
Defines functions unuran.details set.aux.seed up ud uq unuran.sample ur unuran.new

Documented in set.aux.seed ud unuran.details unuran.new unuran.sample up uq ur

##                                                                         ##
##   Runuran                                                               ##
##                                                                         ##
##   (c) 2007-2010, Josef Leydold and Wolfgang Hoermann                    ##
##   Department for Statistics and Mathematics, WU Wien                    ##
##                                                                         ##
##                                                                         ##
##   Class: unuran                                                         ##
##                                                                         ##
##   Interface to the UNU.RAN library for                                  ##
##   Universal Non-Uniform RANdom variate generators                       ##
##                                                                         ##

## Initialize global variables ----------------------------------------------

## Class --------------------------------------------------------------------

setClass( "unuran", 
         ## slots:
                        unur       = "externalptr",   # pointer to UNU.RAN object
                        data       = "list",          # list for packed data
                        dom        = "numeric",       # domain of distribution
                        distr      = "unuran.distr",  # pointer to S4 distribution object
                        distr.str  = "character",     # distribution
                        method.str = "character",     # generation method
                        inversion  = "logical"        # inversion method ?
         ## defaults for slots
         prototype = list(
           unur       = NULL,
           data       = NULL,
           dom        = NULL,
           distr      = NULL,
           distr.str  = character(),
           method.str = character(),
           inversion  = FALSE
         ## misc
         sealed = TRUE

## Initialize ---------------------------------------------------------------

setMethod( "initialize", "unuran",  
          function(.Object, distr, method="auto") {

                  ## Check entries
                  if (missing(distr)) {
                          stop("no distribution given", call.=FALSE)
                  if (!is.character(method)) {
                          stop("'method' must be a character string", call.=FALSE)

                  ## Create an empty object if distr equals NULL
                  if (is.null(distr)) {
                  ## Store informations 
                  .Object@distr.str <- ifelse(is.character(distr), distr, "[S4 class]")
                  .Object@method.str <- method

                  ## Create UNU.RAN object
                  if (is.character(distr)) {
                          .Object@unur <-.Call(C_Runuran_init, .Object, distr, method)
                  } else { if (is(distr, "unuran.distr")) {
                          .Object@unur <-.Call(C_Runuran_init, .Object, distr@distr, method)
                          .Object@distr <- distr
                  } else {
                          stop("'distr' must be a character string or a Runuran distribution object", call.=FALSE)

                  ## Check UNU.RAN object
                  if (is.null(.Object@unur)) {
                          stop("Cannot create UNU.RAN object", call.=FALSE)
                  ## return new UNU.RAN object
          } )

## Shortcut
unuran.new <- function(distr,method="auto") {

## Validity -----------------------------------------------------------------

## Sampling -----------------------------------------------------------------

## ur
## ( We avoid using a method as this has an expensive overhead. )
ur <- function(unr,n=1) { 
    .Call(C_Runuran_sample, unr, n)

## unuran.sample: deprecated name for ur()
unuran.sample <- function(unr,n=1) { 
    .Call(C_Runuran_sample, unr, n)

## Quantile -----------------------------------------------------------------

## uq
uq <- function(unr,U) { 
    if (!is(unr, "unuran")) {
        stop("argument 'unr' must be UNU.RAN object; method not implemented for distribution objects")

    .Call(C_Runuran_quantile, unr, U)

## PDF & PMF ----------------------------------------------------------------

## ud
ud <- function(obj,x,islog=FALSE) {
    if (is(obj, "unuran.cmv")) {
        stop("method not implemented for objects of class 'unuran.cmv'")
    if (! (is(obj, "unuran") || is(obj, "unuran.distr")) ) {
        ## we need one of "unuran", "unuran.cont", "unuran.discr"
        stop("argument 'obj' must be UNU.RAN object")

    .Call(C_Runuran_PDF, obj, x, islog)

## CDF ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## up
up <- function(obj,x) {
    if (is(obj, "unuran.cmv")) {
        stop("method not implemented for objects of class 'unuran.cmv'")
    if (! (is(obj, "unuran") || is(obj, "unuran.distr")) ) {
        ## we need one of "unuran", "unuran.cont", "unuran.discr"
        stop("argument 'obj' must be UNU.RAN object")
    .Call(C_Runuran_CDF, obj, x)

## Packing ------------------------------------------------------------------

## We have the following two situtations for
## slots 'unur', 'data', and 'dom':
## 1. Runuran object is NOT PACKED:
##    'unur' ... contains pointer to UNU.RAN object
##    'data' ... is set to NULL
##    'dom'  ... is ignored
## 2. Runuran object is PACKED:
##    'unur' ... contains NULL pointer '(nil)'
##    'data' ... contains list of coefficients
##    'dom'  ... contains domain of distribution
## Otherwise, if 'unur' points to '(nil)' and 'data' is still set to NULL
## then the Runuran object is assumed to be 'empty'.
## (This happens if an unuran object is created with distr=NULL.)
## It should not happen that both 'unur' and 'data' contain non-NULL objects.
## ..........................................................................

## unuran.packed
##    Some Runuran object can be packed such that all data are stored as 
##    R object (and thus can be copied and saved within R)
        setGeneric("unuran.packed", function(unr) standardGeneric("unuran.packed"))

setMethod("unuran.packed", "unuran", 
          function(unr) {
            if (is.null(unr@data)) return(FALSE)
          } )

        setGeneric("unuran.packed<-", function(unr, value) standardGeneric("unuran.packed<-"))

setReplaceMethod("unuran.packed", "unuran", 
                 function(unr, value) {
                   value <- as.logical(value)
                   is.packed <- !is.null(unr@data)

                   if (value && is.packed) {
                     warning("[UNU.RAN - warning] object already PACKED", call.=FALSE)
                   if (!value && is.packed) {
                     ## we cannot unpack object data
                     stop("[UNU.RAN - error] Cannot unpack 'unuran' object", call.=FALSE)
                   if (value && !is.packed) {
                     ## pack data
                     .Call(C_Runuran_pack, unr)
                   ## otherwise: nothing to do
                   return (unr)
                 } )

## Second (auxiliary) URNG  -------------------------------------------------

  setGeneric("use.aux.urng", function(unr) standardGeneric("use.aux.urng"))

setMethod("use.aux.urng", "unuran", 
          function(unr) {
                  .Call(C_Runuran_use_aux_urng, unr, NULL)
          } )

        setGeneric("use.aux.urng<-", function(unr, value) standardGeneric("use.aux.urng<-"))
setReplaceMethod("use.aux.urng", "unuran", 
                 function(unr, value) {
                         value <- as.logical(value)
                         .Call(C_Runuran_use_aux_urng, unr, value)
                         return (unr)
                 } )

set.aux.seed <- function(seed) {
        seed <- as.integer(seed)
        if (seed <= 0) stop("seed must be positive integer");
        invisible(.Call(C_Runuran_set_aux_seed, seed))

## Printing -----------------------------------------------------------------

## print strings of UNU.RAN object
setMethod( "print", "unuran",
          function(x, ...) {
            cat("\nObject is UNU.RAN object:\n")
            cat("\tmethod:   ",x@method.str,"\n")
            cat("\tdistr:    ",x@distr.str,"\n")
            cat(.Call(C_Runuran_print, x, FALSE))
} )

setMethod( "show", "unuran",
          function(object) { print(object) } )

## unuran.details
## (print for information and hints)
unuran.details <- function(unr, show=TRUE, return.list=FALSE, debug=FALSE) {
    if (! is(unr,"unuran")) {
        .Runuran.stop("Argument 'unr' must be of class 'unuran'.")
    if (isTRUE(show)) {
    cat("\nObject is UNU.RAN object:\n")
    cat("\tmethod:   ",unr@method.str,"\n")
    cat("\tdistr:    ",unr@distr.str,"\n")
    info <- .Call(C_Runuran_print, unr, TRUE)
  if (isTRUE(return.list) || isTRUE(debug)) {
    data <- .Call(C_Runuran_performance, unr, debug)

## Mixture ------------------------------------------------------------------

## UNU.RAN meta method for sampling from a mixture of distributions

mixt.new <- function (prob, comp, inversion=FALSE) {

  ## Check arguments
  if (length(prob) != length(comp))
    stop ("'prob' and 'comp' must have same length")
  if (! is.numeric(prob))
    stop ("invalid argment 'prob'")
  if (! is.list(comp))
    stop ("invalid argment 'comp'")

  if (! is(comp[[1]],"unuran")) {
    if (is(comp[[1]],"unuran.distr")) {
      stop ("invalid argment: 'comp' must be list of generators not of distributions")
    } else {
      stop ("invalid argment: 'comp' must be list of generators")
  ## Create empty "unuran" object.
  obj <- new("unuran",distr=NULL)
  ## Store informations 
  obj@distr.str <- "mixture of distributions"
  obj@method.str <- "mixt"

  ## Create UNU.RAN object
  obj@unur <- .Call(C_Runuran_mixt, obj, prob, comp, inversion)
  if (is.null(obj@unur)) {
    stop("Cannot create UNU.RAN object", call.=FALSE)

  ## Return new UNU.RAN object

## Check hat function -------------------------------------------------------

## verify hat and squeeze of a rejection method.
## it counts the number of violations, i.e.,
## when (hat(x) < density(x) or squeeze(x) > density(x))

unuran.verify.hat <- function (unr, n=1e5, show = TRUE) {

  ## check arguments
  if (! is(unr,"unuran")) {
      stop ("invalid argument 'unr'");
  if (! (is.numeric(n) && n>10) ) {
      stop ("invalid sample size 'n'");

  ## run test
  failed <- .Call(C_Runuran_verify_hat, unr, n)
  ratio <- failed / n
  perc <- round(100*ratio,digits=2)

  ## print diagnostics
  if (isTRUE(show)) {
    cat ("\n  Check inequality squeeze(x) <= density(x) <= hat(x) \n  for automatic rejection method:\n\n")
    cat ("\t ",failed," out of ",n," (= ",perc,"%) points failed.\n\n", sep="")

    if (isTRUE(all.equal(failed,0))) {
      cat ("\t No problems have been detected!\n\n")
    else if (ratio < 1e-4) {
      cat ("\t Some points failed!\n")
      cat ("\t Probably there are a few round-off errors.\n\n")
    else if (ratio < 1e-3) {
      cat ("\t Some points failed!\n")
      cat ("\t These might be round-off errors.\n\n")
    else if (ratio < 1e-2) {
      cat ("\t Points failed!\n")
      cat ("\t These might be round-off errors but the\n")
      cat ("\t sampling distribution could deviate from the requested one.\n\n")
    else {
      cat ("\t Verifying hat and squeeze failed!\n")
      cat ("\t The generator does not sample from the \n")
      cat ("\t requested distribution!\n\n")

  ## return ratio

## Test for inversion method ------------------------------------------------

## Test whether given unuran object implements an (approximate) inversion
## method.

unuran.is.inversion <- function (unr) {

    ## check arguments
    if ( !is(unr, "unuran")) {
        stop ("invalid argument 'unr'");

    ## return result

## End ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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Runuran documentation built on Jan. 17, 2023, 5:17 p.m.