RI.indiscernibilityBasedRules.RST: Rule induction from indiscernibility classes.

View source: R/RuleInduction.R

RI.indiscernibilityBasedRules.RSTR Documentation

Rule induction from indiscernibility classes.


Rule induction from indiscernibility classes.


RI.indiscernibilityBasedRules.RST(decision.table, feature.set)



an object inheriting from the "DecisionTable" class, which represents a decision system. See SF.asDecisionTable.


an object inheriting from the "FeatureSubset" class which is a typical output of feature selection methods based on RST e.g. FS.greedy.heuristic.reduct.RST. See also FS.reduct.computation, FS.feature.subset.computation and FS.all.reducts.computation based on RST.


This function generates "if-then" decision rules from indiscernibility classes defined by a given subset of conditional attributes.

After obtaining the rules, decision classes of new objects can be predicted using the predict method or by a direct call to predict.RuleSetRST.


An object of a class "RuleSetRST", which is a list with additional attributes:

  • uniqueCls: a vector of possible decision classes,

  • supportDenominator: an integer giving the number of objects in the data,

  • clsProbs: a vector giving the a priori probability of the decision classes,

  • majorityCls: a class label representing the majority class in the data,

  • method: the type a rule induction method used for computations,

  • dec.attr: a name of the decision attribute in the data,

  • colnames: a vector of conditional attribute names.

Each rule is a list with the following elements:

  • idx: a vector of indexes of attribute that are used in antecedent of a rule,

  • values: a vector of values of attributes indicated by idx,

  • consequent: a value of the consequent of a rule,

  • support: a vactor of integers indicating objects from the data, which support a given rule,

  • laplace: ia numeric value representing the Laplace estimate of the rule's confidence.


Andrzej Janusz

See Also

predict.RuleSetRST, RI.CN2Rules.RST, RI.LEM2Rules.RST, RI.AQRules.RST.


## Example
hiring.data <- RoughSetData$hiring.dt

## determine feature subset/reduct
reduct <- FS.reduct.computation(hiring.data,
                                method = "permutation.heuristic",
                                permutation = FALSE)

rules <- RI.indiscernibilityBasedRules.RST(hiring.data, reduct)

RoughSets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:34 a.m.