
Defines functions getAllNlConfigNames validNlConfigName downloadNlTiles getCtryTileList getNlTiles createNlTilesSpPolysDF plotCtryWithTilesVIIRS mapAllCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS mapCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS getTilesCtryIntersectVIIRS validNlTileNameVIIRS tileName2Idx tileIdx2Name tilesPolygonIntersectVIIRS validNlTileNumVIIRS

Documented in createNlTilesSpPolysDF downloadNlTiles getAllNlConfigNames getCtryTileList getNlTiles getTilesCtryIntersectVIIRS mapAllCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS mapCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS plotCtryWithTilesVIIRS tileIdx2Name tileName2Idx tilesPolygonIntersectVIIRS validNlConfigName validNlTileNameVIIRS validNlTileNumVIIRS

######################## getAllNlConfigNames ###################################

#' Generate a list of all possible configNames for a given nlType
#' Generate a list of all possible configNames for a given nlType
#' @param nlType if present show only configNames matching the nlType
#' @examples
#' getAllNlConfigNames("OLS.Y")
#'  #returns '"cf_cvg", "avg_vis", "stable_lights"'
#' @export
getAllNlConfigNames <- function(nlType)
  allConfigNames <- list(
    "OLS.Y" = c("cf_cvg", "avg_vis", "stable_lights", "pct_lights", "avg_lights_x_pct"),
    "VIIRS.D" = c("vcmcfg", "vcmsl"),
    "VIIRS.M" = c("vcmcfg", "vcmsl"),
    "VIIRS.Y" = c("vcm-orm", "vcm-orm-ntl", "vcm-ntl"))
  sapply(nlType, function(x)
    pos <- grep(pattern = paste0("^",x,"$"), x = names(allConfigNames))
    if(length(pos) == 0)
  }, USE.NAMES = F)

######################## validNlConfigName ###################################

#' Check if a configName is valid for a given nlType
#' Check if a configName is valid for a given nlType
#' @param configName the raster in use
#' @param nlType types of nightlight to check
#' @return logical a vector of logical values
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::validNlConfigName("VCMCFG", "OLS.Y")
#'  #returns FALSE
#' Rnightlights:::validNlConfigName("VCMCFG", "VIIRS.M")
#'  #returns TRUE
validNlConfigName <- function(configName, nlType)
  toupper(configName) %in% toupper(unlist(getAllNlConfigNames(nlType)))

######################## downloadNlTiles ###################################

#' Download the listed tiles for a given nlType in a given nlPeriod
#' Download the listed tiles for a given nlType in a given nlPeriod
#' @param nlType character The nightlight type
#' @param configName character the type of raster being processed
#' @param nlPeriod character The nlPeriod to process in the appropriate 
#'     format
#' @param tileList integer vector or character vector of digits containing 
#'     valid tile numbers as obtained by tileName2Idx for VIIRS. Ignore for 
#'     nlType=="OLS"
#' @param multiTileStrategy character How to handle multiple tiles per nlPeriod
#' @return TRUE/FALSE if the download was successful
#' @examples
#' #download VIIRS tiles for "KEN" which are tiles 2 and 5 for the specified
#'     #time periods
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::downloadNlTiles("VIIRS.M", "201401", c(2, 5))
#' }
#' #same as above but getting the tileList automatically
#' \dontrun{
#' Rnightlights:::downloadNlTiles(nlType="VIIRS.M", 
#'     nlPeriod="201401", 
#'     tileList=Rnightlights:::getCtryTileList(ctryCodes="KEN", 
#'         nlType="VIIRS.M")
#' )
#' }
#' #returns TRUE if the download was successful or tile is cached locally
downloadNlTiles <- function(nlType, configName=pkgOptions(paste0("configName_", nlType)), nlPeriod, tileList, multiTileStrategy = pkgOptions("multiTileStrategy"))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlType")
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlPeriod")
  if(stringr::str_detect(nlType, "VIIRS") && missing(tileList))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter tileList")
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid nlType detected")
  if(!allValidNlPeriods(nlPeriods = nlPeriod, nlTypes = nlType))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid nlPeriod: ", nlPeriod)
  if(stringr::str_detect(nlType, "VIIRS") && !allValid(tileList, validNlTileNameVIIRS, nlType))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid tile detected")
  success <- TRUE
  #ensure we have all required tiles
  if(stringr::str_detect(nlType, "OLS"))
    success <- success && downloadNlTilesOLS(nlPeriod = nlPeriod,
                                             downloadMethod = pkgOptions("downloadMethod"),
                                             nlType = nlType,
                                             configName = configName,
                                             multiTileStrategy = multiTileStrategy)
  else if(stringr::str_detect(nlType, "VIIRS"))
    for (tile in tileList)
      nlTile <- tileName2Idx(tile, nlType)
      message(Sys.time(), ": Downloading tile: ", paste0(nlPeriod, nlTile))
      #download tile
      success <- success && downloadNlTilesVIIRS(nlPeriod = nlPeriod, tileNum = nlTile, nlType = nlType, configName = configName)
  return (success)

######################## getCtryTileList ###################################

#' Returns a list of VIIRS nightlight tiles that a country or countries
#'     intersects with
#' Given a list of countries, this function will provide alist of VIIRS
#'     nightlight tiles that intersect with them. This helps in processing
#'     multiple countries by determining which nightlight tiles are required
#'     for processing by allowing the download of all required tiles before
#'     processing. Note all VIIRS_* nlTypes have the same nlTiles.
#' @param ctryCodes character vector of country codes to process
#' @param nlType character string The nlType of interest
#' @param omitCountries countries to exclude from processing. This is
#'     helpful when the number of countries to exclude is smaller than
#'     the number to process e.g. when one wants to process all countries
#'     and exclude countries that take long to process i.e. 
#'     omitCountries = "long"
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::getCtryTileList(ctryCodes=c("BDI", "KEN", "RWA", "TZA", "UGA"), 
#'     nlType="VIIRS.M", omitCountries="none")
#' #only 1 tile for OLS
#' Rnightlights:::getCtryTileList(ctryCodes=c("BDI", "KEN", "RWA", "TZA", "UGA"), 
#'     nlType="OLS.Y", omitCountries="none")
#'     #returns "DUMMY"
getCtryTileList <- function(ctryCodes, nlType, omitCountries="none")
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter ctryCodes")
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlType")
  if(!allValid(ctryCodes, validCtryCodes))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode(s) detected")
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid nlType: ", nlType)
  if(stringr::str_detect(nlType, "OLS"))
    ctryTiles <- "DUMMY"
  else if(stringr::str_detect(nlType, "VIIRS"))
    ctryTiles <- unlist(mapCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS(ctryCodes, omitCountries)$tiles)
  return (ctryTiles)

######################## getNlTiles ###################################

#' Create mapping of nightlight tiles
#' Creates a data.frame mapping nightlight tile names to their vertice coordinates. This is used to
#'     identify nightlight tiles as well as to build a spatial polygons dataframe used to plot the tiles. OLS
#'     only has one tile for the whole world and thus has a dummy entry. OLS is included to
#'     prevent code duplication by writing separate functions for OLS.
#' @param nlType the nlType of interest
#' @return A data.frame of names of tiles and lon-lat coordinate of top-left corner of each
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::getNlTiles("VIIRS.M")
#' Rnightlights:::getNlTiles("OLS.Y")
getNlTiles <- function(nlType)
  #6 nightlight tiles named by top-left geo coordinate numbered from left-right & top-bottom
  #creates columns as strings. createSpPolysDF converts relevant columns to numeric
  nlTiles <- data.frame(
          name=c("DUMMY", "75N180W", "75N060W", "75N060E", "00N180W", "00N060W", "00N060E"),
          minx=c(-1, -180, -60, 60, -180, -60, 60), maxx=c(-1, -60, 60, 180, -60, 60, 180),
          miny=c(-1, 0, 0, 0, -75, -75, -75), maxy=c(-1, 75, 75, 75, 0, 0, 0), 
      stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid nlType")
    if(length(grep("VIIRS", nlType)) > 0)
      nlType <- "VIIRS"
    else if(length(grep("OLS", nlType)) > 0)
      nlType <- "OLS"
    nlTiles <- nlTiles[grepl(nlType, nlTiles$type),]
  return (nlTiles)

######################## createNlTilesSpPolysDF ###################################

#' Creates a tile Spatial Polygons DataFrame from the \code{"nlTiles"} dataframe
#' Creates a Spatial Polygons DataFrame from the \code{"nlTiles"} dataframe of VIIRS tiles
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#'   tilesSpPolysDFs <- Rnightlights:::createNlTilesSpPolysDF()
createNlTilesSpPolysDF <- function()
  if (!exists("nlTiles"))
    nlTiles <- getNlTiles(grep("VIIRS", getAllNlTypes(), value = T)[1])
  wgs84 <- getCRS()
  #convert nlTiles min/max columns to numeric
  for (cIdx in grep("id|min|max", names(nlTiles))) nlTiles[,cIdx] <- as.numeric(as.character(nlTiles[, cIdx]))
  #create the empty obj to hold the data frame of tile PolygonsDataFrams
  tilesSpPolysDFs <- NULL
  #for each row in nlTiles
  for (i in 1:nrow(nlTiles))
    #grab the row containing the tile
    t <- nlTiles[i,]
    #convert the tile x,y extents to a matrix
    #format is 2 cols x & y
    tMat <- as.matrix(cbind(rbind(t$minx, t$maxx, t$maxx, t$minx), rbind(t$maxy, t$maxy, t$miny, t$miny)))
    #create a Polygon object from the tile extents matrix
    tPoly <- list(sp::Polygon(tMat))
    #create a Polygons object with a list of 1 polygon
    tPolys <- sp::Polygons(srl = tPoly, ID = i)
    #create a SpatialPolygons object with a list of 1 list of Polygons
    tilesSpPolys <- sp::SpatialPolygons(Srl = list(tPolys))
    #we assign the CRS at this point (note other objects cannot be assigned CRS)
    raster::projection(tilesSpPolys) <- sp::CRS(wgs84)
    #convert the SpatialPolygons object into a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
    #tilesSpPolysDF <- methods::as(tilesSpPolys, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
    #z used for plotCtryWithTilesVIIRS to color the tiles
    tilesSpPolysDF <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(tilesSpPolys, data.frame(z=factor(i), name=nlTiles[i,"name"], row.names=i))
    #append the SPDF into a dataframe of SPDFs
    if (is.null(tilesSpPolysDFs))
      tilesSpPolysDFs <- tilesSpPolysDF
      tilesSpPolysDFs <- sp::rbind.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(tilesSpPolysDFs, tilesSpPolysDF)
  return (tilesSpPolysDFs)

######################## plotCtryWithTilesVIIRS ###################################

#' Plot a country boundary with the VIIRS tiles and world map
#' Plot a country boundary as defined in the \pkg{rworldmap} package along
#'     with the VIIRS nightlight tiles for a visual inspection of the tiles 
#'     required for download in order to process a country's nightlight 
#'     data. Output corresponds to that of \code{getCtryNlTiles()}
#'     It utilizes \code{rworldmap::rwmgetISO3()} to resolve country 
#'     codes as well as names.
#' @param ctry \code{character} the 3-letter ISO3 country code e.g. "KEN"
#'     or a common name of the country e.g. "Kenya" as found valid by 
#'     \code{rworldmap::rwmgetISO3()}
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' #by ctryCode
#' \dontrun{plotCtryWithTilesVIIRS("KEN")}
#' @export
plotCtryWithTilesVIIRS <- function(ctry)
    stop(Sys.time(), ": You must supply a country code or index")
    stop(Sys.time(), ": The parameter you supplied needs to be type character")
  wgs84 <- getCRS()
  #if the map variable does not exist
  map <- getWorldMap()
  #if the tiles spatial polygons dataframe does not exist create it
    tilesSpPolysDFs <- createNlTilesSpPolysDF()

  ctryISO3 <- ctryNameToCode(ctry)
    ctryName <- ctryCodeToName(ctry)
  if(is.na(ctryISO3) && !is.na(ctryName))
    ctryISO3 <- ctryNameToCode(ctryName)
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid ctryCode/Name ", ctry)
  #if ctryISO3 is empty then the country was not found
  if (is.na(ctryISO3) || ctryISO3 == "")
    return("Country code/name not found")
  #otherwise we have a valid country ISO3 code. get its index
  idx <- which(as.character(map@data$ISO3) == ctryISO3)

  #get the polygon that matches the index
  ctryPolys <- map@polygons[[idx]]
  #get the name of the polygon
  ctryPolyTitle <- paste0("VIIRS Nightlight Tiles Required for:\n", map@data$ADMIN[[idx]], " (", map@data$ISO3[[idx]], ")")
  #create a SpatialPolygons object with the list of Polygons
  ctrySpPolys <- sp::SpatialPolygons(Srl = list(ctryPolys))
  #set the coordinate reference system
  raster::projection(ctrySpPolys) <- sp::CRS(wgs84)
  #convert the spatial polygons to an SPsDF
  ctrySpPolysDF <- methods::as(ctrySpPolys, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
  #set the 4 margins to 2 inches from the border to avoid boundary errors
  #plot the tiles first
  #sp::plot(tilesSpPolysDFs, main=ctryPolyName)
  #plot the country on the same plot and fill with blue
  #sp::plot(ctrySpPolysDF, col="blue", add=TRUE)
  #get the extents of the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame. Used to draw a bounding box around the plotted country. Especially helpful for very small countries
  e <- raster::extent(ctrySpPolysDF)
  #draw back the boundaries by 10 units
  e@xmin <- e@xmin - 10
  e@xmax <- e@xmax + 10
  e@ymin <- e@ymin - 10
  e@ymax <- e@ymax + 10
  #convert the Extents object to a SpatialLines object for spplot to use
  extents <- methods::as(e, 'SpatialLines')
  #get a list of the intersecting tiles. Used to highlight tiles which intersect with plotted country
  tilesIntersected <- tileName2Idx(tileName = getTilesCtryIntersectVIIRS(map@data$ISO3[[idx]]), nlType=grep("VIIRS", getAllNlTypes(), value = TRUE)[1])
  #create a list which serves as a subtitle showing the mapping of tile index to tile name
  tileIdxNames <- paste(tilesSpPolysDFs@data$z, tilesSpPolysDFs@data$name, sep = "=")
  #plot the map
  sp::spplot(tilesSpPolysDFs, #the tiles SPDF
             zcol = "z", #the col in the tiles SPDF which determines their color
             col.regions = as.vector(ifelse(1:nrow(tilesSpPolysDFs) %in% tilesIntersected, "lightblue", "transparent")), #colors of the tiles. intersected tiles are lightblue, otherwise transparent
             colorkey = FALSE,
             sp.layout = list(list(map, col='grey', fill='transparent', first=FALSE), #plot the world map from rworldmap
                              list(ctrySpPolysDF, col='black', fill='blue', first=FALSE), #plot the selected country
                              list('sp.lines', extents, col='green', lwd=2), #plot the bounding box
                              list('sp.text', sp::coordinates(tilesSpPolysDFs), 1:nrow(tilesSpPolysDFs), col='black', cex=2) #label the tiles with their index numbers
             main = ctryPolyTitle, #the main title
             sub = tileIdxNames #the sub title 
  #ggplot(tilesSpPolysDFs, aes(x=long,y=lat))+geom_polygon(col="black", fill="white", alpha=0.5)#+geom_polygon(data=ctrySpPolysDF, alpha=0.5)
  #ggplot(ctrySpPolysDF, aes(x=long,y=lat, group=group))+geom_polygon(col="black", fill="white",alpha=0.5)
  #a <- spplot(tilesSpPolysDFs, main=map@polygons[[idx]]@ID)
  #b <- spplot(ctrySpPolysDF)

######################## mapAllCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS ###################################

#' Create a mapping of all countries and the tiles they intersect
#' This is simply another name for mapCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS with ctryCodes="all"
#' @param omitCountries A character vector or list of countries to leave
#' out when processing. Default is \code{"none"}
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' #no countries omitted
#' \dontrun{
#' tileMap <- Rnightlights:::mapAllCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS()
#' }
#' #no countries omitted
#' \dontrun{
#' tileMap <- Rnightlights:::mapAllCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS(omitCountries="none")
#' }
#' #include countries that take long to process
#' \dontrun{
#' tileMap <- Rnightlights:::mapAllCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS(omitCountries=c("error", "long"))
#' }
mapAllCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS <- function(omitCountries=pkgOptions("omitCountries"))
  mapCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS(ctryCodes="all", omitCountries)

######################## mapCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS ###################################

#' Create a mapping of all countries and the tiles they intersect
#' Create a dataframe mapping each country in the rworldmap to the VIIRS
#'     tiles which they intersect with and thus need to be retrieved to 
#'     process their nightlight imagery. Since some functions use this
#'     dataframe for long-term processing, omitCountries can eliminate 
#'     countries that should be excluded from the list hence from processing. 
#'     Countries can be added in the omitCountries function. Default is "none".
#' @param ctryCodes A character vector or list of countries to map. Default 
#'     is \code{"all"}
#' @param omitCountries A character vector or list of countries to leave out.
#'     Default is \code{"none"}
#' @return ctryCodeTiles A data frame of countries and the tiles they 
#'     intersect with as give by \code{getNlTiles}
#' @examples
#' #map all countries
#' \dontrun{
#' tileMap <- Rnightlights:::mapCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS()
#' }
#' #map all countries, no countries omitted
#' \dontrun{
#' tileMap <- Rnightlights:::mapCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS(ctryCodes="all", omitCountries="none")
#' }
#' #will not omit countries that do not have polygons on GADM
#' \dontrun{
#' tileMap <- Rnightlights:::mapCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS(omitCountries=c("error", "missing"))
#' }
mapCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS <- function(ctryCodes="all", omitCountries=pkgOptions("omitCountries"))
  #if ctryCodes is "all" otherwise consider ctryCodes to be a list of countries
  if (length(ctryCodes) == 1 && tolower(ctryCodes) == "all")
    #get list of all country codes
    ctryCodes <- getAllNlCtryCodes(omitCountries)
  #if the rworldmap::getMap() hasn't been loaded, load it
  map <- getWorldMap()
  wgs84 <- getCRS()
  #get the indices of the country polygons from the rworldmap
  ctryCodeIdx <- which(map@data$ISO3 %in% ctryCodes)
  ctryCodeTiles <- NULL
  #for each ctryCode index
  for (i in ctryCodeIdx)
    #get the matching polygon
    ctryPolys <- map@polygons[[i]]
    #create a SpatialPolygons object with a list of 1 list of Polygons
    ctrySpPolys <- sp::SpatialPolygons(Srl = list(ctryPolys))
    #set the CRS
    raster::projection(ctrySpPolys) <- sp::CRS(wgs84)
    #convert the SpatialPolygons to a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
    ctrySpPolysDF <- methods::as(ctrySpPolys, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
    #find the tiles the SPDF intersects with and add to the list of tiles
    ctryCodeTiles <- rbind(ctryCodeTiles, list(tilesPolygonIntersectVIIRS(ctrySpPolys)))
  #combine the ctryCodes and intersecting tile columns into a dataframe
  ctryCodeTiles <- as.data.frame(cbind(code = as.character(ctryCodes), tiles = ctryCodeTiles))
  #name the columns
  names(ctryCodeTiles) <- c("code", "tiles")
  #convert the code column to character since it is picked as factor
  ctryCodeTiles$code <- as.character(ctryCodeTiles$code)
  #return the data frame

######################## getTilesCtryIntersectVIIRS ###################################

#' Get a list of tiles that a country polygon intersects with
#' Create a dataframe mapping each country in the rworldmap to the VIIRS
#'     tiles which they intersect with and thus need to be retrieved to
#'     process their nightlight imagery. Since some functions use this
#'     dataframe for long-term processing, omitCountries can eliminate 
#'     countries that should be excluded from the list hence from processing.
#'     Countries can be added in the omitCountries function.
#'     Default is "none".
#' @param ctryCode The country's ISO3 code
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::getTilesCtryIntersectVIIRS("KEN")
getTilesCtryIntersectVIIRS <- function(ctryCode)
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing equired parameter ctryCode")
  ctryCode <- as.character(ctryCode)
    warning("Invalid/Unknown ctryCode: ", ctryCode)

  ctryISO3 <- ctryCode
  map <- getWorldMap()
  wgs84 <- getCRS()
  if (is.na(ctryISO3) || ctryISO3 == "")
    return("Unknown country")
  idx <- which(map@data$ISO3 == ctryISO3)
  ctryCodeTiles <- NULL
  ctryPolys <- map@polygons[[idx]]
  #create a SpatialPolygons object with a list of 1 list of Polygons
  ctrySpPolys <- sp::SpatialPolygons(Srl = list(ctryPolys))
  raster::projection(ctrySpPolys) <- sp::CRS(wgs84)
  ctrySpPolysDF <- methods::as(ctrySpPolys, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
  ctryCodeTiles <- tilesPolygonIntersectVIIRS(ctrySpPolys)
  #Plot for debug
  #plot(tilesSpPolysDFs, add=TRUE)
  #plot(ctrySpPolysDF, add=TRUE)
  return (ctryCodeTiles)

######################## validNlTileNameVIIRS ###################################

#' Check valid VIIRS nightlight tile name
#' Check if a tile name is valid for a given VIIRS nightlight type.
#' @param tileName the name of the tile
#' @param nlType character the nlType
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::validNlTileNameVIIRS("00N060W", "VIIRS.M")
#'  #returns TRUE
validNlTileNameVIIRS <- function(tileName, nlType)
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter tileName")
  if(!is.character(tileName) || is.null(tileName) || is.na(tileName) || tileName == "")
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid tileName: ", tileName)
  if(length(tileName2Idx(tileName, nlType)) != 0)

######################## tileName2Idx ###################################

#' Get the index of a tile given its name
#' Get the index of a VIIRS tile as given by getNlTiles() given its name
#' @param tileName name as given by getNlTiles()
#' @param nlType the nlType of interest
#' @return Integer index of the tile
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::tileName2Idx("00N060W", "VIIRS.M")
tileName2Idx <- function(tileName, nlType)
  if (missing(tileName))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter tileName")
  if (missing(nlType))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlType")
  if(!is.character(tileName) || is.null(tileName) || is.na(tileName) || tileName == "")
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid tileName: ", tileName)
  nlType <- toupper(nlType)
  tileName <- toupper(tileName)
  if (!exists("nlTiles"))
    nlTiles <- getNlTiles(nlType)
  return (which(nlTiles$name %in% tileName))

######################## tileIdx2Name ###################################

#' Get the name of a tile given its index
#' Get the name of a VIIRS tile as given by getNlTiles() given its index
#' @param tileNum index as given by getNlTiles()
#' @param nlType the nlType of interest
#' @return Character name of the tile
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::tileName2Idx("00N060W", "VIIRS.M") #returns 6
tileIdx2Name <- function(tileNum, nlType)
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter tileNum")

    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter nlType")
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid nlType: ", nlType)
  if(!validNlTileNumVIIRS(tileNum, nlType))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Invalid tileNum: ", tileNum)
  if (!exists("nlTiles"))
    nlTiles <- getNlTiles(nlType)
  nlType <- toupper(nlType)
  #return (nlTiles[tileNum, "name"])
  return(nlTiles[as.numeric(tileNum), "name"])

######################## tilesPolygonIntersectVIIRS ###################################

#' Get the list of VIIRS tiles that a polygon intersects with
#' Get the list a VIIRS tiles that a polygon intersects with
#' @param shpPolygon a SpatialPolygon or SpatialPolygons
#' @return Character vector of the intersecting tiles as given by \code{getNlTiles}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #download shapefile if it doesn't exist
#' ctryShapefile <- Rnightlights:::dnldCtryPoly("KEN")
#' #read in shapefile top layer
#' ctryPoly <- readCtryPolyAdmLayer("KEN", 
#'     Rnightlights:::getCtryShpLyrNames("KEN",0))
#' #get list of intersecting tiles
#' tileList <- Rnightlights:::tilesPolygonIntersectVIIRS(ctryPoly)
#' }
tilesPolygonIntersectVIIRS <- function(shpPolygon)
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing required parameter shpPolygon")
  #given a polygon this function returns a list of the names of the viirs tiles
  #that it intersects with
  #Input: a Spatial Polygon e.g. from a loaded shapefile
  #Output: a character vector of tile names as given in the nlTiles dataframe
  if (!exists("tilesSpPolysDFs"))
    tilesSpPolysDFs <- createNlTilesSpPolysDF()
  if (!exists("nlTiles"))
    nlTiles <- getNlTiles(grep("VIIRS", getAllNlTypes(), value = TRUE)[1])
  wgs84 <- getCRS()
  raster::projection(shpPolygon) <- sp::CRS(wgs84)
  #init list to hold tile indices
  tileIdx <- NULL
  #loop through the 6 tile rows in our SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
  for (i in 1:nrow(tilesSpPolysDFs))
    #check whether the polygon intersects with the current tile
    tileIdx[i] <- rgeos::gIntersects(tilesSpPolysDFs[i,], shpPolygon)
  #return a list of tiles that intersected with the SpatialPolygon
  return (nlTiles[tileIdx, "name"])

######################## validNlTileNumVIIRS ###################################

#' Check valid tile number for a given VIIRS nightlight type
#' Check if a tile number is valid for a given VIIRS nightlight type.
#' @param nlTileNum the index of the tile
#' @param nlType A character string of nlType
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' Rnightlights:::validNlTileNumVIIRS("1", "VIIRS.M")
#'  #returns TRUE
#' Rnightlights:::validNlTileNumVIIRS("9", "VIIRS.D")
#'  #returns FALSE
validNlTileNumVIIRS <- function(nlTileNum, nlType)
  nlTileNum <- as.character(nlTileNum)
  if (missing(nlTileNum))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing parameter nlTileNum")
  if (missing(nlType))
    stop(Sys.time(), ": Missing parameter nlType")
  if (class(nlTileNum) != "character" || nlTileNum =="" || length(nlTileNum)==0 || length(grep("[^[:digit:]]", nlTileNum) > 0))
    nlTiles <- getNlTiles(nlType)
  nlT <- as.numeric(nlTileNum)
  if (nlT >= 1 && nlT <= length(nlTiles))

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Rnightlights documentation built on Aug. 29, 2019, 5:02 p.m.