
Defines functions countMissing correlationTest numericalSummaries summarizeDataSet

## Statistics Menu dialogs

## last modified by J. Fox 2022-06-30
## last modified by MMM    2023-03-18

## Summaries menu

summarizeDataSet <- function(){
    nvar <- length(Variables())
    .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
    if (nvar > 10){
        response <- RcmdrTkmessageBox(message=sprintf(gettextRcmdr("There are %d variables in the data set %s.\nDo you want to proceed?"), nvar, .activeDataSet),
                                      icon="question", type="okcancel", default="cancel")
        if ("cancel" == tclvalue(response)) {
    doItAndPrint(paste("summary(", .activeDataSet, ")", sep=""))
    insertRmdSection(paste0(gettextRmdHeader("Summarize Data Set: "), .activeDataSet))

numericalSummaries <- function(){
    defaults <- list(initial.x=NULL, initial.mean="1", initial.sd="1", initial.se.mean="0", initial.var="0", initial.CV="0", initial.IQR="1",
                     initial.quantiles="0, .25, .5, .75, 1", 
                     initial.skewness="0", initial.kurtosis="0", initial.type="2",
                     initial.group=NULL, initial.tab=0)
    dialog.values <- getDialog("numericalSummaries", defaults)
    initial.group <- dialog.values$initial.group
    initializeDialog(title=gettextRcmdr("Numerical Summaries"), use.tabs=TRUE, tabs=c("dataTab", "statisticsTab"))
    xBox <- variableListBox(dataTab, Numeric(), selectmode="multiple", title=gettextRcmdr("Variables (pick one or more)"),
                            initialSelection=varPosn(dialog.values$initial.x, "numeric"))
    checkBoxes(window = statisticsTab, frame="checkBoxFrame", boxes=c("mean", "sd", "se.mean", "var", "CV", "IQR", "counts"), 
               initialValues=c(dialog.values$initial.mean, dialog.values$initial.sd, dialog.values$initial.se.mean,
                               dialog.values$initial.var, dialog.values$initial.CV, dialog.values$initial.IQR, dialog.values$initial.counts), 
               labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Mean", "Standard Deviation", "Standard Error of Mean", "Variance", "Coefficient of Variation", "Interquartile Range", 
                                     "Frequency Counts")), columns=2)
    skFrame <- tkframe(statisticsTab)
    checkBoxes(window = skFrame, frame="skCheckBoxFrame", boxes=c("skewness", "kurtosis"), 
               initialValues=c(dialog.values$initial.skewness, dialog.values$initial.kurtosis), 
               labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Skewness", "Kurtosis")))
    radioButtons(window = skFrame, name="typeButtons", buttons=c("b1", "b2", "b3"), values=c("1", "2", "3"), 
                 labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Type 1", "Type 2", "Type 3")))
    quantilesVariable <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.quantiles.variable)
    quantilesFrame <- tkframe(statisticsTab)
    quantilesCheckBox <- tkcheckbutton(quantilesFrame, variable=quantilesVariable, 
    quantiles <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.quantiles)
    quantilesEntry <- ttkentry(quantilesFrame, width="20", textvariable=quantiles)
    groupsBox(recall=numericalSummaries, label=gettextRcmdr("Summarize by:"), 
              initialLabel=if (is.null(initial.group)) gettextRcmdr("Summarize by groups") 
                           else paste(gettextRcmdr("Summarize by:"), initial.group), 
              initialGroup=initial.group, window = dataTab)
    onOK <- function(){
        tab <- if (as.character(tkselect(notebook)) == dataTab$ID) 0 else 1
        x <- getSelection(xBox)
        quants <- tclvalue(quantiles)
        meanVar <- tclvalue(meanVariable)
        sdVar <- tclvalue(sdVariable)
        se.meanVar <- tclvalue(se.meanVariable)
        varVar <- tclvalue(varVariable)
        IQRVar <- tclvalue(IQRVariable)
        CVVar <- tclvalue(CVVariable)
        countsVar <- tclvalue(countsVariable)
        quantsVar <- tclvalue(quantilesVariable)
        skewnessVar <- tclvalue(skewnessVariable)
        kurtosisVar <- tclvalue(kurtosisVariable)
        typeVar <- tclvalue(typeButtonsVariable)
        putDialog("numericalSummaries", list(
                                            initial.x=x, initial.mean=meanVar, initial.sd=sdVar, initial.var=varVar, initial.se.mean=se.meanVar,
                                            initial.CV=CVVar, initial.IQR=IQRVar, initial.counts=countsVar,
                                            initial.quantiles.variable=quantsVar, initial.quantiles=quants,
                                            initial.skewness=skewnessVar, initial.kurtosis=kurtosisVar, initial.type=typeVar,
                                            initial.group=if (.groups != FALSE) .groups else NULL, initial.tab=tab
        if (length(x) == 0){
            errorCondition(recall=numericalSummaries, message=gettextRcmdr("You must select a variable."))
        quants <- paste("c(", gsub(",+", ",", gsub(" ", ",", quants)), ")", sep="")
        .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
        vars <- if (length(x) == 1) paste('"', x, '"', sep="") 
                else paste("c(", paste('"', x, '"', collapse=", ", sep=""), ")", sep="")
        ds.vars <- paste(.activeDataSet, "[,", vars, ", drop=FALSE]", sep="")
        discrete.x <- x[x %in% DiscreteNumeric()]
        continuous.x <- setdiff(x, discrete.x)
        discrete.vars <- if (length(discrete.x) == 0) NULL 
                         else if (length(discrete.x) == 1) paste('"', discrete.x, '"', sep="")
                         else paste("c(", paste('"', discrete.x, '"', collapse=", ", sep=""), ")", sep="")
        ds.discrete.vars <- if(is.null(discrete.vars)) NULL else paste(.activeDataSet, "[,", discrete.vars, ", drop=FALSE]", sep="")
        continuous.vars <- if (length(continuous.x) == 0) NULL 
                           else if (length(continuous.x) == 1) paste('"', continuous.x, '"', sep="")
                           else paste("c(", paste('"', continuous.x, '"', collapse=", ", sep=""), ")", sep="")
        ds.continuous.vars <- if(is.null(continuous.vars)) NULL else paste(.activeDataSet, "[,", continuous.vars, ", drop=FALSE]", sep="")
        stats <- paste("c(",
                       paste(c('"mean"', '"sd"', '"se(mean)"', '"var"', '"IQR"', '"quantiles"', '"CV"', '"skewness"', '"kurtosis"')
                             [c(meanVar, sdVar, se.meanVar, varVar, IQRVar, quantsVar, CVVar, skewnessVar, kurtosisVar) == 1], 
                             collapse=", "), ")", sep="")
        if (stats == "c()" && countsVar != 1){
            errorCondition(recall=numericalSummaries, message=gettextRcmdr("No statistics selected."))
        type.text <- if (skewnessVar == 1 || kurtosisVar == 1) paste(', type="', typeVar, '"', sep="") else ""
        if (.groups != FALSE) grps <- paste(.activeDataSet, "$", .groups, sep="")
        if (stats != "c()"){
            command <- if (.groups != FALSE) {
                           paste("numSummary(", ds.vars, ", groups=", grps, ", statistics=", stats, 
                                 ", quantiles=", quants, type.text, ")", sep="")
                       else  paste("numSummary(", ds.vars, ", statistics=", stats, 
                                   ", quantiles=", quants, type.text, ")", sep="")
        if (countsVar == 1){
            if (.groups != FALSE){
                levels <- eval(parse(text=paste0("levels(", grps, ")")), envir=.GlobalEnv)
                for (level in levels){
                    if (!is.null(continuous.vars)){
                        command <- paste0("binnedCounts(", .activeDataSet, "[", grps, " == ", "'", level, "', ", 
                                          continuous.vars, ", drop=FALSE])\n  # ", .groups, " = ", level)
                    if (!is.null(discrete.vars)){
                        command <- paste0("discreteCounts(", .activeDataSet, "[", grps, " == ", "'", level, "', ", 
                                          discrete.vars, ", drop=FALSE])\n  # ", .groups, " = ", level)
            else {
                    command <- paste0("binnedCounts(", ds.continuous.vars, ")")
                    command <- paste0("discreteCounts(", ds.discrete.vars, ")")
    OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="numSummary", reset="numericalSummaries", apply ="numericalSummaries")
    tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky="nw")    
    tkgrid(checkBoxFrame, sticky="nw")
    tkgrid(skCheckBoxFrame, typeButtonsFrame, sticky="nw", padx=3)
    tkgrid(skFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(quantilesCheckBox, quantilesEntry, sticky="w", padx="3")
    tkgrid(quantilesFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(groupsFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6)
    dialogSuffix(use.tabs=TRUE, grid.buttons=TRUE, tabs=c("dataTab", "statisticsTab"), 
                 tab.names=c("Data", "Statistics"))

frequencyDistribution <- function () {
    defaults <- list (initial.x = NULL, initial.goodnessOfFit = "0")
    dialog.values <- getDialog ("frequencyDistribution", defaults)
    initializeDialog(title = gettextRcmdr("Frequency Distributions"))
    xBox <- variableListBox(top, Factors(), selectmode = "multiple", 
                            title = gettextRcmdr("Variables (pick one or more)"),
                            initialSelection = varPosn (dialog.values$initial.x, "factor"))
    optionsFrame <- tkframe(top)
    goodnessOfFitVariable <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.goodnessOfFit)
    goodnessOfFitCheckBox <- ttkcheckbutton(optionsFrame, variable = goodnessOfFitVariable)
    onOK <- function() {
        x <- getSelection(xBox)
        if (length(x) == 0) {
            errorCondition(recall = frequencyDistribution, message = gettextRcmdr("You must select a variable."))
        goodnessOfFit <- tclvalue(goodnessOfFitVariable)
        putDialog ("frequencyDistribution", list (initial.x = x, initial.goodnessOfFit = goodnessOfFit))
        if (length(x) > 1 && goodnessOfFit == "1") {
            errorCondition(recall = frequencyDistribution, message = gettextRcmdr("Goodness-of-fit test not available when more than one variable is selected."))
        .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
        for (variable in x) {
            command <- paste("table(", variable, ")", sep = "")
            command <- paste("local({\n  .Table <- with(", .activeDataSet, ", ", command, ")", sep="")
            command <- paste(command, '\n  cat("\\ncounts:\\n")', sep="")
            command <- paste(command, "\n  print(.Table)", sep="")
            command <- paste(command, '\n  cat("\\npercentages:\\n")', sep="")
            command <- paste(command, "\n  print(round(100*.Table/sum(.Table), 2))", sep="")
            if (goodnessOfFit != 1) {
                command <- paste(command, "\n})", sep="")
        env <- environment()
        if (goodnessOfFit == 1) {
            initializeDialog(subwin, title = gettextRcmdr("Goodness-of-Fit Test"))
            hypothesisFrame <- tkframe(subwin)
            levs <- eval(parse(text = paste("levels(", .activeDataSet, 
                                            "$", x, ")", sep = "")))
            n.levs <- length(levs)
            assign(".entry.1", tclVar(paste("1/", n.levs, sep = "")), 
                   envir = env)
            make.entries <- "labelRcmdr(hypothesisFrame, text='Hypothesized probabilities:   ')"
            make.lev.names <- "labelRcmdr(hypothesisFrame, text='Factor levels:')"
            for (i in 1:n.levs) {
                entry.varname <- paste(".entry.", i, sep = "")
                assign(entry.varname, tclVar(paste("1/", n.levs, 
                                                   sep = "")), envir = env)
                make.entries <- paste(make.entries, ", ", "ttkentry(hypothesisFrame, width='5', textvariable=", 
                                      entry.varname, ")", sep = "")
                make.lev.names <- paste(make.lev.names, ", labelRcmdr(hypothesisFrame, text='", 
                                        levs[i], "')", sep = "")
            eval(parse(text = paste("tkgrid(", make.lev.names, 
                                    ", sticky='w')", sep = "")), envir = env)
            eval(parse(text = paste("tkgrid(", make.entries, 
                                    ", stick='w')", sep = "")), envir = env)
            tkgrid(hypothesisFrame, sticky = "w")
            onOKsub <- function() {
                probs <- rep(NA, n.levs)
                for (i in 1:n.levs) {
                    entry.varname <- paste(".entry.", i, sep = "")
                    res <- try(entry <- eval(parse(text = eval(parse(text = paste("tclvalue(", 
                                                                                  entry.varname, ")", sep = "")), envir = env))), 
                               silent = TRUE)
                    if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
                        errorCondition(subwin, message = gettextRcmdr("Invalid entry."))
                    if (length(entry) == 0) {
                        errorCondition(subwin, message = gettextRcmdr("Missing entry."))
                    opts <- options(warn = -1)
                    probs[i] <- as.numeric(entry)
                probs <- na.omit(probs)
                if (length(probs) != n.levs) {
                    errorCondition(subwin, message = sprintf(gettextRcmdr("Number of valid entries (%d)\nnot equal to number levels (%d)."), 
                                                             length(probs), n.levs))
                if (any(probs < 0)) {
                    errorCondition(subwin, message = gettextRcmdr("Negative probabilities not allowed."))
                if (abs(sum(probs) - 1) > 0.001) {
                    Message(message = gettextRcmdr("Probabilities rescaled to sum to 1."), 
                            type = "warning")
                    probs <- probs/sum(probs)
                command <- paste(command, "\n  .Probs <- c(", paste(probs, collapse = ","), ")", sep = "")
                command <- paste(command, "\n  chisq.test(.Table, p=.Probs)\n})")
            tkgrid(subButtonsFrame, sticky = "w")
            dialogSuffix(subwin, onOK = onOKsub, focus = subwin, force.wait=TRUE)
        insertRmdSection(paste0(gettextRmdHeader("Frequencies: "), paste(x, collapse=", ")))
    OKCancelHelp(helpSubject = "table", reset = "frequencyDistribution", apply="frequencyDistribution")
    tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky = "nw")
           labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Chi-square goodness-of-fit test (for one variable only)")), 
           sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky = "w")

statisticsTable <- function () {
    defaults <- list (initial.group=NULL, initial.response=NULL, initial.statistic="mean", initial.other = "")
    dialog.values <- getDialog ("statisticsTable", defaults)
    initializeDialog(title = gettextRcmdr("Table of Statistics"))
    variablesFrame <- tkframe(top)
    groupBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Factors(), selectmode = "multiple", 
                                title = gettextRcmdr("Factors (pick one or more)"), 
                                initialSelection = varPosn(dialog.values$initial.group,"factor"))
    responseBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Numeric(), selectmode = "multiple", 
                                   initialSelection = varPosn(dialog.values$initial.response, "numeric"),
                                   title = gettextRcmdr("Response variables (pick one or more)"))
    statFrame <- tkframe(top)
    radioButtons(statFrame, name = "statistic", buttons = c("mean", "median", "sd", "var", "CV", "IQR", "other"), 
                 labels = gettextRcmdr(c("Mean", "Median", "Standard deviation", "Variance", "Coefficient of Variation", "Interquartile range", "Other (specify)")), 
                 initialValue = dialog.values$initial.statistic, 
                 title = gettextRcmdr("Statistic"))
    otherVariable <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.other)
    otherEntry <- ttkentry(statFrame, width = "20", textvariable = otherVariable)
    tkgrid(statisticFrame, labelRcmdr(statFrame, text ="  "), otherEntry, sticky = "sw")
    onOK <- function() {
        groups <- getSelection(groupBox)
        if (0 == length(groups)) {
            errorCondition(recall = statisticsTable, message = gettextRcmdr("No factors selected."))
        responses <- getSelection(responseBox)
        if (0 == length(responses)) {
            errorCondition(recall = statisticsTable, message = gettextRcmdr("You must select a response variable."))
        stat <- statistic <- tclvalue(statisticVariable)
        if (statistic == "other") 
            statistic <- tclvalue(otherVariable)
        putDialog ("statisticsTable", list(initial.group=groups, initial.response=responses, 
                                           initial.statistic=stat, initial.other = if(stat == "other") statistic else ""))  
        .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
        groups.list <- paste0(groups, collapse = " + ")
        for (response in responses) {
            if (length(responses) > 1) 
                doItAndPrint(paste("# Table for ", response, 
                                   ":", sep = ""))
                                        # doItAndPrint(paste("with(", .activeDataSet, ", tapply(",  
                                        #                    response, ", list(", groups.list, "), ", statistic, 
                                        #                    ", na.rm=TRUE))", sep = ""))
            doItAndPrint(paste0("Tapply(", response, " ~ ", groups.list, ", ", statistic, ", na.action=na.omit, data=", 
                                .activeDataSet, ") # ", statistic, " by groups")) 
        insertRmdSection(paste0(gettextRmdHeader("Table of Summary Statistics: "), paste(responses, collapse=", ")))
    OKCancelHelp(helpSubject = "Tapply", reset="statisticsTable", apply="statisticsTable")
    tkgrid(getFrame(groupBox), labelRcmdr(variablesFrame, text = "    "), 
           getFrame(responseBox), sticky = "nw")
    tkgrid(variablesFrame, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(statFrame, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky = "w")
    dialogSuffix(focus = otherEntry)

correlationMatrix <- function (){
    defaults <- list (initial.x = NULL, initial.correlations = "Pearson", initial.pvaluesVar="0", initial.use="complete")  
    dialog.values <- getDialog ("correlationMatrix", defaults)
    initializeDialog(title = gettextRcmdr("Correlation Matrix"))
    xBox <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), selectmode = "multiple", 
                            title = gettextRcmdr("Variables (pick two or more)"),
                            initialSelection = varPosn (dialog.values$initial.x, "numeric"))
    radioButtons(name = "correlations", buttons = c("pearson", 
                                                    "spearman", "partial"), values = c("Pearson", "Spearman", 
                                                                                       "partial"), labels = gettextRcmdr(c("Pearson product-moment", 
                                                                                                                           "Spearman rank-order", "Partial")), title = gettextRcmdr("Type of Correlations"),
                 initialValue = dialog.values$initial.correlations)
    radioButtons(name = "use", buttons = c("complete", "pairwise.complete"), 
                 labels = gettextRcmdr(c("Complete observations", "Pairwise-complete observations")), title = gettextRcmdr("Observations to Use"),
                 initialValue = dialog.values$initial.use)
    pvaluesFrame <- tkframe(top)
    pvaluesVar <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.pvaluesVar)
    pvaluesCheckbox <- ttkcheckbutton(pvaluesFrame, variable = pvaluesVar, text = gettextRcmdr("Pairwise p-values"))
    onOK <- function() {
        correlations <- tclvalue(correlationsVariable)
        use <- tclvalue(useVariable)
        x <- getSelection(xBox)
        pvalues <- tclvalue(pvaluesVar)
        if (2 > length(x)) {
            errorCondition(recall = correlationMatrix, message = gettextRcmdr("Fewer than 2 variables selected."))
        if ((correlations == "partial") && (3 > length(x))) {
            errorCondition(recall = correlationMatrix, message = gettextRcmdr("Fewer than 3 variables selected\nfor partial correlations."))
        putDialog ("correlationMatrix", list (initial.x=x, initial.correlations=correlations, 
                                              initial.pvaluesVar=pvalues, initial.use=use))
        x <- paste("\"", x, "\"", sep = "")
        .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
        if (correlations == "Pearson") {
            if (pvalues == 0) {
                doItAndPrint(paste("cor(", .activeDataSet, "[,c(", 
                                   paste(x, collapse = ","), ")], use=\"", use, "\")", 
                                   sep = ""))
            else {
                doItAndPrint(paste("rcorr.adjust(", .activeDataSet, 
                                   "[,c(", paste(x, collapse = ","), ")], type=\"pearson\", use=\"", use, "\")", 
                                   sep = ""))
        else if (correlations == "Spearman") {
            if (pvalues == 0) {
                doItAndPrint(paste("cor(", .activeDataSet, "[,c(", 
                                   paste(x, collapse = ","), ")], method=\"spearman\", use=\"", use, "\")", 
                                   sep = ""))
            else {
                doItAndPrint(paste("rcorr.adjust(", .activeDataSet, 
                                   "[,c(", paste(x, collapse = ","), ")], type=\"spearman\", use=\"", use, "\")", 
                                   sep = ""))
        else if (pvalues == 0){
            doItAndPrint(paste("partial.cor(", .activeDataSet, 
                               "[,c(", paste(x, collapse = ","), ")], use=\"", use, "\")", 
                               sep = ""))
        else {
            doItAndPrint(paste("partial.cor(", .activeDataSet, 
                               "[,c(", paste(x, collapse = ","), ")], tests=TRUE, use=\"", use, "\")", 
                               sep = ""))
    OKCancelHelp(helpSubject = "rcorr.adjust", reset="correlationMatrix", apply="correlationMatrix")
    tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky = "nw")
    tkgrid(correlationsFrame, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(useFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=""))
    tkgrid(pvaluesCheckbox, sticky="w") 
    tkgrid(pvaluesFrame, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky = "w")

                                        # the following dialog contributed by Stefano Calza, modified by J. Fox

correlationTest <- function(){
    defaults <- list(initial.x=NULL,initial.correlations="pearson",initial.alternative ="two.sided")
    dialog.values <- getDialog("correlationTest", defaults)
    initializeDialog(title=gettextRcmdr("Correlation Test"))
    xBox <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), selectmode="multiple", title=gettextRcmdr("Variables (pick two)"),initialSelection=varPosn(dialog.values$initial.x, "numeric"))
    optionsFrame <- tkframe(top)
    radioButtons(optionsFrame, name="correlations", buttons=c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall"),
                 labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Pearson product-moment", "Spearman rank-order", "Kendall's tau")),
                 title=gettextRcmdr("Type of Correlation"))
    radioButtons(optionsFrame, name="alternative", buttons=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), 
                 values=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                 labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Two-sided", "Correlation < 0", "Correlation > 0")), 
                 title=gettextRcmdr("Alternative Hypothesis"))  
    onOK <- function(){
        alternative <- as.character(tclvalue(alternativeVariable))
        correlations <- as.character(tclvalue(correlationsVariable))
        x <- getSelection(xBox)
        putDialog("correlationTest", list(initial.alternative=alternative, initial.correlations=correlations, initial.x=x))
        if (2 > length(x)) {
                           message=gettextRcmdr("Fewer than 2 variables selected."))
        if(2 < length(x)) {
                           message=gettextRcmdr("More than 2 variables selected."))
        .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
        command <- paste("with(", .activeDataSet, ", cor.test(", x[1], ", ", x[2],
                         ', alternative="', alternative, '", method="', correlations, '"))', sep="")
        insertRmdSection(paste0(gettextRmdHeader("Correlation Test: "),  x[1], ", ", x[2]))
    OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="cor.test", reset="correlationTest", apply="correlationTest")
    tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky="nw")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=""))
    tkgrid(correlationsFrame, labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text="  "), alternativeFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w")

countMissing <- function(){
    command <- paste("sapply(", activeDataSet(), 
                     ", function(x)(sum(is.na(x)))) # NA counts", sep="")
    insertRmdSection(paste0(gettextRmdHeader("Count Missing Cases: "), activeDataSet()))

## ShapiroTest <- function () {
##   defaults <- list (initial.var = NULL)
##   dialog.values <- getDialog ("ShapiroTest", defaults)
##   initializeDialog(title = gettextRcmdr("Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality"))
##   variableBox <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), title = gettextRcmdr("Variable (pick one)"),
##                                  initialSelection = varPosn (dialog.values$initial.var, "numeric"))
##   onOK <- function() {
##     var <- getSelection(variableBox)
##     putDialog ("ShapiroTest", list (initial.var = var))
##     if (length(var) == 0) {
##       errorCondition(recall = ShapiroTest, message = gettextRcmdr("You must select a variable."))
##       return()
##     }
##     closeDialog()
##     doItAndPrint(paste("with(", ActiveDataSet(), ", shapiro.test(", 
##                        var, "))", sep = ""))
##     tkfocus(CommanderWindow())
##   }
##   OKCancelHelp(helpSubject = "shapiro.test", reset = "ShapiroTest", apply = "ShapiroTest")
##   tkgrid(getFrame(variableBox), sticky = "nw")
##   tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky = "w")
##   dialogSuffix()
## }

## normalityTest <- function () {
##     Library("nortest")
##     nrows <- getRcmdr("nrow")
##     defaults <- list (initial.var = NULL, initial.test=if (nrows <= 5000) "sw" else "anderson", 
##                       initial.bins = gettextRcmdr("<auto>"))
##     dialog.values <- getDialog ("normalityTest", defaults)
##     initializeDialog(title = gettextRcmdr("Test of Normality"))
##     variableBox <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), title = gettextRcmdr("Variable (pick one)"),
##                                    initialSelection = varPosn (dialog.values$initial.var, "numeric"))
##     optionsFrame <- tkframe(top)
##     radioButtons(optionsFrame, name = "test", 
##                  buttons = c(if (nrows <= 5000) "sw", "anderson", "cramer", "lilliefors", if (nrows <= 5000) "sf", "pearson"),
##                  labels = c(if (nrows <= 5000) gettextRcmdr("Shapiro-Wilk"), 
##                             gettextRcmdr("Anderson-Darling"), 
##                             gettextRcmdr("Cramer-von Mises"), 
##                             gettextRcmdr("Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov)"), 
##                             if (nrows <= 5000) gettextRcmdr("Shapiro-Francia"), 
##                             gettextRcmdr("Pearson chi-square")),
##                  title = gettextRcmdr("Normality Test"),
##                  initialValue = dialog.values$initial.test)
##     binsFrame <- tkframe(optionsFrame)
##     binsVariable <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.bins)
##     binsField <- ttkentry(binsFrame, width = "8", textvariable = binsVariable)
##     onOK <- function() {
##         var <- getSelection(variableBox)
##         test <- tclvalue(testVariable)
##         bins <- tclvalue(binsVariable)
##         binsArg <- if (bins == gettextRcmdr ("<auto>")) ""
##                    else {
##                        warn <- options(warn = -1)
##                        nbins <- as.numeric(bins)
##                        options(warn)
##                        if (is.na(nbins) || nbins < 4) {
##                            errorCondition(recall = normalityTest, message = gettextRcmdr("Number of bins must be a number >= 4"))
##                            return()
##                        }
##                        paste(", n.classes=", nbins, sep="")
##                    }
##         putDialog ("normalityTest", list (initial.var = var, initial.test = test, initial.bins=bins))
##         if (length(var) == 0) {
##             errorCondition(recall = normalityTest, message = gettextRcmdr("You must select a variable."))
##             return()
##         }
##         closeDialog()
##         switch(test, 
##             sw = doItAndPrint(paste("with(", ActiveDataSet(), ", shapiro.test(", var, "))", sep = "")),
##             anderson = doItAndPrint(paste("with(", ActiveDataSet(), ", ad.test(", var, "))", sep = "")),
##             cramer = doItAndPrint(paste("with(", ActiveDataSet(), ", cvm.test(", var, "))", sep = "")),
##             lilliefors = doItAndPrint(paste("with(", ActiveDataSet(), ", lillie.test(", var, "))", sep = "")),
##             pearson = doItAndPrint(paste("with(", ActiveDataSet(), ", pearson.test(", var, binsArg, "))", sep = "")),
##             sf = doItAndPrint(paste("with(", ActiveDataSet(), ", sf.test(", var, "))", sep = ""))
##         )
##         tkfocus(CommanderWindow())
##     }
##     OKCancelHelp(helpSubject = "normalityTest", reset = "normalityTest", apply = "normalityTest")
##     tkgrid(getFrame(variableBox), sticky = "nw")
##     tkgrid(labelRcmdr(binsFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Number of bins\nfor Pearson chi-square")), 
##            binsField, padx=3, sticky="sw")
##     tkgrid(testFrame, binsFrame, sticky="sw")
##     tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="sw")
##     tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky = "w")
##     dialogSuffix()
## }

NormalityTest <- function () {
    nrows <- getRcmdr("nrow")
    defaults <- list (initial.var = NULL, initial.test=if (nrows <= 5000) "shapiro.test" else "ad.test", 
                      initial.bins = gettextRcmdr("<auto>"), initial.groups=NULL)
    dialog.values <- getDialog ("NormalityTest", defaults)
    initializeDialog(title = gettextRcmdr("Test of Normality"))
    variableBox <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), title = gettextRcmdr("Variable (pick one)"),
                                   initialSelection = varPosn (dialog.values$initial.var, "numeric"))
    optionsFrame <- tkframe(top)
    radioButtons(optionsFrame, name = "test", 
                 buttons = c(if (nrows <= 5000) "shapiro.test", "ad.test", "cvm.test", "lillie.test", 
                             if (nrows <= 5000) "sf.test", "pearson.test"),
                 labels = c(if (nrows <= 5000) gettextRcmdr("Shapiro-Wilk"), 
                            gettextRcmdr("Cramer-von Mises"), 
                            gettextRcmdr("Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov)"), 
                            if (nrows <= 5000) gettextRcmdr("Shapiro-Francia"), 
                            gettextRcmdr("Pearson chi-square")),
                 title = gettextRcmdr("Normality Test"),
                 initialValue = dialog.values$initial.test, 
    binsFrame <- tkframe(optionsFrame)
    binsVariable <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.bins)
    binsField <- ttkentry(binsFrame, width = "8", textvariable = binsVariable)
    groupsBox(recall=NormalityTest, label=gettextRcmdr("Test by:"), 
              initialLabel=if (is.null(dialog.values$initial.group)) gettextRcmdr("Test by groups") 
                           else paste(gettextRcmdr("Test by:"), dialog.values$initial.group), 
    onOK <- function() {
        var <- getSelection(variableBox)
        test <- tclvalue(testVariable)
        bins <- tclvalue(binsVariable)
        warn <- options(warn = -1)
        nbins <- as.numeric(bins)
        if (bins != gettextRcmdr("<auto>") && (is.na(nbins) || nbins < 4)) {
            errorCondition(recall = NormalityTest, message = gettextRcmdr("Number of bins must be a number >= 4"))
        n.classes <- if (test != "pearson.test" || bins == gettextRcmdr ("<auto>")) "" else paste0(", n.classes=", bins)
        putDialog ("NormalityTest", list (initial.var = var, initial.test = test, initial.bins=bins, 
                                          initial.groups=if (.groups == FALSE) NULL else .groups))
        if (length(var) == 0) {
            errorCondition(recall = NormalityTest, message = gettextRcmdr("You must select a variable."))
        if (.groups == FALSE){
            command <- paste0("normalityTest(~", var, ', test="', test, '", data=', ActiveDataSet(), n.classes, ")")
            command <- paste0("normalityTest(", var, " ~ ", .groups, ', test="', test, '", data=', ActiveDataSet(), n.classes,  ")")
    OKCancelHelp(helpSubject = "normalityTest", reset = "NormalityTest", apply = "NormalityTest")
    tkgrid(getFrame(variableBox), sticky = "nw")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(binsFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Number of bins\nfor Pearson chi-square")), 
           binsField, padx=3, sticky="sw")
    tkgrid(testFrame, binsFrame, sticky="sw")
    tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="sw")
    tkgrid(groupsFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6)
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky = "w")

transformVariables <- function () {
    defaults <- list(initial.variables = NULL, initial.family="bcPower", initial.formula="")
    dialog.values <- getDialog("transformVariables", defaults)
    initializeDialog(title = gettextRcmdr("Transform Variables Toward Normality"), use.tabs=TRUE)
    variablesBox <- variableListBox(dataTab, Numeric(), title = gettextRcmdr("Select variables to transform (one or more)"),
                                    selectmode = "multiple", initialSelection = varPosn (dialog.values$initial.variables, "numeric"))
    radioButtons(optionsTab, name = "family", 
                 buttons = c("bcPower", "bcnPower", "yjPower"), 
                 labels = gettextRcmdr(c("Box-Cox", "Box-Cox with negatives", "Yeo-Johnson")),
                 title = gettextRcmdr("Transformation Family"),
                 initialValue = dialog.values$initial.family)
    onOK <- function() {
        variables <- getSelection(variablesBox)
        family <- tclvalue(familyVariable)
        rhs <- trimws(tclvalue(rhsVariable))
        putDialog("transformVariables", list(initial.variables=variables, initial.family=family, initial.formula=rhs))
        if (rhs == "") rhs <- "1"
        .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
        if (length(variables) < 1){
            errorCondition(recall = transformVariables, message = gettextRcmdr("You must select one or more variables."))
        vars <- if (length(variables) > 1) 
                    paste0("cbind(", paste(variables, collapse=", "), ")") 
                else variables
        command <- paste0("summary(powerTransform(", vars, " ~ ", rhs, ", data=", 
                          .activeDataSet, ', family="', family, '"))')
        insertRmdSection(paste0(gettextRmdHeader("Transform Variables Toward Normality: "), cleanUpArg(vars)))
    OKCancelHelp(helpSubject = "powerTransform", reset = "transformVariables", apply = "transformVariables")
    tkgrid(getFrame(variablesBox), sticky = "nw")
    tkgrid(familyFrame, sticky = "w")
    currentModel <- TRUE
    currentFields <- list(rhs=dialog.values$initial.formula, lhs="", subset="")
    tkgrid(tklabel(optionsTab, text=gettextRcmdr("Condition on:"), fg=getRcmdr("title.color")), sticky="w")
    modelFormula(optionsTab, hasLhs = FALSE, rhsExtras=TRUE, formulaLabel="")
    tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(formulaFrame, sticky = "w")
    dialogSuffix(use.tabs=TRUE, grid.buttons=TRUE)

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Rcmdr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:52 p.m.