
Defines functions format.BibEntry

#' Encode in a common format
#' Format a BibEntry object in a pretty format.
#' @param x an object of class BibEntry
#' @param style see \code{\link[RefManageR]{print.BibEntry}}
#' @return character vector containing formatted BibEntry object.
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.BibEntry}}, \code{\link{BibEntry}}
#' @importFrom tools Rd2txt_options Rd2txt Rd2HTML Rd2latex loadPkgRdMacros
## @S3method format BibEntry
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
format.BibEntry <- function(x, style = .BibOptions$style,
                            .bibstyle = .BibOptions$bib.style,
                            citation.bibtex.max =
                                getOption("citation.bibtex.max", 1),
                            .sort = TRUE, .sorting = 'nty', enc = 'UTF-8', ...){
    old.opts <- BibOptions(list(style = .BibEntry_match_format_style(style),
                               return.ind = FALSE))
    ## style <- .BibEntry_match_format_style(style)
    ## ret.ind <- .BibOptions$return.ind
    ## .BibOptions$return.ind <- FALSE
    ## on.exit(.BibOptions$return.ind <- ret.ind)
    if (.sort && !style %in% c('html', 'text', 'latex', "markdown"))
      x <- sort(x, .bibstyle = .bibstyle, sorting = .sorting,
                return.labs = TRUE)

    .format_bibentry_via_Rd <- function(f){
        out <- file()
        saveopt <- tools::Rd2txt_options(width = getOption("width"))
        x <- .BibEntry_expand_crossrefs(x)
        if (.sort)
          x <- sort(x, .bibstyle = .bibstyle, sorting = .sorting,
                    return.labs = TRUE)
        res <- vapply(x, function(y) {
          rd <- toRd.BibEntry(y, .style = .bibstyle, .sorting = 'none')
          con <- textConnection(rd)
          ## macro.env <- tools::loadRdMacros(file.path(R.home("share"), "Rd",
          ##                                            "macros", "system.Rd"))
          warnWithKey <- function(w){
                                           msg <- sub("^.*[[:alnum:]][:] ", "", conditionMessage(w))
                                           msg <- paste0(y$key, ": ", msg)
                                           warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
          if (getRversion() >= "3.3.0"){
            ## !!! prevent use of devtools::system.file
            macro.env <- tools::loadPkgRdMacros(base::system.file(package =
              withCallingHandlers(f(con, fragment = TRUE, out = out,
                         outputEncoding = 'UTF-8', macros = macro.env,
                         warningCalls = FALSE, ...),
                         warning = warnWithKey)
              ## suppressWarnings(f(con, fragment = TRUE, out = out,
              ##                        outputEncoding = 'UTF-8', macros = macro.env, ...))
              withCallingHandlers(f(con, fragment = TRUE, out = out,
                         outputEncoding = 'UTF-8', warningCalls = FALSE, ...),
                         warning = warnWithKey)

          paste(readLines(out, encoding = 'UTF-8'), collapse = "\n")
        }, "")
        if (style == "html"){
            res <- sub("<code>([[:print:]]*)</code>", "<a id='bib-\\1'></a>",
                       res, useBytes = FALSE)
          res <- if (.bibstyle == "alphabetic" || .bibstyle == "numeric")
                     sub("^<p>([[:print:]]*\\])(</a>)?", "<p>\\1\\2<cite>",
                         res, useBytes = FALSE)
                 else if (.bibstyle == "draft")
                     sub("^<p>([[:print:]]*</B>)", "<p>\\1<cite>", res,
                         useBytes = FALSE)
                     sub("^<p>", "<p><cite>", res, useBytes = FALSE)
          res <- vapply(res, function(x) if (grepl("<cite>", x, useBytes=TRUE))
                        paste0(x, "</cite></p>")
                      else  # XData or Set
                        paste0(x, "</p>"), "")
    .format_bibentry_as_citation <- function(x) {
        bibtex <- length(x) <= citation.bibtex.max
        c(paste(strwrap(attr(x, "mheader")), collapse = "\n"),
            unlist(lapply(x, function(y) {
                paste(c(if (!is.null(y$header)) c(strwrap(y$header),
                  ""), if (!is.null(y$textVersion)) {
                  strwrap(y$textVersion, prefix = "  ")
                } else {
                  format(y, style = "text")
                }, if (bibtex) {
                  c(gettext("\nA BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is\n"),
                    paste0("  ", unclass(toBibtex(y))))
                }, if (!is.null(y$footer)) c("", strwrap(y$footer))),
                  collapse = "\n")
            })), paste(strwrap(attr(x, "mfooter")), collapse = "\n"))
    out <- switch(style, text = .format_bibentry_via_Rd(tools::Rd2txt),
                  markdown = .format_bibentry_via_Rd(tools::Rd2txt),
        html = .format_bibentry_via_Rd(tools::Rd2HTML),
        latex = .format_bibentry_via_Rd(tools::Rd2latex),
        Biblatex = {
           x$.duplicated <- NULL
           unlist(lapply(x, function(y) paste(toBiblatex(y), collapse = "\n")))
        }, Bibtex = {
            x$.duplicated <- NULL
            unlist(lapply(x, function(y) paste(toBibtex(y), collapse = "\n")))
        }, textVersion = {
            out <- lapply(unclass(x), attr, "textVersion")
            out[!vapply(out, length, 0L)] <- ""
        }, citation = .format_bibentry_as_citation(x), R = {
          x$.duplicated <- NULL
          }, yaml = {
          x$.duplicated <- NULL

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RefManageR documentation built on Oct. 1, 2022, 1:08 a.m.