Man pages for Repliscope
Replication Timing Profiling using DNA Copy Number

calcTrepA function to calculate Trep values from a sync-seq...
compareRatiosA function to compare two replication profiles
Dbf4mycSequence read coverage ratios for S.cerevisiae Dbf4-9myc...
guideGuide dataframe for plotting smoothed sortSeq data
loadBedLoad a BED formatted file.
makeGenomeA helper function to create a gemome dataframe
makeLabelsA helper function to create axis ticks and human readable...
makeRatioA function to calculate 'score' ratio between two bed...
MFAseqReplication profile for wild type DS2 H.volcanii
normaliseRatioA function to normalise ratio values from 'ratio' column of...
plotBedA function to boxplot 'score' column of a BED dataframe, per...
plotCoverageA function to scatterplot 'score' column of a BED dataframe...
plotGenomeplotGenome: plot replication profile.
plotRatioA function to plot a histogram of supplied ratio vector...
plotTrepA function to scatterplot 'Trep' column of a Trep dataframe...
rmChrA function to remove single chromosome data from a bed...
rmOutliersA function to remove outliers from the "score" column of a...
runGUIA function to launch Repliscope in interactive mode (Shiny...
sacCer3S.cerevisiae genome information
smoothRatioA function to smooth ratio values using cubic smoothing...
sortSeqReplication profiles for wild type and Dbf4-9myc S.cerevisiae...
syncSeqReplication profiles budding yeast arrest-release samples
TrepDFTrep data calculated from syncSeq[["data"]]
trimRatioA function to remove outliers from the "ratio" column of a...
W303Sequence read coverage ratios for wild type S.cerevisiae W303
W303_G2Sequence read coverage for wild type S.cerevisiae W303...
W303normNormalised sequence read coverage ratios for wild type...
W303_SSequence read coverage for wild type S.cerevisiae W303...
Repliscope documentation built on Sept. 13, 2022, 9:05 a.m.