
Defines functions Rd2roxygen exported_names parse_and_save create_roxygen parse_file

Documented in create_roxygen parse_and_save parse_file Rd2roxygen

#' Parse the input Rd file to a list
#' This function uses the function \code{parse_Rd} in the \pkg{tools} package to
#' parse the Rd file.
#' @param path the path of the Rd file
#' @return a named list containing the documentation sections as strings
#' @export
#' @author Hadley Wickham; modified by Yihui Xie <\url{https://yihui.org}>
#' @examples
#' rd.file = system.file('examples', 'parse_and_save.Rd', package='Rd2roxygen')
#' parse_file(rd.file)
parse_file = function(path) {
  rd = tools::parse_Rd(path)

  tags = sapply(rd, tag)
  tags = gsub("\\\\", "", tags)
  names(rd) = tags

  # Remove top-level text strings - just line breaks between sections
  rd = rd[tags != "TEXT"]

  out = list()
  # Title, description, value and examples, need to be stitched into a
  # single string.
  out$title = reconstruct(untag(rd$title))
  out$docType = reconstruct(untag(rd$docType))
  out$usage = reconstruct(untag(rd$usage))
  out$desc = gsub("$\n+|\n+^", "", reconstruct(untag(rd$description)))
  out$details = reconstruct(untag(rd$details))

  # Process sections
  out$section = lapply(rd[names(rd) == "section"], function(section) {
          reconstruct(untag(section[-1])), sep = ': ')

  out$format = reconstruct(untag(rd$format))
  out$value = reconstruct(untag(rd$value))
  out$note = reconstruct(untag(rd$note))
  out$author = gsub('@', '@@', reconstruct(untag(rd$author)))
  out$seealso = reconstruct(untag(rd$seealso))
  out$references = reconstruct(untag(rd$references))
  out$source = reconstruct(untag(rd$source))

  out$examples = reconstruct(untag(rd$examples))

  # Join together aliases and keywords
  out$name = reconstruct(untag(rd$name))
  out$aliases = unname(sapply(rd[names(rd) == "alias"], "[[", 1))
  # If the only alias is the name, then skip it
  if (identical(out$aliases, out$name)) {
    out$aliases = NULL
  out$keywords = unlist(lapply(rd[names(rd) == "keyword"], head, 1))

  # Pull apart arguments
  arguments = rd$arguments
  arguments = arguments[sapply(arguments, tag) != "TEXT"]
  out$params = unlist(sapply(arguments, function(argument) {
    if (tag(argument) != '\\item') return(NULL)
    paste(if (tag(argument[[1]][[1]]) == "\\dots")
      "\\dots" else gsub(' +', '', argument[[1]]),


#' Create the roxygen documentation
#' The parsed information is converted to a vector of roxygen tags.
#' @param info the named list of the parsed documentation
#' @param usage logical: whether to include the usage section in the output
#'   (this can be useful when there are multiple functions in a single usage
#'   section, but generally it is not necessary because roxygen can generate the
#'   usage section automatically)
#' @export
#' @return a character vector
#' @author Hadley Wickham; modified by Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.org}>
#' @examples
#' rd.file = system.file('examples','parse_and_save.Rd',package='Rd2roxygen')
#' options(roxygen.comment = "##' ")
#' create_roxygen(parse_file(rd.file))
create_roxygen = function(info, usage = FALSE) {
  res = c(comment_line(info$title),
    if (!is.null(info$docType) &&
      (info$docType %in% c('package', 'data', 'methods', 'class')))
      comment_tag("@name", info$name),
    comment_tag("@aliases", paste(info$aliases, collapse = " ")),
    comment_tag("@docType", info$docType),
    if (usage) comment_tag("@usage", info$usage),
    comment_tag("@param", info$params),
    comment_tag("@format", info$format),
    comment_tag("@return", info$value),
    comment_tag("@note", info$note),
    comment_tag("@section", info$section),
    comment_tag("@author", info$author),
    comment_tag("@seealso", info$seealso),
    comment_tag("@references", info$references),
    comment_tag("@source", info$source),
    comment_tag("@keywords", paste(info$keywords, collapse = " ")),
    if (!is.null(info$examples)) {
              gsub("\n", paste("\n", comment_prefix(), sep = ""),
              sep = ""))
    if (!is.null(info$docType) && (info$docType %in% c('package', 'data')))
      "NULL", "\n")
  # remove empty lines
  res[grep("^\\s*$", res, invert = TRUE)]

#' Parse the input Rd file and save the roxygen documentation into a file
#' @param path the path of the Rd file
#' @param file the path to save the roxygen documentation
#' @param usage logical: whether to include the usage section in the output
#' @return a character vector if \code{file} is not specified, or write the
#'   vector into a file
#' @export
#' @author Hadley Wickham; modified by Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.org}>
parse_and_save = function(path, file, usage = FALSE) {
  parsed = parse_file(path)
  output = create_roxygen(parsed, usage = usage)
  if (missing(file)) output else
    cat(paste(output, collapse = "\n"), file = file)

# a simple-minded function to extract exported names in NAMESPACE; it only
# considers export(*), and other objects like S3method(), import() and
# useDynlib() are all ignored
exported_names = function(pkg) {
  if (require(basename(pkg), character.only = TRUE))
    return(ls(paste('package', basename(pkg), sep = ':'), all.names = TRUE))
  if (!file.exists(f <- file.path(pkg, 'NAMESPACE'))) {
    warning('the package ', pkg, ' does not have a NAMESPACE')
  NAMESPACE = readLines(f)
  exported = grep('^\\s*export\\(.+\\)\\s*$', NAMESPACE, value = TRUE)
  gsub('^\\s*export\\((.+)\\)\\s*$', '\\1', exported)

#' Convert all the Rd files of a package to roxygen comments
#' This function takes a package root directory, parses all its Rd files under
#' the man directory and update the corresponding R source code by inserting
#' roxygen documentation in to the R scripts.
#' @param pkg the root directory of the package
#' @param nomatch the file name (base name only) to use when an object in the Rd
#'   file is not found in any R source files (typically this happens to the data
#'   documentation); if not specified, the default will be `pkg'-package.R
#' @param usage logical: whether to include the usage section in the output
#' @return NULL (but the process of conversion will be printed on screen)
#' @note ESS users may use \code{options(roxygen.comment = "##' ")} to ensure
#'   the generated roxygen comments begin with \code{"##' "}, which is the
#'   default setting in Emacs/ESS.
#'   Re-run this function on a package will remove the previous roxygen comments
#'   before functions in R scripts.
#' @export
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.org}>
#' @examples
#' ## a demo package
#' pkg = system.file('examples', 'pkgDemo', package = 'Rd2roxygen')
#' file.copy(pkg, tempdir(), recursive = TRUE)  # copy to temp dir first
#' od = setwd(tempdir())
#' ## take a look at original R scripts
#' file.show('pkgDemo/R/foo.R')
#' options(roxygen.comment = "##' ")
#' ## convert Rd's under man to roxygen comments
#' Rd2roxygen(file.path(tempdir(), 'pkgDemo'))
#' file.show('pkgDemo/R/foo.R')  # what happened to foo.R and bar.R?
#' setwd(od)  # restore working directory
Rd2roxygen = function(pkg, nomatch, usage = FALSE) {
  if (!all(c('man', 'R') %in% list.files(pkg)))
    stop("'pkg' has to be the root directory of a source package")
  man.dir = file.path(pkg, 'man')
  R.dir = file.path(pkg, 'R')
  files = list.files(man.dir, '\\.[Rr]d$')
  if (missing(nomatch))
    nomatch = paste(basename(pkg), '-package.R', sep = '')
  unlink(p <- file.path(R.dir, nomatch))
  namespace = exported_names(pkg)
  for (f in files) {
    parsed = parse_file(file.path(man.dir, f))
    Rd = create_roxygen(parsed, usage = usage)
    Rd = Rd[Rd != '\n']
    message('parsed: ', f)
    fname = parsed$name
    tryf = paste(fname, c('.R', '.r'), sep = '')
    tryf = unique(c(tryf[file.exists(file.path(R.dir, tryf))],
                     list.files(R.dir, '\\.[Rr]$')))
    idx = integer(0)
    ## should not search data/package names in R scripts
    if (isTRUE(parsed$docType %in% c('data', 'package')))
      tryf = NULL else message("looking for the object '", fname, "' in:")
    for (i in tryf) {
      r = file.path(R.dir, i)
      idx = grep(sprintf('^[[:space:]]*(`|"|\'|)(%s)(\\1)[[:space:]]*(<-|=)',
                          gsub('([][{}()+*^$|?.])', '\\\\\\1', fname)),
                  (r.Rd = readLines(r, warn = FALSE)))
      message('  ', i, ': ', appendLF = FALSE)
      message(ifelse(length(idx), paste('line', idx), 'not found'))
      if (length(idx)) {
        # add @export to roxygen comments
        if (fname %in% namespace) Rd = c(Rd, comment_tag('@export', fname))
    if (length(idx)) {
      idx = idx[1]  # only use the first match
      if (idx <= 1) r.Rd = c(Rd, r.Rd) else {
        ## remove existing roxygen comments
        j = 0
        for(i in (idx - 1):1) {
          if (grepl("^[#]+'", r.Rd[i])) j = j + 1 else break
        if (j > 0) {
          r.Rd = r.Rd[-(idx - seq_len(j))]
          idx = idx - j
        r.Rd = append(r.Rd, c('\n', Rd), idx - 1)
        while (r.Rd[1] %in% c('', '\n')) r.Rd = r.Rd[-1]
      cat(r.Rd, file = r, sep = '\n')
      message(r, ' updated')
    } else {
      if (tail(Rd, 1) != 'NULL') Rd = c(Rd, 'NULL')
      cat(c('\n', Rd), '\n\n', file = p, sep = '\n', append = TRUE)
      message("unmatched object '", fname, "' written into ", p)

Try the Rd2roxygen package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Rd2roxygen documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:30 a.m.