
Defines functions view.acmap view.default view print.acmap

Documented in view view.acmap view.default

#' Printing racmap objects
#' Print information about a racmap object.
#' @param x The map object
#' @param ... Additional arguments, ignored
#' @export
#' @noRd
print.acmap <- function(x, ...) {

  # Print short descriptor
  mapname <- mapName(x)
  if (is.null(mapname)) mapname <- "[unnamed]"
  cat(sprintf("%s\n", mapname))
  cat(sprintf("...%s antigens\n", numAntigens(x)))
  cat(sprintf("...%s sera\n", numSera(x)))
  cat(sprintf("...%s optimizations\n", numOptimizations(x)))


#' S3 method for viewing objects
#' @param x The object to view
#' @param ... Additional arguments, not used.
#' @family functions to view maps
#' @returns When called on an acmap object, returns an htmlwidget object that
#'   can be used to interactively view the map. Otherwise by default it
#'   simply calls the print method of the respective object with no return
#'   value.
#' @export
view <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("view", x)

#' Default method for viewing objects
#' @param x The object to view
#' @param ... Additional arguments, passed to print.
#' @family functions to view maps
#' @returns No value returned, simply calls the print method on the object
#' @export
view.default <- function(x, ...) {

#' Viewing racmap objects
#' View a racmap object in the interactive viewer.
#' @param x The acmap data object
#' @param optimization_number The optimization number to view
#' @param options A named list of viewer options to pass to
#'   `RacViewer.options()`
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to `RacViewer()`
#' @param .jsCode Additional javascript code to be run after map has been loaded
#'   and rendered
#' @param .jsData Any data to supply to the .jsCode function
#' @param select_ags A vector of antigen indices to select in the plot
#' @param select_sr A vector of serum indices to select in the plot
#' @param show_procrustes If the map contains procrustes information, should
#'   procrustes lines be shown by default?
#' @param show_diagnostics If the map contains diagnostics information like
#'   stress blobs or hemisphering, should it be shown by default?
#' @param num_optimizations Number of optimization runs to send to the viewer
#'   for inclusion in the "optimizations" pane.
#' @family functions to view maps
#' @family shiny app functions
#' @returns Returns an htmlwidget object
#' @export
view.acmap <- function(
  optimization_number = 1,
  .jsCode = NULL,
  .jsData = NULL,
  select_ags = NULL,
  select_sr  = NULL,
  show_procrustes = NULL,
  show_diagnostics = NULL,
  num_optimizations = 1,
  options = list()
  ) {

  # Check input
  check.optnum(x, 1)

  # Pass on only the selected optimizations
  if (optimization_number > 1 && num_optimizations != 1) {
    stop("Optimization number must be 1 when keeping more than one optimization")
  } else if (optimization_number > 1) {
    x <- keepOptimizations(x, optimization_number)
    optimization_number <- 1
  } else {
    x <- keepOptimizations(x, seq_len(min(c(numOptimizations(x), num_optimizations))))

  # View the map data in the viewer
  widget <- RacViewer(
    map = x,
    options = options,

  # Make any antigen and serum selections
  if (!is.null(select_ags)) {
    widget <- htmlwidgets::onRender(
      x      = widget,
      jsCode = "function(el, x, data) { el.viewer.selectAntigensByIndices(data) }",
      data   = I(select_ags)

  if (!is.null(select_sr)) {
    widget <- htmlwidgets::onRender(
      x      = widget,
      jsCode = "function(el, x, data) { el.viewer.selectSeraByIndices(data) }",
      data   = I(select_sr)

  # Add any procrustes lines
  if (
    hasProcrustes(x, optimization_number)
    && !isFALSE(show_procrustes)
    ) {

    widget <- htmlwidgets::onRender(
      x      = widget,
      jsCode = "function(el, x, data) { el.viewer.addProcrustesToBaseCoords(data) }",
      data   = I(ptProcrustes(x, optimization_number))


  # Show any blob data
  if (
    hasTriangulationBlobs(x, optimization_number)
    && !isFALSE(show_diagnostics)
    ) {

    widget <- htmlwidgets::onRender(
      x      = widget,
      jsCode = "function(el, x, data) { el.viewer.addTriangulationBlobs(data) }",
      data   = I(ptBaseTriangulationBlobs(x, optimization_number))


  # Show any bootstrap data
  if (
    hasBootstrapData(x, optimization_number)
    && !isFALSE(show_diagnostics)
  ) {

    widget <- htmlwidgets::onRender(
      x      = widget,
      jsCode = "function(el, x, data) { el.viewer.showBootstrapPoints(data) }",
      data   = I(bootstrapData(x, optimization_number))


  # Show any bootstrap blob data
  if (
    hasBootstrapBlobs(x, optimization_number)
    && !isFALSE(show_diagnostics)
  ) {

    widget <- htmlwidgets::onRender(
      x      = widget,
      jsCode = "function(el, x, data) { el.viewer.addTriangulationBlobs(data) }",
      data   = I(ptBaseBootstrapBlobs(x, optimization_number))


  # Show any hemisphering data
  if (
    hasHemisphering(x, optimization_number)
    && !isFALSE(show_diagnostics)
    ) {

    widget <- htmlwidgets::onRender(
      x      = widget,
      jsCode = "function(el, x, data) { el.viewer.showHemisphering(data) }",
      data   = I(ptHemisphering(x, optimization_number))


  # Add any map legends
  if (!is.null(x$legend)) {
    widget <- htmlwidgets::onRender(
      x      = widget,
      jsCode = sprintf("function(el, x, data) {
        var div = document.createElement('div');
        div.innerHTML      = `%s`;
        div.racviewer      = el.viewer;
      }", as.character(make_html_legend(x$legend))),
      data   = NULL

  # Execute any additional javascript code
  if (!is.null(.jsCode)) {
    widget <- htmlwidgets::onRender(
      x      = widget,
      jsCode = .jsCode,
      data   = .jsData

  # Return the widget as an output


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Racmacs documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:33 a.m.