.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg){
# parameter of Gumbel distribution
setClass("GumbelParameter", representation(loc = "numeric",
scale = "numeric"),
prototype(name = gettext("parameter of a Gumbel distribution"),
loc = 0, scale = 1),
contains = "Parameter",
validity = function(object){
if(length(object@scale) != 1)
stop("length of 'scale' is not equal to 1")
if(length(object@loc) != 1)
stop("length of 'loc' is not equal to 1")
if(object@scale <= 0)
stop("'scale' has to be positive")
else return(TRUE)
# Gumbel distribution
prototype = prototype(r = function(n){ rgumbel(n, loc = 0, scale = 1) },
d = function(x, log){ dgumbel(x, loc = 0, scale = 1, log = FALSE) },
p = function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
p0 <- pgumbel(q, loc = 0, scale = 1, lower.tail = lower.tail)
if(log.p) return(log(p0)) else return(p0)
q = function(p, loc = 0, scale = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
## P.R.: changed to vectorized form
p1 <- if(log.p) exp(p) else p
in01 <- (p1>1 | p1<0)
i01 <- distr:::.isEqual01(p1)
i0 <- (i01 & p1<1)
i1 <- (i01 & p1>0)
ii01 <- distr:::.isEqual01(p1) | in01
p0 <- p
p0[ii01] <- if(log.p) log(0.5) else 0.5
q1 <- qgumbel(p0, loc = 0, scale = 1,
lower.tail = lower.tail)
q1[i0] <- if(lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
q1[i1] <- if(!lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
q1[in01] <- NaN
img = new("Reals"),
param = new("GumbelParameter"),
.logExact = FALSE,
.lowerExact = TRUE),
contains = "AbscontDistribution")
# symmetry of functions
setClass("FunctionSymmetry", contains = c("Symmetry", "VIRTUAL"))
# non-symmetric functions
setClass("NonSymmetric", contains = "FunctionSymmetry",
prototype = prototype(type = "non-symmetric function",
SymmCenter = NULL))
# even functions
setClass("EvenSymmetric", contains = "FunctionSymmetry",
prototype = prototype(type = "even function",
SymmCenter = numeric(0)))
# odd functions
setClass("OddSymmetric", contains = "FunctionSymmetry",
prototype = prototype(type = "odd function",
SymmCenter = numeric(0)))
# list of symmetry types
setClass(Class = "FunSymmList",
prototype = prototype(list(new("NonSymmetric"))),
contains = "list",
validity = function(object){
nrvalues <- length(object)
for(i in 1:nrvalues)
if(!is(object[[i]], "FunctionSymmetry"))
stop("element ", i, " is no 'FunctionSymmetry'")
# Parameter of a parametric family of probability measures
representation(main = "numeric",
nuisance = "OptionalNumeric",
trafo = "matrix"),
prototype(name = "parameter of a parametric family of probability measures",
main = numeric(0), nuisance = NULL, trafo = new("matrix")),
contains = "Parameter",
validity = function(object){
dimension <- length(object@main) + length(object@nuisance)
if(ncol(object@trafo) != dimension)
stop("invalid transformation:\n",
"number of columns of 'trafo' not equal to ",
"dimension of the parameter")
if(nrow(object@trafo) > dimension)
stop("invalid transformation:\n",
"number of rows of 'trafo' larger than ",
"dimension of the parameter")
stop("infinite or missing values in 'trafo'")
# family of probability measures
setClass("ProbFamily", representation(name = "character",
distribution = "Distribution",
distrSymm = "DistributionSymmetry",
props = "character"),
contains = "VIRTUAL")
# parametric family of probability measures
setClass("ParamFamily", representation(param = "ParamFamParameter"),
prototype(name = "parametric family of probability measures",
distribution = new("Norm"),
distrSymm = new("NoSymmetry"),
props = character(0),
param = new("ParamFamParameter", main = 0, trafo = as.matrix(1))),
contains = "ProbFamily")
# L_2 differentiable parametric family
representation(L2deriv = "EuclRandVarList",
L2derivSymm = "FunSymmList",
L2derivDistr = "DistrList",
L2derivDistrSymm = "DistrSymmList",
FisherInfo = "PosDefSymmMatrix"),
prototype(name = "L_2 differentiable parametric family of probability measures",
distribution = new("Norm"),
distrSymm = new("NoSymmetry"),
param = new("ParamFamParameter", main = 0, trafo = matrix(1)),
props = character(0),
L2deriv = EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(function(x){x}),
Domain = Reals())),
L2derivSymm = new("FunSymmList"),
L2derivDistr = UnivarDistrList(new("Norm")),
L2derivDistrSymm = new("DistrSymmList"),
FisherInfo = new("PosDefSymmMatrix", matrix(1))),
contains = "ParamFamily",
validity = function(object){
if(is(object@distribution, "UnivariateCondDistribution"))
stop("conditional distributions are not allowed in slot 'distribution'")
if(!is(object@distrSymm, "NoSymmetry")){
if(!is(object@distrSymm@SymmCenter, "numeric"))
stop("slot 'SymmCenter' of 'distrSymm' has to be of class 'numeric'")
if(length(object@distrSymm@SymmCenter) != dimension(img(object@distribution)))
stop("slot 'SymmCenter' of 'distrSymm' has wrong dimension")
dims <- length(object@param)
if(ncol(object@FisherInfo) != dims)
stop(paste("dimension of 'FisherInfo' should be", dims))
nrvalues <- numberOfMaps(object@L2deriv)
if(nrvalues != length(object@L2derivSymm))
stop("number of Maps of 'L2deriv' != length of 'L2derivSymm'")
if(nrvalues != length(object@L2derivDistr))
stop("number of Maps of 'L2deriv' != length of 'L2derivDistr'")
if(nrvalues != length(object@L2derivDistrSymm))
stop("number of Maps of 'L2deriv' != length of 'L2derivDistrSymm'")
if(dimension(Domain(object@L2deriv[[1]])) != dimension(img(object@distribution)))
stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'L2deriv' != dimension of 'img' of 'distribution'")
if(dimension(object@L2deriv) != dims)
stop("dimension of 'L2deriv' != dimension of parameters")
# neighborhood
representation(type = "character",
radius = "numeric"),
contains = "VIRTUAL")
# unconditional (errors-in-variables) neighborhood
setClass("UncondNeighborhood", contains = c("Neighborhood", "VIRTUAL"))
# unconditional convex contamination neighborhood
setClass("ContNeighborhood", contains = "UncondNeighborhood",
prototype = prototype(type = "(uncond.) convex contamination neighborhood",
radius = 0))
# unconditional total variation neighborhood
setClass("TotalVarNeighborhood", contains = "UncondNeighborhood",
prototype = prototype(type = "(uncond.) total variation neighborhood",
radius = 0))
# robust model
representation(center = "ProbFamily",
neighbor = "Neighborhood"),
contains = "VIRTUAL")
# robust model with fixed (unconditional) neighborhood
prototype = prototype(center = new("ParamFamily"),
neighbor = new("ContNeighborhood")),
contains = "RobModel",
validity = function(object){
if(!is(object@neighbor, "UncondNeighborhood"))
stop("'neighbor' is no unconditional neighborhood")
if(any(object@neighbor@radius < 0 || object@neighbor@radius > 1))
stop("neighborhood radius has to be in [0, 1]")
else return(TRUE)
# robust model with infinitesimal (unconditional) neighborhood
prototype = prototype(center = new("L2ParamFamily"),
neighbor = new("ContNeighborhood")),
contains = "RobModel",
validity = function(object){
if(!is(object@neighbor, "UncondNeighborhood"))
stop("'neighbor' is no unconditional neighborhood")
if(any(object@neighbor@radius < 0))
stop("'radius' has to be in [0, Inf]")
else return(TRUE)
# risks (e.g., risk of estimator)
setClass("RiskType", representation(type = "character"), contains = "VIRTUAL")
# asymptotic risk
setClass("asRisk", contains = c("RiskType", "VIRTUAL"))
# asymptotic covariance
setClass("asCov", contains = "asRisk",
prototype = prototype(type = "asymptotic covariance"))
# trace of asymptotic covariance
setClass("trAsCov", contains = "asRisk",
prototype = prototype(type = "trace of asymptotic covariance"))
# asymptotic Hampel risk
setClass("asHampel", representation(bound = "numeric"),
prototype = prototype(bound = Inf,
type = "trace of asymptotic covariance for given bias bound"),
contains = "asRisk",
validity = function(object){
if(any(object@bound <= 0))
stop("'bound' has to be positive")
else TRUE
# asymptotic bias
setClass("asBias", contains = "asRisk",
prototype = prototype(type = "asymptotic bias"))
# convex asymptotic risk
setClass("asGRisk", contains = c("asRisk", "VIRTUAL"))
# asymptotic mean square error
setClass("asMSE", contains = "asGRisk",
prototype = prototype(type = "asymptotic mean square error"))
# asymptotic under-/overshoot probability
setClass("asUnOvShoot", representation(width = "numeric"),
prototype = prototype(type = "asymptotic under-/overshoot probability"),
contains = "asGRisk",
validity = function(object){
if(length(object@width) != 1)
stop("length of 'width' has to be 1")
if(any(object@width <= 0))
stop("'width' has to be positive")
else TRUE
# finite-sample risk
setClass("fiRisk", contains = c("RiskType", "VIRTUAL"))
# finite-sample covariance
setClass("fiCov", contains = "fiRisk",
prototype = prototype(type = "finite-sample covariance"))
# trace of finite-sample covariance
setClass("trFiCov", contains = "fiRisk",
prototype = prototype(type = "trace of finite-sample covariance"))
# finite-sample Hampel risk
setClass("fiHampel", representation(bound = "numeric"),
prototype = prototype(bound = Inf,
type = "finite-sample variance for given bias bound"),
contains = "fiRisk",
validity = function(object){
if(any(object@bound <= 0))
stop("'bound' has to be positive")
else TRUE
# finite-sample mean square error
setClass("fiMSE", contains = "fiRisk",
prototype = prototype(type = "finite-sample mean square error"))
# finite-sample bias
setClass("fiBias", contains = "fiRisk",
prototype = prototype(type = "finite-sample bias"))
# finite-sample under-/overshoot probability
setClass("fiUnOvShoot", representation(width = "numeric"),
prototype = prototype(type = "finite-sample under-/overshoot probability"),
contains = "fiRisk",
validity = function(object){
if(length(object@width) != 1)
stop("length of 'width' has to be 1")
if(any(object@width <= 0))
stop("'width' has to be positive")
else TRUE
# Influence curve/function with domain: EuclideanSpace
representation(name = "character",
Curve = "EuclRandVarList",
Risks = "list",
Infos = "matrix"),
validity = function(object){
if(!is(Domain(object@Curve[[1]]), "EuclideanSpace"))
stop("The domain of 'Curve' has to be a Euclidean space")
stop("'Infos' contains no matrix of characters")
for(char in names(object@Risks))
if(!extends(char, "RiskType"))
stop(paste(char, "is no valid 'RiskType'"))
stop("'Infos' must have two columns")
else TRUE
# partial incluence curve
setClass("IC", representation(CallL2Fam = "call"),
prototype(name = "square integrable (partial) influence curve",
Curve = EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(function(x){x}),
Domain = Reals())),
Risks = list(),
Infos = matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
CallL2Fam = call("L2ParamFamily")),
contains = "InfluenceCurve",
validity = function(object){
L2Fam <- eval(object@CallL2Fam)
trafo <- L2Fam@param@trafo
if(nrow(trafo) != dimension(object@Curve))
stop("wrong dimension of 'Curve'")
if(dimension(Domain(L2Fam@L2deriv[[1]])) != dimension(Domain(object@Curve[[1]])))
stop("dimension of 'Domain' of 'L2deriv' != dimension of 'Domain' of 'Curve'")
# (partial) influence curve of contamination type
representation(clip = "numeric",
cent = "numeric",
stand = "matrix",
lowerCase = "OptionalNumeric",
neighborRadius = "numeric"),
prototype(name = "IC of contamination type",
Curve = EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(function(x){x}),
Domain = Reals())),
Risks = list(),
Infos = matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
CallL2Fam = call("L2ParamFamily"),
clip = Inf, cent = 0, stand = as.matrix(1),
lowerCase = NULL,
neighborRadius = 0),
contains = "IC",
validity = function(object){
if(any(object@neighborRadius < 0)) # radius vector?!
stop("'neighborRadius' has to be in [0, Inf]")
if(length(object@cent) != nrow(object@stand))
stop("length of centering constant != nrow of standardizing matrix")
if((length(object@clip) != 1) && (length(object@clip) != length(object@Curve)))
stop("length of clipping bound != 1 and != length of 'Curve'")
if(length(object@lowerCase) != nrow(object@stand))
stop("length of 'lowerCase' != nrow of standardizing matrix")
L2Fam <- eval(object@CallL2Fam)
if(!identical(dim(L2Fam@param@trafo), dim(object@stand)))
stop(paste("dimension of 'trafo' of 'param'",
"!= dimension of 'stand'"))
# (partial) influence curve of total variation type
representation(clipLo = "numeric",
clipUp = "numeric",
stand = "matrix",
lowerCase = "OptionalNumeric",
neighborRadius = "numeric"),
prototype(name = "IC of total variation type",
Curve = EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(function(x){x}),
Domain = Reals())),
Risks = list(),
Infos = matrix(c(character(0),character(0)), ncol=2,
dimnames=list(character(0), c("method", "message"))),
CallL2Fam = call("L2ParamFamily"),
clipLo = -Inf, clipUp = Inf, stand = as.matrix(1),
lowerCase = NULL,
neighborRadius = 0),
contains = "IC",
validity = function(object){
if(any(object@neighborRadius < 0)) # radius vector?!
stop("'neighborRadius' has to be in [0, Inf]")
if((length(object@clipLo) != 1) && (length(object@clipLo) != length(object@Curve)))
stop("length of lower clipping bound != 1 and != length of 'Curve'")
if((length(object@clipLo) != 1) && (length(object@clipLo) != length(object@Curve)))
stop("length of upper clipping bound != 1 and != length of 'Curve'")
L2Fam <- eval(object@CallL2Fam)
if(!identical(dim(L2Fam@param@trafo), dim(object@stand)))
stop(paste("dimension of 'trafo' of 'param'",
"!= dimension of 'stand'"))
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