Defines functions `ETECTG`

    function(GH, sel=sel, FRWD=8,  BKWD=8,  sbef=1, saft=6, DFRWD=.5,  DBKWD=.5, thresh=2,
             Tthresh2=7, stretch=1000, flo=0.1, fhi=5.0, PLOT = FALSE, Kmin=7,
             perc=0.05, kind=1,  DOARAIC = FALSE )
#######    do automatic picking on 3 component traces
#######  fnames4, fnames5, fnames6=names of files to read in vertical north east
#######  FRWD=forward window in seconds
#######  BKWD=backward window in seconds
#######  sbef=before window in seconds
#######  saft=back window in seconds
#######  thresh=threshhold
#######  Tthresh2=window threshhold
#######  stretch=stretching factor to multiply prior i=to rat curve
#######  flo=low freq cutoff for band pass
#######  fhi=high freq for  bandpass 
  if(missing(FRWD)) { FRWD=8 }
  if(missing(BKWD)) { BKWD=8 }
  if(missing(DFRWD)) { DFRWD=.5 }
  if(missing(DBKWD)) { DBKWD=.5 }

  if(missing(sbef)) { sbef = 1 }
  if(missing(saft)) { saft = 6}
  if(missing(thresh)) { thresh=2 }
  if(missing(Tthresh2)) { Tthresh2= (sbef+saft) }
  if(missing(stretch)) { stretch=1000 }
  if(missing(flo)) { flo = .1 }
  if(missing(fhi)) { fhi=5.0 }
  if(missing(PLOT)) {  PLOT = TRUE }
  if(missing(Kmin)) { Kmin = 7 }
  if(missing(kind)) { kind=1 }
  if(missing(sel)) { 1:length(GH$JSTR) }
  if(missing(perc)) { perc=0.05 }
  if(missing(DOARAIC)) { DOARAIC = FALSE }

    oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

  N1 = length(GH$JSTR)
  PTIMES = as.list(1:N1)

  ####  main loop

  for(M in 1:length(sel) )
          M3 = sel[M]
          nam3 = paste("ay",M, sep="")
          assign(nam3, GH$JSTR[[M3]] )
          g = get(nam3)
          g[is.na(g)] = mean(g, na.rm=TRUE)
          nam4 = paste("PP",M, sep="")
          deltat = GH$info$dt[M3]
          pik1 = pickit(g , deltat=deltat,  FRWD=FRWD,  BKWD=BKWD,
              sbef=sbef, saft=saft,
              thresh=thresh, Tthresh2 =  Tthresh2,
              flo=flo, fhi=fhi, stretch=stretch, Kmin=Kmin)

          assign(nam4, pickit(g , deltat=deltat,  FRWD=FRWD,  BKWD=BKWD,
                              sbef=sbef, saft=saft,
                              thresh=thresh, Tthresh2 =  Tthresh2, flo=flo,
                              fhi=fhi, stretch=stretch, Kmin=Kmin))

          v = get(nam4)
          v$STNS = GH$STNS[M3]
          v$COMPS = GH$COMPS[M3]

          assign(nam4, v)

###  plotting

                  abline(h=v$thresh, col=3)
###     ls(pat='PP')
###	rm(list=ls(pat='PP'))


  ###   end initial detection

  for(M in 1:length(sel) )
          nam4 = paste("PP",M, sep="")
          v = get(nam4)
          message(paste(" ", "ETECTG",  v$STNS, v$COMPS, length(v$RAT)) )
          nam5 = paste("tt",M, sep="")
          assign(nam5, rep(0, length(v$x)))
          tt  = get(nam5)
          for(j in 1:length(v$a1))
                  tt[v$x>=v$a1[j]&v$x<=v$a2[j]] = 1
          assign(nam5, tt)
###     ls(pat='tt')
###	rm(list=ls(pat='tt'))

###############  create a series of ones for hits on the STLT algor

      ## weights: might weigh certain stations more? 

  K1 = length(sel)
###   ALLP = tt4+tt5+tt6
  nam5 = paste("tt",1, sep="")
  ALLP  = get(nam5)
          for(M in 2:K1)
                  M3 = M
                  nam5 = paste("tt",M3, sep="")
                  tt = get(nam5)
                  ALLP = ALLP+tt
   ## plot.ts(ALLP)
####  weight the vertical more than the horizontals
      ## ALLP = 2.0*tt4+ tt5+ tt6
  JJ = Thresh.J(ALLP, K1-0.5)
###   JJ = Thresh.J(ALLP,1.5)
  NNALLP = length(ALLP)
  NJ = length(JJ$J)

       ####    next;

  for(M in 1:length(sel) )
          K = sel[M]
          deltat = GH$info$dt[K]
          namdp = paste("DP",M, sep="")
          assign( namdp , rep(0,length(JJ$J)))
          detpix = get(namdp)
          namtp = paste("TP",M, sep="")
          nam4 = paste("PP",M, sep="")
          PP = get(nam4)

          ifrwd  =  round(DFRWD/PP$deltat)
          ibkwd  =  round(DBKWD/PP$deltat)    

          zwin = max(c(ifrwd, ibkwd))
###  for each PICK-WINDOW get a detailed pick on each component

          for(j in 1:NJ)
                  ## message(paste(sep=" ", "****************** sub win=", i, j, "of ", NJ, BIGN))
                  ##  b1 = (JJ$J[j]-sbef/deltat)
                  ##  b2 = (JJ$L[j]+saft/deltat)

                  B = getb1b2(JJ$J[j], JJ$L[j], zwin, 375,  NNALLP )
                  b1 = B[1]
                  b2 = B[2]

                  if(is.na(b1) | is.na(b2) ) { next }
                  z4= PP$fy[b1:b2]
                  xz = PP$x[b1:b2]

                          message(paste(sep=" " , "Very short window",M, j, length(z4), b1, b2)   )
                          detpix[j] = 0
####  here do the detailed picking to find a good first arrival
####     RATP = ratcurve(z4, dt=PP4$deltat, fwlen =  75,  bwlen  =200, PLOT=TRUE)
                  message("ETECTG Going to PSTLTcurve")
                  RATP = PSTLTcurve(z4, dt=PP$deltat, fwlen=ifrwd,  bwlen=ibkwd, perc=perc, stretch=1000 , MED=77, PLOT=FALSE)
                  if(is.na(RATP[[1]]) )
                  ## locator(1)

                          Nz4 = length(z4)
                          Mar = 8
                          aout = rep(0, Nz4)
                          deltat = PP$deltat[1]

                          ary = .C("CALL_ARAIC", PACKAGE = "RSEIS",
                              as.double(z4), as.integer(Nz4),as.double(deltat), as.integer(Mar),
                              as.integer(T1), as.double(O1), as.double(O2), as.double(WW), as.double(aout)) 

                          kaic = ary[[9]]
                          Taic =TFIN=  which.min(kaic)

                          xkaic = 1:length(kaic)
                          plot(xkaic,kaic, type='l')
                          lm1 = lm(kaic ~ cbind(xkaic, xkaic^2, xkaic^3, xkaic^4))
                          lines(xkaic[!is.na(kaic)], lm1$fitted.values, col=2)

                          vline(c(RATP$eye, RATP$ind, RATP$mix), per=-1,  LAB=c("eye", "ind", "mix"), COL=c(2,3,5))
                          vline(which.min(kaic), COL=rgb(.4,.8,1) )
                  detpix[j] = xz[1]-1+TFIN

          assign( namdp , detpix)
          PTIMES = recdate(GH$info$jd[K], GH$info$hr[K], GH$info$mi[K],
          PTIMES$yr = rep(GH$info$yr[K], length=length(detpix))
          PTIMES$STAID = list(stn=GH$STNS[K] , comp=GH$COMPS[K])
          assign( namtp , PTIMES)


###     ls(pat='^TP')
###	rm(list=ls(pat='^TP'))

  ###     ls(pat='^DP')
###	rm(list=ls(pat='^DP'))

          message(paste("going to plotting ", K1))
          ##  PLOT.SEISN(GH, sel = sel, notes=GH$KNOTES[sel]);  gin = locator(2)
          ##  gin = locator(2)

###  swig(GH, sel=sel)
###  y = swig(GH, sel=sel, WIN=gin)

###  gin = locator(2)
          gin = NULL

          PLOT.SEISN(GH, sel = sel, notes=GH$KNOTES[sel], WIN=gin)

          for(M in 1:length(sel) )
                  K = sel[M]
                  namtp = paste("TP",M, sep="")
                  tp = get(namtp)

                  ypos = (length(sel)-M+0.5)/length(sel)

                  zloc = list(x=rep(NA, length(tp$jd)),  y=rep(ypos, length(tp$jd))  )
                  zloc$x = secdif(GH$info$jd[K], GH$info$hr[K], GH$info$mi[K],
                      tp$jd, tp$hr, tp$mi, tp$sec)
                  PPIX(zloc, YN=length(sel), col=4, lab='P')



  PPALL = as.list(1:K1)
  PPTIM = as.list(1:K1)

  for(M in 1:K1)
          M3 = sel[M]
          nam2 = paste("PP",M, sep="")
          P = get(nam2)
          PPALL[[M]] = P

          namtp = paste("TP",M, sep="")
          ptims = get( namtp)
          PPTIM[[M]] = ptims

    return(list(sel=sel, JJ=JJ, PPTIM=PPTIM, PP=PPALL))

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