#' Topographic Illumination Correction
#' account and correct for changes in illumination due to terrain elevation.
#' @param img SpatRaster. Imagery to correct
#' @param dem SpatRaster. Either a digital elevation model as a RasterLayer or a RasterStack/Brick with pre-calculated slope and aspect (see \link[terra]{terrain}) in which case the layers must be named 'slope' and 'aspect'.
#' Must have the same dimensions as \code{img}.
#' @param metaData Character, ImageMetaData. Either a path to a Landsat meta-data file (MTL) or an ImageMetaData object (see \link{readMeta})
#' @param solarAngles Numeric vector containing sun azimuth and sun zenith (in radians and in that order). Not needed if metaData is provided
#' @param method Character. One of c("cos", "avgcos", "minnaert", "C", "stat", "illu"). Choosing 'illu' will return only the local illumination map.
#' @param stratImg RasterLayer or SpatRaster to define strata, e.g. NDVI. Or the string 'slope' in which case stratification will be on \code{nStrat} slope classes. Only relevant if \code{method = 'minnaert'}.
#' @param nStrat Integer. Number of bins or quantiles to stratify by. If a bin has less than 50 samples it will be merged with the next bin. Only relevant if \code{method = 'minnaert'}.
#' @param illu SpatRaster. Optional pre-calculated ilumination map. Run topCor with method="illu" to calculate an ilumination map
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link[terra]{writeRaster}}
#' @details
#' For detailed discussion of the various approaches please see Riano et al. (2003).
#' The minnaert correction can be stratified for different landcover characteristics. If \code{stratImg = 'slope'} the analysis is stratified by the slope,
#' i.e. the slope values are divided into \code{nStrat} classes and the correction coefficient k is calculated and applied separately for each slope class.
#' An alternative could be to stratify by a vegetation index in which case an additional raster layer has to be provided via the \code{stratImg} argument.
#' @export
#' @returns SpatRaster
#' @references
#' Riano et al. (2003) Assessment of different topographic correction in Landsat-TM data for mapping vegetation types. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
#' @examples
#' ## Load example data
#' metaData <- system.file("external/landsat/LT52240631988227CUB02_MTL.txt", package="RStoolbox")
#' metaData <- readMeta(metaData)
#' ## Minnaert correction, solar angles from metaData
#' lsat_minnaert <- topCor(lsat, dem = srtm, metaData = metaData, method = "minnaert")
#' ## C correction, solar angles provided manually
#' lsat_C <- topCor(lsat, dem = srtm, solarAngles = c(1.081533, 0.7023922), method = "C")
topCor <- function(img, dem, metaData, solarAngles = c(), method = "C", stratImg = NULL, nStrat = 5, illu, ...){
img_t <- .toTerra(img)
if(!missing("dem")) dem_t <- .toTerra(dem)
if(!missing("illu")) illu_t <- .toTerra(illu)
stopifnot(method %in% c("cos", "avgcos", "minnaert", "C", "stat", "illu"))
## TODO: improve performance
## Metadata
if(!missing("solarAngles")) {
if(length(solarAngles)!=2) stop ("If metaData is used to provide solar azimuth and solar zenith it must be a numeric vector of length 2: c(azimuth, zenith)")
sa <- solarAngles[1]
sz <- solarAngles[2]
} else {
if(missing("metaData")) stop("You must specify either solarAngles or metaData")
if(inherits(metaData, "character")) metaData <- readMeta(metaData)
sz <- (90-metaData$SOLAR_PARAMETERS[2])*pi/180
sa <- metaData$SOLAR_PARAMETERS[1]*pi/180
## Terrain
if(any(!names(dem) %in% c("slope", "aspect"))) {
.vMessage("Calculate slope and aspect")
topo_t <- terrain(dem_t, c("slope", "aspect"), unit = "radians")
} else {
topo_t <- dem_t
.vMessage("Using pre-calculated slope and aspect")
slope_t <- topo_t[["slope"]]
## Illumination
.vMessage("Calculate illumination map")
illu_t_func <- function(slope, aspect, sazimuth = sa, szenith = sz){
cos(szenith) * cos(slope) + sin(szenith) * sin(slope) * cos(sazimuth - aspect)
illu_t <- illu_t_func(topo_t$slope, topo_t$aspect)
names(illu_t) <- "illu"
} else {
.vMessage("Using pre-calculated illumination map")
.vMessage("Correct imagery")
if (method == "cos") {
## valid range: <55 degree
## Eq 3 in Riano2003
## Lambertian assumption
Lh_t_func <- function(x,y){x * (cos(sz) / y)}
Lh_t <- Lh_t_func(img_t, illu_t)
if (method == "avgcos") {
## Eq 4 in Riano2003
## Lambertian assumption
avgillu_t <- as.numeric(t(terra::global(illu_t, "mean", na.rm = TRUE)))
Lh_t_func <- function(x,y){ x + x * (avgillu_t-y) / avgillu_t}
Lh_t <- Lh_t_func(img_t, illu_t)
if(method =="minnaert") {
## Eq 5 in Riano2003
## Lambertian assumption if k == 1
## Non-lambertian if 0 <= k < 1
stratMethod <- if(is.null(stratImg)) {stratImg <- "slope"; "noStrat"} else "stratEqualBins"
ks_t <- .kestimate_t(img_t, illu_t, slope_t, method = stratMethod, stratImg = stratImg, n = nStrat, sz=sz)
ks_t$k <- lapply(ks_t$k, function(x){
x[x[,2] < 0, 2] <- 0
x[x[,2] > 1, 2] <- 1
Lh_t <- lapply(1:nlyr(img_t), function(i){
Lh_t_func <- function(img, illu, strat, groups = ks_t$groups, k = ks_t$k) {
sc <- base::cut(as.numeric(values(strat)), breaks = groups, labels = FALSE)
k <- k[[i]][sc,2]
return(as.numeric(values(img)) * cos(sz)/ as.numeric(values(illu))^k)
Lh_t_vals <- Lh_t_func(img_t[[i]], illu_t, slope_t)
Lh_t_img <- img_t[[i]]
values(Lh_t_img) <- Lh_t_vals
ellip <- list(...)
if ('filename' %in% names(ellip) && !is.null(ellip[["filename"]])) {
names(Lh_t) <- names(img_t)
Lh_t <- writeRaster(Lh_t, ...)
if(method == "stat") {
## Eq 8 in Riano2003
ks_t <- .kestimate_t(img_t, illu_t, slope_t, method = "stat")
sub_t <- rast(lapply(ks_t$k, function(x){
x[,2] * illu_t
Lh_t <- img_t - sub_t
if(method == "C") {
ks_t <- .kestimate_t(img_t, illu_t, slope_t, method = "stat")
mult_t <- rast(lapply(ks_t$k, function(x){
ck <- x[,1]/x[,2]
(cos(sz) + ck) / (illu_t + ck)
Lh_t <- img_t * mult_t
names(Lh_t) <- names(img_t)
# if(FALSE && method == "minnaMod"){
# ## Richter 2009
# if(sz < 45*pi/180) {
# beta_t <- sz + 20*pi/180
# } else if(sz > 55*pi/180) {
# beta_t <- sz + 10*pi/180
# } else {
# beta_t <- sz + 15*pi/180
# }
# ## Vegetation classes: 1 = non-veg, 2 = veg
# bvis = c(0.5, ## non-vegetation
# 3/4) ## vegetation (wavelength < 720nm)
# bir = c(0.5, ## non-vegetation
# 1/3) ## vegetation (wavelength > 720nm)
# minnaMod <- function(x, beta_tx, b_lut) {
# b <- b_lut[x[,2]]
# mult <- (x[,1]/beta_tx)^b
# mult[mult > 0.25] <- 0.25
# mult
# }
# multvis <- calc(stack(illu, stratImg), fun = function(x) minnaMod(x, b_lut = bvis, beta_tx = beta_t))
# multir <- calc(stack(illu, stratImg), fun = function(x) minnaMod(x, b_lut = bir, beta_tx = beta_t))
# select <- illu > beta_t
# visBands <- 1:4
# visCo <- img[visBands]
# visCo[select] <- img[[visBands]][select] * multvis[select]
# }
#' Parameter estimation
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
.kestimate_t <- function(img, illu, slope, stratImg = "slope", method = "noStrat", n = 5, minN = 50, sz) {
stopifnot(method %in% c("stat", "noStrat", "stratEqualBins", "stratQuantiles"))
## Following Lu 2008 sample pre selection
strat <- if(inherits(stratImg, "character")) NULL else {names(stratImg) <- "strat"; stratImg}
sr <-, illu, slope, strat), size = min(ncell(img), 10000), na.rm=TRUE))
if(method != "stat") sr <- sr[sr$slope > 2*pi/180 & sr$illu >= 0,]
if(method != "noStrat" & inherits(stratImg, "character")) {
sr$strat <- sr[,stratImg]
stratImg <- slope
if(method %in% c("stat","noStrat")){
groups <- 0:1
assoc <- rep(1, length(nrow(sr)))
} else {
.vMessage("Begin strafification")
if(method == "stratQuantiles") {
## Quantile method
groups <- terra::quantile(stratImg, probs = 0:n/n)
if(method == "stratEqualBins") {
## Equal method
mi <- min(values(stratImg), na.rm = TRUE)
ma <- max(values(stratImg), na.rm = TRUE)
groups <- seq(mi, ma, by = (ma - mi)/n)
assoc <- cut(sr$strat, breaks = groups, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
gMax <- tail(groups, 1)
gMin <- groups[1]
tab <- tabulate(assoc, nbins = (length(groups)-1))
tooFew <- which(tab < minN) + 1
tooFew[tooFew == 1] <- 2
tooFew[tooFew == length(groups)] <- length(groups) -1
groups <- groups[-tooFew]
groups <- unique(c(gMin, groups, gMax))
assoc <- cut(sr$strat, breaks = groups, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
tab <- tabulate(assoc, nbins = (length(groups)-1))
tooFew <- which(tab < minN) + 1
.vMessage("Estimate coefficients")
x <- if(method == "stat") sr$illu else log(sr$illu/cos(sz))
kl <- lapply(1:nlyr(img), function(i){
if(method == "stat") {
y <- sr[,i]
} else {
stz <- sr[,i] < 0
if(any(stz)) {
warning("Resetting negative reflectances to zero!", call.=FALSE)
sr[stz,i] <- 1e-32
sr[sr[,i] == 0,i] <- 1e-32
y <- log(sr[,i])
k <- lapply(1:(length(groups)-1), function(g){
select <- assoc == g
mod <- lm(y[select] ~ x[select])
k <- coefficients(mod)
})"rbind", k)
return(list(groups = groups, k = kl))
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