h_engine: Explore the Web with Various Search Engines

h_engineR Documentation

Explore the Web with Various Search Engines


Launch the default browser and search in: ABC Bourse (short stock names), arXiv (vectorized), Ask, Baidu, Blackle, Bing, Bing Map (bmap), Boursorama (short stocknames), CNRTL (French dictionary), Collins English Dictionary, CPAN and metaCPAN (Perl), Crossref (DOI and bibliographic metadata), CTAN (Latex), Daum, DailyMotion (dm), DOI, DuckDuckGo (ddg), Ecosia, Egerin, Evene (citations), Exalead, Excite, Gigablast, GitHub, GitLab, Google Map (gmap), Google, Google Scholar (gscholar), IANA TLD root domain database, IANA WHOIS service, Info, Khoj, Les Echos, La Tribune (lt), Lilo, Lycos, Mappy Map, Merriam-Webster (mw, English dictionary), Nabble, Nate, Naver (see N2H4 package), Orcid, Open Street Map, OSM Nominatim, Parsijoo, PeerTube, Peru, Pipilika, Qwant (qw + qwfr), R-bloggers, Rdocumentation (rdoc), Rdocumentation task views (rdoctv), Rdrr, Reverso dictionnary, Rseek, Sapo, Searx, Sogou, SSRN and SSRN Author (vectorized), Stackoverflow (so), Startpage (ex-Ixquick), Twitter (+ twfr), L'Usine Nouvelle (un), ViaMichelin Map and Routes (via), Les Verbes, Vimeo, Wego (Here maps), Wikipedia (wp + wpfr), Yahoo, Yahoo Finance, Yandex, Yooz, Youtube (yt).

h_zbib is a bookmark to ZoteroBib, a service that returns the complete bibliographic reference from a fragment of information: URL, ISBN, DOI, PMID, arXiv id or title and generates a MD5 number to retrieve it later.t

Using the regular R format "w1 w2 w3" rather than w1, w2, w3 makes sense as most functions collapse the words into character chains "w1 w2 w3", "w1+w2+w3" or "w1-w2-w3".

Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_search_engine for a list of web search engines.


h_abcbourse(..., char = NULL)

h_ask(..., char = NULL)

h_arxiv(..., char = NULL)

h_arxivpdf(..., char = NULL)

h_baidu(..., char = NULL)

h_blackle(..., char = NULL)

h_bing(..., char = NULL)

h_biorxiv(..., char = NULL)

h_biorxivpdf(..., char = NULL)

h_bmap(..., char = NULL)

h_boursorama(..., char = NULL)

h_cnrtl(..., char = NULL)

h_collins(..., char = NULL)

h_cpan(..., char = NULL)

h_crossref(..., char = NULL)

h_ctan(..., char = NULL)

h_daum(..., char = NULL)

h_ddg(..., char = NULL)

h_dm(..., char = NULL)

h_doi(..., char = NULL)

h_ecosia(..., char = NULL)

h_egerin(..., char = NULL)

h_estrep(..., char = NULL)

h_evene(..., char = NULL)

h_exalead(..., char = NULL)

h_excite(..., char = NULL)

h_framabee(..., char = NULL)

h_gigablast(..., char = NULL)

h_github(..., char = NULL)

h_gitlab(..., char = NULL)

h_gmap(..., char = NULL)

h_google(..., char = NULL)

h_gscholar(..., char = NULL)

h_ianaTLD(..., char = NULL)

h_ianaWHOIS(..., char = NULL)

h_info(..., char = NULL)

h_ixquick(..., char = NULL)

h_khoj(..., char = NULL)

h_lesechos(..., char = NULL)

h_lilo(..., char = NULL)

h_lt(..., char = NULL)

h_lycos(..., char = NULL)

h_mappy(..., char = NULL)

h_mw(..., char = NULL)

h_nate(..., char = NULL)

h_naver(..., char = NULL)

h_orcid(..., char = NULL)

h_osm(..., char = NULL)

h_osmn(..., char = NULL)

h_parsijoo(..., char = NULL)

h_peertube(..., char = NULL)

h_peru(..., char = NULL)

h_pipilika(..., char = NULL)

h_qwant(..., char = NULL, lang = "en")

h_qwfr(..., char = NULL)

h_reverso_d(..., char = NULL)

h_sapo(..., char = NULL)

h_searx(..., char = NULL)

h_so(..., char = NULL)

h_sogou(..., char = NULL)

h_ssrn(..., char = NULL)

h_ssrnauth(..., char = NULL)

h_startpage(..., char = NULL)

h_twfr(..., char = NULL)

h_twitter(..., char = NULL, lang = "en")

h_un(..., char = NULL)

h_verbes(..., char = NULL)

h_via(..., char = NULL)

h_vimeo(..., char = NULL)

h_wego(..., char = NULL)

h_wp(..., char = NULL, lang = "en")

h_wpfr(..., char = NULL)

h_yahoo(..., char = NULL, lang = "en")

h_yahoofin(..., char = NULL, lang = "en")

h_yandex(..., char = NULL)

h_yooz(..., char = NULL)

h_yt(..., char = NULL)

h_zbib(..., char = NULL)



any format recognized by cnsc, except list. A vector of packages.


(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if ... fails or if you call the function from another function.


character. The language accepted by the search engine, usually "en", "de", "es", "fr", "jp", etc.


if (interactive()) {
h_yt("Serge Gainsbourg Ne dis rien")
h_so(R, deep, neural, network)
h_osm("Le Chateau d'Oleron")
h_arxiv(c(1212.4320, 1605.08732))

RWsearch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:42 a.m.