
Defines functions wnorm.ssa summary.ssa print.ssa .object.size clone.ssa is.shaped contributions nsigma nlambda nv nu .elseries.default residuals.ssa.reconstruction residuals.ssa reconstruct.ssa .group.names .apply.attributes.default cleanup precache .maybe.continue .init.fragment.default ssa .determine.svd.method .default.neig.ssa .default.neig

Documented in cleanup clone.ssa contributions nlambda nsigma nu nv precache reconstruct.ssa residuals.ssa residuals.ssa.reconstruction ssa summary.ssa

#   R package for Singular Spectrum Analysis
#   Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Anton Korobeynikov <asl@math.spbu.ru>
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it
#   and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
#   License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
#   either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
#   any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
#   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
#   PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#   License along with this program; if not, write to the
#   Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
#   MA 02139, USA.

.default.neig <- function(x, ...)

.default.neig.ssa <- function(x, ...) {
  tjdim <- .traj.dim(x)

  min(50, tjdim)

.determine.svd.method <- function(x, kind, neig = NULL,
                                  svd.method = (if (identical(kind, "cssa")) "eigen" else "nutrlan")) {
  tjdim <- .traj.dim(x)
  L <- tjdim[1]; K <- tjdim[2]

  truncated <- (identical(svd.method, "nutrlan") || identical(svd.method, "propack"))

  if (is.null(neig))
    neig <- .default.neig(x, ...)

  if (truncated) {
    # It's not wise to call truncated methods for small matrices at all
    if (L < 500) {
      truncated <- FALSE
      svd.method <- "eigen"
    } else if (neig > L /2) {
      # Check, whether desired eigentriples amount is too huge
      if (L < 500) {
        svd.method <- "eigen"
        truncated <- FALSE
      } else {
        warning("too many eigentriples requested")


ssa <- function(x,
                L = (N + 1) %/% 2,
                neig = NULL,
                mask = NULL, wmask = NULL,
                column.projector = "none", row.projector = "none",
                column.oblique = "identity", row.oblique = "identity",
                kind = c("1d-ssa", "2d-ssa", "nd-ssa", "toeplitz-ssa", "mssa", "cssa"),
                circular = FALSE,
                svd.method = c("auto", "nutrlan", "propack", "svd", "eigen", "rspectra", "primme", "irlba", "rsvd"),
                force.decompose = TRUE) {
  svd.method <- match.arg(svd.method)

  # Squeeze the attributes
  xattr <- attributes(x)
  iattr <- NULL
  # Grab class separately. This way we will capture the inherit class as well
  xclass <- class(x)

  call <- match.call(); cargs <- as.list(call)[-1]
  ## wmask is special and will be treated separately later
  cargs$wmask <- NULL
  ecall <- do.call("call", c("ssa", lapply(cargs, eval, parent.frame())))

  ## Provide some sane defaults, e.g. complex inputs should default to cssa
  if (missing(kind)) {
    if (is.complex(x))
      kind <- "cssa"
    else if (inherits(x, "mts") || inherits(x, "data.frame") || inherits(x, "list") || inherits(x, "series.list"))
      kind <- "mssa"
    else if (is.matrix(x))
      kind <- "2d-ssa"
    else if (is.array(x))
      kind <- "nd-ssa"
      kind <- "1d-ssa"
  kind <- match.arg(kind)

  # Do the fixups depending on the kind of SSA.
  weights <- NULL
  if (identical(kind, "1d-ssa") || identical(kind, "toeplitz-ssa")) {
    ## Nothing special here (yet!)
  } else if (identical(kind, "2d-ssa") || identical(kind, "nd-ssa")) {
    # 2d-SSA is just a special case of nd-ssa
    if (length(dim(x)) == 2)
      kind <- c("2d-ssa", "nd-ssa")
      kind <- "nd-ssa"
  } else if (identical(kind, "mssa")) {
    ## Nothing special here (yet!)
  } else if (identical(kind, "cssa")) {
    ## Nothing special here (yet!)
  } else {
    N <- -1;
    fmask <- NULL
    stop("invalid SSA kind")

  if (!identical(column.projector, "none") || !identical(row.projector, "none")) {
    # Add `pssa` class if appropriate implementation exists

    if (!any(kind %in% c("1d-ssa", "2d-ssa", "nd-ssa"))) {
      stop("SSA with projection is not implemented for such SSA kind yet")

    kind <- c("pssa", paste("pssa", kind, sep = "-"), kind)

  if (!identical(column.oblique, "identity") || !identical(row.oblique, "identity")) {
    # Add `wossa` class if appropriate implementation exists

    if (!any(kind %in% c("1d-ssa", "2d-ssa", "nd-ssa", "pssa"))) {
      stop("SSA with weights is not implemented for such SSA kind yet")

    # TODO: Accept only row.oblique or column.oblique
    if (identical(column.oblique, "identical") || identical(row.oblique, "identical")) {
      stop("Both column.oblique and row.oblique must be numeric")

    kind <- c("wossa", paste("wossa", kind, sep = "-"), kind)

  # Normalize the kind to be used
  kind <- gsub("-", ".", kind, fixed = TRUE)

  # Create information body
  this <- list(call = call, ecall = ecall,
               kind = kind,
               svd.method = svd.method)

  # Create data storage
  this <- .create.storage(this)

  # Save the names of the essential fields
  this$fields <- c("F",
                   "wmask", "fmask", "weights", "circular",
                   "Fattr", "Fclass", "Iattr",
                   "column.projector", "row.projector",
                   "column.oblique", "row.oblique")

  # Make this S3 object
  class(this) <- c(kind, "ssa")

  ## Perform additional init steps, if necessary. We cannot simply eval .init in
  ## the current environment because we're using S3 dispatch at the same
  ## time... UseMethod uses NSE.
  ## NOTE: This will modify the *current* environment (local vars of the function)
  parent.env <- parent.frame()

  # Save attributes
  .set(this, "Fattr", xattr)
  .set(this, "Fclass", xclass)
  .set(this, "Iattr", iattr)

  # Deprecated stuff
  .deprecate(this, "lambda", "sigma")

  ## Window and series length should be ready by this moment
  this$length <- N
  this$window <- L

  ## Save series
  .set(this, "F", x)

  ## Save masks, weights and topology
  .set(this, "wmask", wmask)
  .set(this, "fmask", fmask)
  .set(this, "weights", weights)
  .set(this, "circular", circular)

  ## Store projectors
  .set(this, "column.projector", column.projector)
  .set(this, "row.projector", row.projector)

  ## Store oblique matrices
  .set(this, "column.oblique", column.oblique)
  .set(this, "row.oblique", row.oblique)

  # If 'neig' is specified, then we need to decompose
  if (!is.null(neig) && !force.decompose) {
    warning("`force.decompose = FALSE` is ignored because number of eigentriples is specified")
    force.decompose <- TRUE

  # Determine the desired number of eigentriples, if necessary
  if (is.null(neig))
    neig <- .default.neig(this, ...)

  # Fix SVD method
  if (identical(svd.method, "auto"))
    svd.method <- .determine.svd.method(this, kind = kind, neig = neig, ...)

  this$svd.method <- svd.method

  # Decompose, if necessary
  if (force.decompose) {
    if (!is.null(weights) && all(weights == 0))
      stop("Nothing to decompose: the given field shape is empty")

    this <- decompose(this, neig = neig, ...);


.init.fragment.default <- function(this, ...) {
  # Do nothing

.maybe.continue <- function(x, groups, ...) {
  L <- x$window
  K <- x$length - x$window + 1

  # Determine the upper bound of desired eigentriples
  desired <- max(unlist(groups), -Inf)

  # Sanity check
  if (desired > min(.traj.dim(x)))
    stop("Cannot decompose that much, desired elementary series index is too huge")

  # Continue decomposition, if necessary
  if (desired > min(nsigma(x), nu(x)))
    decompose(x, ...,
              neig = min(desired + 1 - nspecial(x), min(.traj.dim(x))), #TODO: Fix it for PSSA
              force.continue = TRUE)


precache <- function(x, n, ...) {
  if (missing(n)) {
    warning("Amount of sub-series missed, precaching EVERYTHING",
            immediate. = TRUE);
    n <- nsigma(x)

  # Calculate numbers of sub-series to be calculated
  info <- .get.series.info(x);
  new <- setdiff(1:n, info);

  for (idx in new) {
    # Do actual reconstruction (depending on method, etc)
                .elseries(x, idx), idx);

cleanup <- function(x) {
  .remove(x, ls(.storage(x), pattern = "series:"));

.apply.attributes.default <- function(x, F,
                                      fixup = FALSE, only.new = TRUE,
                                      reverse = FALSE,
                                      drop = FALSE) {
  a <- (if (drop) NULL else .get(x, "Fattr"))
  cls <- (if (drop) NULL else .get(x, "Fclass"))

  if (fixup) {
     # Try to guess the indices of known time series classes
    if ("ts" %in% cls) {
      tsp <- a$tsp
      return (if (!reverse)
                   start = if (only.new) tsp[2] + 1/tsp[3] else tsp[1],
                   frequency = tsp[3])
                   end = if (only.new) tsp[1] - 1/tsp[3] else tsp[2],
                   frequency = tsp[3])

  } else {
    attributes(F) <- a


.group.names <- function(groups) {
  group.names <- names(groups)
  if (is.null(group.names)) group.names <- rep("", length(groups))

  ifelse(group.names != "", group.names, paste0("F", seq_along(groups)))

reconstruct.ssa <- function(x, groups, ...,
                            drop.attributes = FALSE, cache = TRUE) {
  out <- list();

  if (missing(groups))
    groups <- as.list(1:min(nsigma(x), nu(x)));

  # Continue decomposition, if necessary
  .maybe.continue(x, groups = groups, ...)

  # Grab indices of pre-cached values
  info <- .get.series.info(x);

  # Do actual reconstruction. Calculate the residuals on the way
  residuals <- .F(x)
  for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
    group <- groups[[i]];
    new <- setdiff(group, info);
    cached <- intersect(group, info);

    if (length(new)) {
      # Do actual reconstruction (depending on method, etc)
      out[[i]] <- .elseries(x, new);

      # Cache the reconstructed series, if this was requested
      if (cache && length(new) == 1)
        .set.series(x, out[[i]], new);

       # Add pre-cached series
      if (length(cached))
        out[[i]] <- out[[i]] + .get.series(x, cached);
    } else if (length(cached)) {
      out[[i]] <- .get.series(x, cached)
    } else {
      out[[i]] <- 0. * .F(x)
      if (!is.null(x$weights))
        out[[i]][x$weights == 0] <- NA

    # Propagate attributes (e.g. dimension for 2d-SSA)
    out[[i]] <- .apply.attributes(x, out[[i]], fixup = FALSE, drop = drop.attributes)

  # Set names
  names(out) <- .group.names(groups)

  # Calculate the residuals
  residuals <- .F(x)
  rgroups <- unique(unlist(groups))
  info <- .get.series.info(x);
  rcached <- intersect(rgroups, info)
  rnew <- setdiff(rgroups, info)
  if (length(rcached))
    residuals <- residuals - .get.series(x, rcached)
  if (length(rnew))
    residuals <- residuals - .elseries(x, rnew)

  # Propagate attributes of residuals
  residuals <- .apply.attributes(x, residuals, fixup = FALSE, drop = drop.attributes)
  F <- .apply.attributes(x, .F(x), fixup = FALSE, drop = drop.attributes)

  attr(out, "residuals") <- residuals;
  attr(out, "series") <- F;

  # Reconstructed series can be pretty huge...
  class(out) <- paste(c(x$kind, "ssa"), "reconstruction", sep = ".")

residuals.ssa <- function(object, groups, ..., cache = TRUE) {
  groups <- list(if (missing(groups)) 1:min(nsigma(object), nu(object)) else unlist(groups))

  residuals(reconstruct(object, groups = groups, ..., cache = cache))

residuals.ssa.reconstruction <- function(object, ...) {
  attr(object, "residuals")

.elseries.default <- function(x, idx, ...) {
  if (max(idx) > nsigma(x))
    stop("Too few eigentriples computed for this decomposition")

  dec <- .decomposition(x)
  sigma <- .sigma(dec)
  U <- .U(dec)

  res <- numeric(prod(x$length));
  for (i in idx) {
    if (nv(x) >= i) {
      # FIXME: Check, whether we have factor vectors for reconstruction
      # FIXME: Get rid of .get call
      V <- .V(x)[, i];
    } else {
      # No factor vectors available. Calculate them on-fly.
      V <- calc.v(x, i);

    res <- res + sigma[i] * .hankelize.one(x, U = U[, i], V = V);


nu <- function(x) {
  res <- ncol(.U(x))
  ifelse(is.null(res), 0, res)

nv <- function(x) {
  res <- ncol(.V(x))
  ifelse(is.null(res), 0, res)

nlambda <- function(x) {
  warning("this function is deprecated, use `nsigma' instead")

nsigma <- function(x) {

contributions <- function(x, idx = 1:nsigma(x)) {
  .sigma(x)[idx]^2 / wnorm(x)^2

is.shaped <- function(x) {
  ## Easy case: non-null masks in case of non-mssa
  if ((!is.null(x$wmask) || !is.null(x$fmask) || !is.null(x$weights)) && !inherits(x, "mssa"))
    return (TRUE)

  ## In case of mssa, check whether we have any zero meaningfull weights
  if (inherits(x, "mssa") && any(.hweights(x) == 0))
    return (TRUE)

  return (FALSE)

clone.ssa <- function(x, copy.storage = TRUE, copy.cache = TRUE, ...) {
  obj <- .clone(x, copy.storage = copy.storage)

  # We need to copy the "essential" fields
  if (copy.storage == FALSE)
    for (field in x$fields)
      .set(obj, field, .get(x, field))

  if (copy.cache == FALSE)


'$.ssa' <- function(x, name) {
  # First, check the fields of the object itself
  if (ind <- charmatch(name, names(x), nomatch = 0))
    return (x[[ind]])

  # Now, check the fields of the storage
  res <- .get(x, name, allow.null = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(res)) {
     # Check for deprecation
    if (isTRUE(attr(res, "deprecated"))) {
      msg <- paste("the field `", name, "' is deprecated", sep = "")
      instead <- attr(res, "instead")

      # If no substitution is available, just stop here
      if (is.null(instead))

      # Otherwise, warn and fallback to new name
      warning(paste(msg, ". use `", instead, "' instead.", sep = ""))
      res <- Recall(x, instead)
    return (res)

  # Final special case: the fields of the decomposition

.object.size <- function(x, pat = NULL) {
  env <- .storage(x);
  if (is.null(pat)) {
    members <- ls(envir = env, all.names = TRUE);
  } else {
    members <- ls(envir = env, pattern = pat);

  l <- sapply(members, function(el) object.size(.get(x, el)))

  ifelse(length(l), sum(l), 0);

print.ssa <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
  clp <- (if (length(x$window) > 1) " x " else ", ")
  cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep="");
  cat("Series length:", paste(x$length, collapse = clp));
  cat(",\tWindow length:", paste(x$window, collapse = " x "));
  cat(",\tSVD method:", x$svd.method);
  cat("\nSpecial triples: ", nspecial(x));
  cat("Eigenvalues:", nsigma(x));
  cat(",\tEigenvectors:", nu(x));
  cat(",\tFactor vectors:", nv(x));
      "elementary series (")
  cat(format(.object.size(x, pat = "series:") / 1024 / 1024, digits = digits),
  cat("\n\nOverall memory consumption (estimate):",
      format(.object.size(x) / 1024 / 1024, digits = digits),

summary.ssa <- function(object, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
  print.ssa(x = object, digits = digits, ...)

wnorm.ssa <- function(x, ...)
  stop("`wnorm' is not implemented for this kind of SSA")

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