
Defines functions `SPECT.drive`

`SPECT.drive` <-
function(Xamp, DT=0.008, NEW=TRUE, STAMP=NULL, freqlim=c(0, 20, 0, 20), winparams=c(4096,256, 204 ) )

    if(missing(DT)) { DT=1 }
    if(missing(NEW)) { NEW=TRUE }
    if(missing(STAMP)) { STAMP=NULL }

    TPALS = c("rainbow", "topo.colors", "terrain.colors", "heat.colors", "tomo.colors")
    APALS = c("rainbow", "topo",           "terrain",      "heat",       "tomo")
    ADDBUTS = c("RAW", "LOG", "SQRT", "Grid", "INFO", "DOT",  "WLEN", "PARMS" , "SAVE" )
    NCOL = 100
    labs = c("DONE", "PNG", APALS, ADDBUTS )
    NLABS = length(labs)
    NOLAB = NLABS +1000
  ###  FUN = match.fun(TPALS[1])
   ###  pal = FUN(NCOL)

    pal = RPMG::Gcols(plow=5, phi=0,  N=100, pal=TPALS[1])
    scale.def = 0
    colabs = c(rep(1,2) , rep(2, length(APALS) ), rep(4,length(ADDBUTS) ))
    pchlabs = c(rep(1,2) , rep(2, length(APALS) ), rep(4,length(ADDBUTS) ))
    gridon = FALSE
    NSEL = 1

       ### get(getOption("device"))(width=15, height=10)
        dev.new(width=15, height=10)
       ### X11(width=15, height=10)
###  fh is one half  the nyquist  frequency
        flshow = 0
###  fh is 60% the fh  frequency
        fhshow = round(0.6*fh)
        flshow = freqlim[3]
        fhshow = freqlim[4]

   ###  multi = 1

    ###  here need to choose a length for the roving window.
    ###  I used to use 2 second windows by default, but here I think we need to
    ###  be more creative - how about 2% of the total length of the record?
##  tsecs = DT*(length(Xamp)*.02)
    ### No, now lets do 256 per window, approximately

    ###  need 3 parameters:  FFT length
#################   time window length and time Overlap

        TWOSEC = 256
        NS = floor(TWOSEC)
        NOV = floor(TWOSEC-.2*TWOSEC)


        TWOSEC = winparams[2]
        NS = floor(TWOSEC)
        NOV = floor(winparams[3])

    DEV = evolfft(Xamp, DT , Nfft=Nfft, Ns=NS , Nov=NOV,  fl=fl, fh=fh  )

    if(is.null(DEV)) {
       emsg = c("ERROR: illegal call to evolfft.", "Exit Program SPECT.drive")
    PE = plotevol(DEV, log=scale.def, fl=flshow, fh=fhshow, col=pal, ygrid=gridon, STAMP=STAMP)
    buttons = RPMG::rowBUTTONS(labs, col=colabs, pch=pchlabs)

     zloc = list(x=NULL, y=NULL)
    sloc = zloc

  ####   message(paste("Button",K, Nclick,K[Nclick] ))


    iloc = RPMG::ilocator(1, COL=rgb(1,0.8, 0.8), NUM=FALSE , YN=1, style=0)
           Nclick = length(iloc$x)
              zloc  = list(x=c(zloc$x,iloc$x), y=c(zloc$y, iloc$y))
              zenclick = length(zloc$x)
              K =  RPMG::whichbutt(iloc ,buttons)
              sloc = zloc
              Nclick = 0
              K = 0
              buttons = RPMG::rowBUTTONS(labs, col=rep(grey(.8), length(labs)), pch=rep("NULL", length(labs)))
              title("Return to Calling Program")
        if(K[Nclick] == match("DONE", labs, nomatch = NOLAB))
            buttons = RPMG::rowBUTTONS(labs, col=rep(grey(.8), length(labs)), pch=rep("NULL", length(labs)))
            title("Return to Calling Program")

        if(K[Nclick] == match("SAVE", labs, nomatch = NOLAB))
            buttons = RPMG::rowBUTTONS(labs, col=rep(grey(.8), length(labs)), pch=rep("NULL", length(labs)))
            title("Return to Calling Program")

          ####################   PNG  ##################
        if(K[Nclick] == match("PNG", labs, nomatch = NOLAB))

          message(paste(sep=' ' ,"Starting png file plotevol"))
           jdev = dev.cur()
           plfname = RPMG::local.file("sgram","png")
           P = round(par('pin'))

           RPMG::jpng(file=plfname , width=P[1], height=P[2])

          ## postscript(file=plfname, horizontal=TRUE, print.it=FALSE,  onefile=FALSE)
           PE = plotevol(DEV, log=scale.def, fl= flshow, fh=fhshow, col=pal, ygrid=gridon, STAMP=STAMP)
           message(paste(sep=' ' ,"Done creating postscript file: ", plfname) )

          zloc = list(x=NULL, y=NULL) 

      ####################   POSTSCRIPT  ##################
        if(K[Nclick] == match("Postscript", labs, nomatch = NOLAB))

          message(paste(sep=' ' ,"Starting postscript file plotevol"))
           jdev = dev.cur()
           plfname = RPMG::local.file("sgram","eps")
           P = round(par('pin'))

           postscript(file=plfname , width=P[1], height=P[2], paper = "special", horizontal=FALSE, onefile=TRUE,print.it=FALSE)

          ## postscript(file=plfname, horizontal=TRUE, print.it=FALSE,  onefile=FALSE)
           PE = plotevol(DEV, log=scale.def, fl= flshow, fh=fhshow, col=pal, ygrid=gridon, STAMP=STAMP)
           message(paste(sep=' ' ,"Done creating postscript file: ", plfname) )

          zloc = list(x=NULL, y=NULL) 

        if( length(which(K[Nclick] == match(APALS, labs, nomatch = NOLAB)))>0 )
            J = match(labs[K[Nclick]] ,  APALS   )
            ##FUN = match.fun(TPALS[J])
            ##  pal = FUN(NCOL)
            pal = RPMG::Gcols(plow=5, phi=0,  N=100, pal=TPALS[J])
              PE = plotevol(DEV, log=scale.def, fl= flshow, fh=fhshow, col=pal, ygrid=gridon, STAMP=STAMP)
            buttons = RPMG::rowBUTTONS(labs, col=colabs, pch=pchlabs)
            zloc = list(x=NULL, y=NULL) 

###     "RAW", "LOG", "SQRT"

        if(K[Nclick]==match("RAW", labs, nomatch = NOLAB))
            scale.def = 0
              PE = plotevol(DEV, log=scale.def, fl= flshow, fh=fhshow, col=pal, ygrid=gridon, STAMP=STAMP)
            buttons = RPMG::rowBUTTONS(labs, col=colabs, pch=pchlabs)
             zloc = list(x=NULL, y=NULL) 
        if(K[Nclick]==match("LOG", labs, nomatch = NOLAB))
            scale.def = 1
           PE =  plotevol(DEV, log=scale.def, fl= flshow, fh=fhshow, col=pal, ygrid=gridon, STAMP=STAMP)
            buttons = RPMG::rowBUTTONS(labs, col=colabs, pch=pchlabs)
             zloc = list(x=NULL, y=NULL) 
        if(K[Nclick]==match("SQRT", labs, nomatch = NOLAB))
            scale.def = 2
            PE = plotevol(DEV, log=scale.def, fl=flshow, fh=fhshow, col=pal, ygrid=gridon, STAMP=STAMP)
            buttons = RPMG::rowBUTTONS(labs, col=colabs, pch=pchlabs)
             zloc = list(x=NULL, y=NULL) 

         if(K[Nclick]==match("Grid", labs, nomatch = NOLAB))
            gridon = !gridon
           PE =  plotevol(DEV, log=scale.def, fl= flshow, fh=fhshow, col=pal, ygrid=gridon, STAMP=STAMP)
            buttons = RPMG::rowBUTTONS(labs, col=colabs, pch=pchlabs)
             zloc = list(x=NULL, y=NULL) 

         if(K[Nclick]==match("WLEN", labs, nomatch = NOLAB))

             A = readline(prompt ="Type in the window multiplier:")
             NS = multi*TWOSEC
             NOV = multi*(TWOSEC-10)
             DEV = evolfft(Xamp,DT , Nfft=Nfft, Ns=NS , Nov=NOV,  fl=fl, fh=fh  )
            PE = plotevol(DEV, log=scale.def, fl=flshow, fh=fhshow, col=pal, ygrid=gridon, STAMP=STAMP)
            buttons = RPMG::rowBUTTONS(labs, col=colabs, pch=pchlabs)
              zloc = list(x=NULL, y=NULL) 

         if(K[Nclick]==match("PARMS", labs, nomatch = NOLAB))

             prom = paste(sep=" ","Current 7 Parameters: Nfft Ns Nov  fl fh flshow fhshow\n=",Nfft, NS, NOV , fl, fh, flshow, fhshow, "\nINPUT> " )  
             A = readline(prompt =prom)

             RL= as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(split=" ", A)))
             Nfft = RL[1]
             NS = RL[2]
             NOV = RL[3]
             fl  = RL[4]
             fh = RL[5]
             flshow = RL[6]
             fhshow = RL[7]

             DEV = evolfft(Xamp,DT , Nfft=Nfft, Ns=NS , Nov=NOV,  fl=fl, fh=fh  )
                 PE =  plotevol(DEV, log=scale.def, fl=flshow, fh=fhshow, col=pal, ygrid=gridon, STAMP=STAMP)
             buttons = RPMG::rowBUTTONS(labs, col=colabs, pch=pchlabs)
              zloc = list(x=NULL, y=NULL) 

        if(K[Nclick]==match("INFO", labs, nomatch = NOLAB))

            ###   message(zloc)
            whyat = min(PE$y)+(diff(range(PE$y)))*(zloc$y[1:(Nclick-1)]-min(PE$why))/(diff(range(PE$why)))
            exat  = min(PE$x)+(diff(range(PE$x)))*(zloc$x[1:(Nclick-1)]-min(PE$x))/(diff(range(PE$x)))
            rDUMPLOC(list(x=exat, y=whyat))
             zloc = list(x=NULL, y=NULL) 
           ###  message(exat)
           ###  message(whyat)            

        if(K[Nclick]==match("DOT", labs, nomatch = NOLAB))
                pstyle = -1

             zloc = list(x=NULL, y=NULL)

        ###  message(paste(sep=' ', "scale.def=", scale.def))


    message("DONE with Sgram")

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