`JSEGY.seis` <-function(fnames, Iendian=1 , HEADONLY=FALSE, BIGLONG=FALSE, PLOT=-1, RAW=FALSE )
### get a bunch of segy files from a directory and store in structure
if(missing(PLOT)) { PLOT=-1 }
if(missing(Iendian)) { Iendian=1 }
if(missing(RAW)) { RAW=FALSE }
GIVE = as.list(1:length(fnames))
DATAendian =c("little", "big", "swap")
Kendian =c(1,2,3)
#### Iendian should now be a vector
endianVEC =Iendian
endianVEC = DATAendian[match(Iendian , Kendian )]
if(length(endianVEC)<length(fnames)) { endianVEC = rep(endianVEC, times=length(fnames) ) }
#### if(is.character(Iendian))
#### {
#### Iendian = grep(Iendian, DATAendian)
#### theENDIAN = DATAendian[Iendian]
#### }
#### else
#### {
#### theENDIAN = DATAendian[Iendian]
#### }
######## on some systems LONG = 8 bytes
####### on others LONG = 4 bytes
##### there may be other differences that
### I am not aware of but this is enough for now.
ishort = 2
iint = 4
ilong = 8
ifloat = 4
idouble = 8
ishort = 2
iint = 4
ilong = 4
ifloat = 4
idouble = 8
for(i in 1:length(fnames))
fn = fnames[i]
infile = fn
theENDIAN = endianVEC[i]
## message(paste(fn, theENDIAN) );
### if this file does not exist, exit!
warning(paste(sep=' ', "file does not exist", fn) );
### message(paste(sep=' ', "file exists", fn) );
SEGYhead.names = c("lineSeq", "reelSeq", "event_number", "channel_number",
"energySourcePt", "cdpEns", "traceInEnsemble",
"traceID", "vertSum", "horSum", "dataUse",
"sourceToRecDist", "recElevation", "sourceSurfaceElevation", "sourceDepth",
"datumElevRec", "datumElevSource", "sourceWaterDepth","recWaterDepth",
"elevationScale", "coordScale",
"sourceLongOrX", "sourceLatOrY","recLongOrX", "recLatOrY",
"coordUnits", "weatheringVelocity", "subWeatheringVelocity",
"sourceUpholeTime", "recUpholeTime", "sourceStaticCor",
"recStaticCor", "totalStatic", "lagTimeA", "lagTimeB", "delay",
"muteStart", "muteEnd",
"correlated", "sweepStart", "sweepEnd", "sweepLength", "sweepType",
"sweepTaperAtStart", "sweepTaperAtEnd", "taperType", "aliasFreq", "aliasSlope",
"notchFreq","notchSlope", "lowCutFreq", "hiCutFreq", "lowCutSlope", "hiCutSlope",
"traceWeightingFactor", "phoneRollPos1", "phoneFirstTrace",
"phoneLastTrace", "gapSize", "taperOvertravel",
"trigyear", "trigday", "trighour", "trigminute", "trigsecond", "trigmills",
"max", "min")
zz <- file(fn, "rb")
A1 = readBin(zz, integer() , n = 7, size = iint, signed = TRUE,
endian = theENDIAN)
A2 = readBin(zz, integer() , n = 4, size =ishort , signed = TRUE,
endian = theENDIAN)
A3 = readBin(zz, integer() , n = 8, size = iint, signed = TRUE,
endian = theENDIAN)
### short elevationScale; /* 68 Elevation Scaler: scale = 1 */
### short coordScale; /* 70 Coordinate Scaler: scale = 1 */
A4 = readBin(zz, integer() , n = 2 , size =ishort, endian =theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
A5 = readBin(zz, integer() , n = 4 , size =iint, endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
coordScale= A4[2]
scfc = 1
scfe = 1
if (coordScale < 0)
scfc = -1. / coordScale;
recLongOrX= scfc* A5[3]
scfe = elevationScale
if (elevationScale < 0){ scfe = -1. / elevationScale }
coords = list(reclat=recLatOrY, reclon=recLongOrX, recel =recElevation, srclat= sourceLatOrY,
srclon=sourceLongOrX, srcdep=sourceDepth)
A6 = readBin(zz, integer() , n =13 , size =ishort, endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
coordUnits = A6[1]
sampleLength=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort, endian =theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
deltaSample=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort, endian =theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
gainType=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort, endian =theENDIAN, signed = TRUE);
gainConst=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort, endian =theENDIAN, signed = TRUE);
initialGain =readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort, endian =theENDIAN, signed = TRUE);
B6 = readBin(zz, integer() , n =16 , size =ishort, endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
year=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort, endian =theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
day=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort, endian =theENDIAN, signed = TRUE);
hour=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort, endian =theENDIAN, signed = TRUE);
minute=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort, endian =theENDIAN, signed = TRUE);
second=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort, endian =theENDIAN, signed = TRUE);
timeBasisCode=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort, endian =theENDIAN, signed = TRUE);
B7 = readBin(zz, integer() , n =6 , size =ishort, endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
stationname=readChar(zz, 6, useBytes = FALSE)
sensorserial=readChar(zz, 8, useBytes = FALSE)
channelname=readChar(zz, 4, useBytes = FALSE)
## message(paste(sep="", "<",channelname,">"))
## close(zz)
## message(paste(sep=" ",paste(sep="", "<",stationname,">"), paste(sep="", "<",channelname,">")), sep="\n")
## message(paste(sep=" ", "Name=", stationname,sensorserial,channelname))
totalStaticHi= readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort, endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
samprate= readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =iint, endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
dataform=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
msecs =readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
## message(paste(sep=" ", "time start=", year,day,hour,minute, second, msecs ))
## message(paste(sep=" ", "gains", gainType, gainConst ))
trigyear=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
trigday=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
trighour=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
trigminute=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
trigsecond=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
trigmills=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
## message(paste(sep=" ","trigtime=", trigyear, trigday,trighour , trigminute, trigsecond, trigmills ))
scalefac=readBin(zz, numeric() , n = 1 , size =ifloat , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
if(gainConst == 0)gainConst = 1
if(scalefac == 0) scalefac = 1
########### this conversion factor is used to convert counts to volts
conversionfac = scalefac / gainConst;
instno=readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
nottobeused =readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =ishort , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
numsamps =readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =iint , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
max =readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =iint , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
min =readBin(zz, integer() , n = 1 , size =iint , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
## message(paste(sep=" ", i, "numsamps=", numsamps, "sampleLength=", sampleLength ))
## message(paste(sep=" ", "scalefac=", scalefac ))
#################################### done reading header
##### count = 7+4+8+2+4+13+5+16+6+6+4+7+5
SEGYall = c(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, sampleLength,
year, day, hour, minute, second,timeBasisCode,
totalStaticHi, samprate, dataform,
msecs ,trigyear, trigday,trighour,
trigminute, trigsecond, trigmills,scalefac,
instno, nottobeused, numsamps, max, min)
SEGYH = data.frame(names=SEGYhead.names, values=SEGYall)
N = numsamps
if( !is.integer(N))
## this is a problem
warning("ERROR: number of samples is not an integer.")
message(paste(i, fn))
#### bugfix from Jake
#### dt = as.numeric( deltaSample )/1000000
if(as.numeric( samprate )==0)
samprate = deltaSample
dt = as.numeric( samprate )/1000000
#### you have to have a sample rate
DATIM = c(year, day, hour, minute)
sec = second+ msecs/1000
thesta= stationname
thecomp= channelname
md = getmoday(DATIM[2], DATIM[1])
t1 = 0
t2 = dt*(N-1)
tstart = list(yr=DATIM[1], jd=DATIM[2] , mo=md$mo, dom=md$dom, hr=DATIM[3], mi=DATIM[4], sec=sec, msec=0, dt=dt, t1=t1,
t2=t2, off=0)
#### if(is.null(thesta)) thesta="XXX"
#### if(is.null(thecomp)) thecomp="X"
#### if( thesta="XXX"
#### if( thecomp="X"
#### message(paste("headonly ", i))
x = NULL
#################################### read in integer samples
D1 = readBin(zz, integer() , n = N , size =iint , endian = theENDIAN, signed = TRUE)
### i1 = unlist( strsplit(split=" ", B4[4]) )
x = as.vector(D1)
### message("using RAW (counts), range:")
### message(range(x))
######### convert to floating point numbers with physical units
x = as.vector(D1)*conversionfac
GIVE[[i]] = list(fn=fn, sta=thesta, comp=thecomp, dt=dt, DATTIM=tstart, N=N, units=aunits , coords=coords , amp=x, HEAD=SEGYH, IO=list(kind=1, Iendian=Iendian, BIGLONG=BIGLONG) )
plot(x, type='l', main=paste(sep=' ', thesta, thecomp))
message("left CLICK once in WINDOW for NEXT TRACE:")
if(PLOT==0) { locator(1) }
### message("using RAW (counts), range:")
### message(range(x))
### for(ig in 1:length(GIVE)) { message( range(GIVE[[ig]]$amp )) }
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