
Defines functions exposeClass .writeMethodFunction .writeFieldFunction .specifyItems .strings .asString

Documented in exposeClass

# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016  John Chambers, Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois
# This file is part of Rcpp.
# Rcpp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Rcpp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Rcpp.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

.stdHeader <- c(                                                # #nocov start
    "#include <Rcpp.h>",
    "using namespace Rcpp ;"

.asString <- function(what) if(is.character(what)) what else deparse(what)

.strings <- function(expr) {
    if(is.call(expr) && ! identical(expr[[1]], quote(`::`)))
        lapply(as.list(expr)[-1], .strings)

.specifyItems <- function(what) {
    what <- as.list(what)
    wn <- allNames(what)
    simple <- !nzchar(wn)
    ## todo:  error checking here that unnamed elements are single strings
    wn[simple] <- as.character(what[simple])
    names(what) <- wn
    what[simple] <- list(character())

.writeFieldFunction <- function(fldi, typei, CppClass, readOnly, ns, con){
    rootName <- paste0("field_", fldi)
    writeLines(sprintf("    %s %s_get(%s *obj) { return obj->%s; }\n",
                       typei, rootName, CppClass, fldi), con)
    value <- "_get"
    if(!readOnly) {
        writeLines(sprintf("    void %s_set(%s *obj, %s value) { obj->%s = value; }\n",
                           rootName, CppClass, typei, fldi), con)
        value <- c(value, "_set")
    paste0(ns, "::field_", fldi, value)

.writeMethodFunction <- function(mdi, sigi, CppClass, ns, con) {
    mName <- paste0("method_", mdi)
    if(length(sigi) < 1)
        stop(gettextf("The type signature for method %s for class %s was of length 0: Must at least include the return type",
                      mdi, CppClass))
    rtnType <- sigi[[1]]
    sigi <- sigi[-1]
    if(length(sigi)) {
        argNames <- paste0("a", seq_along(sigi))
        args <- paste(" ,", paste(sigi, argNames, collapse = ", "))
    else argNames <- args <- ""
    writeLines(sprintf("    %s %s(%s *obj%s){ return obj->%s(%s); }\n",
                       rtnType, mName, CppClass, args, mdi, argNames), con)
    paste0(ns, "::",mName)

exposeClass <- function(class, constructors, fields, methods,
                        file = paste0(CppClass, "Module.cpp"),
                        header = character(),
                        module = paste0("class_",class), CppClass = class,
                        readOnly = character(), rename = character(),
                        Rfile = TRUE) {
    ## some argument checks
    ## TODO:  checks on constructors, fields, methods
    if(length(readOnly)) {
        readOnly <- as.character(readOnly)
            stop("argument readOnly should be a vector of non-empty strings")
    newnames <- allNames(rename)
    if(length(rename)) {
        if(!all(sapply(rename, function(x) is.character(x) && length(x) == 1 && nzchar(x))))
            stop("argument rename should be a vector of single, non-empty strings")
            stop("all the elements of argument rename should be non-empty strings")
    if(is.character(file)) {
        ## are we in a package directory?  Writable, searchable src subdirectory:
        if(file.access("src",3)==0 && (basename(file) == file))
            cfile <- file.path("src", file)
            cfile <- file
        con <- file(cfile, "w")
        on.exit({message(sprintf("Wrote C++ file \"%s\"", cfile)); close(con)})
        con <- file
    ## and for the R code:
    if(identical(Rfile, FALSE)) {}
    else {
        if(identical(Rfile, TRUE))
            Rfile <- sprintf("%sClass.R",class)
        if(is.character(Rfile)) {
            if(file.access("R",3)==0 && (basename(file) == file)) # in a package directory
                Rfile <- file.path("R", Rfile)
            Rcon <- file(Rfile, "w")
            msg <- sprintf("Wrote R file \"%s\"",Rfile)
            on.exit({message(msg); close(Rcon)}, add = TRUE)
            Rcon <- Rfile
        Rfile <- TRUE
    mfile <- tempfile()
    mcon <- file(mfile, "w")
    writeLines(.stdHeader, con)
        writeLines(header, con)
    writeLines(c("", sprintf("RCPP_MODULE(%s) {\n",module), ""), mcon)
    writeLines(sprintf("    class_<%s>(\"%s\")\n", CppClass, class), mcon)

    ## the constructors argument defines a list of vectors of types
    for( cons in constructors) {
        if(length(cons) > 1 ||
           (length(cons) == 1 && nzchar(cons) && !identical(cons, "void")))
            cons <- paste0("<", paste(cons, collapse = ","),">")
            cons = ""
        writeLines(paste0("    .constructor",cons,"()"),mcon)
    writeLines("", mcon)
    flds <- .specifyItems(fields)
    nm <- fnm <- names(flds)
    rdOnly <- nm %in% readOnly
    macros <- ifelse(rdOnly, ".field_readonly", ".field")
    test <- nm %in% rename
        nm[test] <- newnames[match(nm[test], rename)]
    ns <- NULL
    for(i in seq_along(nm)) {
        typei <- flds[[i]]
        fldi <- fnm[i]
        nmi <- nm[[i]]
        macroi <- macros[[i]]
        if(!length(typei) || identical(typei, "")) ## direct field
            writeLines(sprintf("    %s(\"%s\", &%s::%s)",
                   macroi, nmi, CppClass, fldi), mcon)
        else { # create a free function, e.g. for an inherited field
            if(is.null(ns)) { # enclose in a namespace
                ns <- paste("module",class,"NS", sep = "_")
                writeLines(sprintf("\nnamespace %s {\n", ns),
            fldFuns <- .writeFieldFunction(fldi, typei, CppClass, rdOnly[[i]], ns, con)
                ## NOTE:  string 3rd arg. required by problem w. module parsing 10/3/13
                writeLines(sprintf("    .property(\"%s\", &%s, \"read-only field\")",
                      nmi, fldFuns[[1]]), mcon)
                writeLines(sprintf("    .property(\"%s\", &%s, &%s)",
                      nmi, fldFuns[[1]], fldFuns[[2]]), mcon)
    writeLines("", mcon)
    sigs <- .specifyItems(methods)
    nm <- mds <- names(sigs)
    test <- nm %in% rename
        nm[test] <- newnames[match(nm[test], rename)]
    for(i in seq_along(nm)) {
        sigi <- sigs[[i]]
        nmi <-  nm[[i]]
        mdi <- mds[[i]]
        if(!length(sigi) || identical(sigi, "")) # direct method
            writeLines(sprintf("    .method(\"%s\", &%s::%s)",
                   nmi, CppClass, mdi), mcon)
        else { # create a free function, e.g. for an inherited method
            if(is.null(ns)) { # enclose in a namespace
                ns <- paste("module",class,"NS", sep = "_")
                writeLines(sprintf("\nnamespace %s {\n", ns),
            mFun <- .writeMethodFunction(mdi, sigi, CppClass, ns, con)
            writeLines(sprintf("    .method(\"%s\", &%s)",
                  nmi, mFun), mcon)

    writeLines("    ;\n}", mcon)
        writeLines(sprintf("} // %s", ns), con) # close namespace
    writeLines(readLines(mfile), con)
    if(Rfile) {
            CppString <- ""
            CppString <- paste0(", \"",CppClass, "\"")
            ModString <- ""
            ModString <- paste0(", module = \"", module, "\"")
        writeLines(sprintf("%s <- setRcppClass(\"%s\"%s%s)",
                               class, class, CppString,ModString), Rcon)
}                                                               # #nocov end

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Rcpp documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:56 a.m.