
#' Pull data from the Wildbook framework.
#' This function allows users to pull data from the Wildbook framework into R.
#' The \code{searchWB} function provides the main interface to the Wilbook
#' framework and can be used in one of three ways. First, users may supply
#' filters based on the variables within the database. These filters are
#' combined in a single JDOQL statement which is then combined with the base
#' URL, username, and password to create the URL search string for data
#' extraction. Second, users may supply the JDOQL string, username and password,
#' and base URL as separate arguments. Finally, users may supply the search URL
#' directly.
#' We envisage that most users will supply filters to create the search URL. The
#' other options allow users to easily repeat or modify previous searches and
#' enable advanced users familiar with the JDOQL API and internals of the
#' Wildbook framework to conduct more complex searches. More examples of extracting
#' data from the Wildbook framework with the\code{searchWB} function can be found
#' in the \code{rwildbook-demo-1} of the \code{RWildbook} package.
#' \strong{Filtering Locations}
#' Locations may be filtered with either location names or location ids.
#' Multiple location names can be given to the \code{location} argument.
#' Multiple location ids can be given to the \code{locationID} argument.
#' In this case the search will return all objects (encounters or individuals)
#' matching at least one of the locations.
#' \strong{Filtering Dates}
#' The \code{sighting_date} filter may be specified as a character vector of
#' either one or two elements representing dates. If one date is provided then
#' results will be filtered from 00:00:00 to 24:00:00 on that day. If two dates
#' are provided then results will be filtered from 00:00:00 on the first date to
#' 24:00:00 on the second date. By default, dates must be entered using the
#' "YYYY-MM-DD" format. Other formats may be used by specifying the value of
#' \code{date_format}. More details about the date format can be found in the help
#' page of \code{as.Date} The same rule can apply to the \code{encounter_submission_date},
#' \code{Date_of_birth} and \code{Date_of_death} filters.
#' \strong{Defalut NULL value for filter arguments}
#' The default value for some filter arguments are NULL. NULL value for a filter argument
#' returns data not filtering that argument.
#' @param searchURL A character object of the URL for data searching in the Wildbook framework.
#' @param username A character object of the username in the Wildbook framework.
#' @param password A character object of the password in the Wildbook framework.
#' @param baseURL A character object of the base URL represent the Wildbook data base.
#' @param jdoql A character object of the JDOQL string for data searching.
#' @param object A character object for defining the the search type. The value can be
#'   either "encounter" for the encounter search or "individual" for the individual search.
#'   The default value is "encounter" for encounter search.
#' @param location A vector of character strings for searching encounters in locations
#'   containing the character strings.
#' @param locationID A character vector for searching encounters in locations with
#'   specified locationID. Note that the location ID is case sensitive.
#' @param sighting_date A character vector for filtering encounters which are
#'   sighted during a period of time. More information of the date argument can
#'   be found in the Detail section.
#' @param encounter_submission_date A character vector for filtering encounters
#'   which are submitted during a period of time.
#' @param date_format The format for all the arguments of date value.
#' @param sex A character vector of maximum size of three representing the values
#'   for the sex filter. The value can be any combination of "male", "female"
#'   and "unknown". The default value is "sex = c("male", "female", "unknown")".
#' @param status A character vector of maximum size of two representing the values
#'   for the encounter status. The value can be any combination of "alive" and
#'   "dead".
#' @param measurement A numeric object sets the minimum individual measurement
#'   when searching in the Wildbook framework.
#' @param individualID A character vector of individual ID for searching data
#'   of specified individual IDs. Note that the individual ID is case sensitive.
#' @param encounterID A character vector for searching data of specific
#'   encounter ID. Note that the encounter ID is case sensitive.
#' @param encounter_type A character vector of maximum size of three for
#'   searching data with specific encounter type. It can be any combination
#'   of "unapproved", "approved" and "unidentifiable".
#' @param Date_of_birth A character vector for searching data of individual
#'   which is born during a period of time.
#' @param Date_of_death A character vector for searching data of individual
#'   which died during a period of time.
#' @param jsonfile character. Name of file in which JSOn formatted data from Wildbook will be
#'  stored. If NULL (default) then data is stored in a temporary file generated by R.
#' @param showURL logical. If TRUE(default) the function returns the search
#'   URL, otherwise the function will not return the search URL.
#' @param showJDOQL logical. If FALSE(default) the function will not return
#'  the search JDOQL, otherwise the function returns the search JDOQL.
#' @param protocol Defines communication protocol. either "http" or "https" (default).
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom utils download.file URLencode
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## The following examples conduct the same search.
#' ## You will need to supply your own login information for whaleshark.org to
#' ## run these examples.
#' ## Search using filter arguments
#' data1 <- searchWB(username="username",
#'                   password="password",
#'                   baseURL ="whaleshark.org",
#'                   object="Encounter",
#'                   individualID=c("A-001"))
#' ## Search using existing JDOQL string
#' jdoql <- "SELECT FROM org.ecocean.Encounter WHERE individualID == 'A-001'"
#' data2 <- searchWB(username="username",
#'                   password="password",
#'                   baseURL ="whaleshark.org",
#'                   jdoql=jdoql)
#' ## Search using existing URL
#' WBurl <- paste0("http://username:password@whaleshark.org/rest/jdoql?",jdoql)
#' data3 <- searchWB(searchURL = WBurl)
#' }

searchWB <-
  function(searchURL = NULL,
           username = NULL,
           password = NULL,
           jdoql = NULL,
           object = "encounter",
           location = NULL,
           locationID = NULL,
           sighting_date = c("1964-01-01", "2016-12-31"),
           encounter_submission_date =
             c("2003-01-01", "2016-12-31"),
           date_format = "%Y-%m-%d",
           sex = c("male", "female", "unknown"),
           status = c("alive", "dead"),
           measurement = NULL,
           individualID = NULL,
           encounterID = NULL,
           encounter_type = NULL,
           Date_of_birth = NULL,
           Date_of_death = NULL,
           jsonfile = NULL,
           showJDOQL = FALSE,
           showURL = TRUE) {
    #This function is to get data from the Wildbook framework via the JDO API
    #For user of different level

    # Preliminiaries
    # Identify OS (Thanks to Hadley Wickham.)
    myos <- get_os()

    # Set download file if needed
      jsonfile <- tempfile()

    #Step 1. Define(generate) the JDOQL query
    if (is.null(searchURL) && is.null(jdoql)) {
      jdoql <- WBjdoql(
    #Step 2.Define(generate) the search URL
    if (is.null(searchURL)) {
      if (is.null(username) || is.null(password)) {
        stop("Lack of username and password")
      if (myos == "win" || myos == "unix") {
        searchURL <-
          WBsearchURL(username, password, baseURL, jdoql,protocol)
      else if(myos == "mac"){
        searchURL <- WBsearchURL(NULL, NULL, baseURL, jdoql,protocol)
        stop("Unknown operating system",myos,".\n")

    #Step 3. (Options)Show the search URL/JDOQL
    if (showURL == TRUE)
    if (showJDOQL == TRUE)

    #Step 4. Get data from Wildbook framework with the search URL
    if (myos == "win") {
        URLencode(searchURL) ,
        destfile = jsonfile
    else if(myos == "unix"){
        URLencode(searchURL) ,
        method = "wget",
        destfile = jsonfile
    else if(myos == "mac"){
        URLencode(searchURL) ,
        method = "curl",
        destfile = jsonfile,
        extra = paste0("-u ", username, ":", password)

    # Step 5. Read data into R.
    data <- fromJSON(readLines(jsonfile, warn = FALSE))


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RWildbook documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:07 p.m.