
#' @title Checking paths to QGIS applications
#' @description `check_apps` checks if software applications necessary to
#'   run QGIS (QGIS and Python plugins) are installed in the correct
#'   locations.
#' @param root Path to the root directory. Usually, this is 'C:/OSGEO4~1',
#'   '/usr' and '/Applications/QGIS.app/' for the different platforms.
#' @param ... Optional arguments used in `check_apps`. Under Windows,
#'   `set_env` passes function argument `dev` to `check_apps`.
#' @return The function returns a list with the paths to all the necessary
#'   QGIS-applications.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' check_apps()
#' }
#' @author Jannes Muenchow, Patrick Schratz

check_apps <- function(root, ...) {
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
    path_apps <- file.path(root, "apps")
    my_qgis <- grep("qgis", dir(path_apps), value = TRUE)
    # use the LTR (default), if available
    dots <- list(...)
    if (length(dots) > 0 && !isTRUE(dots$dev)) {
      my_qgis <- ifelse("qgis-ltr" %in% my_qgis, "qgis-ltr", my_qgis[1])
    } else {
      # use ../apps/qgis, i.e. most likely the most recent QGIS version
      # my_qgis <- my_qgis[1]
      stop("Either you have set dev to TRUE (please set to FALSE) or we could ",  
           "not find a QGIS LTR (2.18) on your system. Please install!")
    apps <- c(
      file.path(path_apps, my_qgis),
      file.path(path_apps, my_qgis, "python/plugins")
  } else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux" | Sys.info()["sysname"] == "FreeBSD") {
    # paths to check
    apps <- file.path(root, c("bin/qgis", "share/qgis/python/plugins"))
  } else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin") {
    # paths to check
    apps <- file.path(root, c("Contents", "Contents/Resources/python/plugins"))
  } else {
    stop("Sorry, you can use RQGIS only under Windows and UNIX-based
         operating systems.")

  out <-
    lapply(apps, function(app) {
      if (file.exists(app)) {
      } else {
        path <- NULL
        # apps necessary to run the QGIS-API
          "Folder ", dirname(app), " could not be found under ",
          basename(app), " Please install it."
  names(out) <- c("qgis_prefix_path", "python_plugins")
  # return your result

#' @title Open the GRASS online help
#' @description `open_grass_help` opens the GRASS online help for a specific
#'   GRASS geoalgorithm.
#' @param alg The name of the GRASS geoalgorithm for which one wishes to open
#'   the online help.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' open_grass_help("grass7:r.sunmask")
#' }
#' @author Jannes Muenchow
open_grass_help <- function(alg) {
  grass_name <- gsub(".*:", "", alg)
  url <- ifelse(grepl(7, alg),
  url_ind <- paste0(url, "full_index.html")
  doc <- RCurl::getURL(url_ind)
  doc2 <- XML::htmlParse(doc)
  root <- XML::xmlRoot(doc2)
  grass_funs <- XML::xpathSApply(root[["body"]], "//a/@href")
  grass_funs <- gsub(".html", "", grass_funs)
  # grass_funs <- grep(".*\\..*", grass_funs, value = TRUE)
  # grass_funs <- grass_funs[!grepl("^http:", grass_funs)]
  # grep("^(d.|db.|g\\.|i.|m.|ps.|r.|r3.|t.|v.)", grass_funs, value = TRUE)

  # ind <- paste0(c("d", "db", "g", "i", "m", "ps", "r", "r3", "t", "v"), "\\.")
  # ind <- paste(ind, collapse = "|")
  # ind <- paste0("^(", ind, ")")
  # grass_funs <- grep(ind, grass_funs, value = TRUE)
  if (!grass_name %in% grass_funs) {
    grass_name <- gsub("(.*?*)\\..*", "\\1", grass_name)
  # if the name can still not be found, terminate
  if (!grass_name %in% grass_funs) {
    stop(gsub(".*:", "", alg), " could not be found in the online help!")
  url <- paste0(url, grass_name, ".html")

#' @title Set all Windows paths necessary to start QGIS
#' @description Windows helper function to start QGIS application by setting all
#'   necessary path especially through running [run_ini()].
#' @param qgis_env Environment settings containing all the paths to run the QGIS
#'   API. For more information, refer to [set_env()].
#' @return The function changes the system settings using [base::Sys.setenv()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Jannes Muenchow
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' setup_win()
#' }

setup_win <- function(qgis_env = set_env()) {
  # call o4w_env.bat from within R
  # not really sure, if we need the next line (just in case)
  Sys.setenv(OSGEO4W_ROOT = qgis_env$root)
  # shell("ECHO %OSGEO4W_ROOT%")
  # REM start with clean path
  # windir <- shell("ECHO %WINDIR%", intern = TRUE)
  # such error messages occurred:
  # [1]"'\\\\helix.klient.uib.no\\BioHome\\nboga'"
  # Jannes: this was the working directory apparently a server
  # [2] "CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory."
  # [3] "UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory."
  # [4] "C:\\Windows"
  # Therefore, pick the last element (not sure if this will always work, well,
  # we will find out). Another solution would be to hard-code "C:/Windows" but
  # I don't know if system32 can always be found there...
  # windir <- windir[length(windir)]

  # maybe this is a more generic approach
  cwd <- getwd()
  windir <- shell("ECHO %WINDIR%", intern = TRUE)
  windir <- normalizePath(windir, "/")

  Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(
    file.path(qgis_env$root, "bin"),
    file.path(windir, "system32"),
    file.path(windir, "WBem"),
    sep = ";"
  # call all bat-files
  run_ini(qgis_env = qgis_env)

  # we need to make sure that qgis-ltr can also be used...
  my_qgis <- gsub(".*/", "", qgis_env$qgis_prefix_path)
  # add the directories where the QGIS libraries reside to search path
  # of the dynamic linker
  Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(
    file.path(qgis_env$root, "apps", my_qgis, "bin"),
    sep = ";"
  # set the PYTHONPATH variable, so that QGIS knows where to search for
  # QGIS libraries and appropriate Python modules
  python_path <- Sys.getenv("PYTHONPATH")
  python_add <- file.path(qgis_env$root, "apps", my_qgis, "python")
  if (!grepl(python_add, python_path)) {
    python_path <- paste(python_path, python_add, sep = ";")
    Sys.setenv(PYTHONPATH = python_path)

  # defining QGIS prefix path (i.e. without bin)
  Sys.setenv(QGIS_PREFIX_PATH = file.path(qgis_env$root, "apps", my_qgis))
  # shell.exec("python")  # yeah, it works!!!
  # !!!Try to make sure that the right Python version is used!!!
    file.path(qgis_env$root, "bin/python.exe"),
    required = TRUE
  # We do not need the subsequent test for Linux & Mac since the Python
  # binary should be always found under  /usr/bin

  # compare py_config path with set_env path!!
  a <- py_config()
  # py_config() adds following paths to PATH:
  # "C:\\OSGeo4W64\\bin;C:\\OSGeo4W64\\bin\\Scripts;
  py_path <- gsub("/bin.*", "", normalizePath(a$python, "/"))
  if (!identical(py_path, qgis_env$root)) {
    stop("Wrong Python binary. Restart R and check again!")

#' @title Reproduce o4w_env.bat script in R
#' @description Windows helper function to start QGIS application. Basically,
#'   the code found in all .bat files found in etc/ini (most likely
#'   "C:/OSGEO4~1/etc/ini") is reproduced within R.
#' @importFrom readr read_file
#' @param qgis_env Environment settings containing all the paths to run the QGIS
#'   API. For more information, refer to [set_env()].
#' @return The function changes the system settings using [base::Sys.setenv()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Jannes Muenchow
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' run_ini()
#' }

run_ini <- function(qgis_env = set_env()) {
  files <- dir(file.path(qgis_env$root, "etc/ini"), full.names = TRUE)
  files <- files[-grep("msvcrt|rbatchfiles", files)]
  # root <- gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", qgis_env$root)
  ls <- lapply(files, function(file) {
    tmp <- read_file(file)
    tmp <- gsub("%OSGEO4W_ROOT%", qgis_env$root, tmp)
    tmp <- strsplit(tmp, split = "\r\n|\n")[[1]]
  cmds <- do.call(c, ls)
  # remove everything followed by a semi-colon but not if the colon is followed
  # by %PATH%
  cmds <- gsub(";%([^PATH]).*", "", cmds)
  cmds <- gsub(";%PYTHONPATH%", "", cmds) # well, not really elegant...
  cmds <- gsub("\\\\", "/", cmds)
  for (i in cmds) {
    if (grepl("^(SET|set)", i)) {
      tmp <- gsub("^(SET|set) ", "", i)
      tmp <- strsplit(tmp, "=")[[1]]
      args <- list(tmp[2])
      names(args) <- tmp[1]
      # if the environment variable exists but does not contain our path, add it
      # to the already existing one
      if (Sys.getenv(names(args)) != "" &
          gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", args[[1]]),
        )) {
        args[[1]] <- paste(args[[1]], Sys.getenv(names(args)), sep = ";")
      } else if (Sys.getenv(names(args)) != "" &
          gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", args[[1]]),
        )) {
        # if the environment variable already exists and already contains the
        # correct path, do nothing
      do.call(Sys.setenv, args)
    if (grepl("^(path|PATH)", i)) {
      tmp <- gsub("^(PATH|path) ", "", i)
      path <- Sys.getenv("PATH")
      path <- gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", path)
      tmp <- gsub("%PATH%", path, tmp)
      Sys.setenv(PATH = tmp)
    if (grepl("^if not defined HOME", i)) {
      if (Sys.getenv("HOME") == "") {
        use_prof <- shell("ECHO %USERPROFILE%", intern = TRUE)
        Sys.setenv(HOME = use_prof)

#' @title Reset PATH
#' @description Since [run_ini()] starts with a clean PATH, this function makes
#'   sure to add the original paths to PATH. Note that this function is a
#'   Windows-only function.
#' @param settings A list as derived from `as.list(Sys.getenv())`.
#' @author Jannes Muenchow
reset_path <- function(settings) {
  # PATH re-setting: not the most elegant solution...

  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
    # first delete any other Anaconda or Python installations from PATH
    tmp <- grep(
      "Anaconda|Python", unlist(strsplit(settings$PATH, ";")),
      value = TRUE
    # we don't want to delete any paths containing OSGEO (and Python)
    if (any(grepl("OSGeo", tmp))) {
      tmp <- tmp[-grep("OSGeo", tmp)]
    # replace \\ by \\\\ and collapse by |
    tmp <- paste(gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", tmp), collapse = "|")
    # delete it from settings
    repl <- gsub(tmp, "", settings$PATH)
    # get rid off repeated semi-colons
    settings$PATH <- gsub(";+", ";", repl)

    # We need to make sure to not append over and over again the same paths
    # when running open_app several times
    if (grepl(gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", Sys.getenv("PATH")), settings$PATH)) {
      # if the OSGeo stuff is already in PATH (which is the case after having
      # run open_app for the fist time), use exactly this PATH
      Sys.setenv(PATH = settings$PATH)
    } else {
      # if the OSGeo stuff has not already been appended (as is the case when
      # running open_app for the first time), append it
      paths <- paste(Sys.getenv("PATH"), settings$PATH, sep = ";")
      Sys.setenv(PATH = paths)

#' @title Set all Linux paths necessary to start QGIS
#' @description Helper function to start QGIS application under Linux.
#' @param qgis_env Environment settings containing all the paths to run the QGIS
#'   API. For more information, refer to [set_env()].
#' @return The function changes the system settings using [base::Sys.setenv()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Jannes Muenchow
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' setup_linux()
#' }

setup_linux <- function(qgis_env = set_env()) {
  # append PYTHONPATH to import qgis.core etc. packages
  python_path <- Sys.getenv("PYTHONPATH")
  qgis_python_path <- paste0(qgis_env$root, "/share/qgis/python")
  reg_exp <- grepl(paste0(qgis_python_path, ":"), python_path) |
    grepl(paste0(qgis_python_path, "$"), python_path)
  if (python_path != "" & reg_exp) {
    qgis_python_path <- python_path
  } else if (python_path != "" & !reg_exp) {
    qgis_python_path <- paste(
      qgis_python_path, Sys.getenv("PYTHONPATH"),
      sep = ":"
  Sys.setenv(PYTHONPATH = qgis_python_path)
  # append LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  ld_lib_path <- Sys.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
  qgis_ld_path <- file.path(qgis_env$root, "lib")
  reg_exp <- grepl(paste0(qgis_ld_path, ":"), ld_lib_path) |
    grepl(paste0(qgis_ld_path, "$"), ld_lib_path)
  if (ld_lib_path != "" & reg_exp) {
    qgis_ld_path <- ld_lib_path
  } else if (ld_lib_path != "" & !reg_exp) {
    qgis_ld_path <- paste(
      qgis_ld_path, Sys.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"),
      sep = ":"
  Sys.setenv(LD_LIBRARY_PATH = qgis_ld_path)
  # setting here the QGIS_PREFIX_PATH also works instead of running it twice
  # later on
  Sys.setenv(QGIS_PREFIX_PATH = qgis_env$root)
  # make sure to use Python2
  # in QGIS Python console run
  # import sys
  # sys.version  # which python version is used
  # sys.exectutable  # and where to find the executable
  # use_python("/usr/bin/python2.7", required = TRUE)
  use_python("/usr/bin/python2", required = TRUE)

#' @title Set all Mac paths necessary to start QGIS
#' @description Helper function to start QGIS application under macOS.
#' @param qgis_env Environment settings containing all the paths to run the QGIS
#'   API. For more information, refer to [set_env()].
#' @return The function changes the system settings using [base::Sys.setenv()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Patrick Schratz
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' setup_mac()
#' }

setup_mac <- function(qgis_env = set_env()) {

  # append PYTHONPATH to import qgis.core etc. packages
  python_path <- Sys.getenv("PYTHONPATH")

  qgis_python_path <-
    paste0(qgis_env$root, paste(
      "$PYTHONPATH", sep = ":"
  if (python_path != "" & !grepl(qgis_python_path, python_path)) {
    qgis_python_path <- paste(
      qgis_python_path, Sys.getenv("PYTHONPATH"),
      sep = ":"

  Sys.setenv(QGIS_PREFIX_PATH = paste0(qgis_env$root, "/Contents/MacOS/"))
  Sys.setenv(PYTHONPATH = qgis_python_path)

  # define path where QGIS libraries reside to search path of the
  # dynamic linker
  ld_library <- Sys.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")

  qgis_ld <- paste(paste0(
  )) # homebrew
  if (ld_library != "" & !grepl(paste0(qgis_ld, ":"), ld_library)) {
    qgis_ld <- paste(
      paste0(qgis_env$root, "/lib"),
      Sys.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"), sep = ":"
  Sys.setenv(LD_LIBRARY_PATH = qgis_ld)

  # suppress verbose QGIS output for homebrew
  Sys.setenv(QGIS_DEBUG = -1)

#' @title Save spatial objects
#' @description The function saves spatial objects (`sp`, `sf` and `raster`) to
#'   a temporary folder on the computer's hard drive.
#' @param params A parameter-argument list as returned by [pass_args()].
#' @param type_name A character string containing the QGIS parameter type for
#'   each parameter (boolean, multipleinput, extent, number, etc.) of `params`.
#'   The Python method `RQGIS.get_args_man()` returns a Python dictionary with
#'   one of its elements corresponding to the type_name (see also the example
#'   section).
#' @param NA_flag Value used for NAs when exporting raster objects.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library("RQGIS")
#' library("raster")
#' library("reticulate")
#' r <- raster(ncol = 100, nrow = 100)
#' r1 <- crop(r, extent(-10, 11, -10, 11))
#' r2 <- crop(r, extent(0, 20, 0, 20))
#' r3 <- crop(r, extent(9, 30, 9, 30))
#' r1[] <- 1:ncell(r1)
#' r2[] <- 1:ncell(r2)
#' r3[] <- 1:ncell(r3)
#' alg <- "grass7:r.patch"
#' out <- py_run_string(sprintf("out = RQGIS.get_args_man('%s')", alg))$out
#' params <- get_args_man(alg)
#' params$input <- list(r1, r2, r3)
#' params[] <- save_spatial_objects(params = params,
#'                                  type_name = out$type_name)
#' }
#' @author Jannes Muenchow
save_spatial_objects <- function(params, type_name, NA_flag = -99999) {
  lapply(seq_along(params), function(i) {
    tmp <- class(params[[i]])
    if (tmp == "list" && type_name[i] == "multipleinput") {
      names(params[[i]]) <- paste0("inp", 1:length(params[[i]]))
      out <- save_spatial_objects(params = params[[i]], NA_flag = NA_flag)
      return(paste(unlist(out), collapse = ";"))

    if (any(tmp %in% c("sfc_GEOMETRY", "sfc_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION"))) {
      stop("RQGIS does not support GEOMETRY or GEOMETRYCOLLECTION classes")
    # check if the function argument is a SpatialObject
    if (any(grepl("^Spatial(Points|Lines|Polygons)DataFrame$", tmp)) |
      any(tmp %in% c("sf", "sfc", "sfg"))) {
      # if it is an sp-object convert it into sf, if it already is an attributed
      # sf-object, nothing happens
      params[[i]] <- st_as_sf(params[[i]])
      # write sf as a shapefile to a temporary location while overwriting any
      # previous versions.
      # This is a Windows-only problem (see also github-branch unlock)
      fname <- tempfile(fileext = ".shp")
      write_sf(params[[i]], fname, quiet = TRUE)
      # if (inherits(test, "try-error")) {
      #   while (tolower(basename(fname)) %in% tolower(dir(tempdir()))) {
      #     fname <- paste0(gsub(".shp", "", fname), 1, ".shp")
      #   }
      #   write_sf(params[[i]], fname, quiet = TRUE)
      # }
      # return the result
      normalizePath(fname, winslash = "/")
    } else if (tmp == "RasterLayer") {
      fname <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
      writeRaster(params[[i]], filename = fname, format = "GTiff",
                  prj = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE, NAflag = NA_flag)
      # if (inherits(test, "try-error")) {
      #   while (tolower(basename(fname)) %in% tolower(dir(tempdir()))) {
      #     fname <- paste0(gsub(".tif", "", fname), 1, ".tif")
      #   }
      #   writeRaster(
      #     params[[i]], filename = fname, format = "GTiff",
      #     prj = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE, NAflag = NA_flag
      #   )
      # }
      # return the result
      normalizePath(fname, winslash = "/")
    } else if (type_name[i] %in% c("vector", "raster", "table") &&
      file.exists(params[[i]])) {
      # if the user provided a path to a vector or a raster (and its not an
      # output file: we use save_spatial_objects only for non-output files in
      # pass_args), then normalize this path in case a Windows user has
      # used backslashes which might lead to trouble when sth. like \t \n or
      # alike appears in the path
      tmp = normalizePath(params[[i]], winslash = "/")
      # if a network folder is given, normalizePath will convert //, \\, \\\\
      # always into \\\\, however Python doesn't like that
      gsub("^\\\\\\\\", "//", tmp)
    } else {

#' @title Retrieve the joint extent of all specified spatial objects
#' @description Retrieve the joint extent of all specified spatial objects by
#'   running through a parameter-argument list while merging the extents of all
#'   spatial objects. This is mostly needed for the `GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER`.
#'   Still there are geoalgorithms which require an extent object.
#' @param params A parameter-argument list as returned by [get_args_man()] or
#'   [pass_args()], which contains all spatial objects from which the joint
#'   extent should be retrieved.
#' @param type_name A character string containing the QGIS parameter type for
#'   each parameter (boolean, multipleinput, extent, number, etc.) of `params`.
#'   The Python method `RQGIS.get_args_man` returns a Python dictionary with one
#'   of its elements corresponding to the type_name (see also the example
#'   section).
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library("RQGIS")
#' library("raster")
#' library("reticulate")
#' r <- raster(ncol = 100, nrow = 100)
#' r1 <- crop(r, extent(-10, 11, -10, 11))
#' r2 <- crop(r, extent(0, 20, 0, 20))
#' r3 <- crop(r, extent(9, 30, 9, 30))
#' r1[] <- 1:ncell(r1)
#' r2[] <- 1:ncell(r2)
#' r3[] <- 1:ncell(r3)
#' alg <- "grass7:r.patch"
#' out <- py_run_string(sprintf("out = RQGIS.get_args_man('%s')", alg))$out
#' params <- get_args_man(alg)
#' params$input <- list(r1, r2, r3)
#' get_extent(params = params, type_name = out$type_name)
#' # or if we save the input rasters in files stored on disk
#' params[] <- save_spatial_objects(params = params,
#'                                  type_name = out$type_name)
#' get_extent(params = params, type_name = out$type_name)
#' }
#' @author Jannes Muenchow
get_extent <- function(params, type_name) {
  ext <- mapply(function(x, y) {
    if (y == "multipleinput") {
      # in the case of multiple input use recursion:
      # if the input is a list of rasters/shapefiles, unlist it, otherwise split
      # the strings by ; which separates multiple file store locations on disk
      if (is.list(x)) {
        get_extent(x, "")
      } else {
        get_extent(unlist(strsplit(x, split = ";")), "") 
    } else {
      # determine bbox in the case of a vector/raster layer residing in R
      tmp <- try(expr = extent(x), silent = TRUE)
      # determine bbox in the case of a raster stored on disk
      if (!inherits(tmp, "try-error")) {
      } else {
        tmp <- try(
          expr = {
            ext = GDALinfo(x, returnStats = FALSE)
            # xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
              ext["ll.x"] + ext["columns"] * ext["res.x"],
              ext["ll.y"] + ext["rows"] * ext["res.y"]
          }, silent = TRUE)
      # determine bbox in the case of a vector layer stored on disk
      if (!inherits(tmp, "try-error")) {
      } else {
        # We cannot simply use gsub as we have done before (gsub("[.].*",
        # "",basename(x))) if the filename itself also contains dots, e.g.,
        # gis.osm_roads_free_1.shp
        # We could use regexp to cut off the file extension
        # my_layer <- stringr::str_extract(basename(x), "[A-z].+[^\\.[A-z]]")
        # but let's use an already existing function
        tmp = try(
          # [c(1, 3, 2, 4)] (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax...) -> check if this is the
          # case for all vector formats (hopefully)
          expr <- {
            my_layer <- file_path_sans_ext(basename(as.character(x)))
            extent(ogrInfo(dsn = dirname(as.character(x)), 
                           layer = my_layer)$extent[c(1, 3, 2, 4)])
          }, silent = TRUE) 
      # return tmp if an extent could be determined, if not return NA for the
      # given object object
      if (!inherits(tmp, "try-error")) {
      } else {
  }, x = params, y = type_name, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  # now that we have possibly several extents, union them
  ext <- ext[!is.na(ext)]
  ext <- Reduce(raster::merge, ext)
  if (is.null(ext)) {
      "Either you forgot to specify an input shapefile/raster or the",
      " input file does not exist"
  # sometimes the extent is given back with dec = ","; you need to change that
  ext <- gsub(",", ".", ext[1:4])

#' @title Check if RQGIS is loaded on a server
#' @description Performs cross-platform (Unix, Windows) and OS (Debian/Ubuntu) checks for a server infrastructure
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Patrick Schratz
#' @export
check_for_server <- function() {

  # try to get an output of 'lsb_release -a'
  if (detectCores() > 10 && .Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
    test <- try(
        "lsb_release", "-a", stdout = TRUE,
        stderr = TRUE
      silent = TRUE
    if (!inherits(test, "try-error")) {
      get_regex <- grep("Distributor ID:", test, value = TRUE)
      platform <- gsub("Distributor ID:\t", "", get_regex)

      # check for Debian | Ubuntu
      if (platform == "Debian") {
          "Hey there! According to our internal checks, you are trying to run RQGIS on a server.\n",
          "Please note that this is only possible if you imitate a x-display.\n",
          "QGIS needs this in the background to be able to execute its processing modules.\n",
          "Since we detected you are running a Debian server, the following R command should solve the problem:\n",
          "system('export DISPLAY=:99 && xdpyinfo -display $DISPLAY > /dev/null || Xvfb $DISPLAY -screen 99 1024x768x16 &').\n",
          "Note that you need to run this as root.", collapse = "\n"
        # set warn = -1 to only display this warning once per session (warn = -1 ignores warnings commands)
        options(warn = -1)
      if (platform == "Ubuntu") {
          "Hey there! According to our internal checks, you are trying to run RQGIS on a server.\n",
          "Please note that this is only possible if you imitate a x-display.\n",
          "QGIS needs this in the background to be able to execute its processing modules.\n",
          "Since we detected you are running a Debian server, the following R command should solve the problem:\n",
          "system('export DISPLAY=:99 && /etc/init.d/xvfb && start && sleep 3').\n",
          "Note that you need to run this as root.", collapse = "\n"
        # set warn = -1 to only display this warning once per session (warn = -1 ignores warnings commands)
        options(warn = -1)
  if (detectCores() > 10 && Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
      "Hey there! According to our internal checks, you are trying to run RQGIS on a Windows server.\n",
      "Please note that this is only possible if you imitate a x-display.\n",
      "QGIS needs this in the background to be able to execute its processing modules.\n",
      "Note that you need to start the x-display with admin rights", collapse = "\n"
    # set warn = -1 to only display this warning once per session (warn = -1 ignores warnings commands)
    options(warn = -1)

Try the RQGIS package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RQGIS documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:23 a.m.