
context("testing errors in all functions")

## All error testing has been consolidated to one file for ease
## of testing r-devel-ubsan-clang on docker. Once we are ready
## to test, we simply remove this one file instead of tediously
## commenting out every error check in every test file.

test_that("comboGeneral produces appropriate error messages", {
                 "'prod', 'sum', 'mean', 'max', or 'min'")
                 "'>', '>=', '<', '<=', or '=='")
                 "must be passed as a character")
                 "must be passed as a character")
                 "upper must be a positive whole number")
                 "number of rows cannot exceed")

    expect_error(comboGeneral(50, 5, lower = -100),
                 "lower must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(comboGeneral(50, 5, upper = -100),
                 "upper must be a positive whole number")

    expect_error(comboGeneral(5, 50),
                 "m must be less than or equal to the length of v")
    expect_error(comboGeneral(5, 3, upper = 100),
                 "bounds cannot exceed the maximum number of possible results")
    expect_error(comboGeneral(5, 3, lower = 100),
                 "bounds cannot exceed the maximum number of possible results")

    expect_error(comboGeneral(50, 3, lower = 100, upper = 10),
                 "The number of rows must be positive")

                 "there cannot be more than 2 limitConstraints")
                 "limitConstraints/target cannot be NA or NaN")

                 "there cannot be more than 2 comparison operator")

                 "If comparing against two limitConstraints, the")

                 "Cannot have two 'less than' comparisonFuns or two")

                 "The limitConstraints must be different")

    expect_error(comboGeneral(5, 3, TRUE, constraintFun = "product"),
                 "contraintFun must be one of the following:")
    expect_error(comboGeneral((1:5)+.01, 3, TRUE, constraintFun = "product", keepResults = TRUE),
                 "contraintFun must be one of the following:")

    expect_error(comboGeneral(5,3,freqs = c(1,2,3,-2,1)),
                 "in freqs must be a positive")
    expect_error(comboGeneral(5,1000,freqs = rep(5000, 5)),
                 "number of rows cannot exceed")
    expect_error(comboGeneral(5,freqs = rep(1,6)),
                 "m must be less than or equal to the length of v")

    numR = comboCount(1000, 10, TRUE)
    nextNum = gmp::add.bigz(numR, 1)
    expect_error(comboGeneral(1000, 10, TRUE, lower = nextNum),
                 "bounds cannot exceed the maximum number of possible results")
    expect_error(comboGeneral(1000, 10, TRUE, lower = numR, upper = nextNum),
                 "bounds cannot exceed the maximum number of possible results")
    expect_error(comboGeneral(1000, 10, TRUE, lower = -100),
                 "lower must be a positive number")
    expect_error(comboGeneral(1000, 10, TRUE, upper = -100),
                 "upper must be a positive number")
    expect_error(comboGeneral(1000, 10, TRUE, lower = 10, upper = 9),
                 "The number of rows must be positive")
    expect_error(comboGeneral(1000, 10, freqs = rep(1:4, 250)),
                 "number of rows cannot exceed")

    expect_error(comboGeneral(5, 3, FUN = 2), "FUN must be a function")
    expect_error(comboGeneral(5, 3, FUN = cumsum, FUN.VALUE = 1L),
                 "values must be length 1")

    expect_error(comboGeneral(5, 3.3), "must be a whole number")
    expect_error(comboGeneral(gmp::as.bigz(1:5), 3), "Only atomic types are supported for v")

test_that("comboGroups related functions produces appropriate error messages", {
    expect_error(comboGroups(10, 4),
                 "The length of v \\(if v is a vector\\) or v \\(if v is a scalar\\) must be divisible by numGroups")
    expect_error(comboGroups(100, 4),
                 "The number of rows cannot exceed 2\\^31 - 1.")
    expect_error(comboGroups(10, 2, retType = "crazyObj"),
                 "retType must be '3Darray' or 'matrix'")
    expect_error(comboGroupsSample(10, 5, n = 3, namedSample = "TRUE"),
                 "Only logical values are supported for namedSample")
    expect_error(comboGroupsSample(10, 5),
                 "n and sampleVec cannot both be NULL")

test_that("comboIter related functions produces appropriate error messages", {
    a <- comboIter(500, 10)
                 "The number of requested rows is greater")
                 "The number of requested rows is greater")
    a <- comboIter(100, 10)
                 "The number of requested rows is greater")
                 "The number of requested rows is greater")

test_that("partitionsIter related functions produces appropriate error messages", {
    a <- partitionsIter(100, 10, freqs = rep(1:10, 10))
    expect_error(a@front(), "No random access available for this scenario")
    expect_error(a@back(), "No random access available for this scenario")
    expect_error(a[[10]], "No random access available for this scenario")
    expect_error(a@back(), "No random access available for this scenario")
    a <- partitionsIter(400, 25, TRUE)
    expect_error(a@nextRemaining(), "The number of requested rows is greater")
    a <- partitionsIter(300, 20, TRUE)
    expect_error(a@nextRemaining(), "The number of requested rows is greater")

test_that(paste("partitions/compositionsDesign functions",
                "produces appropriate error messages"), {
    expect_error(compositionsDesign(0:40, 8),
                 "Currently, there is no composition algorithm")
    expect_error(compositionsDesign(40, 8, freqs = rep(1:5, 8)),
                 "Currently, there is no composition algorithm")
    expect_error(partitionsDesign(0:17 + rnorm(18), 10,
                                  repetition = TRUE, target = 25),
                 "No design available for this case!")
    expect_error(partitionsCount(0:17 + rnorm(18), 10,
                                 repetition = TRUE, target = 25),
                 "The count is unknown for this case.")

test_that("divisorsRcpp produces appropriate error messages", {
                 "The abs value of each element in v must be less than")
                 "The abs value of each element in v must be less than")
                 "must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(divisorsRcpp(c(-2^53, 1:100)),
                 "The abs value of each element in v must be less than")
    expect_error(divisorsRcpp(100, namedList = "TRUE"),
                 "Only logical values are supported for namedList")
    expect_error(divisorsRcpp(100:200, nThreads = "9"),
                 "must be of type numeric or integer")

test_that("divisorsSieve produces appropriate error messages", {
    expect_error(divisorsSieve(-1), "bound1 must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(divisorsSieve(0), "bound1 must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(divisorsSieve(2^53), "bound1 must be less than")
    expect_error(divisorsSieve(2^53, 1), "bound1 must be less than")
    expect_error(divisorsSieve(1, 2^53), "must be less than")
    expect_error(divisorsSieve("10"), "must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(divisorsSieve(2, "10"),
                 "must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(divisorsSieve(100, namedList = "TRUE"),
                 "Only logical values are supported for namedList")
    expect_error(divisorsSieve(100000, nThreads = "9"),
                 "must be of type numeric or integer")

test_that("eulerPhiSieve produces appropriate error messages", {
    expect_error(eulerPhiSieve(-1), "bound1 must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(eulerPhiSieve(0), "bound1 must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(eulerPhiSieve(2^53), "bound1 must be less than")
    expect_error(eulerPhiSieve(2^53, 1), "must be less than")
    expect_error(eulerPhiSieve(1, 2^53), "must be less than")
    expect_error(eulerPhiSieve("10"), "must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(eulerPhiSieve(2, "10"), "must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(eulerPhiSieve(100, namedVector = "TRUE"),
                 "Only logical values are supported for namedVector")

test_that("isPrimeRcpp produces appropriate error messages", {
                 "Each element in v must be a positive number")
                 "Each element in v must be a positive number")
                 "The abs value of each element in v must be less than")
                 "must be of type numeric or integer")

test_that("numDivisorSieve produces appropriate error messages", {
                 "bound1 must be a positive whole number")
                 "bound1 must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(numDivisorSieve(2^53), "bound1 must be less than")
    expect_error(numDivisorSieve(2^53, 1), "must be less than")
    expect_error(numDivisorSieve(1, 2^53), "must be less than")
                 "must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(numDivisorSieve(2, "10"),
                 "must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(numDivisorSieve(100, namedVector = "TRUE"),
                 "Only logical values are supported for namedVector")

test_that("combo/permuteGeneral produces correct error messages with Parallel", {
    expect_error(partitionsSample(3.3, 1),
                 "Partition sampling not available for this case")

test_that("partitionsSample produces correct error messages", {
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(10, 5, Parallel = "TRUE"),
                 "Only logical values are supported for Parallel")

test_that("permuteGeneral produces appropriate error messages", {
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(100, 15, upper = 2^32),
                 "The number of rows cannot exceed")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(100, 15, lower = 100, upper = 2^32),
                 "The number of rows cannot exceed")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(100, 15, lower = 2^32),
                 "The number of rows cannot exceed")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(9,4,TRUE,constraintFun = "summ",
                                comparisonFun = "<",limitConstraints = 10),
                 "'prod', 'sum', 'mean', 'max', or 'min'")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(9,4,TRUE,constraintFun = "sum",
                                comparisonFun = "=<>",limitConstraints = 10),
                 "'>', '>=', '<', '<=', or '=='")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(9,4,TRUE,constraintFun = "sum",
                                comparisonFun = 60,limitConstraints = 10),
                 "must be passed as a character")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(9,4,FALSE,constraintFun = sum,
                                comparisonFun = "<",limitConstraints = 10),
                 "must be passed as a character")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(9,4,TRUE,constraintFun = "sum",
                                comparisonFun = "<",limitConstraints = 10,upper = -1),
                 "upper must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(170,7,FALSE,constraintFun = "sum",
                                comparisonFun = "<",
                                limitConstraints = 100,
                                upper = 10^10),
                 "number of rows cannot exceed")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(5, 1:5), "length of m must be 1")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(5, -5), "m must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(permuteCount(5, 5, "TRUE"),
                 "Only logical values are supported for repetition")

    expect_error(permuteGeneral(5,3,freqs = c(1,2,3,-2,1)),
                 "in freqs must be a positive")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(5,15,freqs = c(5,5,5,5,5)),
                 "number of rows cannot exceed")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(5,freqs = c(5,5,5,5,5)),
                 "number of rows cannot exceed")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(5,freqs = rep(1,6)),
                 "m must be less than or equal to the length of v")

    numR <- permuteCount(1000, 10, TRUE)
    nextNum <- gmp::add.bigz(numR, 1)
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(1000, 10, TRUE, lower = nextNum),
                 "bounds cannot exceed the maximum number of possible results")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(1000, 10, TRUE, lower = numR, upper = nextNum),
                 "bounds cannot exceed the maximum number of possible results")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(1000, 10, TRUE, lower = -100),
                 "lower must be a positive number")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(1000, 10, TRUE, upper = -100),
                 "upper must be a positive number")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(1000, 10, TRUE, lower = 10, upper = 9),
                 "The number of rows must be positive")
    expect_error(permuteGeneral(1000, 10, freqs = rep(1:4, 250)),
                 "number of rows cannot exceed")

    expect_error(permuteGeneral(5, 3, FUN = 2), "FUN must be a function")

test_that("primeCount produces appropriate error messages", {
    expect_error(primeCount(0), "must be a positive")
    expect_error(primeCount(-1), "must be a positive")
    expect_error(primeCount(2^53), "n must be less than")
    expect_error(primeCount("100000"), "must be of type numeric or integer")

test_that("primeFactorize produces appropriate error messages", {
                 "The abs value of each element in v must be less than")
                 "The abs value of each element in v must be less than")
    expect_error(primeFactorize(c(-2^53, 1:100)),
                 "The abs value of each element in v must be less than")
                 "must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(primeFactorize(100, namedList = "TRUE"),
                 "Only logical values are supported for namedList")

test_that("primeFactorizeSieve produces appropriate error messages", {
    expect_error(primeFactorizeSieve(-1), "must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(primeFactorizeSieve(2^53), "must be less than")
    expect_error(primeFactorizeSieve(2^53, 1), "must be less than")
    expect_error(primeFactorizeSieve(1, 2^53), "must be less than")
                 "must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(primeFactorizeSieve(2, "10"),
                 "must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(primeFactorizeSieve(100, namedList = "TRUE"),
                 "Only logical values are supported for namedList")

test_that("primeSieve produces appropriate error messages", {
    expect_error(primeSieve(-1), "must be a positive")
    expect_error(primeSieve(1,-1), "must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(primeSieve(1,2^53), "must be less than")
    expect_error(primeSieve(2^53), "must be less than")
    expect_error(primeSieve(2^53, 1), "must be less than")
    expect_error(primeSieve(2^4, "1"), "must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(primeSieve("500"), "must be of type numeric or integer")

test_that("comboSample produces appropriate error messages", {
    expect_error(comboSample(5, 3), "n and sampleVec cannot both be NULL")
    expect_error(comboSample(5,3,freqs = c(1,2,3,-2,1)),
                 "in freqs must be a positive")
    expect_error(comboSample(5,3, n = 100),
                 "n exceeds the maximum number of possible results")
    expect_error(comboSample(5,3, comboSample(5,3, sampleVec = 1:200)),
                 "exceeds the maximum number of possible results")
    expect_error(comboSample(5,freqs = rep(1,6)),
                 "m must be less than or equal to the length of v")
    expect_error(comboSample(5,3, n = 5, FUN = "sum"),
                 "FUN must be a function!")
    expect_error(comboSample(5,3, n = "5"),
                 "n must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(comboSample(5,3, n = 1:5), "length of n must be 1")
    expect_error(comboSample(100000, 10, sampleVec = -1L),
                 "sampleVec must be a positive number")
    expect_error(comboSample(100000, 10, sampleVec = NaN),
                 "sampleVec cannot be NA or NaN")
    expect_error(comboSample(100000, 10, sampleVec = 2^1000),
                 "Number is too large for double precision. Consider using gmp::as.bigz or as.character for sampleVec")
    expect_error(comboSample(100000, 10, sampleVec = as.complex(1)),
                 "This type is not supported! No conversion possible for sampleVec")

    expect_error(comboSample(1000, 100, sampleVec = gmp::as.bigz(c(1, -1))),
                 "Each element in sampleVec must be a positive number")
    expect_error(comboSample(1000, 100, sampleVec = NA_character_),
                 "sampleVec cannot be NA or NaN")
    expect_error(comboSample(1000, 100, sampleVec = 2^53),
                 "Number is too large for double precision. Consider using gmp::as.bigz or as.character for sampleVec")
    expect_error(comboSample(1000, 15, sampleVec = gmp::as.bigz(c(NA, 1))),
                 "Each element in sampleVec cannot be NA or NaN")

test_that("{combo|permute|partitions|compositions}Rank produces appropriate error messages", {
    expect_error(comboRank(1:3, list(2:4), v = 5), "Inputs must be atomic")
    expect_error(permuteRank(1:3, 2:4, v = 3), "Inputs must be a subset of v")
    expect_error(comboRank(matrix(c(1:3, 2:4), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE), v = 3),
                 "Inputs must be a subset of v")
    expect_error(permuteRank(2:4, v = 3), "Inputs must be a subset of v")
    expect_error(comboRank(list(1:3), v = 3), "Input must be atomic")
    expect_error(permuteRank(1:3, v = list(1:3)),
                 "Only atomic types are supported for v")
    expect_error(comboRank(1:3, v = 3, freqs = 1:4),
                 "The length of freqs must equal the length of v")
    expect_error(permuteRank(c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), v = 3, freqs = 1:3),
                 "The input width is too large for the given freqs")
    expect_error(comboRank(c(1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), v = 3, freqs = 1:3),
                 "Input frequencies do not match supplied freqs")
    expect_error(permuteRank(c(1, 3, 3), v = 3),
                 "No duplicates allowed when repetition = FALSE and freqs = NULL")
    expect_error(comboRank(c(1, 2, 3, 3), v = 3),
                 "m must be less than or equal to the length of v")

    expect_error(partitionsRank(1:3, v = 5, freqs = 1:5, target = 6),
                 "Partition ranking not available for this case.")
    expect_error(partitionsRank(letters, v = 100),
                 "Inputs must be of class numeric or integer")
    expect_error(partitionsRank(letters, v = 100),
                 "Inputs must be of class numeric or integer")
    expect_error(partitionsRank(c(23, 24, 25, 28), letters, v = 100),
                 "Inputs must be of class numeric or integer")
    expect_error(partitionsRank(c(23, 24, 25, 28),
                                c(23, 24, 25, 27), v = 100),
                 "Inputs must be a partition of 100")
    expect_error(partitionsRank(c(23, 24, 25, 28),
                                c(-1, 101), v = 100),
                 "Inputs must be a subset of v")
    expect_error(partitionsRank(matrix(letters), v = 100),
                 "Inputs must be of class numeric or integer")
    expect_error(partitionsRank(matrix(1:100, ncol = 10), v = 100),
                 "Inputs must be a partition of 100")
    expect_error(partitionsRank(matrix(c(-5:14, 10), nrow = 1), v = 100),
                 "Inputs must be a subset of v")
    expect_error(partitionsRank(1:10, v = 100),
                 "Inputs must be a partition of 100")
    expect_error(partitionsRank(c(-5:14, 10), v = 100),
                 "Inputs must be a subset of v")

    expect_error(compositionsRank(c(0, 10, 0, 0), v = 0:10),
                 "No duplicates allowed when repetition = FALSE and freqs = NULL")
    expect_error(compositionsRank(c(0, 10, 0, 0), v = 0:10,
                                  repetition = TRUE),
                 "Malformed composition. If weak = FALSE, zero cannot come after nonzero values!")

test_that("permuteSample produces appropriate error messages", {
    expect_error(permuteSample(5, 6, n = 3),
                 "m must be less than or equal to the length of v")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5, 1:5), "length of m must be 1")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5, -4), "m must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5, 3), "n and sampleVec cannot both be NULL")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5,3,freqs = c(1,2,3,-2,1)),
                 "in freqs must be a positive")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5,3, n = 100),
                 "n exceeds the maximum number of possible results")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5,3, n = "5"),
                 "n must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5,3, n = 1:5), "length of n must be 1")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5,3, permuteSample(5,3, sampleVec = 1:200)),
                 "exceeds the maximum number of possible results")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5,freqs = rep(1,6)),
                 "m must be less than or equal to the length of v")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5, 4, sampleVec = "adfs"),
                 "sampleVec must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5, 4, sampleVec = 1.1),
                 "Each element in sampleVec must be a whole number")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5000, 40, sampleVec = 1.1),
                 "sampleVec must be a whole number")
    expect_error(permuteSample(100, 10, n = 2^50),
                 "n must be less than or equal to 2147483647")
    expect_error(permuteSample(100, 10, n = -200),
                 "n must be a positive whole number")
    expect_error(permuteSample(100, 10, sampleVec = c("62815650955529472001")),
                 "One or more of the requested values in sampleVec")
    expect_error(permuteSample(3, 2.2, n = 1), "m must be a whole number")
    expect_error(permuteSample(3, 2, n = 1.1), "n must be a whole number")
    expect_error(permuteSample(3, 2, sampleVec = as.complex(1)),
                 "This type is not supported! No conversion possible for sampleVec")
    expect_error(permuteSample(3, 2, Parallel = "TRUE"),
                 "Only logical values are supported for Parallel")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5, 3, n = 5, nThreads = "5"),
                 "nThreads must be of type numeric or integer")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5, 3, n = 5, nThreads = 3.2),
                 "nThreads must be a whole number")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5000, 10, n = 5.5),
                 "n must be a whole number")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5000, 10, n = NA_integer_),
                 "n cannot be NA or NaN")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5000, 10, n = NA), "n cannot be NA or NaN")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5000, 10, sampleVec = -1),
                 "sampleVec must be a positive number")
    expect_error(permuteSample(5000, 10, sampleVec = c(1e9, -1)),
                 "Each element in sampleVec must be a positive number")
    expect_error(permuteSample(NA_integer_, 3, n = 5),
                 "v, if v is not a character and of length 1, cannot be NA or NaN")
    expect_error(permuteSample(1000, 20, sampleVec = c(NA, "1234567890")),
                 "Each element in sampleVec cannot be NA or NaN")

test_that("combo/permuteGeneral produces appropriate error messages for subset sum", {
    expect_error(comboGeneral(0:130, 130, TRUE,
                              constraintFun = "sum",
                              comparisonFun = "==",
                              limitConstraints = 130),
                 "The number of rows cannot exceed")

    expect_error(permuteGeneral(35, 18, TRUE,
                                constraintFun = "sum",
                                comparisonFun = "==",
                                limitConstraints = 35),
                 "The number of rows cannot exceed")

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