
# TODO list:
# color TODO Specify symbol colors, e.g. --color black AG 'Purine' --color red TC 'Pyrimidine'
# default.color TODO Symbol color if not otherwise specified. e.g. 'red', '#FF0000'.

# require(jpeg)
# require(raster)

# Alignment formats supported
.DATATYPES = c('clustal', 'fasta', 'plain', 'msf', 'genbank', 'nbrf', 'nexus', 'phylip',
               'stockholm', 'intelligenetics', 'table', 'array','transfac')

# File output formats supported
.FORMATS = c('eps', 'png', 'pdf', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'logodata', 'png_print')

# Different sequence types that can be used 
.SEQTYPE = c('protein', 'rna', 'dna')

# Supported Y-axis units 
.UNITS = c('bits', 'nats', 'digits', 'kT', 'kJ/mol', 'kcal/mol', 'probability')

# Background sequence probabilities
.COMP =  c('auto', 'equiprobable', 'none', 
           'H. sapiens', 'E. coli', 'S. cerevisiae', 'C. elegans', 'D. melanogaster', 'M. musculus', 'T. thermophilus')

# Size of the plot
.SIZE = c('small', 'medium', 'large', 'xlarge', 'xxlarge')

# Different supported color schemes 
.COLOR_SCHEME = c('auto', 'base pairing', 'charge', 'chemistry','chemistry2', 'chemistry3', 'classic', 'hydrophobicity', 'monochrome')

# Write lines using sprintf
.writeLines = function(v, x, ...){
  if(v) writeLines(sprintf(x, ...))

.python.valid <- function(){
  ver = tryCatch({
    system2('python', '-V', stderr=T, stdout=T)
  }, error = function(e) {
  if(ver == "") return(FALSE)

# Add to command vector
.cmd.add = function(cmd, opt, val=NULL, class='other', has.val=T){
  vn =  as.character( as.list( sys.call() )[[4]] )
  .check.class(val, class, val.name=vn)
    if(val == TRUE) val = 'YES'
    if(val == FALSE) val = 'NO'
    #val = gsub(' ', replacement='\\\\ ', val)
    val = paste0("'", val, "'")
    t = paste(opt, val)
    t = opt
  return(c(cmd, t))

# Check if value is in the allowed list of values
.check <- function(val, allowed){
  val.name = as.character( as.list( sys.call() )[[2]] )
  if(! val %in% allowed) 
    stop(sprintf('Invalid "%s" value, please specifity one of the following: %s', val.name, paste0(allowed, collapse=', ')))

# Ensure class of value is correct
.check.class <- function(val, class, val.name){
  v = c("numeric", "character", "logical", "integer")
  is.valid = TRUE
  if(class == v[1]){
    if(!is.numeric(val)) is.valid = FALSE
  }else if(class == v[2]){
    if(!is.character(val)) is.valid = FALSE
  }else if(class == v[3]){
    if(!is.logical(val)) is.valid = FALSE
  }else if(class == v[4]){
    if(! val%%1==0) is.valid = FALSE
    stop(sprintf("Invalid '%s' value. Must be %s.", val.name, class ))

#' Plot a sequence logo
#' This function will plot a sequence logo given aligned sequences. For more details on the parameters, see the WebLogo user manual at \url{http://weblogo.threeplusone.com/manual.html}
#' @param seqs Aligned sequences as an R character vector. Sequences must all have the same length. Alternatively, you can provide a file containing your sequence alignment using \code{file.in}.
#' @param file.in A file containing your sequence alignment in one of the following formats: clustal, fasta, plain, msf, genbank, nbrf, nexus, phylip, stockholm, intelligenetics, table, array, transfac. This file is only to be provided if you are not inputting data with 'seqs'. To set your data format, see the \code{datatype} option.
#' @param open Open the generated logo file? (default: TRUE).
#' @param verbose Write status messages to the R console? (default: TRUE).
#' @param return.cmd Logical indicating if RWebLogo should return the WebLogo command generated (default: FALSE).
#' @param datatype Type of multiple sequence alignment or position weight matrix file: ('clustal', 'fasta','plain', 'msf', 'genbank', 'nbrf', 'nexus', 'phylip', 'stockholm', 'intelligenetics', 'table', 'array', 'transfac'). You usually don't need to specify this, as weblogo will try figure out the format of your file.
#' @param file.out Output file. For example, /path/to/dir/mylogo.pdf. By default this is your working directory + RWebLogo. + selected \code{format}.
#' @param format Format of output: 'pdf' (default) 'eps', 'png', 'jpeg', 'svg'.
#' @param sequence.type The type of sequence data: 'protein', 'rna' or 'dna'.
#' @param alphabet The set of symbols to count, e.g. 'AGTC'. All characters not in the alphabet are ignored. If neither the alphabet nor sequence-type are specified then weblogo will examine the input data and make an educated guess. 
#' @param units  A unit of entropy ('bits' (default), 'nats', 'digits'), or a unit of free energy ('kT', 'kJ/mol', 'kcal/mol'), or 'probability' for probabilities.
#' @param composition The expected composition of the sequences: 'auto' (default), 'equiprobable', 'none' (do not perform any compositional adjustment), a CG percentage, a species name ('H. sapiens', 'E. coli', 'S. cerevisiae', 'C. elegans', 'D. melanogaster', 'M. musculus', 'T. thermophilus'), or an explicit distribution as a named numerical vector (e.g. c(A=10, C=40, G=40, T=10)). The automatic option uses a typical distribution for proteins and equiprobable distribution for everything else.
#' @param weight The weight of prior data. Default depends on alphabet length.
#' @param first.index Index of first position in sequence data (default: 1).
#' @param lower Lower bound index of sequence to display.
#' @param upper Upper bound index of sequence to display.
#' @param ignore.lower.case Disregard lower case letters and only count upper case letters in sequences.
#' @param reverse reverse sequences.
#' @param complement complement DNA sequences.
#' @param size Specify a standard logo size: 'small', 'medium', 'large' (default).
#' @param stacks.per.line Maximum number of logo stacks per logo line (default: 40).
#' @param title Logo title text.
#' @param label A figure label, e.g. '2a'.
#' @param show.xaxis Display sequence numbers along x-axis? (default: TRUE).
#' @param xlabel X-axis label.
#' @param annotate  A comma separated list or vector of custom stack annotations, e.g. '1,3,4,5,6,7' or c(1,3,4,5,6,7).  Annotation list must be same length as sequences.
#' @param yaxis Height of yaxis in units (default: maximum value with uninformative prior).
#' @param show.yaxis Display entropy scale along y-axis? (default: TRUE).
#' @param ylabel Y-axis label (default: depends on plot type and units).
#' @param show.ends Label the ends of the sequence? (default: FALSE).
#' @param fineprint The fine print text at the bottom right corner (default: blank).
#' @param ticmarks Distance between ticmarks (default: 1.0).
#' @param errorbars Display error bars? (default: FALSE).
#' @param reverse.stacks Draw stacks with largest letters on top? (default: TRUE).
#' @param color.scheme Specify a standard color scheme ('auto', 'base pairing', 'charge', 'chemistry', 'classic', 'hydrophobicity', 'monochrome').
#' @param stack.width Width of a logo stack (default: 10.8).
#' @param aspect.ratio Ratio of stack height to width (default: 5).
#' @param box Draw boxes around symbols? (default: FALSE).
#' @param resolution Bitmap resolution in dots per inch (DPI). Low resolution bitmaps with DPI<300 are antialiased  (default: 300 DPI).
#' @param scale.width Scale the visible stack width by the fraction of symbols in the column?  i.e. columns with many gaps of unknowns are narrow (default: TRUE).
#' @param rotate.numbers Rotate values of x-axis? (default: FALSE).
#' @param hide.tics Hide tic marks? (default: FALSE).
#' @export
#' @import findpython
#' @examples
#' # Make a sequence logo using an external alignment file format 
#' # In this example we'll use the EMBOSS alignment format or msf
#' # However, you can use any format supported by WebLogo e.g. fasta
#' fpath = system.file("extdata", "example_data.msf", package="RWebLogo")
#' weblogo(file.in=fpath)
#' # Now for an example using an alignment as an R character vector
#' # Simple WebLogo
#' weblogo(seqs=aln)
#' # Lets get rid of those ugly error bars and add some text!
#' weblogo(seqs=aln, errorbars=FALSE, title='Yay, No error bars!', 
#'         fineprint='RWebLogo 1.0', label='1a')
#' # We can also change the format of the output like this
#' weblogo(seqs=aln, format='png', resolution=500)
#' # You can change the axis labels like this
#' weblogo(seqs=aln, xlabel='My x-axis', ylabel='Awesome bits')
#' # You get the idea! See ?weblogo for more awesome options! 
 <- function(seqs, file.in,
                open=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, return.cmd=F,
                format='pdf', # eps (default), png, png_print, pdf, jpeg, svg, logodata
                sequence.type='protein', #The type of sequence data: 'protein', 'rna' or 'dna'.
                alphabet, units='bits', composition='auto',
                first.index, lower, upper, 
                ignore.lower.case = TRUE, reverse, complement,
                size = 'large', stacks.per.line = 40, title, label,
                show.xaxis = TRUE, xlabel, annotate, 
                yaxis, show.yaxis=TRUE, ylabel,
                show.ends = FALSE, fineprint = '', ticmarks = 1.0, errorbars = FALSE,
                reverse.stacks = TRUE, 

                color.scheme = 'auto',
                stack.width=10.8, aspect.ratio=5, box=FALSE, resolution=300, scale.width=TRUE,
                # New options
                rotate.numbers = FALSE, hide.tics = FALSE
  if(!can_find_python_cmd(minimum_version='2.6', required_modules='numpy' )){
    writeLines('Please install and add Python (>=2.6) to your path')
  v = verbose
  if(missing(file.in) & missing(seqs))
    stop('No inputed data detected. Please provide sequences or an input file')
  if(!missing(file.in) & !missing(seqs))
    stop('Please provide either sequences or an input file, but not both!')
    file.out=file.path(getwd(), sprintf('RWebLogo.%s', format))
    if(class(seqs) != "character") 
      stop("Invalid sequence data: 'seqs' should be a character vector, please try again")
    if(length(seqs) == 0)
      stop("Invalid sequence data: 'seqs' cannot be empty, please try again")
    len = sapply(seqs, nchar) 
    if( any(len != len[1]))
      stop("Invalid sequence data: all sequences must have the same number of characters")
    file.in = file.path(tempdir(), 'tmp.logo')
    writeLines(seqs, file.in)
  }else if(!file.exists(file.in)){
    stop(sprintf('The input file %s does not exist, please use a valid input file!', file.in))
  # /Users/omarwagih/Development/RWebLogo/inst/extdata/weblogo-3.3/weblogo'
  exec = file.path( system.file("extdata", "weblogo-3.3", package="RWebLogo"), 'weblogo')
  z = c(exec,
        sprintf('< %s > %s', file.in, file.out))
    .check(datatype, .DATATYPES)
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--datatype', datatype)
  .check(format, .FORMATS)
  z = .cmd.add(z, '--format', format, 'character')
  # Logo Data Options:
    .check(sequence.type, .SEQTYPE)
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--sequence-type', sequence.type, 'character')
    # Get unique chars 
    alphabet = toupper( unique(strsplit(alphabet, '')[[1]]) )
    # Find number of letters  
    nl = sum(grepl(pattern='[A-Za-z]', alphabet))
    if(nl == 0) stop('Alphabet must have at least one letter from A-Z')
    if(length(alphabet) < 2) stop('Alphabet must have at least two letters')
    alphabet = paste0(alphabet, collapse='')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--alphabet', alphabet, 'character')
    .check(units, .UNITS)
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--units', units, 'character')
      .check(composition, .COMP)
    }else if(!is.numeric(composition) | any(is.null(names(composition)))){
      stop("Composition must be a named numerical vector e.g. c(A=10, C=40, G=40, T=10)")
      composition = paste0(sprintf("%s:%s", names(composition), composition), collapse=',')
      composition = paste0("{", composition, "}")
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--composition', composition, 'character')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--weight', weight, 'numeric')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--first-index', first.index, 'numeric')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--lower', lower, 'integer')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--upper', upper, 'integer')
  # Transformations: Optional transformations of the sequence data.

    z = .cmd.add(z, '--ignore-lower-case', ignore.lower.case, 'logical', has.val=F)
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--reverse', reverse, 'logical', has.val=F)
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--complement', complement, 'logical', has.val=F)
  # Logo Format Options: These options control the format and display of the logo.

  .check(size, .SIZE)
  z = .cmd.add(z, '--size', size, 'character')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--stacks-per-line', stacks.per.line, 'numeric')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--title', title, 'character')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--label', label, 'character')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--show-xaxis', show.xaxis, 'logical')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--xlabel', xlabel, 'character')
    annotate = paste0(annotate, collapse=',')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--annotate', annotate, 'character')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--yaxis', yaxis, 'numeric')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--show-yaxis', show.yaxis, 'logical')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--ylabel', ylabel, 'character')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--show-ends', show.ends, 'logical')
  z = .cmd.add(z, '--fineprint', fineprint, 'character')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--ticmarks', ticmarks, 'numeric')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--errorbars', errorbars, 'logical')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--reverse-stacks', reverse.stacks, 'logical')

  # Color Options: Colors can be specified using CSS2 syntax. e.g. 'red', '#FF0000', etc.

    .check(color.scheme, .COLOR_SCHEME)
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--color-scheme', color.scheme, 'character')
#   if(!missing(color))
#     z = .cmd.add(z, '--color', color, 'character')
#   if(!missing(default.color))
#     z = .cmd.add(z, '--default-color', default.color, 'character')
  # Advanced Format Options: These options provide fine control over the display of the logo.
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--stack-width', stack.width, 'numeric')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--aspect-ratio', aspect.ratio, 'numeric')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--box', box, 'logical')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--resolution', resolution, 'integer')
    z = .cmd.add(z, '--scale-width', scale.width, 'logical')

    z = .cmd.add(z, '--rotate-numbers', rotate.numbers, 'logical')

    if(hide.tics) z = .cmd.add(z, '--tic-length', 0.01, 'numeric')
  command = paste(z, collapse=' ')
  rt = system(command)
  status = attr(rt, 'status')
  if(length(status) > 0){
    if(status == 2) stop('RWebLogo failed to plot due to an error from WebLogo')
  .writeLines(v, 'Sequence logo saved to %s', file.out)
      warning('Non interactive system, cannot open plotted sequence logo.')

Try the RWebLogo package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RWebLogo documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:26 a.m.