
Defines functions .initVerbose .onLoad .hasMinMax .extentCenter .getExtentOverlap .vMessage .numBand .df2tab .updateLayerNames .fullPath .rasterExtension .getNCores .registerDoParallel .parXapply .paraRasterFun .getNumeric .toTerra .toSf .toSp .toRaster .ESdist

#' Retrieves Average Earth-Sun distance (in AU) for a given date 
#' based on 1970-2070 per-DOY average of NASA JPL HORIZONS calculations 
#' @param date character. date in format "YYYY-MM-DD" 
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd 
.ESdist <- function(date){    
	doy <- as.numeric(format(as.POSIXct(date), "%j"))

#' Convert terra::SpatRaster to raster::RasterStack
#' This is a temporary function used to add terra support to RStoolbox, while RStoolbox internals 
#' are still implemented based on raster functionality. In the long run it is
#' aimed to re-base RStoolbox on terra
#' @param x raster or terra object
#' @return RasterStack
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd 
.toRaster <- function(x) {
	if (inherits(x, "SpatRaster")) {
	} else {

#' Convert sf objects to sp objects
#' This is a temporary function used to add sf support to RStoolbox, while RStoolbox internals 
#' are still implemented based on sp functionality. In the long run it is
#' aimed to re-base RStoolbox on sf
#' @param x sf or sp object
#' @return sf object
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd 
.toSp <- function(x) {
	if (inherits(x, "sf")) {
	} else {

.toSf <- function(x) {
    if (inherits(x, "Spatial")) {
    } else {

.toTerra <- function(x) {
    if (inherits(x, "Raster")) {
    } else {

#' Extract numbers from strings
#' @param x string or vector of strings
#' @param returnNumeric logical. should results be formatted \code{as.numeric}? If so, "05" will be converted to 5. Set returnNumeric to \code{FALSE} to keep preceeding zeros.
#' @note decimal numbers will be returned as two separate numbers
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd 
.getNumeric <- function(x, returnNumeric = TRUE) {
    vapply(x, function(xi){
                d <- strsplit(xi, "[^[:digit:]]")[[1]]
                d <- if(returnNumeric) as.numeric(d[d!=""]) else d[d!=""]
                if(length(d)==0) d <- NA_real_
            }, numeric(1))

#' Run raster functions in parallel if possible
#' @param raster Raster* Object
#' @param rasterFun function. E.g. predict, calc, overlay 
#' @param args list. arguments to be passed to rasterFun.
#' @param wrArgs arguments to be passed to rasterFun, typically to writeRaster
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd 
.paraRasterFun <- function(raster, rasterFun, args = list(), wrArgs = list()){
    if (isTRUE( getOption('rasterCluster'))) {
        do.call("clusterR", args = c(list(x = raster, fun = rasterFun, args=args), wrArgs))
    } else {
        do.call("rasterFun", args=c(raster, args, wrArgs))

#' Run functions of ?apply family in parallel if possible
#' @param X object
#' @param XFUN ?apply function. Currently c(sapply,lapply, apply)
#' @param MARGIN integer. Margin for apply.
#' @param FUN function to be ?applied
#' @param envir Environment in which to look for objects to export. Usually this should be environment()
#' @param ... further arguments passed to fun
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  xList <- lapply(rep(1000,10000), rnorm)
#'  for(i in 1:2) {
#'     if(i == 2) raster::beginCluster(4, type="SOCK")
#'     RStoolbox:::.parXapply(xList, XFUN = "lapply", FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE, envir = environment()),
#'     RStoolbox:::.parXapply(xList, XFUN = "sapply", FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE, envir = environment()),
#'     RStoolbox:::.parXapply(matrix(100^2, 100,100), XFUN = "apply", MAR = 1, FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE, envir = environment()),
#'     endCluster()
#'  }
#' }
.parXapply <- function(X, XFUN, MARGIN, FUN, envir, ...){   
    call <- quote(f(cl = cl, X = X, FUN = FUN, MARGIN = MARGIN, ...))
    if(isTRUE( getOption('rasterCluster'))) {
        cl <- getCluster()  
        f  <- c(lapply=parLapply, sapply=parSapply, apply=parApply)[[XFUN]]
            g  <- findGlobals(FUN)
            gg <- lapply(g, get, envir = envir) 
            names(gg) <- g
        } else {
        l  <- c(list(...),gg)
        clusterExport(cl=cl, names(l), envir = envir)
        if(XFUN == "lapply") names(call)[names(call)=="FUN"] <- "fun"
    } else {
        f <- get(XFUN)
        call[["cl"]] <- NULL
    if(XFUN != "apply") call[["MARGIN"]] <- NULL

#' Set-up doParallel backend when beginCluster has been called
#' this is to allow caret to run caret::train in parallel (via foreach) 
#' stopCluster will take place automatically on call to raster::endCluster
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd 
.registerDoParallel <- function(){
    if(isTRUE(getOption('rasterCluster')) && !getDoParRegistered()) {
        cl <- raster::getCluster()

.getNCores <- function(){
    if(isTRUE(getOption('rasterCluster'))) {
        return (length(raster::getCluster()))

#' Get file extension for writeRaster
#' @param x character. Format driver.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd 
.rasterExtension <- function(x){ 
    fdb <- c(RASTER = ".grd", GTIFF = ".tif", CDF = ".nc", KML = ".kml", KMZ = ".kmz", BIG.MATRIX = ".big",
            BIL = ".bil", BSQ = ".bsq", BIP = ".bip",ASCII = ".asc", RST = ".rst",ILWIS = ".mpr", 
            SAGA = ".sdat",BMP = ".bmp", ADRG = ".gen", BT = ".bt", EHDR = ".bil",ENVI = ".envi",
            ERS = ".ers", GSBG = ".grd",HFA =  ".img", IDA =  ".img", RMF = ".rsw")
    ext <- fdb[toupper(x)]
    if(is.na(ext)) ".grd" else ext

#' Expand any filepath to the full path
#' @param x character. Path.
#' @keywords internal   
#' @examples 
#' .fullPath("test.grd")
#' .fullPath("../test.grd") 
#' .fullPath("../../../../../test.grd")
#' .fullPath("~/test.grd") 
#' .fullPath("/tmp/test.grd")
#' @noRd 
.fullPath <- function(x){
    ## TODO: add single dot / current directory treatment
    x <- path.expand(x)   
    x <- gsub("\\\\", "/", x) ## anti-win
    x <- gsub("//", "/", x)   ## anti-win
    if(basename(x) == x | grepl("^[.][.]/", x))    x   <- file.path(getwd(),x)
    if(grepl("[.][.]", x)){
        xs  <- strsplit(x, "/")[[1]]
        ups <- grep("[.][.]", xs)  
        rem <- c(ups, ups-length(ups))
        rem <- rem[rem > 1]
        xs  <-  xs[-rem]
        x   <- paste0(xs,collapse="/")      

#' Update layer names after calc/overlay/predict etc.
#' this is useful if a filename was specified during calculations but 
#' layernames can only be changed in retrospect. If we don't do this and a file
#' was written to disk (filename), it would not have the new names.
#' @param x Raster
#' @param n Character. New names
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd 
.updateLayerNames<-function(x, n){
        names(x) <- n
        if(!inMemory(x) && extension(filename(x)) == ".grd") {
            hdr(x, format = "RASTER")

#' Print data.frame in roxygen2 table format
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param align Character. Column aligntment in the form "llrc" 
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd 
.df2tab <- function(x, align){
    c(paste0("\\tabular{", align, "}{"),
            paste(paste("\\strong{", colnames(x), "}", collapse = " \\tab "), "\\cr" ),
            paste(apply(x, 1, paste, collapse = " \\tab "), c(rep("\\cr", nrow(x)-1), "}")))

#' Convert character to numric band
#' @param raster Raster*
#' @param ... Character or Numeric bands
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd 
.numBand <- function(raster, ...){
    bands <- list(...)
    lapply(bands, function(band) if(is.character(band)) which(names(raster) == band) else band ) 

#' Print message if global RStoolbox.verbose option is TRUE
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd 
.vMessage <- function(...){    
    if(getOption("RStoolbox.verbose")){message(format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S | "), ...)}

#' Get overlap extent from multiple Extent objects (set union)
#' Can be achieved by raster::intersect as well, however .getExtentOverlap()
#' can deal with more than two extents.
#' @param ... Extent objects to combine
#' @return Extent object
#' @noRd 
.getExtentOverlap <- function(...){
    el <- list(...)
    if(any(!vapply(el, inherits, what = "Extent", logical(1)))) stop("You can only supply Extent objects to getExtentOverlap")
    em <- do.call("rbind", lapply(el, as.vector))
    extent(c(max(em[,1]), min(em[,2]), max(em[,3]), min(em[,4])))    

#' Get center coordinates of Extent object or any object from which an extent can be derived
#' @param x Spatial object from which an extent can be derived
#' @return Vector of length two with center coordinate
#' @noRd 
.extentCenter <- function(x){
    c(xmax(x) + xmin(x), ymax(x) + ymin(x))/2 

#' Check haveminmax slot
#' @param x Raster*
#' @noRd 
#' @keywords internal
.hasMinMax <- function(x) {
    if(inherits(x, c("RasterLayer", "RasterBrick"))) {
    } else {
        return(vapply(1:nlayers(x), function(xi) {x[[xi]]@data@haveminmax}, logical(1)))

##' Subdivide polygons into smaller polygons
##' @param polygons SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
##' @param res Numeric. Spatial resolution of subdivition grid
##' @noRd 
##' @keywords internal
#.subdividePolys <- function(polygons, res = 1) {
#    pl <- lapply(seq_along(polygons), function(i){
#                ex      <- raster(polygons[i,])
#                res(ex) <- res
#                pgrid   <- rasterToPolygons(ex)
#                pgrid$layer <- 1
#                pp    <- gIntersection(pgrid, polygons[i,], byid=TRUE, drop_lower_td = TRUE)
#                pp    <- as(pp, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
#                data  <- polygons@data[i,]
#                pp@data <- data.frame(data, rn = paste0(rownames(data),"_", seq_along(pp)), row.names = "rn")
#                pp <- spChFIDs(pp, rownames(pp@data))
#                pp
#            })
#    plo <- do.call("rbind", pl)
#    projection(plo) <- projection(polygons)
#    return(plo)

#' @param pred predicted values
#' @param obs observed values
#' @noRd 
#' @keywords internal
.rmse <- function (pred, obs) {
    sqrt(mean((pred - obs)^2, na.rm = T))

#' On package startup
#' @noRd 
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname){
    if(is.null(getOption("RStoolbox.verbose")))  options(RStoolbox.verbose = FALSE)

#' Init verbosity within functions 
#' will restore global options after function has been called
#' @param verbose Logical
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd 
.initVerbose <- function(verbose){
    verbold <- force(getOption("RStoolbox.verbose"))
    do.call("on.exit", list(substitute(options(RStoolbox.verbose = verbold))), envir=parent.frame())
    options(RStoolbox.verbose = verbose)

#' Clean up on package unload
#' @noRd 
.onUnload <- function (libpath) {
    library.dynam.unload("RStoolbox", libpath)

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RStoolbox documentation built on March 18, 2022, 5:37 p.m.