
Defines functions plotseis24

Documented in plotseis24

plotseis24<-function(JJ, dy=1/18, FIX=24, SCALE=0,
                     FILT=list(ON=FALSE, fl=0.05 , fh=20.0, type="BP", proto="BU"),
                     RCOLS=c(rgb(0.2, .2, 1), rgb(.2, .2, .2))  , add=FALSE )
    if(missing(FIX)) { FIX=24 }
    if(missing(dy)) { dy  = 1/18 }

    if(missing(RCOLS)) { RCOLS = c(rgb(0.2, .2, 1), rgb(.2, .2, .2),
                                   "lightsalmon3","darkcyan") }

    if(missing(SCALE )) { SCALE = 0 }  ###   SCALE=0 scale by trace, !=0 scale by page

    if(missing(FILT)) { FILT = list(ON=FALSE, fl=0.05 , fh=20.0, type="BP", proto="BU") }
    h = FIX
    m1 = 0
    ry =  range(c(m1, m1+23.999/24) )
    xa = seq(from=0, length=3600/adt, by=adt)
    mx1 = min(xa)
    mx2 = max(xa)
    bcol = rgb(1, .8, .8)
    gcol = rgb(.8, 1, .8)
 rcol = RCOLS

     oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 4)+0.1,  xaxs='i', yaxs='i', lwd=0.5, bty="u")

        plot( c(0, 3600), -ry  , type='n', xpd=TRUE, axes=FALSE, xlab="Time,s", ylab="")
##  90:100
    box(col=grey(0.7) )

    tix = rep(NA, length=h)
  altcol = length(RCOLS)

    cols = rep(1:altcol, length=24)

    miny = rep(NA, length(24))
    maxy = rep(NA, length(24))

############  filter the traces here
    for(i in 1:24 )
        zed = JJ$sigs[[i]]
        fy = zed
            L = length(zed)
            ipad = ceiling(L*0.02)
###  in this case we pad each end with the time reversed
                ##      parts of the signals
                ibeg = zed[1:ipad]
                iend = zed[(L-ipad+1):L]
                ked = c(rev(ibeg), zed, rev(iend))
           ###      message("filtering")
                      fy = butfilt(ked,fl=FILT$fl, fh=FILT$fh ,
                                   deltat = adt, type=FILT$type ,
                                   proto=FILT$proto , RM=FILT$RM, zp=FILT$zp )
                    fy = ked

                jed =  fy[(ipad+1):(ipad+L)    ]
                fy = jed

          #######  remove mean 
        fy = fy-mean(fy, na.rm=TRUE)
        miny[i] = min(fy, na.rm=TRUE)
        maxy[i]  = max(fy, na.rm=TRUE)
        JJ$sigs[[i]] = fy

bigmax = max(maxy, na.rm=TRUE)
bigmin = min(miny, na.rm=TRUE)

 if(SCALE>0) rat = abs(bigmax-bigmin)/SCALE
    for(i in 1:24 )

        a1 = m1 + (i-1)/24
        a2 = m1 + (i)/24
        y1 = -a1
        fy = JJ$sigs[[i]]
        zna = JJ$zna[[i]]
        icol = RCOLS[cols[i]]
                zee  = RPMG::RESCALE(fy,  -1,   1, miny[i], maxy[i])
                ##    w
                zee  = RPMG::RESCALE(fy, -1 ,  1, bigmin, bigmax)       
            tmean = mean(zee, na.rm=TRUE)
            zee = dy*(zee-tmean)
            zee[ zna ] = NA
            tix[i] = y1
            lines(c(mx1, 50) , c(y1, y1)   , col=bcol )
            lines(xa,y1+zee, col=icol, xpd=TRUE)
            y1 = -a1
            lines(c(mx1, 50) , c(y1, y1)   , col=bcol )


    days = JJ$jd
  ##   message(days)
    modays = getmoday(days, JJ$yr[1])

    tlocs = abs(tix[!is.na(tix)])
    labs4 = format.default(1+round(24*(tlocs  - floor(tlocs))), digits=2)
    ## axis(4, at=tix[!is.na(tix)], labels=abs(days) )
    labs2 = format.default(round(24*(tlocs  - floor(tlocs))), digits=2)

    axis(4, at=tix[!is.na(tix)], labels=labs4, las=1)
    axis(2, at=tix[!is.na(tix)], labels=labs2, las=1) 
    ## box()

    modays = getmoday(JJ$jd[1], JJ$yr[1])

  ###  Ltit = paste(sep="/",  JJ$yr[1], modays$mo, modays$dom)

   ###    strptime(adate, "%m/%d/%y")
idate = ISOdate(JJ$yr[1], modays$mo, modays$dom, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0, tz = "GMT")

  adate =   format(idate,  format = "%Y-%b-%d GMT",   tz = "GMT" )
    mtext(adate, 3, line=1, at=0, adj=0)


    fl = FILT$fl
    unitlow = "Hz"
    fh = FILT$fh
    unithi = "Hz"
    ftype= FILT$type

        fl = 1/fl
        unitlow = "s"


        fh = 1/fh
        unithi = "s"


    filttag =  paste(sep= " ", ftype,fl, unitlow, fh, unithi  )
    mtext(filttag, 3, line=1, at=mx2, adj=1)


           mtext("Scaled by window", 1, line=3, at=0, adj=0)


    mypar= par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    invisible(list( x=xa, y=tix,  yr=JJ$yr[1],  jd=JJ$jd[1], mypar=mypar  ) )

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RSEIS documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 1:09 a.m.