
Defines functions .make_model.bi .make_models.bi .make_model.reg .make_models.reg .make_model .make_models .check_and_list_component_priors .check_and_list_priors.reg .check_and_list_priors.bi .check_and_list_priors.reg .check_and_list_priors

### functions for creating model objects
.check_and_list_priors      <- function(model_type, priors_effect_null, priors_effect, priors_heterogeneity_null, priors_heterogeneity, priors_bias_null, priors_bias, priors_hierarchical_null, priors_hierarchical, prior_scale){

  # format the model-type (in RoBMA.reg, the add_info check is run only after .check_and_list_priors)
  model_type <- .check_and_set_model_type(model_type, prior_scale)

  if(!is.null(model_type) & length(model_type == 1)){
    # precanned models
    if(model_type == "psma"){
      priors_effect         <- prior(distribution = "normal",    parameters = list(mean = 0,  sd = 1))
      priors_heterogeneity  <- prior(distribution = "invgamma",  parameters = list(shape = 1, scale = .15))
      priors_bias           <- list(
        prior_weightfunction(distribution = "two.sided", parameters = list(alpha = c(1, 1),       steps = c(0.05)),             prior_weights = 1/12),
        prior_weightfunction(distribution = "two.sided", parameters = list(alpha = c(1, 1, 1),    steps = c(0.05, 0.10)),       prior_weights = 1/12),
        prior_weightfunction(distribution = "one.sided", parameters = list(alpha = c(1, 1),       steps = c(0.05)),             prior_weights = 1/12),
        prior_weightfunction(distribution = "one.sided", parameters = list(alpha = c(1, 1, 1),    steps = c(0.025, 0.05)),      prior_weights = 1/12),
        prior_weightfunction(distribution = "one.sided", parameters = list(alpha = c(1, 1, 1),    steps = c(0.05, 0.5)),        prior_weights = 1/12),
        prior_weightfunction(distribution = "one.sided", parameters = list(alpha = c(1, 1, 1, 1), steps = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.5)), prior_weights = 1/12),
        prior_PET(distribution = "Cauchy", parameters = list(0,1), truncation = list(0, Inf),   prior_weights = 1/4),
        prior_PEESE(distribution = "Cauchy", parameters = list(0,5), truncation = list(0, Inf), prior_weights = 1/4)
      priors_hierarchical       <- NULL
      priors_effect_null        <- prior(distribution = "point", parameters = list(location = 0))
      priors_heterogeneity_null <- prior(distribution = "point", parameters = list(location = 0))
      priors_bias_null          <- prior_none()
      priors_hierarchical_null  <- NULL
    }else if(model_type == "pp"){
      priors_effect          <- prior(distribution = "normal",    parameters = list(mean = 0, sd = 1))
      priors_heterogeneity   <- prior(distribution = "invgamma",  parameters = list(shape = 1, scale = .15))
      priors_bias            <- list(
        prior_PET(distribution = "Cauchy", parameters = list(0,1), truncation = list(0, Inf),    prior_weights = 1/2),
        prior_PEESE(distribution = "Cauchy", parameters = list(0,5), truncation = list(0, Inf),  prior_weights = 1/2)
      priors_hierarchical        <- NULL
      priors_effect_null         <- prior(distribution = "point", parameters = list(location = 0))
      priors_heterogeneity_null  <- prior(distribution = "point", parameters = list(location = 0))
      priors_bias_null           <- prior_none()
      priors_hierarchical_null   <- NULL
    }else if(model_type == "2w"){
      priors_effect              <- prior(distribution = "normal",    parameters = list(mean = 0, sd = 1))
      priors_heterogeneity       <- prior(distribution = "invgamma",  parameters = list(shape = 1, scale = .15))
      priors_bias                <- list(
        prior_weightfunction(distribution = "two.sided", parameters = list(alpha = c(1, 1),       steps = c(0.05)),        prior_weights = 1/2),
        prior_weightfunction(distribution = "two.sided", parameters = list(alpha = c(1, 1, 1),    steps = c(0.05, 0.10)),  prior_weights = 1/2)
      priors_hierarchical        <- NULL
      priors_effect_null         <- prior(distribution = "point", parameters = list(location = 0))
      priors_heterogeneity_null  <- prior(distribution = "point", parameters = list(location = 0))
      priors_bias_null           <- prior_none()
      priors_hierarchical_null   <- NULL
      stop("Unknown 'model_type'.")

  priors     <- list()
  priors$effect         <- .check_and_list_component_priors(priors_effect_null,          priors_effect,         "effect")
  priors$heterogeneity  <- .check_and_list_component_priors(priors_heterogeneity_null,   priors_heterogeneity,  "heterogeneity")
  priors$bias           <- .check_and_list_component_priors(priors_bias_null,            priors_bias,           "bias")
  priors$hierarchical   <- .check_and_list_component_priors(priors_hierarchical_null,    priors_hierarchical,   "hierarchical")

.check_and_list_priors.reg  <- function(priors, data, model_type, test_predictors, prior_scale,
                                        priors_effect_null, priors_effect,
                                        priors_heterogeneity_null, priors_heterogeneity,
                                        priors_bias_null, priors_bias,
                                        priors_hierarchical_null, priors_hierarchical,
                                        prior_covariates_null, prior_covariates,
                                        prior_factors_null, prior_factors){

  priors_main <- .check_and_list_priors(
    model_type                = model_type,
    priors_effect_null        = priors_effect_null,
    priors_effect             = priors_effect,
    priors_heterogeneity_null = priors_heterogeneity_null,
    priors_heterogeneity      = priors_heterogeneity,
    priors_bias_null          = priors_bias_null,
    priors_bias               = priors_bias,
    priors_hierarchical_null  = priors_hierarchical_null,
    priors_hierarchical       = priors_hierarchical,
    prior_scale               = prior_scale

  predictors      <- attr(data[["predictors"]],"terms")
  predictors_type <- attr(data[["predictors"]],"terms_type")

  # check the input
  if(!is.prior.simple(prior_covariates_null) || is.prior.factor(prior_covariates_null))
    stop("The default prior for covariates (null) is not a valid prior distribution.", call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.prior.simple(prior_covariates) || is.prior.factor(prior_covariates))
    stop("The default prior for covariates is not a valid prior distribution.", call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.prior.factor(prior_factors_null) & !is.prior.point(prior_factors_null))
    stop("The default prior for factors (null) is not a valid prior distribution.", call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.prior.factor(prior_factors) & !is.prior.point(prior_factors))
    stop("The default prior for factors is not a valid prior distribution.", call. = FALSE)

  # check for reserved words
  if(any(names(priors) %in% .reserved_words()))
    stop(paste0("The following prior names are internally reserved keywords and cannot be used: ",
                paste0(" '", names(priors)[names(priors) %in% .reserved_words()], "' ", collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)

  # completely the prior distribution specification

    # standardize possible inputs for no predictors testing
    if(is.null(test_predictors) || isFALSE(test_predictors) || length(test_predictors) == 0){
      # no testing
      test_predictors <- character()
    }else if(isTRUE(test_predictors)){
      # tests all predictors with default priors
      test_predictors <- predictors
      BayesTools::check_char(test_predictors, "test_predictors", check_length = FALSE, allow_values = predictors)

    # update the predictors specification
    priors <- list()

    to_test <- predictors[predictors %in% test_predictors]
    no_test <- predictors[!predictors %in% test_predictors]

    for(i in seq_along(to_test)){
      priors[[to_test[i]]] <- list(
        "null" = if(predictors_type[to_test[i]] == "factor") prior_factors_null else prior_covariates_null,
        "alt"  = if(predictors_type[to_test[i]] == "factor") prior_factors      else prior_covariates
    for(i in seq_along(no_test)){
      priors[[no_test[i]]] <- list(
        "alt"  = if(predictors_type[no_test[i]] == "factor") prior_factors else prior_covariates


    priors_by_user  <- priors
    priors          <- list()
    test_predictors <- character()

    # reformat and updated the user specified priors
    for(i in seq_along(predictors)){

      p <- predictors[i]

        # no user specified priors -- default estimation only
        priors[[p]] <- list(
          "alt"  = if(predictors_type[p] == "factor") prior_factors else prior_covariates

      }else if(is.prior(priors_by_user[[p]])){
        # a single, unmanned prior distribution -- assume it's alternative and perform default test
        test_predictors <- c(test_predictors, p)
        priors[[p]]     <- list(
          "null" = if(predictors_type[p] == "factor") prior_factors_null else prior_covariates_null,
          "alt"  = priors_by_user[[p]]

      }else if(is.list(priors_by_user[[p]]) && length(priors_by_user[[p]]) == 1 && length(names(priors_by_user[[p]])) == 1 &&
               names(priors_by_user[[p]]) %in% c("null", "alt") && is.prior(priors_by_user[[p]][[1]])){
        # a single, named prior distribution -- do not add any additional prior
        priors[[p]] <- priors_by_user[[p]]

      }else if(is.list(priors_by_user[[p]]) && length(priors_by_user[[p]]) == 2 && length(names(priors_by_user[[p]])) == 2 &&
               all(names(priors_by_user[[p]]) %in% c("null", "alt")) && all(sapply(priors_by_user[[p]], is.prior))){
        # both prior distributions are specified by the user
        test_predictors <- c(test_predictors, p)
        priors[[p]]     <- priors_by_user[[p]]

        stop(paste0("The prior distribution for '",p,"' is specified incorrectly."))


  # add attributes
  priors_main$terms                <- priors
  attr(priors_main, "terms")       <- predictors
  attr(priors_main, "terms_test")  <- if(length(test_predictors) == 0) NULL else test_predictors

.check_and_list_priors.bi    <- function(priors_effect_null, priors_effect, priors_heterogeneity_null, priors_heterogeneity, priors_baseline_null, priors_baseline){

  priors <- list()
  priors$effect         <- .check_and_list_component_priors(priors_effect_null,          priors_effect,         "effect")
  priors$heterogeneity  <- .check_and_list_component_priors(priors_heterogeneity_null,   priors_heterogeneity,  "heterogeneity")
  priors$baseline       <- .check_and_list_component_priors(priors_baseline_null,        priors_baseline,       "baseline")

.check_and_list_priors.reg  <- function(priors, data, model_type, test_predictors, prior_scale,
                                        priors_effect_null, priors_effect,
                                        priors_heterogeneity_null, priors_heterogeneity,
                                        priors_bias_null, priors_bias,
                                        priors_hierarchical_null, priors_hierarchical,
                                        prior_covariates_null, prior_covariates,
                                        prior_factors_null, prior_factors){

  priors_main <- .check_and_list_priors(
    model_type                = model_type,
    priors_effect_null        = priors_effect_null,
    priors_effect             = priors_effect,
    priors_heterogeneity_null = priors_heterogeneity_null,
    priors_heterogeneity      = priors_heterogeneity,
    priors_bias_null          = priors_bias_null,
    priors_bias               = priors_bias,
    priors_hierarchical_null  = priors_hierarchical_null,
    priors_hierarchical       = priors_hierarchical,
    prior_scale               = prior_scale

  predictors      <- attr(data[["predictors"]],"terms")
  predictors_type <- attr(data[["predictors"]],"terms_type")

  # check the input
  if(!is.prior.simple(prior_covariates_null) || is.prior.factor(prior_covariates_null))
    stop("The default prior for covariates (null) is not a valid prior distribution.", call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.prior.simple(prior_covariates) || is.prior.factor(prior_covariates))
    stop("The default prior for covariates is not a valid prior distribution.", call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.prior.factor(prior_factors_null) & !is.prior.point(prior_factors_null))
    stop("The default prior for factors (null) is not a valid prior distribution.", call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.prior.factor(prior_factors) & !is.prior.point(prior_factors))
    stop("The default prior for factors is not a valid prior distribution.", call. = FALSE)

  # check for reserved words
  if(any(names(priors) %in% .reserved_words()))
    stop(paste0("The following prior names are internally reserved keywords and cannot be used: ",
                paste0(" '", names(priors)[names(priors) %in% .reserved_words()], "' ", collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)

  # completely the prior distribution specification

    # standardize possible inputs for no predictors testing
    if(is.null(test_predictors) || isFALSE(test_predictors) || length(test_predictors) == 0){
      # no testing
      test_predictors <- character()
    }else if(isTRUE(test_predictors)){
      # tests all predictors with default priors
      test_predictors <- predictors
      BayesTools::check_char(test_predictors, "test_predictors", check_length = FALSE, allow_values = predictors)

    # update the predictors specification
    priors <- list()

    to_test <- predictors[predictors %in% test_predictors]
    no_test <- predictors[!predictors %in% test_predictors]

    for(i in seq_along(to_test)){
      priors[[to_test[i]]] <- list(
        "null" = if(predictors_type[to_test[i]] == "factor") prior_factors_null else prior_covariates_null,
        "alt"  = if(predictors_type[to_test[i]] == "factor") prior_factors      else prior_covariates
    for(i in seq_along(no_test)){
      priors[[no_test[i]]] <- list(
        "alt"  = if(predictors_type[no_test[i]] == "factor") prior_factors else prior_covariates


    priors_by_user  <- priors
    priors          <- list()
    test_predictors <- character()

    # reformat and updated the user specified priors
    for(i in seq_along(predictors)){

      p <- predictors[i]

        # no user specified priors -- default estimation only
        priors[[p]] <- list(
          "alt"  = if(predictors_type[p] == "factor") prior_factors else prior_covariates

      }else if(is.prior(priors_by_user[[p]])){
        # a single, unmanned prior distribution -- assume it's alternative and perform default test
        test_predictors <- c(test_predictors, p)
        priors[[p]]     <- list(
          "null" = if(predictors_type[p] == "factor") prior_factors_null else prior_covariates_null,
          "alt"  = priors_by_user[[p]]

      }else if(is.list(priors_by_user[[p]]) && length(priors_by_user[[p]]) == 1 && length(names(priors_by_user[[p]])) == 1 &&
               names(priors_by_user[[p]]) %in% c("null", "alt") && is.prior(priors_by_user[[p]][[1]])){
        # a single, named prior distribution -- do not add any additional prior
        priors[[p]] <- priors_by_user[[p]]

      }else if(is.list(priors_by_user[[p]]) && length(priors_by_user[[p]]) == 2 && length(names(priors_by_user[[p]])) == 2 &&
               all(names(priors_by_user[[p]]) %in% c("null", "alt")) && all(sapply(priors_by_user[[p]], is.prior))){
        # both prior distributions are specified by the user
        test_predictors <- c(test_predictors, p)
        priors[[p]]     <- priors_by_user[[p]]

        stop(paste0("The prior distribution for '",p,"' is specified incorrectly."))


  # add attributes
  priors_main$terms                <- priors
  attr(priors_main, "terms")       <- predictors
  attr(priors_main, "terms_test")  <- if(length(test_predictors) == 0) NULL else test_predictors

.check_and_list_component_priors  <- function(priors_null, priors_alt, component){

  # check that at least one prior is specified (either null or alternative)
  if(component != "hierarchical" && (is.null(priors_null) & is.null(priors_alt)))
    stop(paste0("At least one prior needs to be specified for the ", component," parameter (either null or alternative)."))

  # create an empty list if user didn't specified priors
    priors_null <- list()
    # make sure that priors are passed as a list
      priors_null <- list(priors_null)
    # mark the priors as null
    for(p in seq_along(priors_null)){
      priors_null[[p]]$is_null <- TRUE
    priors_alt <- list()
    # make sure that priors are passed as a list
      priors_alt <- list(priors_alt)
    # mark the priors as alternative
    for(p in seq_along(priors_alt)){
      priors_alt[[p]]$is_null <- FALSE

  # join null and alternative priors
  priors <- c(priors_null, priors_alt)

  ### check that the specified priors are valid
  # check that all objects of the priors list are a 'RoBMA.prior'
  if(!all(sapply(priors, is.prior)))
    stop(paste0("Argument priors_", component, " does not contain valid prior distributions. The prior distributions need to be passed as a list of objects specified using 'prior()' function. See '?prior' for more information." ))

  # check that the passed priors are supported for the component (and replace none placeholders)
  if(component %in% c("effect", "heterogeneity", "hierarchical")){

    for(p in seq_along(priors)){

      # replace empty priors by spike at 0
        temp_is_null         <- priors[[p]]$is_null
        priors[[p]]          <- prior("point", list("location" = 0))
        priors[[p]]$is_null  <- temp_is_null

      # check for allowed priors
      if(!(is.prior.simple(priors[[p]]) | is.prior.point(priors[[p]])))
        stop(paste0("'", print(priors[[p]], silent = TRUE),"' prior distribution is not supported for the ", component," component."))

      # check for support in the case of heterogeneity
      if(component == "heterogeneity"){
        if(priors[[p]][["distribution"]] == "point" && priors[[p]]$parameters[["location"]] < 0){
          stop("The location of a point prior distribution for the heterogeneity component cannot be negative.")
        }else if(priors[[p]][["distribution"]] == "uniform" && (priors[[p]]$parameters[["a"]] < 0 | priors[[p]]$parameters[["b"]] < 0)){
          stop("The uniform prior distribution for the heterogeneity component cannot be defined on negative numbers.")
        }else if(priors[[p]]$truncation[["lower"]] < 0){
          priors[[p]]$truncation[["lower"]] <- 0
          warning(paste0("The range of a prior distribution for ", component, " component cannot be negative. The lower truncation point was set to zero."), immediate. = TRUE)
      }else if(component == "hierarchical"){
        if(priors[[p]][["distribution"]] == "point" && abs(priors[[p]]$parameters[["location"]]) > 1){
          stop("The location of a point prior distribution for the hierarchical correlation must be within [-1, 1] interval.")
        }else if(priors[[p]][["distribution"]] == "uniform" && (priors[[p]]$parameters[["a"]] < -1 | priors[[p]]$parameters[["b"]] > 1)){
          stop("The uniform prior distribution for the hierarchical correlation cannot be defined outside of the [-1, 1] interval.")

        if(priors[[p]]$truncation[["lower"]] < -1){
          priors[[p]]$truncation[["lower"]] <- -1
          warning("The range of a prior distribution for the hierarchical correlation cannot be lower than -1. The lower truncation point was set to -1.", immediate. = TRUE)
        if(priors[[p]]$truncation[["upper"]] > 1){
          priors[[p]]$truncation[["lower"]] <- 1
          warning("The range of a prior distribution for the hierarchical correlation cannot be higher than 1. The upper truncation point was set to 1.", immediate. = TRUE)
        if(priors[[p]]$truncation[["lower"]] > priors[[p]]$truncation[["upper"]]){
          stop("Invalid lower and upper truncation points for the hierarchical correlation.", immediate. = TRUE)


  }else if(component == "bias"){

    for(p in seq_along(priors)){

      # check for allowed priors
      if(!(is.prior.PET(priors[[p]]) | is.prior.PEESE(priors[[p]]) | is.prior.weightfunction(priors[[p]]) | is.prior.none(priors[[p]])))
        stop(paste0("'", print(priors[[p]], silent = TRUE),"' prior distribution is not supported for the bias component."))

  }else if(component == "rho"){

    for(p in seq_along(priors)){

      # check for allowed priors
      if(priors[[p]][["distribution"]] != "beta")
        stop(paste0("'", print(priors[[p]], silent = TRUE),"' prior distribution is not supported for the rho component."))
  }else if(component == "baseline"){

    for(p in seq_along(priors)){

      # do not allow empty priors
        stop("The baseline probability cannot be undefined.")

        stop(paste0("'", print(priors[[p]], silent = TRUE),"' prior distribution is not supported for the baseline probability component."))

      if(priors[[p]][["distribution"]] == "point" && (priors[[p]]$parameters[["location"]] > 1 || priors[[p]]$parameters[["location"]] < 0)){
        stop("The location of a point prior distribution for the baseline probability must be within [0, 1] interval.")
      }else if(priors[[p]][["distribution"]] == "uniform" && (priors[[p]]$parameters[["a"]] < 0 | priors[[p]]$parameters[["b"]] > 1)){
        stop("The uniform prior distribution for the baseline probability cannot be defined outside of the [0, 1] interval.")

      if(priors[[p]]$truncation[["lower"]] < 0){
        priors[[p]]$truncation[["lower"]] <- 0
        warning("The range of a prior distribution for the baseline probability cannot be lower than 0. The lower truncation point was set to 0.", immediate. = TRUE)
      if(priors[[p]]$truncation[["upper"]] > 1){
        priors[[p]]$truncation[["lower"]] <- 1
        warning("The range of a prior distribution for the baseline probability cannot be higher than 1. The upper truncation point was set to 1.", immediate. = TRUE)
      if(priors[[p]]$truncation[["lower"]] > priors[[p]]$truncation[["upper"]]){
        stop("Invalid lower and upper truncation points for the baseline probability.", immediate. = TRUE)



.make_models     <- function(priors, multivariate, weighted){

  # create models according to the set priors
  models <- NULL
  for(effect in priors[["effect"]]){
    for(heterogeneity in priors[["heterogeneity"]]){
      for(bias in priors[["bias"]]){
        if(!is.null(priors[["hierarchical"]]) && multivariate){
          for(hierarchical in priors[["hierarchical"]]){
            models <- c(
                prior_effect        = effect,
                prior_heterogeneity = heterogeneity,
                prior_bias          = bias,
                prior_hierarchical  = hierarchical,
                prior_weights       = effect[["prior_weights"]] * heterogeneity[["prior_weights"]] * bias[["prior_weights"]] * hierarchical[["prior_weights"]],
                multivariate        = multivariate,
                weighted            = weighted
          models <- c(
              prior_effect        = effect,
              prior_heterogeneity = heterogeneity,
              prior_bias          = bias,
              prior_hierarchical  = NULL,
              prior_weights       = effect[["prior_weights"]] * heterogeneity[["prior_weights"]] * bias[["prior_weights"]],
              multivariate        = multivariate,
              weighted            = weighted

.make_model      <- function(prior_effect, prior_heterogeneity, prior_bias, prior_hierarchical, prior_weights, multivariate, weighted){

  priors <- list()

  priors$mu    <- prior_effect
  priors$tau   <- prior_heterogeneity
    priors$PET    <- prior_bias
  }else if(is.prior.PEESE(prior_bias)){
    priors$PEESE  <- prior_bias
  }else if(is.prior.weightfunction(prior_bias)){
    priors$omega  <- prior_bias
  # add 3 level structure only if there is heterogeneity
  if(!(prior_heterogeneity[["distribution"]] == "point" && prior_heterogeneity$parameters[["location"]] == 0) && !is.null(prior_hierarchical)){
    priors$rho <- prior_hierarchical

  model <- list(
    priors            = priors,
    prior_weights     = prior_weights,
    prior_weights_set = prior_weights
  class(model) <- "RoBMA.model"

  attr(model, "multivariate")  <- multivariate && !is.null(priors$rho)
  attr(model, "weighted")      <- weighted
  attr(model, "weighted_type") <- attr(weighted, "type")


.make_models.reg <- function(priors, multivariate, weighted, do_not_fit){

  models_base <- .make_models(priors = priors, multivariate = multivariate, weighted = weighted)

  ### create grid of the models
  grid <- list(
    model = seq_along(models_base)

  # add prior terms
  terms <- attr(priors, "terms")
  for(i in seq_along(attr(priors, "terms"))){
    grid[[terms[i]]] <- names(priors[["terms"]][[terms[i]]])

  grid <- do.call(expand.grid, grid)

  if(nrow(grid) > 50 && !do_not_fit)
    warning(sprintf("You are about to estimate %i models based on the model formula and prior specification.", nrow(grid)), immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)

  ### create empty models objects for fitting
  models <- lapply(1:nrow(grid), function(i) .make_model.reg(models_base[[grid[i,1]]], grid[i,-1,drop=FALSE], priors))

.make_model.reg  <- function(model_base, grid_row, priors, multivariate, weighted){

  model_priors  <- model_base[["priors"]]
  prior_weights <- model_base[["prior_weights"]]
  terms         <- attr(priors, "terms")

  ### add priors for the terms
  model_priors[["terms"]] <- list()

  # rename mu to the intercept
  model_priors[["terms"]][["intercept"]] <- model_priors[["mu"]]
  model_priors[["mu"]] <- NULL

  terms_test <- NULL
  for(i in seq_along(terms)){
    model_priors[["terms"]][[terms[i]]]  <- priors[["terms"]][[terms[i]]][[grid_row[,terms[i]]]]
    prior_weights                        <- prior_weights * priors[["terms"]][[terms[i]]][[grid_row[,terms[i]]]]$prior_weights
    model_priors[["terms"]][[terms[i]]][["is_null"]] <- grid_row[,terms[i]] == "null"
    if(grid_row[,terms[i]] == "alt"){
      terms_test <- c(terms_test, terms[i])

  model <- list(
    priors       = model_priors,
    terms        = terms,
    terms_test   = terms_test,
    prior_weights     = prior_weights,
    prior_weights_set = prior_weights

  class(model) <- "RoBMA.reg.model"
  attr(model, "multivariate")  <- attr(model_base, "multivariate")
  attr(model, "weighted")      <- attr(model_base, "weighted")
  attr(model, "weighted_type") <- attr(model_base, "weighted_type")


.make_models.bi  <- function(priors, K, weighted){

  # create models according to the set priors
  models <- NULL
  for(effect in priors[["effect"]]){
    for(heterogeneity in priors[["heterogeneity"]]){
      for(baseline in priors[["baseline"]]){
        models <- c(
            prior_effect        = effect,
            prior_heterogeneity = heterogeneity,
            prior_baseline      = baseline,
            prior_weights       = effect[["prior_weights"]] * heterogeneity[["prior_weights"]] * baseline[["prior_weights"]],
            K                   = K,
            weighted            = weighted

.make_model.bi   <- function(prior_effect, prior_heterogeneity, prior_baseline, prior_weights, K, weighted){

  is_random <- !(is.prior.point(prior_heterogeneity) && prior_heterogeneity$parameters[["location"]] == 0)

  priors <- list()

  priors$mu    <- prior_effect
  priors$tau   <- prior_heterogeneity
  priors$pi    <- prior_baseline

  # specify the number of levels
  attr(priors$pi, "levels") <- K

  # add non-central random effects
    priors$gamma <- prior_factor("normal", parameters = list(0, 1), contrast = "independent")
    attr(priors$gamma, "levels") <- K

  model <- list(
    priors            = priors,
    prior_weights     = prior_weights,
    prior_weights_set = prior_weights
  class(model) <- "BiBMA.model"

  attr(model, "multivariate") <- FALSE
  attr(model, "random")       <- is_random
  attr(model, "weighted")     <- weighted


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RoBMA documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:13 p.m.