
Defines functions encodeURIComponent wafEncode verboseOutput handleError getStatusCode isRequestError isWafEncoding labkey.setWafEncoding isDebug labkey.setDebugMode processResponse labkey.post labkey.get labkey.getRequestOptions labkey.getCSRF labkey.whoAmI normalizeSlash encodeFolderPath labkey.getBaseUrl ifApiKey isPasswordAuth labkey.setDefaults

Documented in labkey.getBaseUrl labkey.getRequestOptions labkey.setDebugMode labkey.setDefaults labkey.setWafEncoding labkey.whoAmI

#  Copyright (c) 2016-2018 LabKey Corporation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

.lkdefaults <- new.env(parent=emptyenv());
.lkcsrf <- new.env(parent=emptyenv());

# Set the credentials used for all http or https requests. Note that if both apiKey and email/password are provided,
# the apiKey will be given preference in labkey.getRequestOptions().
labkey.setDefaults <- function(apiKey="", baseUrl="", email="", password="")
    # with any reset of the defaults, clear the httr session cookies (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39979393/how-to-remove-cookies-preserved-by-httrget)
    if (!is.null(.lkdefaults$baseUrl)) {

        # Issue 50592: clear the CSRF token cache as well
        urlBase = labkey.getBaseUrl()
        .lkcsrf[[urlBase]] = NULL

    if (baseUrl != "")
        .lkdefaults$baseUrl = baseUrl;

    if (apiKey != "")
        .lkdefaults$apiKey = apiKey;

    if (email != "" && password != "") {
        .lkdefaults$email = email;
        .lkdefaults$password = password;

    # for backward compatibility, clear defaults if setDefaults() is called with NO arguments
    if (baseUrl == "" && apiKey == "" && email == "" && password == "") {
        if (!is.null(.lkdefaults$baseUrl)) { rm("baseUrl", envir = .lkdefaults) }
        if (!is.null(.lkdefaults$apiKey)) { rm("apiKey", envir = .lkdefaults) }
        if (!is.null(.lkdefaults$email)) { rm("email", envir = .lkdefaults) }
        if (!is.null(.lkdefaults$password)) { rm("password", envir = .lkdefaults) }

isPasswordAuth <- function()
    return (!is.null(.lkdefaults$password) && .lkdefaults$password != "")

ifApiKey <- function()
    if (exists("labkey.apiKey", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
        get("labkey.apiKey", envir = .GlobalEnv)
    } else {

labkey.getBaseUrl <- function(baseUrl=NULL)
    if (!is.null(baseUrl) && baseUrl != "")
        # set the baseUrl if unset
        if (is.null(.lkdefaults$baseUrl) || (.lkdefaults$baseUrl != baseUrl))
            .lkdefaults$baseUrl = baseUrl
        url <- baseUrl
        url <- .lkdefaults$baseUrl

    if (is.null(url))
        stop (paste("baseUrl is null or has not been set yet."))

    ## convert any backslashes to forward slashes, ensure terminating slash
    url <- gsub("[\\]", "/", url)
    if(substr(url, nchar(url), nchar(url))!="/")
        url <- paste(url,"/",sep="")
    return (url)

## helper to encode and normalize the folder path parameter
encodeFolderPath <- function(folderPath=NULL)
    if (!is.null(folderPath))
        ## URL encoding of folderPath
        folderPath <- URLencode(folderPath)

        folderPath <- normalizeSlash(folderPath)
    return (folderPath)

normalizeSlash <- function(folderPath, leading = T, trailing = T) {
  ## Formatting
  folderPath <- gsub("[\\]", "/", folderPath)
  if (trailing) {
    if(substr(folderPath, nchar(folderPath), nchar(folderPath))!="/")
      folderPath <- paste(folderPath,"/",sep="")
  } else {
    if(substr(folderPath, nchar(folderPath), nchar(folderPath))=="/")
      folderPath <- substr(folderPath,1, nchar(folderPath)-1)
  if (leading) {
    if(substr(folderPath, 1, 1)!="/")
      folderPath <- paste("/",folderPath,sep="")
  } else {
    if(substr(folderPath, 1, 1)=="/")
      folderPath <- substr(folderPath,2, nchar(folderPath))

labkey.whoAmI <- function(baseUrl=NULL)
    baseUrl <- labkey.getBaseUrl(baseUrl)
    myUrl <- paste(baseUrl, "login/", "whoAmI.view", sep="")
    options <- labkey.getRequestOptions()
    verboseOutput("OPTIONS", options)
    response <- GET(url=myUrl, config=options)
    r <- processResponse(response, haltOnError=FALSE)
    return (fromJSON(r, simplifyVector=FALSE, simplifyDataFrame=FALSE))

## helper to retrieve and cache the CSRF token
labkey.getCSRF <- function()
    urlBase <- labkey.getBaseUrl()
    if (!is.null(urlBase))
        if (is.null(.lkcsrf[[urlBase]]))
            if (substr(urlBase, nchar(urlBase), nchar(urlBase))!="/")
                urlBase <- paste(urlBase,"/",sep="")
            json <- labkey.whoAmI(urlBase)
            if (!is.null(json$CSRF))
                .lkcsrf[[urlBase]] = json$CSRF
        return (.lkcsrf[[urlBase]])

labkey.getRequestOptions <- function(method='GET', encoding=NULL)
    ## Set options
    headerFields <- c()
    if (method == "POST")
       if (is.null(encoding) || encoding != "multipart")
           headerFields <- c('Content-Type'="application/json;charset=utf-8")

       ## CSRF
       csrf <- labkey.getCSRF()
       if (!is.null(csrf))
           headerFields <- c(headerFields, "X-LABKEY-CSRF" = csrf)

    options <- labkey.curlOptions()

    ## Support user-settable options for debugging and setting proxies etc
        userOpt <- .lksession[["curlOptions"]]
        if (!is.null(userOpt))
            options <- c(options, config(userOpt))

    clist <- ifcookie()
        # don't use the httr wrapper because it URL encodes the cookie value
        cook <- config(cookie = paste(clist$Cname, "=", clist$Ccont, sep=""))
        options <- c(options, cook)
        if (method == "GET")
            options <- c(options, config(httpauth=1L))

        apikey <- ifApiKey();
        if (!is.null(apikey) && apikey != "") {
            headerFields <- c(headerFields, apikey=apikey)
        else if (isPasswordAuth()) {
            options <- c(options, authenticate(.lkdefaults$email, .lkdefaults$password))
        else {
            options <- c(options, config(netrc=1))

    if (isDebug())
        options <- c(options, verbose(data_in=TRUE, info=TRUE, ssl=TRUE))

    return (c(options, add_headers(headerFields)))

## Executes an HTTP GET against the supplied URL, with standard handling for session, api key, status codes and error messages.
labkey.get <- function(myurl)
    ## HTTP GET
    options <- labkey.getRequestOptions(method="GET")
    verboseOutput("OPTIONS", options)
    response <- GET(url=myurl, config=options)

## Executes an HTTP POST of pbody against the supplied URL, with standard handling for session, api key, status codes and error messages.
labkey.post <- function(myurl, pbody, encoding=NULL, responseType=NULL, haltOnError=TRUE)
    ## HTTP POST form
    options <- labkey.getRequestOptions(method="POST", encoding=encoding)
    verboseOutput("OPTIONS", options)
    response <- POST(url=myurl, config=options, body=pbody)
    processResponse(response, responseType = responseType, haltOnError = haltOnError)

processResponse <- function(response, haltOnError=TRUE, responseType = NULL)
      handleError(response, haltOnError)
    content(response, as = "text", type = responseType)

labkey.setDebugMode <- function(debug=FALSE)
    .lkdefaults$debug = debug;

isDebug <- function()
    if (is.null(.lkdefaults$debug)) {
        return (FALSE)
    return (.lkdefaults$debug)

labkey.setWafEncoding <- function(wafEncode=TRUE)
    .lkdefaults$wafEncode = wafEncode;

isWafEncoding <- function()
    if (is.null(.lkdefaults$wafEncode)) {
        return (TRUE)
    return (.lkdefaults$wafEncode)

isRequestError <- function(response, status_code) 
  status_code <- getStatusCode(response)
  return(status_code==500 | status_code >= 400)

getStatusCode <- function(response) 
  ## Error checking, decode data and return
  status_code <- response$status_code
  #test for the situations where the header reports 200, but the JSON contains the error:
  if (sum(grepl('application/json', response$headers[['content-type']])) > 0) {
    c <- content(response, type = "application/json")
    if (!is.null(c[['status']])) {
      status_code <- c$status


handleError <- function(response, haltOnError) 
  status <- http_status(response)
  message = status$message
  ## pull out the error message if possible
  error <- content(response, type = "application/json")
  if (!is.null(error$exception))
    message <- error$exception
  if (haltOnError) {
    status_code <- getStatusCode(response)

    # Note: is this request was writing to a file, the error message JSON will be written to that file, so we delete.  
    if (inherits(response$content, 'path')) {
      if (file.exists(response$content)){

    stop (paste("HTTP request was unsuccessful. Status code = ", status_code, ", Error message = ", message, sep=""))

verboseOutput <- function(title, content)
    if (isDebug()) {
        print(paste("*******************BEGIN ",title,"*******************", sep=""))
        print(paste("*******************END ",title,"*********************", sep=""))

# Obfuscates content that's often intercepted by web application firewalls that are scanning for likely
# SQL or script injection. We have a handful of endpoints that intentionally accept SQL or script, so we
# encode the text to avoid tripping alarms. It's a simple BASE64 encoding that obscures the content, and lets the
# WAF scan for and reject malicious content on all other parameters. See Issue 48509.
wafEncode <- function(value)
    if (!is.null(value) && is.character(value))
        value <- encodeURIComponent(value)
        value <- base64_enc(value)
        value <- gsub("\n", "", value) # jsonlite:base64_enc concats long strings with \n char
        value <- paste0("/*{{base64/x-www-form-urlencoded/wafText}}*/", value)
    return (value)

# URL Encode string.
# NOTE: made to match JavaScript encodeURIComponent()
encodeURIComponent <- function(value)
    value <- URLencode(value, reserved = TRUE)
    # The following characters need to be decoded to match server side behavior: !  * ' ( )
    value <- gsub("%21", "!", value)
    value <- gsub("%2A", "*", value)
    value <- gsub("%27", "'", value)
    value <- gsub("%28", "(", value)
    value <- gsub("%29", ")", value)
    return (value)

Try the Rlabkey package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Rlabkey documentation built on June 28, 2024, 5:09 p.m.