(paste("XXX", labels, str(n.predictions), str(error.rate)))
      return(.mock.prediction(n.predictions, error.rate))
    else return( ans )
  # consistency
  for (i in 1:100) {
    n.folds <- sample(1:10,1)
    fold.sizes <- sample(10:100, n.folds, replace=T)
    error.rates <- runif( n.folds )
    pp <- .mock.prediction( fold.sizes, error.rates )
    pred <- prediction( pp$predictions, pp$labels )
    a <- .get.performance.measures( pred, c('acc','err','fpr','tpr','fnr','tnr','prec','pcfall','npv','pcmiss','rpp','rnp'))
    .check.consistency( a)
  # test errors
  crashCases <- list(       ## cases that are ok to crash:
    list(pred= c(0), lab= c(0)), #-> Number of classes is not equal to 2.
    list(pred= c(1), lab= c(1)), #-> Number of classes is not equal to 2.
    list(pred= c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5), lab= c(1,1,1)), #-> Number of classes is not equal to 2.
    list(pred= c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5), lab= c(0,0,0)), #-> Number of classes is not equal to 2.
    list(pred= c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5), lab= c("a", "a", "a")),  #-> Number of classes is not equal to 2.
    list(pred= c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5), lab= c(T, T, T)), #-> Number of classes is not equal to 2.
    list(pred= c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5), lab= c(F, F, F))  #-> Number of classes is not equal to 2.
  for (case in crashCases) {
    # cat(case$pred, " ", case$lab, "\n")
    expect_error(pred <- prediction(case$pred, case$lab))
    #checkException(measures <- .get.performance.measures(pred))
  ## use consistency checks to validate results on pathological input cases
  performance.measures <- c('tpr','fpr','acc','err','rec','sens','fnr','tnr','spec',

  # mxe needs 0,1 labels (warning otherwise),
  # rmse needs numeric labels (warning otherwise), sar as well
  pred <- prediction( c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5), c("a", "a", "b"))
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures[ performance.measures != 'mxe' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'rmse' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'sar']
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)

  pred <- prediction( c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5), c(F, F, T))
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures[ performance.measures != 'mxe' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'rmse' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'sar']

  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)

  pred <- prediction( c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5), c("1", "1", "0"))
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)

  pred <- prediction( c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5), c(T, F, F))
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures[ performance.measures != 'mxe' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'rmse' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'sar' ]
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)

  # prbe cannot be computed, because only one prec/rec pair available.
  pred <- prediction( c(0,0,0), c(0,1,1))
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures[ performance.measures != 'prbe' ]
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)

  pred <- prediction( c(0,0,0), ordered(c(0,0,0), levels=c(0,1)))
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures[ performance.measures != 'auc' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'prbe' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'rch' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'sar' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'ecost']
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)

  pred <- prediction( c(-1,-0.2,-0.6), ordered(c(1,0,1), levels=c(0,1)))
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures[ performance.measures != 'mxe' ]
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)

  pred <- prediction( c(-1,-0.2,-0.6), c(-1,1,-1))
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures[ performance.measures != 'mxe']
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)

  pred <- prediction( c(-1,-0.2,-0.6), c(3,2,3))
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures[ performance.measures != 'mxe']
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)

  pred <- prediction( c(1), ordered(c("a"),levels=c('a','b')))
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures[ performance.measures != 'auc' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'prbe' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'rch' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'mxe' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'rmse' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'sar' &
                                                  performance.measures != 'ecost']
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")

  .check.consistency( measures)
  # test measures for consistency on supplied data sets
  pred <- prediction(ROCR.simple$predictions, ROCR.simple$labels)
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)
  pred <- prediction(ROCR.xval$predictions, ROCR.xval$labels)
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)
  pred <- prediction(ROCR.hiv$hiv.nn$predictions, ROCR.hiv$hiv.nn$labels)
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures[performance.measures != 'mxe' &
                                                 performance.measures != 'cal']
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)
  pred <- prediction(ROCR.hiv$hiv.svm$predictions, ROCR.hiv$hiv.svm$labels)
  measures.to.evaluate <- performance.measures[performance.measures != 'mxe' &
                                                 performance.measures != 'cal']
  measures <- expect_warning(.get.performance.measures(pred, measures.to.evaluate),
                             "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect")
  .check.consistency( measures)
  # Combining
  measures <- c('tpr','fpr','acc','err','rec','sens','fnr','tnr','spec',
  #                  'auc','prbe','rch','mxe','rmse','phi','mat','mi','chisq',
  #                  'odds','lift','f','sar','ecost','cost')
  for (measure1 in measures) {
    # print(measure1)
    for (measure2 in measures) {
      n.folds <- sample(1:2,1)
      fold.sizes <- sample(10:20, n.folds, replace=T)
      error.rates <- runif( n.folds )
      pp <- .mock.prediction( fold.sizes, error.rates )
      pred <- prediction( pp$predictions, pp$labels )
      perf1 <- suppressWarnings(performance( pred, measure1 ))
      perf2 <- suppressWarnings(performance( pred, measure2 ))
      perf3 <- suppressWarnings(performance( pred, measure2, measure1 ))
      for (i in 1:n.folds) {
        #check elements
        expect_equal(setequal( c( perf1@x.values[[i]], perf2@x.values[[i]]), perf3@alpha.values[[i]] ),T)
        expect_equal(setequal( perf1@y.values[[i]], perf3@x.values[[i]] ),T)
        expect_equal(setequal( perf2@y.values[[i]], perf3@y.values[[i]] ),T)
        #check order
        ind <- sapply( perf1@x.values[[i]], function(x) { min(which(x==perf3@alpha.values[[i]]))})
        expect_equal( unname(perf1@y.values[[i]]), perf3@x.values[[i]][ind] )
        expect_equal( unname(perf2@y.values[[i]]), perf3@y.values[[i]][ind] )
  # test datavase combine
  measures <- c('tpr','fpr','acc','err','rec','sens','fnr','tnr','spec',
  # print("Database combine test deactivated.")
  all.pred <- list(prediction(ROCR.simple$predictions, ROCR.simple$labels),
                   prediction(ROCR.xval$predictions, ROCR.xval$labels),
                   prediction(ROCR.hiv$hiv.nn$predictions, ROCR.hiv$hiv.nn$labels),
                   prediction(ROCR.hiv$hiv.svm$predictions, ROCR.hiv$hiv.svm$labels))
  lapply(all.pred, .check.prediction.object)
  for (pred in all.pred) {
    for (measure1 in measures) {
      # print(measure1)
      for (measure2 in measures) {
        perf1 <- suppressWarnings(performance( pred, measure1 ))
        perf2 <- suppressWarnings(performance( pred, measure2 ))
        perf3 <- suppressWarnings(performance( pred, measure2, measure1 ))

        for (i in 1:length(pred@labels)) {
          #check elements
          expect_equal(setequal( c( perf1@x.values[[i]], perf2@x.values[[i]]), perf3@alpha.values[[i]] ),T)
          expect_equal(setequal( perf1@y.values[[i]], perf3@x.values[[i]] ),T)
          expect_equal(setequal( perf2@y.values[[i]], perf3@y.values[[i]] ),T)

          # check order
          ind <- sapply( perf1@x.values[[i]], function(x) { min(which(x==perf3@alpha.values[[i]]))})
          expect_equal( unname(perf1@y.values[[i]]), perf3@x.values[[i]][ind] )
          expect_equal( unname(perf2@y.values[[i]]), perf3@y.values[[i]][ind] )


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ROCR documentation built on May 2, 2020, 5:05 p.m.