
test_that(paste("partitionsGeneral and partitionsIter produces empty",
                "matrix when there are no partitions"), {

    ## Distinct case
    expect_identical(partitionsGeneral(10, 5),
                     matrix(integer(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 5))
    iter <- partitionsIter(10, 5)
    msg <- capture.output(noMore <- iter@nextIter())

    expect_identical(comboGeneral(10, 5, constraintFun = "prod",
                                  comparisonFun = "==",
                                  limitConstraints = 7),
                     matrix(integer(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 5))
    iter <- comboIter(10, 5, constraintFun = "prod",
                      comparisonFun = "==", limitConstraints = 7)
    msg <- capture.output(noMore <- iter@nextIter())

    ## Repetition case
    expect_identical(partitionsGeneral(10, 11, TRUE),
                     matrix(integer(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 11))
    iter <- partitionsIter(10, 11, TRUE)
    msg <- capture.output(noMore <- iter@nextIter())

    expect_identical(comboGeneral(10, 5, TRUE,
                                  constraintFun = "prod",
                                  comparisonFun = "==",
                                  limitConstraints = 17),
                     matrix(integer(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 5))
    iter <- comboIter(10, 5, TRUE, constraintFun = "prod",
                      comparisonFun = "==", limitConstraints = 17)
    msg <- capture.output(noMore <- iter@nextIter())

    ## Multiset case
    expect_identical(partitionsGeneral(10, 5, freqs = rep(1:2, 5)),
                     matrix(integer(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 5))
    iter <- partitionsIter(10, 5, freqs = rep(1:2, 5))
    msg <- capture.output(noMore <- iter@nextIter())

    expect_identical(comboGeneral(10, 5, freqs = rep(1:2, 5),
                                  constraintFun = "prod",
                                  comparisonFun = "==",
                                  limitConstraints = 7),
                     matrix(integer(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 5))
    iter <- comboIter(10, 5, freqs = rep(1:2, 5), constraintFun = "prod",
                      comparisonFun = "==", limitConstraints = 7)
    msg <- capture.output(noMore <- iter@nextIter())

test_that("partitionsIter produces correct results", {

    partitionClassTest <- function(v_pass, m_pass = NULL, rep = FALSE,
                                   fr = NULL, tar = NULL, testRand = TRUE,
                                   IsComposition = FALSE, IsWeak = FALSE) {

        myResults <- vector(mode = "logical")

        if (IsComposition) {
            myRows <- compositionsCount(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar, IsWeak)
            a <- compositionsIter(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar, IsWeak)
            b <- compositionsGeneral(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar, IsWeak)
        } else {
            myRows <- partitionsCount(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar)
            a <- partitionsIter(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar)
            b <- partitionsGeneral(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar)

        myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(
            a@summary()$totalResults, myRows)

        if (length(v_pass) == 1 && v_pass == 0) {
            myResults <- c(myResults, v_pass == a@sourceVector())
        } else if (length(v_pass) == 1) {
            myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(
                all.equal(abs(v_pass), length(a@sourceVector()))
        } else {
            myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(
                all.equal(sort(v_pass), a@sourceVector())

        if (testRand) {
            myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(
                all.equal(a@front(), b[1 ,])
            myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@currIter(),
                                                       b[1 ,])))
            myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@back(),
                                                       b[myRows, ])))
            myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@currIter(),
                                                       b[myRows, ])))

        msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@currIter())
        myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore))
        myResults <- c(myResults, grepl("Iterator Initialized. To see the first", msg[1]))
        a1 <- b

        if (myRows) {
            for (i in 1:myRows) {
                a1[i, ] <- a@nextIter()

            myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a1, b)))
            num_iters <- if (myRows > 10) 3L else 1L
            numTest   <- as.integer(myRows / num_iters);

            s <- 1L
            e <- numTest

            for (i in 1:num_iters) {
                myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@nextNIter(numTest),
                                                           b[s:e, , drop = FALSE])))
                s <- e + 1L
                e <- e + numTest

            myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@nextRemaining(), b)))
            msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextIter())
            myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore))

            if (testRand) {
                msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextNIter(1))
                myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore))
                myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1])
                msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@currIter())
                myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1])

                msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextRemaining())
                myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore))
                myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1])

                msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextIter())
                myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore))
                myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1])

                samp <- sample(myRows, numTest)
                myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a[[samp]], b[samp, ])))
                one_samp <- sample(myRows, 1)
                myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a[[one_samp]], b[one_samp, ])))
        } else {
            msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextNIter(1))
            myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore))
            myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1])
            msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@currIter())
            myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1])

            msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextIter())
            myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore))
            myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1])

            msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextRemaining())
            myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore))
            myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1])

        rm(a, a1, b)

    #### Trivial Cases
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(1, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(2, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0, rep = TRUE, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(1, rep = TRUE, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(2, rep = TRUE, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(2, rep = TRUE, testRand = FALSE,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:1, rep = TRUE, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:2, rep = TRUE, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:2, rep = TRUE, testRand = FALSE,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:2, rep = TRUE, testRand = FALSE,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE, IsWeak = TRUE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(-1, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(-2, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(-1, rep = TRUE, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(-2, rep = TRUE, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(-1:0, rep = TRUE, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(-2:0, rep = TRUE, testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(-1:0, rep = TRUE, tar = -1,
                                   testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(-2:0, rep = TRUE, tar = -2,
                                   testRand = FALSE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(-2:0, 2, rep = TRUE,
                                   tar = -2, testRand = FALSE,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(-2:0, 2, rep = TRUE,
                                   tar = -2, testRand = FALSE,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE, IsWeak = TRUE))

    #### Distinct; Length determined internally; No zero;

    #### Distinct; Length determined internally; One zero;

    #### Distinct; Specific Length; No zero
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(50, 5))
    #### Mapped version
    ## 50 * 3 + 6 * 5 = 180
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(6 + (1:50) * 3, 5, tar = 180))

    #### Distinct; Specific Length; One zero
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:50, 5))
    #### Mapped version
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(6 + (0:50) * 3, 5, tar = 180))

    #### Distinct; Specific Length; Multiple Zeros; Not enough to maximize
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:50, 9, fr = c(4, rep(1, 50))))
    #### Mapped version
    ## 50 * 13 + 7 * 9 = 713
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(7 + (0:50) * 13, 9,
                                   fr = c(4, rep(1, 50)), tar = 713))

    #### Distinct; Specific Length; Multiple Zeros; Enough to maximize;
    #### Length is restrictive
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:50, 5, fr = c(8, rep(1, 50))))
    #### Mapped version
    ## 50 * 13 + 7 * 5 = 713
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(7 + (0:50) * 13, 5,
                                   fr = c(4, rep(1, 50)), tar = 685))

    #### Distinct; Length determined internally; Multiple Zeros;
    #### Enough to maximize; N.B. There is no mapped version of this case
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:50, fr = c(50, rep(1, 50))))

    #### Distinct; Specific Length; No Zeros; Specific Target;
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(30, 8, tar = 75))

    #### Distinct; Specific Length; Multi Zeros; Specific Target;
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:30, 6, tar = 75, fr = c(3, rep(1, 30))))

    #### Repetition; Length determined internally; Multiple Zero;
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:30, rep = TRUE))
    #### Mapped version
    ## 19 * 30 + 30 * 3e9 = 90000000570
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(19 + (0:30) * 3e9, 30,
                                   rep = TRUE, tar = 90000000570))

    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:15, rep = TRUE,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:7, rep = TRUE, IsWeak = TRUE,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE))
    #### Mapped version
    ## 15 * 3e9 = 45000000000
    comp <- compositionsGeneral((0:15) * 3e9, 15, repetition = TRUE,
                                target = 45000000000)
    expect_equal(nrow(comp), compositionsCount(0:15, repetition = TRUE))
    expect_equal(comp[nrow(comp), ], rep(3e9, 15))
    expect_equal(comp[1, ], c(rep(0, 14), 45000000000))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest((0:15) * 3e9, 15,
                                   rep = TRUE, tar = 45000000000,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE))

    #### Mapped version
    ## 7 * 3e9 = 21000000000
    comp <- compositionsGeneral((0:7) * 3e9, 7, repetition = TRUE,
                                weak = TRUE, target = 21000000000)
    expect_equal(nrow(comp), compositionsCount(0:7, repetition = TRUE,
                                               weak = TRUE))
    expect_equal(comp[nrow(comp), ], c(21000000000, rep(0, 6)))
    expect_equal(comp[1, ], c(rep(0, 6), 21000000000))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest((0:7) * 3e9, 7, rep = TRUE,
                                   IsWeak = TRUE, tar = 21000000000,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE))

    #### Repetition; Specific Length; No zero
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(50, 5, TRUE))
    #### Mapped version
    ## 19 * 5 + 50 * 3 = 245
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(19 + (1:50) * 3, 5, TRUE, tar = 245))

    expect_true(partitionClassTest(20, 5, TRUE, IsComposition = TRUE))
    #### Mapped version
    ## 20 * 3 = 60
    expect_true(partitionClassTest((1:20) * 3, 5, TRUE, tar = 60,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE))

    #### Repetition; Specific Length; Zero included
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:30, 10, rep = TRUE))
    #### Mapped version
    ## 19 * 10 + 30 * 3 = 280
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(19 + (0:30) * 3, 10,
                                   rep = TRUE, tar = 280))

    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:20, 5, rep = TRUE,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:20, 5, rep = TRUE,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE,
                                   IsWeak = TRUE))

    #### Mapped version
    ## 20 * 3 = 60
    expect_true(partitionClassTest((0:20) * 3, 5,
                                   rep = TRUE, tar = 60,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE))
    expect_true(partitionClassTest((0:20) * 3, 5, IsWeak = TRUE,
                                   rep = TRUE, tar = 60,
                                   IsComposition = TRUE))

    #### Repetition; Specific Length; No Zeros; Specific Target;
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(20, 10, rep = TRUE, tar = 45))

    #### Multiset; Specific Length;
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(50, 6, fr = rep(4, 50),
                                   testRand = FALSE))

    #### Multiset; Mapped;
    # $num_partitions
    # [1] 15080
    # $mapped_vector
    # [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    # [27] 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
    # [53] 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
    # $mapped_target
    # [1] 853
    # $first_index_vector
    # [1] 41 66 66 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 69 69 70
    # $eqn_check
    # [1] TRUE
    # $partition_type
    # [1] "Multiset"
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(79L + -2L * (1:70), 13, fr = rep(1:10, 7),
                                   tar = 887L, testRand = FALSE))

    ## N.B. In the above we see the mapped target is 853. We must remember to
    ## also reverse freqs as the mapped vector is 1:70
    # RcppAlgos:::partitionsDesign(70, 13, freqs = rep(10:1, 7), target = 853L)
    # $num_partitions
    # [1] 15080
    # $mapped_vector
    # [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
    # [28] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
    # [55] 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
    # $mapped_target
    # [1] 853
    # $first_index_vector
    # [1] 41 66 66 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 69 69 70
    # $eqn_check
    # [1] TRUE
    # $partition_type
    # [1] "Multiset"
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(70, 13, fr = rep(10:1, 7),
                                   tar = 853L, testRand = FALSE))

    #### Multiset; Mapped; Double Precision
    expect_true(partitionClassTest((1:50) * 1e10, 13, fr = rep(1:10, 5),
                                   tar = 6.17e12, testRand = FALSE))

    #### Multiset; zero included; random freqs; non-standard target
    expect_true(partitionClassTest(0:50, 6, fr = sample(1:8, 51, TRUE),
                                   tar = 60, testRand = FALSE))

    ##******** BIG TESTS *********##
    partitionClassBigZTest <- function(v_pass, m_pass = NULL, rep = FALSE,
                                       fr = NULL, tar = NULL, lenCheck = 1000,
                                       IsComposition = FALSE) {

        myResults <- vector(mode = "logical")

        if (IsComposition) {
            myRows <- compositionsCount(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar)
            a  <- compositionsIter(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar)
            b1 <- compositionsGeneral(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar, upper = lenCheck)
            b2 <- compositionsGeneral(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar,
                                      lower = gmp::sub.bigz(myRows, lenCheck - 1))
        } else {
            myRows <- partitionsCount(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar)
            a  <- partitionsIter(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar)
            b1 <- partitionsGeneral(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar, upper = lenCheck)
            b2 <- partitionsGeneral(v_pass, m_pass, rep, fr, tar,
                                    lower = gmp::sub.bigz(myRows, lenCheck - 1))

        myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(
            a@summary()$totalResults, myRows)

        if (length(v_pass) == 1) {
            myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(
                all.equal(v_pass, length(a@sourceVector()))
        } else {
            myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(
                all.equal(sort(v_pass), a@sourceVector())

        myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(
            all.equal(a@front(), b1[1 ,])
        myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@currIter(),
                                                   b1[1 ,])))
        myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@back(),
                                                   b2[lenCheck, ])))
        myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@currIter(),
                                                   b2[lenCheck, ])))

        a1 <- b1

        for (i in 1:lenCheck) {
            a1[i, ] <- a@nextIter()

        myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a1, b1)))
        numTest <- as.integer(lenCheck / 3);
        s <- 1L
        e <- numTest

        for (i in 1:3) {
            myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@nextNIter(numTest),
                                                       b1[s:e, ])))
            s <- e + 1L
            e <- e + numTest

        a[[gmp::sub.bigz(myRows, lenCheck)]]
        myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@nextRemaining(), b2)))

        t <- capture.output(a@nextIter())
        myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(a@nextIter()))
        myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(a@nextNIter(1)))
        myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(a@nextRemaining()))

        samp1 <- sample(lenCheck, 5)
        samp2 <- gmp::sub.bigz(myRows, lenCheck) + gmp::as.bigz(samp1)
        myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a[[samp1]], b1[samp1, ])))
        myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a[[samp2]], b2[samp1, ])))
        rm(a, a1, b1, b2)

    expect_true(partitionClassBigZTest(2000, 10, TRUE))
    #### Mapped version
    ## 17 * 10 + 2000 * 123456789 = 246913578170
    expect_true(partitionClassBigZTest(17 + (1:2000) * 123456789,
                                       10, TRUE, tar = 246913578170))

    expect_true(partitionClassBigZTest(2000, 10, TRUE, IsComposition = TRUE))
    #### Mapped version
    ## 2000 * 123456789 = 246913578000
    expect_true(partitionClassBigZTest((1:2000) * 123456789, 10, TRUE,
                                       IsComposition = TRUE,
                                       tar = 246913578000))

    expect_true(partitionClassBigZTest(0:150, rep = TRUE, IsComposition = TRUE))
    #### Mapped version
    ## 150 * 123456789 = 18518518350
    expect_true(partitionClassBigZTest((0:150) * 123456789, rep = TRUE,
                                       IsComposition = TRUE,
                                       tar = 18518518350))
    expect_true(partitionClassBigZTest(2000, 10))

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