
Defines functions rename UpdateWidget ScrollToItem enc OrderByTime MemoWidget getAnnos getMemos print.Info4Widget GetCodingTable SummaryCoding print.summaryCodings SearchFiles RunOnSelected gselect.list GetFileName getFiles GetCaseId getCases GetCaseName casesCodedByAnd casesCodedByNot casesCodedByOr RQDAQuery ShowSubset ShowSubset.fileName ShowSubset.CaseAttr ShowSubset.FileAttr ShowSubset.caseName ShowFileProperty filesCodedByAnd filesCodedByOr filesCodedByNot nCodedByTwo QueryFile UpdateCoding filesByCodes

Documented in casesCodedByAnd casesCodedByNot casesCodedByOr filesByCodes filesCodedByAnd filesCodedByNot filesCodedByOr getCases getFiles getMemos gselect.list nCodedByTwo print.summaryCodings RQDAQuery

DefaultCodeColor <- c("#A6CEE3","#1F78B4","#B2DF8A","#33A02C","#FB9A99","#E31A1C","#FDBF6F","#FF7F00","#CAB2D6","#6A3D9A","#FFFF99")

rename <- function(from,to,table=c("source","freecode","cases","codecat","filecat","journal")){
  ## rename name field in table source and freecode (other tables can be added futher)
  ## source is the file name, freecode is the free code name
  table <- match.arg(table)
  if (to!=""){ ## if to is "", makes no sense to rename
      exists <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon, sprintf("select * from %s where name = '%s' ",table, enc(to)))
      ## should check it there is any dupliation in the table
      if (nrow(exists) > 0) {
          gmessage(gettext("The new name is duplicated. Please use another new name.", domain = "R-RQDA"),container=TRUE)
      } else {
          dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon, sprintf("update '%s' set name = '%s' where name = '%s' ",table, enc(to), enc(from)))

UpdateWidget <- function(widget,from,to=NULL){
  ## widget is character of length 1.
  items <- eval(parse(text=sprintf(".rqda$%s[]",widget)))
  if (length(items)!= 0){
    Encoding(items) <- "UTF-8"
    idx <- as.character(which(items %in%  from[1])) ## note the position, before manipulation of items
    if (is.null(to)) {
      items <- items[! items %in% from]
    } else {
      if (length(from) == length(to))
        items[items %in% from] <- to
    ## eval(parse(text=sprintf(".rqda$%s[] <- items",widget)))
    tryCatch(eval(parse(text = sprintf(".rqda$%s[] <- items", widget))),
             error = function(e) cat("warning msg from the replacement.\n"))
    if (length(idx)>0) {
    path <-gtkTreePathNewFromString(idx)
                            path,use.align=TRUE,row.align = 0.07)

ScrollToItem <- function(widget,item=svalue(widget)){
  items <- widget[]
  if (length(items)!= 0){
    Encoding(items) <- "UTF-8"
    idx <- as.character(which(items %in% item) - 1)
    if (length(idx)!=0){
      path <-gtkTreePathNewFromString(idx)
      gtkTreeViewScrollToCell(slot(slot(widget,"widget"),"widget"), path,use.align=TRUE,row.align = 0.07)

enc <- function(x,encoding="UTF-8") {
  ## replace " with two '. to make insert smoothly.
  ## encoding is the encoding of x (character vector).
  Encoding(x) <- encoding
  x <- gsub("'", "''", x)
  if (all(Encoding(x)!="UTF-8")) {
    x <- iconv(x,to="UTF-8")

OrderByTime <- function(date,decreasing = FALSE)
  ## return tbe permutation of the date which is get by sql "select date from ..."
  ## see order for the meaning of permutation. It can be used as index to sort vector or date frame
  ##   if (getRversion()<"2.8.0"){
  ##     permutation <- ifelse(decreasing,1:length(date),length(date):1)
  ##     ## should rewrite it when project merge is provided.
  ##   } else{
  ## Work for R.2.8.0 or above for Dateclass,so convert to character
  oldLCTIME<- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")
  Newdate <- as.character(strptime(date, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"))
  permutation <- order(Newdate,decreasing = decreasing)
  ##  }
## dd<- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,"select date from source")$date
## sort(dd) == dd[order(dd)] ## but the order is not correct.
## dd[OrderByTime(dd)]

MemoWidget <- function(prefix,widget,dbTable){
  ## prefix of window tile. E.g. "Code" ->  tile of gwindow becomes "Code Memo:"
  ## widget of the F-cat/C-cat list, such as widget=.rqda$.fnames_rqda
  if (is_projOpen(envir=.rqda,"qdacon")) {
      Selected <- svalue(widget)
      if (length(Selected)==0){
        gmessage(gettext("Select first.", domain = "R-RQDA"),icon="error",container=TRUE)
      else {
          CloseYes <- function(currentCode){
              withinWidget <- svalue(get(sprintf(".%smemoW",prefix),envir=.rqda))
              InRQDA <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon, sprintf("select memo from %s where name='%s'",dbTable, enc(currentCode,"UTF-8")))[1, 1]
              if (isTRUE(all.equal(withinWidget,InRQDA))) {
                  return(TRUE) } else {
                      if (is.na(InRQDA) && withinWidget=="")  {
                          return(TRUE) } else {
                      val <- gconfirm(gettext("The memo has been changed. Close anyway?", domain = "R-RQDA"),container=TRUE)
          } ## helper function
          IsOpen <- tryCatch(eval(parse(text=sprintf("svalue(.rqda$.%smemoW)",prefix))),error=function(e) simpleError("No opened memo widget."))
          if (!inherits(IsOpen,"simpleError")){ ## if a widget is open
              prvSelected <- svalue(get(sprintf(".%smemo",prefix),envir=.rqda)) ## title of the memo widget
              Encoding(prvSelected) <- "UTF-8"
              prvSelected <- sub(sprintf("^%s Memo: ",prefix),"",prvSelected)
              prvSelected <- iconv(prvSelected,to="UTF-8") ## previously selected codename
              IfCont <- CloseYes(currentCode=prvSelected)}
          if ( inherits(IsOpen,"simpleError") || IfCont){ ## if not open or the same.
              tryCatch(eval(parse(text=sprintf("dispose(.rqda$.%smemo)",prefix))),error=function(e) {})
              gw <- gwindow(title=sprintf(gettext("%s Memo:%s", domain = "R-RQDA"),prefix,Selected),
                            width = getOption("widgetSize")[1],
                            height = getOption("widgetSize")[2]
              mainIcon <- system.file("icon", "mainIcon.png", package = "RQDA")
                     gpanedgroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=get(sprintf(".%smemo",prefix),envir=.rqda)),
              mbut <- gbutton(gettext("Save Memo", domain = "R-RQDA"),container=get(sprintf(".%smemo2",prefix),envir=.rqda),handler=function(h,...){
                  newcontent <- svalue(W)
                  newcontent <- enc(newcontent,encoding="UTF-8") ## take care of double quote.
                  dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("update %s set memo='%s' where name='%s'",dbTable,newcontent,enc(Selected)))
                  mbut <- get(sprintf("buttonOf.%smemo",prefix),envir=button)
                  enabled(mbut) <- FALSE
                              )## end of save memo button
              enabled(mbut) <- FALSE
              assign(sprintf("buttonOf.%smemo",prefix),mbut,envir=button) ## assign the button object
              tmp <- gtext(container=get(sprintf(".%smemo2",prefix),envir=.rqda))
              font <- pangoFontDescriptionFromString(.rqda$font)
              gtkWidgetModifyFont(tmp@widget@widget,font)## set the default fontsize
              prvcontent <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon, sprintf("select memo from %s where name='%s'",dbTable,enc(Selected)))[1,1]
              if (is.na(prvcontent)) prvcontent <- ""
              Encoding(prvcontent) <- "UTF-8"
              W <- get(sprintf(".%smemoW",prefix),envir=.rqda)
              addHandlerUnrealize(get(sprintf(".%smemo",prefix),envir=.rqda),handler <- function(h,...)  {!CloseYes(Selected)})
              gSignalConnect(tmp@widget@widget$GetBuffer(), "changed", function(h,...) {
                  mbut <- get(sprintf("buttonOf.%smemo",prefix),envir=button)
                  enabled(mbut) <- TRUE

getAnnos <- function(type="file"){
    annos <- RQDAQuery("select annotation.rowid, source.id, source.name, annotation.annotation,annotation.date from annotation join source on annotation.fid=source.id where  annotation.status==1 and annotation not in ('NA','')")
    if (nrow(annos)>0){
        Encoding(annos$annotation) <- "UTF-8"
        Encoding(annos$name) <- "UTF-8"
    attr(annos,"field.name") <- "annotation"
    attr(annos,"descr") <- sprintf("%i %s", nrow(annos), ngettext(nrow(annos),"annotation","annotations", domain = "R-RQDA"))
    class(annos) <- c("annotations","Info4Widget", "data.frame")

getMemos <- function(type="codes"){
    memos <- RQDAQuery("select memo, name, id, date, dateM from freecode where status==1 and memo not in ('NA','')")
    if (nrow(memos)>0){
        Encoding(memos$memo) <- "UTF-8"
        Encoding(memos$name) <- "UTF-8"
    class(memos) <- c("memos","Info4Widget","data.frame")
    attr(memos,"field.name") <- "memo"
    attr(memos,"descr") <- sprintf("%i code %s", nrow(memos), ngettext(nrow(memos),"memo","memos", domain = "R-RQDA"))

print.Info4Widget <- function(x, ...){
    ComputeCallbackFun <- function(FileName, rowid) {
        CallBackFUN <- function(widget, event, ...) {
            ViewFileFunHelper(FileName, hightlight = FALSE)
            textView <- .rqda$.openfile_gui@widget@widget
            buffer <- textView$GetBuffer()
            mark1 <- gtkTextBufferGetMark(buffer, sprintf("%s.1",
            gtkTextViewScrollToMark(textView, mark1, 0)
            iter1 <- buffer$GetIterAtMark(mark1)$iter
            idx1 <- gtkTextIterGetOffset(iter1)
            mark2 <- buffer$GetMark(sprintf("%s.2", rowid))
            gtkTextMarkSetVisible(mark2, TRUE)
            iter2 <- buffer$GetIterAtMark(mark2)$iter
            idx2 <- gtkTextIterGetOffset(iter2)
            HL(.rqda$.openfile_gui, data.frame(idx1, idx2), fore.col = .rqda$fore.col,
               back.col = NULL)
    if (nrow(x) == 0)
        gmessage(gettext("No Information is collected.", domain = "R-RQDA"), container = TRUE)
    else {
        field.name <-attr(x,"field.name")
        .gw <- gwindow(title = attr(x,"descr"), parent = getOption("widgetCoordinate"),
                       width = getOption("widgetSize")[1], height = getOption("widgetSize")[2])
        mainIcon <- system.file("icon", "mainIcon.png", package = "RQDA")
        ## assign(sprintf(".codingsOf%s", "codingsByone"), .gw, env = .rqda)
        .retreivalgui <- gtext(container = .gw)
        font <- pangoFontDescriptionFromString(.rqda$font)
        gtkWidgetModifyFont(.retreivalgui@widget@widget, font)
        buffer <- .retreivalgui@widget@widget$GetBuffer()
        buffer$createTag("red", foreground = "red")
        iter <- buffer$getIterAtOffset(0)$iter
        apply(x, 1, function(x) {
            metaData <- sprintf("%s created on %s", x[["name"]], x[["date"]])
            buffer$InsertWithTagsByName(iter, metaData, "red")
            ## anchorcreated <- buffer$createChildAnchor(iter)
            ## iter$BackwardChar()
            ## anchor <- iter$getChildAnchor()
            ## lab <- gtkLabelNew(gettext("Back", domain = "R-RQDA"))
            ## widget <- gtkEventBoxNew()
            ## widget$Add(lab)
            ## gSignalConnect(widget, "button-press-event", ComputeCallbackFun(x[["filename"]],
            ##    as.numeric(x[["rowid"]])))
            ## .retreivalgui@widget@widget$addChildAtAnchor(widget, anchor)
            ## widget$showAll()
            buffer$insert(iter, "\n")
            buffer$InsertWithTagsByName(iter, x[[field.name]])
            buffer$insert(iter, "\n\n")

## summary coding information
GetCodingTable <- function(){
  ## test when any table is empty
  ## http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-sql/2004-01/msg00160.php
  if ( is_projOpen()) {
   ## Codings <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,"select freecode.name as codename, freecode.id as cid,
   ##         coding.cid as cid2,coding.fid as fid,source.id as fid2, source.name as filename,
   ##         coding.selend - coding.selfirst as CodingLength,coding.selend, coding.selfirst
   ##         from coding, freecode, source
   ##         where coding.status==1 and freecode.id=coding.cid and coding.fid=source.id")
   Codings <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,"select coding.rowid as rowid, coding.cid, coding.fid, freecode.name as codename, source.name as filename,
                                       coding.selfirst as index1, coding.selend as index2,
                                       coding.selend - coding.selfirst as CodingLength
                                      from coding left join freecode on (coding.cid=freecode.id)
                                                  left join source on (coding.fid=source.id)
                                      where coding.status==1 and source.status=1 and freecode.status=1")

    if (nrow(Codings)!=0){
      Encoding(Codings$codename) <- Encoding(Codings$filename) <- "UTF-8"
   ## if (!all (all.equal(Codings$cid,Codings$cid2),all.equal(Codings$fid,Codings$fid2))){
   ##   stop("Errors!", domain = "R-RQDA") ## check to make sure the sql is correct
   ## }
    class(Codings) <- c("codingTable","data.frame")
  } else cat("Open a project first.\n")

summaryCodings <-
SummaryCoding <- function(byFile=FALSE,...){
  if ( is_projOpen() ) {
    Codings <- GetCodingTable()
    if (nrow(Codings)>0){
      NumOfCoding <- table(Codings$codename,...) ## how many coding for each code
      AvgLength <- tapply(Codings$CodingLength,Codings$codename,FUN=mean,...) # Average of words for each code
      NumOfFile <- tapply(Codings$fid,Codings$codename,FUN=function(ii)length(unique(ii))) # Number of files for each code
      if (byFile){
        CodingOfFile <- tapply(Codings$codename,Codings$filename,FUN=table,...) # summary of codings for each file
      } else CodingOfFile <- NULL
      ans <- list(NumOfCoding=NumOfCoding,AvgLength=AvgLength,NumOfFile=NumOfFile,CodingOfFile=CodingOfFile)
      class(ans) <- "summaryCodings"
    } else {
      cat("No coding.\n")
  } else {
    cat("Open a project first.\n")

print.summaryCodings <- function(x,...){
  if (!is.null(x$CodingOfFile)){
    cat("Number of codings for each file.\n")
  cat("Number of codings for each code.\n")
  cat("Average number of characters associated with each code.\n\n")
  cat("Number of files associated with each code.\n\n")

searchFiles <- SearchFiles <- function(pattern,content=FALSE,Fid=NULL,Widget=NULL,is.UTF8=FALSE){
##SearchFiles("file like '%Xin Min Wan Bao%'")
##SearchFiles("name like '%Wu Quan Fa%'")
##SearchFiles("file like '%Xin Min Wan Bao%'", Widget=.rqda$.fnames_rqda)
    if ( is_projOpen() ) {
        if(!is.UTF8){ pattern <- iconv(pattern,to="UTF-8")}
        Encoding(pattern) <- "unknown"
        if (!is.null(Fid)) pattern <- sprintf("(%s) and id in (%s)",pattern,paste(shQuote(Fid),collapse=","))
        if (content){
            ans <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select id, name,file from source where status=1 and %s",pattern))
        } else {
            ans <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select id, name from source where status=1 and %s",pattern))
        if (nrow(ans)>0) Encoding(ans$name) <- "UTF-8"
        if (!is.null(ans$file)) Encoding(ans$file) <- "UTF-8"
        if (!is.null(Widget))  {
            eval(parse(text=sprintf(".rqda$%s[] <- ans$name",Widget)))
            ## eval(substitute(widget[] <- ans$name,list(widget=quote(Widget))))
        cat(sprintf(gettext("%i retrieved file(s).", domain = "R-RQDA"), nrow(ans)))
    } else cat(gettext("Open a project first.\n", domain = "R-RQDA"))

RunOnSelected <- function(x,multiple=TRUE,expr,enclos=parent.frame(),title=NULL,
                          hpos = ifelse(is.null(getOption("widgetCoordinate")[1]),
                          vpos = ifelse(is.null(getOption("widgetCoordinate")[2]),
  ## expr used the return of Selected as an argument
  if (is.null(title)) title <- ifelse(multiple,"Select one or more","Select one")
  g <- gwindow(title=title,width=250,height=600,parent=c(hpos, vpos))
  ##x1@widget@widget$parent$parent$parent$SetDefaultSize(200, 500)
  gbutton(gettext("Cancel", domain = "R-RQDA"),container=x1,handler=function(h,...){
  gbutton(gettext("OK", domain = "R-RQDA"),container=x1,handler=function(h,...){
    Selected <- svalue(x2)
    if (Selected!=""){
      ## evaluate expr in env
      ## Variable Selected will be found in env
      ## because env is parilist and there are variables not there, which will be found in enclos.
    } else gmessage(gettext("Select before Click OK.\n", domain = "R-RQDA"),container=TRUE,icon="error")

gselect.list <- function(list,multiple=TRUE,title=NULL,width=200, height=500,...){
  ## gtk version of select.list(), revised on 21 Apr. 2010 to fix a bug (crash R with 2.18 or newer libgtk2).
  ## Thanks go to John Verzani for his help.
  if (is.null(title)) title <- ifelse(multiple,"Select one or more","Select one")
  helper <- function(){
       dlg <- gbasicdialog(title=title,handler=function(h,...){
          value <- svalue(x2)
      size(dlg) <- c(width,height)
      visible(dlg, set=TRUE)
  }## end helper function
  items <- helper()$selected
  if (is.null(items)) items <- ""

GetFileName <- function(fid=GetFileId()){
  ans <-  dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select name from source where status=1 and id in (%s)",paste(shQuote(fid),collapse=",")))$name
  if (length(ans)>0) Encoding(ans) <- "UTF-8"
  class(ans) <- c("RQDA.vector","fileName")

getFiles <- function(condition = c("unconditional", "case", "filecategory", "both"),
                     type = c("all", "coded", "uncoded", "selected"),names=TRUE) {
  ans <- GetFileId(condition,type)
  if (names){
    ans <- GetFileName(ans)

GetCaseId <- function(fid=GetFileId(),nFiles=FALSE){
  ## if (caseName){
  if (nFiles) {
    ## ans <-  dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf(" select name,id from cases where status=1 and id in (select caseid from caselinkage where status=1 and fid in (%s) group by caseid )",paste(shQuote(fid),collapse=",")))
    ## if (nrow(ans)>0) Encoding(ans$name) <- "UTF-8"
    ans <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select caseid, count(caseid) as nFiles from caselinkage where status=1 and fid in (%s) group by caseid",paste(shQuote(fid),collapse=",")))
  } else {
    ans <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select caseid from caselinkage where status=1 and fid in (%s) group by caseid",paste(shQuote(fid),collapse=",")))$caseid
  ## attr(ans,"caseName") <- caseName
  class(ans) <- c("RQDA.vector","caseId")

getCases <- function(fid, names=TRUE) {
  ans <- GetCaseId(fid,nFiles=FALSE)
  if (names){
    ans <- GetCaseName(ans)

GetCaseName <- function(caseId=GetCaseId(nFiles=FALSE)){
  ans <-  dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select name from cases where status=1 and id in (%s)",paste(shQuote(caseId),collapse=",")))$name
  if (length(ans)>0) Encoding(ans) <- "UTF-8"
  class(ans) <- c("RQDA.vector","caseName")

casesCodedByAnd <- function(cid){
  ## cid can be splitted across files, but still on the same case
  Ncid <- length(cid)
  cid <- paste(cid,collapse=',')
  fid <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select fid,cid from coding where status=1 and cid in (%s)",cid))
  if (nrow(fid)>0) {
    fidUnique <- unique(fid$fid)
    fidUnique <- paste(fidUnique,collapse=',')
    case <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select fid, caseid from caselinkage where status=1 and fid in (%s)",fidUnique))
    codes <- tapply(case$fid, case$caseid,FUN=function(x) unique(fid[fid$fid %in% unique(x),]$cid))
    ans <- sapply(codes,length)
    ans <- as.numeric(names(ans)[ans==Ncid])
  class(ans) <- c("RQDA.vector","caseId")

casesCodedByNot <- function(cid){
  fid <- filesCodedByOr(cid)
  codedcaseId <- GetCaseId(fid)
  allcaseid <- GetCaseId(GetFileId("unconditional","coded"))
  ans <- setdiff(allcaseid,codedcaseId)
  class(ans) <- c("RQDA.vector","caseId")

casesCodedByOr <- function(cid){
  fid <- filesCodedByOr(cid)
  if (length(fid)!=0) {
      ans <- GetCaseId(fid)
  } else ans <- integer(0)
  class(ans) <- c("RQDA.vector","caseId")

RQDAQuery <- function(sql){
if (is_projOpen()) {
} else (cat("open a project first\n."))

ShowSubset <- function(x,...){
ShowSubset.fileName <- function(x,widget=".fnames_rqda",envir=.rqda,...){
  widget <- get(widget,envir=envir)
  class(x) <- NULL
  widget[] <- x
ShowSubset.CaseAttr <- function(x,...){
  tryCatch(.rqda$.CasesNamesWidget[] <- x$case, error = function(e) {})
ShowSubset.FileAttr <- function(x,...){
  tryCatch(.rqda$.fnames_rqda[] <- x$file, error = function(e) {})
ShowSubset.caseName <- function(x,...){
   class(x) <- NULL
   .rqda$.CasesNamesWidget[] <- x

ShowFileProperty <- function(Fid = GetFileId(,"selected"),focus=TRUE) {
  if (is_projOpen(envir = .rqda, conName = "qdacon", message = FALSE)) {
    if (is.null(Fid)) val <- "No files are selected."
    if (length(Fid)==1) {
      Fcat <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select name from filecat where catid in (select catid from treefile where fid=%i and status=1) and status=1",Fid))$name
      Case <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select name from cases where id in (select caseid from caselinkage where fid=%i and status=1) and status=1",Fid))$name
      if (!is.null(Fcat)) Encoding(Fcat) <- "UTF-8"
      if (!is.null(Case)) Encoding(Case) <- "UTF-8"
      fcat <- paste(strwrap(sprintf(gettext("File Category is %s", domain = "R-RQDA"),paste(shQuote(Fcat),collapse=", ")),105,exdent=4),collapse="\n")
      Encoding(fcat) <-  "UTF-8"
      val <- sprintf(gettext(" File ID is %i \n %s \nCase is %s", domain = "R-RQDA"),Fid,fcat,paste(shQuote(Case),collapse=", "))
    if (length(Fid)>1) val <- gettext("Please select one file only.", domain = "R-RQDA")
    tryCatch(svalue(.rqda$.sfp) <- val,error=function(e){
      gw <- gwindow(gettext("File Property", domain = "R-RQDA"),parent=size(.rqda$.root_rqdagui)+c(19,-50),
            width = min(c(gdkScreenWidth() - size(.rqda$.root_rqdagui)[1] -20,getOption("widgetSize")[1])),
            height = 50)
      mainIcon <- system.file("icon", "mainIcon.png", package = "RQDA")
      sfp <- glabel(val,container=gw)

filesCodedByAnd <- function(cid, codingTable=c("coding","coding2")){
    cid <- paste(cid,collapse=',')
    fid <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select fid,cid from %s where status=1 and cid in (%s)",codingTable, cid))
    if (nrow(fid)>0) {
        fidList <- by(fid,factor(fid$cid),FUN=function(x) unique(x$fid))
        fid <- Reduce(intersect,fidList)
    } else {fid <- integer(0)}
    class(fid) <- c("RQDA.vector","fileId")

filesCodedByOr <- function(cid, codingTable=c("coding","coding2")){
    cid <- paste(cid,collapse=',')
    fid <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select fid from %s where status=1 and cid in (%s)",codingTable, cid))$fid
    if (length(fid)==0) {fid <- integer(0)}
    class(fid) <- c("RQDA.vector","fileId")

filesCodedByNot <- function(cid, codingTable=c("coding","coding2")){
    codedfid <- filesCodedByOr(cid)
    allfid <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select fid from %s where status=1 group by fid",codingTable))$fid
    fid <- setdiff(allfid,codedfid)
    if (length(fid)==0) {fid <- integer(0)}
    class(fid) <- c("RQDA.vector","fileId")

nCodedByTwo <- function(FUN, codeList=NULL, print=TRUE,...){
    ## codeList is character vector of codes.
    if (!is_projOpen(message=FALSE)) stop("No project is opened.", domain = "R-RQDA")
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    Cid_Name <- RQDAQuery("select id, name from freecode where status=1")
    if (is.null(codeList)) {
        codeList <- gselect.list(Cid_Name$name,multiple=TRUE)
    if (length(codeList)<2) {
        stop("The codeList should be a vector of length 2 or greater.", domain = "R-RQDA")
    } else {
        cidList <- Cid_Name$id[match(codeList, Cid_Name$name)]
        ans <- matrix(nrow=length(codeList), ncol=length(codeList),dimnames=list(
                                                                   sprintf("%s(%s)", codeList,cidList),
        for (i in 1:length(cidList)){
            for (j in i:length(cidList)){
                ans[i,j] <- length(do.call(FUN, list(cidList[c(i,j)])))
        if (print) {print(ans,na.print="")}

"%and%" <- function(e1,e2){

"%or%" <- function(e1,e2){

"%not%" <- function(e1,e2){

"%and%.RQDA.vector" <- function(e1,e2)
    cls <- class(e1)
    ans <- intersect(e1,e2)
    class(ans) <- cls

"%not%.RQDA.vector" <- function(e1,e2)
    cls <- class(e1)
    ans <- setdiff(e1, e2)
    class(ans) <- cls

"%or%.RQDA.vector" <- function(e1,e2)
    cls <- class(e1)
    ans <- union(e1, e2)
    class(ans) <- cls

QueryFile <- function(or=NULL,and=NULL,not=NULL,names=TRUE){
  fid.or <- fid.and <- fid.not <- integer(0)
  if (!is.null(or)) fid.or <- filesCodedByOr(or)
  if (!is.null(and)) fid.and <- filesCodedByAnd(and)
  if (!is.null(not)) fid.or <- filesCodedByOr(not)
  ans <- setdiff(intersect(fid.or,fid.and),fid.not)
  class(ans) <- c("RQDA.vector","fileId")
  if (names) {
    if (length(ans)>0){
      ans <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select name from source where status=1 and id in (%s)", paste(ans,collapse=',')))$name
      Encoding(ans) <- "UTF-8"
    } else {
      ans <- character(0)
    class(ans) <- c("RQDA.vector","fileName")
    .rqda$.fnames_rqda[] <- ans

UpdateCoding <- function(){
    rowid <- RQDAQuery("select rowid from coding")$rowid
    for (i in rowid) {
    RQDAQuery(sprintf("update coding set seltext=(select substr(source.file,coding.selfirst+1,coding.selend-coding.selfirst)
        from coding inner join source on coding.fid=source.id where coding.ROWID=%i) where coding.ROWID=%i",i,i))

filesByCodes <- function(codingTable=c("coding","coding2")){
  codingTable <- match.arg(codingTable)
  if (codingTable=="coding"){
    ans <- RQDAQuery("select coding.fid as fid, freecode.name as codename, source.name as filename from coding left join freecode on (coding.cid=freecode.id)left join source on (coding.fid=source.id) where coding.status=1 and source.status=1 and freecode.status=1")
  if (codingTable=="coding2"){
    ans <- RQDAQuery("select coding2.fid as fid, freecode.name as codename, source.name as filename from coding2 left join freecode on (coding2.cid=freecode.id)left join source on (coding2.fid=source.id) where coding2.status=1 and source.status=1 and freecode.status=1")
  if (nrow(ans)!=0){
    Encoding(ans$codename) <- Encoding(ans$filename) <- "UTF-8"
    ans$codedBy <- 1
    ansWide <- reshape(ans,idvar="fid",timevar="codename",v.names="codedBy",direction="wide")
    ansWide[is.na(ansWide)] <- 0

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RQDA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:24 p.m.