"openp" <- function(X,dfreq=FALSE,m=c("up","ep"),neg=TRUE,keep=rep(TRUE,2^I-1))
# Validation des arguments fournis en entree
Xvalid <- valid.X(X=X, dfreq=dfreq)
X <- Xvalid$X
I <- Xvalid$t
if (I<=2) stop("loglinear models for open populations require at least 3 capture occasions")
m <- valid.vm(m,c("up","ep"),I),"logical")
if(length(keep)!=2^I-1||!is.logical(keep)) stop("'keep' must be a logical vector of length 2^I-1")
# elaboration et ajustement du modele #
Ycomplete <- histfreq.t(X,dfreq=dfreq) # construction du vecteur nu delta des frequences de captures par periodes
Y <- Ycomplete
Y[!keep] <- rep(NA,sum(na.rm=TRUE,!keep))
gammanames <- paste("gamma",1:(2*I-2),sep="")
if (m=="up") {
betanames <- paste("beta",2:(I-1),sep="")
} else betanames <- "beta"
histpos <- histpos.t(I)
Zd <- Zdelta(histpos) # construction de la matrice Zdelta, premiere composante du modele
colnames(Zd) <- gammanames
Xd <- if (m=="up") matrix(histpos[,-c(1,I)],nrow=length(Y)) else matrix(rowSums(histpos),ncol=1) # on supprime la premiere et dernier colonne de histpos pour des raisons d estimation des parametres
colnames(Xd) <- betanames
mX. <- cbind(Zd,Xd) # on fusionne ces 2 composantes explicatives
# Ajustement du modele
anaMpo <- suppressWarnings(glm(Y~mX.,family=poisson,na.action=na.omit))
#Verification du bon ajustement du modele loglineaire
if(!anaMpo$converged) stop("'glm' did not converge")
if(any($coef))) warning("the design matrix is not of full rank; some loglinear parameter estimations cannot be evaluated")
# Reajustement du modele en enlevant les gamma negatifs #
# Particularite pour m='up' :
# Les parametres gamma1, gammaI-1 et gammaI ne sont pas estimables. On ne teste donc pas leur positivite.
# Ainsi, pour I>3, on verifie seulement les parametres gamma 2 a I-2 et I+1 a 2I-2.
ppositions <- 0
test <- if(m=="up") neg && I > 2 else neg
if (test)
# Vecteur d'indicatrices pour les parametres d'interet negatifs
if (m=="up") {
indic <- if(I==3) as.vector(c(rep(0,4),ifelse(param[5]<0,1,0),rep(0,I-2))) else as.vector(c(0,0,ifelse(param[3:(I-1)]<0,1,0),0,0,ifelse(param[(I+2):(2*I-1)]<0,1,0),rep(0,I-2)))
} else indic <- as.vector(c(0,ifelse(param[2:(2*I-1)]<0,1,0),0))
while(sum(na.rm=TRUE,indic)>0) # Repeter la boucle jusqu'a ce qu'aucun gamma approprie ne soit negatif
# Determination de la position du premier gamma approprie negatif
pos <- 1
while(indic[pos]==0) pos <- pos + 1
ppositions <- c(ppositions,pos)
# Retrait de la bonne colonne de mX. et reajustement du modele
mX. <- mX.[,-(pos-sum(na.rm=TRUE,ppositions<pos))]
anaMpo <- suppressWarnings(glm(Y~mX.,family=poisson,na.action=na.omit))
# Ajout de zeros dans le vecteur des parametres loglineaires
positions <- sort(ppositions[-1])
param <- c(anaMpo$coef[1:(positions[1]-1)],0)
for ( i in 2:length(positions))
if(positions[i]==positions[i-1]+1) {
param <- c(param,0)
} else {
param <- c(param,anaMpo$coef[(positions[i-1]-i+2):(positions[i]-i)],0)
param <- c(param,anaMpo$coef[(positions[length(positions)]-length(positions)+1):length(anaMpo$coef)])
# Vecteur d'indicatrices pour les parametres d'interet negatifs
if (m=="up") {
indic <- if(I==3) as.vector(c(rep(0,4),ifelse(param[5]<0,1,0),rep(0,I-2))) else as.vector(c(0,0,ifelse(param[3:(I-1)]<0,1,0),0,0,ifelse(param[(I+2):(2*I-1)]<0,1,0),rep(0,I-2)))
} else indic <- as.vector(c(0,ifelse(param[2:(2*I-1)]<0,1,0),0))
positions <- sort(ppositions[-1])
# Ajustement d'un modele pour tester l'effet de trappe #
# Effet de trappe homogene
if(I==2) ## inutile stop si I <=2
{ ## inutile stop si I <=2
anaMpo2 <- NULL ## inutile stop si I <=2
parap2 <- NULL ## inutile stop si I <=2
} else { ## inutile stop si I <=2
trap <- rowSums(histpos[,-1]*histpos[,-I])
mX2. <- cbind(mX.,trap)
anaMpo2 <- suppressWarnings(glm(Y~mX2.,family=poisson,na.action=na.omit))
if (length(parap2)==0)
anaMpo2 <- NULL
parap2 <- NULL
} ## inutile stop si I <=2
# Effet de trappe heterogene
if (m=="up")
anaMpo3 <- NULL
parap3 <- NULL
} else {
trap <- histpos[,-1]*histpos[,-I]
trapnames <- rep(0,I-1)
for (i in 1:(I-1)){trapnames[i]<-paste("trap",i,"_",i+1,sep="")}
colnames(trap) <- trapnames
mX3.<- cbind(mX.,trap[,-c(1,I-1)])
anaMpo3 <- suppressWarnings(glm(Y~mX3.,family=poisson,na.action=na.omit))
if (length(parap3)==0)
anaMpo3 <- NULL
parap3 <- NULL
} else {
anaMpo3 <- NULL
parap3 <- NULL
# Formation des vecteurs des parametres #
# valeur de l intercept
interc <- param[1]
# creation des vecteurs de parametres alpha et beta
Alpha <-rep(0,2*I-2)
for (i in (1:(2*I-2))) Alpha[i] <- param[i+1]
if (m=="up")
Beta <- rep(0,I-2)
for (i in 1:(I-2)) Beta[i] <- param[2*I-1+i]
} else Beta <- param[2*I]
# Verification de la presence de parametres gamma negatifs si l'option "neg"=FALSE
if (m=="ep"&&any(Alpha<0))
warning("one or more gamma parameters are negative,\n",
"you can set them to zero with the argument 'neg'.")
if (m=="up"&&I>3&&any(param[c(3:(I-1),(I+2):(2*I-1))]<0))
warning("one or more relevant gamma parameters are negative,\n",
"you can set them to zero with the argument 'neg'.")
if (m=="up"&&I==3&¶m[5]<0)
warning("one relevant gamma parameter is negative,\n",
"you can set it to zero with the argument 'neg'.")
# Matrice de variances-covariances des parametres loglineaires #
# Afin de determiner la position des des parametres non estimables
NAindic <- as.vector(
NApos <- 0
pos <- 1
while(!NAindic[pos]&&pos<=length(param)) pos <- pos + 1
if(pos<=length(param)) NApos <- c(NApos,pos)
pos <- pos + 1
NApos <- NApos[-1]
# Pour inserer des lignes et colonnes de zeros pour les parametres fixes a zero et pour les parametres non estimables
covpos <- sort(c(positions,NApos))
# Insertion de colonnes de zeros
varcovc <- if(covpos[1]==1) rep(0,dim(summary(anaMpo)$cov.unscaled)[1]) else cbind(summary(anaMpo)$cov.unscaled[,1:(covpos[1]-1)],rep(0,dim(summary(anaMpo)$cov.unscaled)[1]))
for ( i in 2:length(covpos))
if(covpos[i]==covpos[i-1]+1) {
varcovc <- cbind(varcovc,rep(0,dim(summary(anaMpo)$cov.unscaled)[1]))
} else {
varcovc <- cbind(varcovc,summary(anaMpo)$cov.unscaled[,(covpos[i-1]-i+2):(covpos[i]-i)],rep(0,dim(summary(anaMpo)$cov.unscaled)[1]))
if(covpos[length(covpos)]<length(param)) varcovc <- cbind(varcovc,summary(anaMpo)$cov.unscaled[,(covpos[length(covpos)]-length(covpos)+1):dim(summary(anaMpo)$cov.unscaled)[2]])
# Insertion de lignes de zeros
varcov <- if(covpos[1]==1) rep(0,dim(varcovc)[2]) else rbind(varcovc[1:(covpos[1]-1),],rep(0,dim(varcovc)[2]))
for ( i in 2:length(covpos))
if(covpos[i]==covpos[i-1]+1) {
varcov <- rbind(varcov,rep(0,dim(varcovc)[2]))
} else {
varcov <- rbind(varcov,varcovc[(covpos[i-1]-i+2):(covpos[i]-i),],rep(0,dim(varcovc)[2]))
if(covpos[length(covpos)]<length(param)) varcov <- rbind(varcov,varcovc[(covpos[length(covpos)]-length(covpos)+1):dim(varcovc)[1],])
} else { varcov <- summary(anaMpo)$cov.unscaled }
# Estimation des parametres demographiques
# calcul des probabilites de capture (pstar) #
if (m=="up")
pstar <- rep(0,I)
pstar[1] <- 0.5
pstar[I] <- 0.5
for (i in (2:(I-1)))
pstar[i]<- exp(Beta[i-1])/(1+exp(Beta[i-1]))
dpstar[2*I+i-2,i] <- exp(Beta[i-1])/(1+exp(Beta[i-1]))^2
varcovpstar <- t(dpstar)%*%varcov%*%dpstar
pstarStderr <- sqrt(diag(varcovpstar))
} else {
pstar<- rep(exp(Beta)/(1+exp(Beta)),I)
dpstar <- matrix(rep(c(rep(0,2*I-1),exp(Beta)/(1+exp(Beta))^2),I),ncol=I)
varcovpstar <- t(dpstar)%*%varcov%*%dpstar
pstarStderr <- sqrt(diag(varcovpstar))
# calcul des Ui #
uv <- rep(1,(I-1))
for (i in (1:(I-1)))
eAlpha <- exp(Alpha[I:(I+i-1)])
unmpstar <- (1-pstar[I:(I-i+1)])
uv[i] <- prod(eAlpha*unmpstar)*(1-exp(-Alpha[I+i-1]))
duv[,i] <- prod(eAlpha*unmpstar)*c(rep(0,I+i-1),exp(-Alpha[I+i-1]),rep(0,(length(param)-I-i)))
for (j in 1:i)
duv[,i] <- duv[,i] + (1-exp(-Alpha[I+i-1]))*prod(eAlpha[-j]*unmpstar[-j])*((1-pstar[I-j+1])*c(rep(0,I+j-1),exp(Alpha[I+j-1]),rep(0,(length(param)-I-j)))-exp(Alpha[I+j-1])*dpstar[,I-j+1])
uv <- c(1,uv)
duv <- cbind(rep(0,length(param)),duv)
varcovuv <- t(duv)%*%varcov%*%duv
uvStderr <- sqrt(diag(varcovuv))
# calcul des Vi #
vv <- rep(1,(I-1))
for (i in (1:(I-1)))
eAlpha <- exp(Alpha[1:i])
unmpstar <- (1-pstar[1:i])
vv[i] <- prod(eAlpha*unmpstar)*(1-exp(-Alpha[i]))
dvv[,i] <- prod(eAlpha*unmpstar)*c(rep(0,i),exp(-Alpha[i]),rep(0,(length(param)-i-1)))
for (j in 1:i)
dvv[,i] <- dvv[,i] + (1-exp(-Alpha[i]))*prod(eAlpha[-j]*unmpstar[-j])*((1-pstar[j])*c(rep(0,j),exp(Alpha[j]),rep(0,(length(param)-j-1)))-exp(Alpha[j])*dpstar[,j])
vv <- c(1,vv)
dvv <- cbind(rep(0,length(param)),dvv)
varcovvv <- t(dvv)%*%varcov%*%dvv
vvStderr <- sqrt(diag(varcovvv))
# calcul des probabilites de survie entre chaque periode (phi) #
phi <- rep(0,(I-1))
dphi <- matrix(rep(0,(I-1)*length(param)),ncol=(I-1))
phi[(I-1):1] <-1/(1+uv[2:I]/cumsum(uv[1:(I-1)]))
for ( i in 1:(I-1))
dphi[,i] <- -(phi[i]^2)*duv[,I-i+1]
} else {
dphi[,i] <- -(phi[i]^2)*(duv[,I-i+1]*sum(na.rm=TRUE,uv[1:(I-i)])-uv[I-i+1]*rowSums(duv[,1:(I-i)]))/sum(na.rm=TRUE,uv[1:(I-i)])^2
varcovphi <- t(dphi)%*%varcov%*%dphi
phiStderr <- sqrt(diag(varcovphi))
# calcul des taille de populations (Ni) #
Npop <- rep(0,I)
Npop[1] <- exp(interc)/(prod(1-pstar)*prod(phi))
dprodpstar <-rep(0,length(param))
for (i in 1:I)
dprodphi <-rep(0,length(param))
for (i in 1:(I-1))
dNpop[,1] <- (prod(1-pstar)*prod(phi)*c(exp(interc),rep(0,(length(param)-1))) - exp(interc)*(prod(phi)*dprodpstar+prod(1-pstar)*dprodphi))/ (prod(1-pstar)*prod(phi))^2
for (i in 2:I)
if(i==2) {
dNpop[,i] <- phi[i-1]*(vv[i]+1)*dNpop[,i-1] + Npop[i-1]*(vv[i]+1)*dphi[,i-1] + Npop[i-1]*phi[i-1]*dvv[,i]
} else {
dNpop[,i] <- phi[i-1]*(vv[i]/sum(na.rm=TRUE,vv[1:(i-1)])+1)*dNpop[,i-1] + Npop[i-1]*(vv[i]/sum(na.rm=TRUE,vv[1:(i-1)])+1)*dphi[,i-1] + Npop[i-1]*phi[i-1]*(sum(na.rm=TRUE,vv[1:(i-1)])*dvv[,i]-vv[i]*rowSums(dvv[,1:(i-1)]))/sum(na.rm=TRUE,vv[1:(i-1)])^2
varcovtpop <- t(dNpop)%*%varcov%*%dNpop
NpopStderr <- sqrt(diag(varcovtpop))
NpopStderr <- sqrt(pmax(NpopStderr^2-Npop,0))
# Correction si certains historiques ont ete enleves (avec l'option keep)
corrkeep <- suppressWarnings(sum(na.rm=TRUE,Ycomplete[!keep]-predict(anaMpo,newdata=data.frame(mX.),type="response")[!keep]))
Npop <- Npop + corrkeep
# calcul des naissances (Bi) #
dB <- dNpop[,2:I] - t(phi*t(dNpop[,1:(I-1)])) - t(Npop[1:(I-1)]*t(dphi))
varcovB <- t(dB)%*%varcov%*%dB
BStderr <- sqrt(diag(varcovB))
# Calcul du nombre total d'individus qui ont passe sur le territoire #
if (m=="up")
#Programme pour former la matrice X avec des colonnes de zeros pour les parametres fixes a zero
# Insertion de colonnes de zeros
X <- cbind(Xtemp[,1:(positions[1]-1)],rep(0,dim(Xtemp)[1]))
for ( i in 2:length(positions))
X <- cbind(X,rep(0,dim(Xtemp)[1]))
} else {
X <- cbind(X,Xtemp[,(positions[i-1]-i+2):(positions[i]-i)],rep(0,dim(Xtemp)[1]))
X <- cbind(X,Xtemp[,(positions[length(positions)]-length(positions)+1):dim(Xtemp)[2]])
} else { X <- Xtemp}
# Calcul du nombre total d'individus qui ont passe sur le territoire
if (I==2)
Ntot <- sum(na.rm=TRUE,Ycomplete)
dNtot <- t(X)%*%exp(X%*%param)
} else if (I==3)
Ntot <- sum(na.rm=TRUE,Ycomplete) + exp(interc+Alpha[1]+Alpha[3])-exp(interc+Alpha[1])
dNtot <- t(X)%*%exp(X%*%param) + exp(interc+Alpha[1]+Alpha[3])*c(1,1,0,1,rep(0,2)) - exp(interc+Alpha[1])*c(1,1,rep(0,4))
} else if (I==4)
Ntot <- sum(na.rm=TRUE,Ycomplete) + exp(interc+Alpha[1]+Alpha[4]+Alpha[5]) + exp(interc+Alpha[1]+Alpha[4])*(exp(Alpha[2])-1)
dNtot <- ( t(X)%*%exp(X%*%param) + exp(interc+Alpha[1]+Alpha[4]+Alpha[5])*c(1,1,0,0,1,1,rep(0,3))
+ exp(interc+Alpha[1]+Alpha[2]+Alpha[4])*c(1,1,1,0,1,rep(0,4)) - exp(interc+Alpha[1]+Alpha[4])*c(1,1,0,0,1,rep(0,4)) )
} else {
Ntot <- sum(na.rm=TRUE,Ycomplete) + exp(interc+Alpha[1]+sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[I:(2*I-3)]))*(1+exp(sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[2:(I-2)])-sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[(I+1):(2*I-3)]))) - exp(interc+Alpha[1]+sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[I:(2*I-4)]))
dNtot <- ( t(X)%*%exp(X%*%param)
+ exp(interc+Alpha[1]+sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[I:(2*I-3)]))*exp(sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[2:(I-2)])-sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[(I+1):(2*I-3)]))*c(0,0,rep(1,I-3),0,0,rep(-1,I-3),rep(0,length(param)-2*I+2))
+ exp(interc+Alpha[1]+sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[I:(2*I-3)]))*(1+exp(sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[2:(I-2)])-sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[(I+1):(2*I-3)])))*c(1,1,rep(0,I-2),rep(1,I-2),rep(0,length(param)-2*I+2))
- exp(interc+Alpha[1]+sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[I:(2*I-4)]))*c(1,1,rep(0,I-2),rep(1,I-3),rep(0,length(param)-2*I+3)) )
for (i in 2:(I-3))
Ntot <- Ntot + exp(interc+Alpha[1]+sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[I:(2*I-3)]))*exp(sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[2:i])-sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[(2*I-1-i):(2*I-3)])) - exp(interc+Alpha[1]+sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[I:(2*I-4)]))*exp(sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[2:i])-sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[(2*I-2-i):(2*I-4)]))
dNtot <- ( dNtot + exp(interc+Alpha[1]+sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[I:(2*I-3)]))*exp(sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[2:i])-sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[(2*I-1-i):(2*I-3)]))*
(c(1,1,rep(0,I-2),rep(1,I-2),rep(0,length(param)-2*I+2)) + c(0,0,rep(1,i-1),rep(0,2*I-2*i-2),rep(-1,i-1),rep(0,length(param)-2*I+2)))
- exp(interc+Alpha[1]+sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[I:(2*I-4)]))*exp(sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[2:i])-sum(na.rm=TRUE,Alpha[(2*I-2-i):(2*I-4)]))*
(c(1,1,rep(0,I-2),rep(1,I-3),rep(0,length(param)-2*I+3)) + c(0,0,rep(1,i-1),rep(0,2*I-2*i-3),rep(-1,i-1),rep(0,length(param)-2*I+3))) )
NtotStderr <- sqrt(max(t(dNtot)%*%varcov%*%dNtot-Ntot,0))
} else {
Ntot <- Npop[1]+sum(na.rm=TRUE,B)
dNtot <- dNpop[,1] + rowSums(dB)
NtotStderr <- sqrt(max(t(dNtot)%*%varcov%*%dNtot-Ntot,0))
# Presentation des resultats
modelfit <- matrix(c(anaMpo$deviance,anaMpo$df.residual,anaMpo$aic),nrow=1)
dimnames(modelfit) <- list("fitted model",c("deviance"," df"," AIC"))
trapfit <- cbind(c(anaMpo2$deviance,anaMpo3$deviance),c(anaMpo2$df.residual,anaMpo3$df.residual),c(anaMpo2$aic,anaMpo3$aic))
if (!is.null(trapfit)) {
if (dim(trapfit)[1]==1) { dimnames(trapfit) <- list(c("model with homogenous trap effect"),c("deviance"," df"," AIC"))
} else if (dim(trapfit)[1]==2) { dimnames(trapfit) <- list(c("model with homogenous trap effect","model with trap effect"),c("deviance"," df"," AIC"))}
titre.i<-paste("i =",1:I-1)
parap <- rbind(parap3,parap2)
pstar <- cbind(pstar,pstarStderr)
phi <- cbind(phi,phiStderr)
Npop <- cbind(Npop,NpopStderr)
B <- cbind(B,BStderr)
Ntot <- cbind(Ntot,NtotStderr)
loglinearpara <- cbind(param,diag(varcov))
uv <- cbind(uv,uvStderr)
vv <- cbind(vv,vvStderr)
if (length(parap)==2) { dimnames(parap) <- list("homogenous trap effect",c("estimate","stderr"))
} else if (length(parap)>2) { dimnames(parap) <- list(c(paste("period",substr(rownames(parap3),9,11)),"homogenous trap effect"),c("estimate","stderr")) }
dimnames(Ntot)<-list("all periods",c("estimate","stderr"))
dimnames(uv) <- list(titre.i,c("estimate","stderr"))
dimnames(vv) <- list(titre.i,c("estimate","stderr"))
#Parametres non estimables
if (m=="up")
pstar[1,] <- rep(NA,2)
pstar[I,] <- rep(NA,2)
phi[I-1,] <- rep(NA,2)
Npop[1,] <- rep(NA,2)
Npop[I,] <- rep(NA,2)
B[1,] <- rep(NA,2)
B[I-1,] <- rep(NA,2)
# Matrice de variances-covariances des parameters pstar, phi, Npop, B et Ntot
dP <- cbind(dpstar,dphi,dNpop,dB,dNtot)
covP <- t(dP)%*%varcov%*%dP
titre.P <- c(rep(0,4*I-2),"Ntot")
for (i in 1:I){
titre.P[2*I-1+i] <- paste("Npop",i)
for (i in 1:(I-1)){
titre.P[3*I-1+i] <- paste("B",i)
if (m=="up") covP <- covP[-c(1,I,2*I-1,2*I,3*I-1,3*I,4*I-2),-c(1,I,2*I-1,2*I,3*I-1,3*I,4*I-2)]
glm=anaMpo,loglin.param=loglinearpara,u.vector=uv,v.vector=vv,cov=covP, neg=positions)
class(ans) <- "openp"
print.openp <- function(x, ...){
cat("\nModel fit:\n")
x$[,c(1,3)] <- round(x$[,c(1,3)],3)
x$[,2] <- as.integer(x$[,2])
print.default(x$, = 2, quote = FALSE, right=TRUE, na.print="--", ...)
if (!is.null(x$ {
cat("\nTest for trap effect:\n")
x$[,c(1,3)] <- round(x$[,c(1,3)],3)
x$[,2] <- round(x$[,2],0)
print.default(x$, = 2, quote = FALSE, right=TRUE, na.print="--", ...)
cat("\nCapture probabilities:\n")
print.default(round(x$capture.prob,4), = 2, quote = FALSE, right=TRUE, na.print="--", ...)
cat("\nSurvival probabilities:\n")
print.default(round(x$survivals,4), = 2, quote = FALSE, right=TRUE, na.print="--", ...)
x$N <- round(x$N,1)
print.default(x$N, = 2, quote = FALSE, right=TRUE, na.print="--", ...)
cat("\nNumber of new arrivals:\n")
x$birth <- round(x$birth,1)
print.default(x$birth, = 2, quote = FALSE, right=TRUE, na.print="--", ...)
cat("\nTotal number of units who ever inhabited the survey area:\n")
x$Ntot <- round(x$Ntot,1)
print.default(x$Ntot, = 2, quote = FALSE, right=TRUE, na.print="--", ...)
cat("\nTotal number of captured units:",x$n,"\n")
### 22 mai 2012 : On a decide de ne plus imprimer ces notes car l'utilisateur ne comprend pas quel
### impact des parametres eta fixes a zero ont sur ses resultats. ca l'embete plus qu'autre chose.
#if (length(x$neg[x$neg<2*dim(x$N)[1]])==1) cat("\nNote:",length(x$neg[x$neg<2*dim(x$N)[1]]),"gamma parameter has been set to zero\n")
#if (length(x$neg[x$neg<2*dim(x$N)[1]])>1) cat("\nNote:",length(x$neg[x$neg<2*dim(x$N)[1]]),"gamma parameters has been set to zero\n")
plot.openp <- function(x,main="Scatterplot of Pearson Residuals", ...){
res <- (x$glm$model[,1]- fitted.values(x$glm))/sqrt(fitted.values(x$glm))
if (length(x$glm$na.action)==0)
plot(apply(histpos.t(dim(x$N)[1]),1,sum),res,xlab="Frequency of capture",ylab="Pearson residuals",main=main, ...)
} else {
plot(apply(histpos.t(dim(x$N)[1]),1,sum)[-x$glm$na.action],res,xlab="Frequency of capture",ylab="Pearson residuals",main=main, ...)
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