Rvmminb <- function(par, fn, gr = NULL, lower = NULL,
upper = NULL, bdmsk = NULL, control = list(), ...) {
# Author: John C Nash
# Date: , April 14, 2018 -- update to fix infinite loop
## An R version of the Nash version of Fletcher's Variable
# Metric minimization -- bounds constrained parameters
# This uses a simple backtracking line search.
# Input:
# par = a vector containing the starting point
# fn = objective function (assumed to be sufficiently
# differentiable)
# gr = gradient of objective function, provided as a function
# or the character name of a numerical approximation function
# lower = vector of lower bounds on parameters
# upper = vector of upper bounds on parameters
# Note: free parameters outside bounds will be adjusted to
# bounds unless control$keepinputpar = TRUE.
# bdmsk = control vector for bounds and masks. Parameters
# for which bdmsk are 1 are unconstrained or 'free',
# those with bdmsk 0 are masked i.e., fixed.
# For historical reasons, we use the same array as an
# indicator that a parameter is at a lower bound (-3)
# or upper bound (-1)
# # control = list of control parameters
# maxit = a limit on the number of iterations (default 500)
# trace = 0 (default) for no output,
# > 0 for output (bigger => more output)
# dowarn=TRUE by default. Set FALSE to suppress warnings.
# eps = a tolerance used for judging small gradient norm
# (default = 1e-07). See code for usage.
# maxit = a limit on the gradient evaluations (default
# 500 + 2*n )
# maxfeval = a limit on the function evaluations (default
# 3000 + 10*n )
# maximize = TRUE to maximize the function (default FALSE)
# reltest = 100.0 (default). Additive shift for equality test.
# stopbadupdate = TRUE (default). Don't stop when steepest
# descent search point results in failed inverse
# Hessian update
# Output:
# A list with components:
# par: The best set of parameters found.
# value: The value of 'fn' corresponding to 'par'.
# counts: A two-element integer vector giving the number of
# calls to 'fn' and 'gr' respectively. This excludes those calls
# needed to compute the Hessian, if requested, and any
# calls to 'fn' to compute a finite-difference approximation
# to the gradient.
# convergence: An integer termination code.
# '0' indicates that Rvmmin judges that successful
# termination has been obtained.
# other termination codes are
# '0' converged, apparently successfully
# '1' indicates that the maximum iterations 'maxit' or
# function evaluation count 'maxfeval' was reached.
# '2' indicates that a point has been found with small
# gradient norm (< (1 + abs(fmin))*eps*eps )
# '3' indicates approx. inverse Hessian cannot be updated
# at steepest descent iteration (i.e., something
# very wrong)
# '20' indicates initial point is infeasible/inadmissible
# '21' indicates a set of parameters has been tried that
# are infeasible (function cannot be computed)
# message: A character string giving any additional
# information returned by the optimizer, or 'NULL'.
# bdmsk: Returned index describing the status of bounds and
# masks at the proposed solution. Parameters for which
# bdmsk are 1 are unconstrained or 'free', those with
# bdmsk 0 are masked i.e., fixed. For historical
# reasons, we indicate a parameter is at a lower bound
# using -3 or upper bound using -1.
# control defaults
n <- as.integer(length(par)) # number of elements in par vector
maxit <- 500 + 2L * n
maxfeval <- 3000 + 10L * n
ctrl <- list(maxit = maxit, maxfeval = maxfeval, maximize = FALSE,
trace = 0, eps = 1e-07, dowarn = TRUE, acctol = 0.0001, stepredn=0.2,
reltest=100.0, stopbadupdate = TRUE)
namc <- names(control)
if (!all(namc %in% names(ctrl)))
stop("unknown names in control: ", namc[!(namc %in% names(ctrl))])
ctrl[namc] <- control #
maxit <- ctrl$maxit #
maxfeval <- ctrl$maxfeval #
maximize <- ctrl$maximize # TRUE to maximize the function
trace <- ctrl$trace #
eps <- ctrl$eps #
acctol <- ctrl$acctol # 130125
dowarn <- ctrl$dowarn #
stepredn <- ctrl$stepredn
reltest <- ctrl$reltest
stopbadupdate <- ctrl$stopbadupdate
fargs <- list(...) # the ... arguments that are extra function / gradient data
# check if there are bounds
if (is.null(lower) || !any(is.finite(lower)))
nolower = TRUE
else nolower = FALSE
if (is.null(upper) || !any(is.finite(upper)))
noupper = TRUE
else noupper = FALSE
if (nolower && noupper && all(bdmsk == 1)) {
bounds = FALSE
stop("Do not use Rvmminb() without bounds.")
} else { bounds = TRUE }
cat("trace=",trace,"\n") # This is not picked up -- Why?
if (trace > 1) {
cat("Bounds: nolower = ", nolower, " noupper = ", noupper,
" bounds = ", bounds, "\n")
## Set working parameters (See CNM Alg 22)
if (trace > 0) {
cat("Rvmminb -- J C Nash 2009-2015 - an R implementation of Alg 21\n") }
bvec <- par # copy the parameter vector
n <- length(bvec) # number of elements in par vector
if (trace > 0) {
cat("Problem of size n=", n, " Dot arguments:\n")
ifn <- 1 # count function evaluations
stepredn <- 0.2 # Step reduction in line search
reltest <- 100 # relative equality test
ceps <- .Machine$double.eps * reltest
dblmax <- .Machine$double.xmax # used to flag bad function
# gr MUST be provided
if (is.null(gr)) { # if gr function is not provided STOP
stop("A gradient calculation (analytic or numerical) MUST be provided for Rvmminb")
if (is.character(gr)) { # assume numerical gradient
# Convert string to function call, assuming it is a numerical gradient function
if (trace > 0) cat("WARNING: using gradient approximation '",gr,"'\n")
mygr<-function(par=par, userfn=fn, ...){, list(par, userfn, ...))
} else {
} # end else
############# end test gr ####################
# Assume bounds already checked 150108
f<-try(fn(bvec, ...), silent=TRUE) # Compute the function.
if ((class(f) == "try-error") | | is.null(f) | is.infinite(f)) {
msg <- "Initial point gives inadmissible function value"
conv <- 20
if (trace > 0)
cat(msg, "\n") # change NA to dblmax 110524
ans <- list(bvec, dblmax, c(ifn, 0), conv, msg, bdmsk) #
names(ans) <- c("par", "value", "counts", "convergence",
"message", "bdmsk")
if (maximize) f <- -f
if (trace > 0) cat("Initial fn=", f, "\n")
if (trace > 2) print(bvec)
keepgoing <- TRUE # to ensure loop continues until we are finished
ig <- 1 # count gradient evaluations
ilast <- ig # last time we used gradient as search direction
fmin <- f # needed for numerical gradients
g <- mygr(bvec, ...) # Do we need to use try() ?
if (maximize) g <- -g
if (trace > 2) {
oldstep <- 1
conv <- -1
gnorm <- sqrt(sum(g*g)) ## JN180414
if (trace > 0) cat("ig=",ig," gnorm=",gnorm," ")
if (gnorm < (1 + abs(fmin))*eps*eps ) {
if (trace > 1) cat("Small gradient norm\n")
keepgoing <- FALSE
conv <- 2
while (keepgoing) { ## main loop -- must remember to break out of it!
if (ilast == ig) { # reset the approx. inverse hessian B to unit matrix
B <- diag(1, n, n) # create unit matrix of order n
if (trace > 1) cat("Reset Inv. Hessian approx at ilast = ", ilast, "\n")
fmin <- f
if (trace > 0) cat(" ", ifn, " ", ig, " ", fmin, "\n")
par <- bvec # save parameters
if (!all(is.numeric(g))) {
g <- rep(0, n) # 110619
cat("zeroing gradient because of failure\n")
c <- g # save gradient
## Bounds and masks adjustment of gradient ##
## current version with looping -- later try to vectorize
## if (bounds)
if (trace > 3) {
for (i in 1:n) {
if ((bdmsk[i] == 0)) {
g[i] <- 0
else {
if (bdmsk[i] == 1) {
if (trace > 2)
cat("Parameter ", i, " is free\n")
else {
if ((bdmsk[i] + 2) * g[i] < 0) {
g[i] <- 0 # active mask or constraint
else {
bdmsk[i] <- 1 # freeing parameter i
if (trace > 1)
cat("freeing parameter ", i, "\n")
} # end masking loop on i
if (trace > 3) {
cat("bdmsk adj:")
## end bounds and masks adjustment of gradient
### } # if bounds
t <- as.vector(-B %*% g) # compute search direction
if (!all(is.numeric(t)))
t <- rep(0, n) # 110619
if (trace > 2) {
t[which(bdmsk <= 0)] <- 0 # apply masks and box constraints
if (trace > 2) {
gradproj <- sum(t * g) # gradient projection
if (trace > 1)
cat("Gradproj =", gradproj, "\n")
accpoint <- FALSE # Need this BEFORE gradproj test
if (is.nan(gradproj)) {
warning("gradproj Nan")
gradproj <- 0 # force null
if (gradproj <= 0) {
# Must be going downhill OR be converged
#### Backtrack only Line search ####
changed <- TRUE # Need to set so loop will start
steplength <- oldstep # 131202 - 1 seems best value (Newton step)
while ((f >= fmin) && changed && (!accpoint)) {
# We seek a lower point, but must change parameters too
###if (bounds) { # MUST have bounds in Rvmminb
# Box constraint -- adjust step length for free parameters
for (i in 1:n) { # loop on parameters -- vectorize??
if ((bdmsk[i] == 1) && (t[i] != 0)) {
# only concerned with free parameters and non-zero search dimension
if (t[i] < 0) {
# going down. Look at lower bound
trystep <- (lower[i] - par[i])/t[i] # t[i] < 0 so this is positive
} else {
# going up, check upper bound
trystep <- (upper[i] - par[i])/t[i] # t[i] > 0 so this is positive
if (trace > 2) cat("steplength, trystep:", steplength, trystep, "\n")
steplength <- min(steplength, trystep) # reduce as necessary
} # end steplength reduction
} # end loop on i to reduce step length
# end box constraint adjustment of step length
if (trace > 1) cat("reset steplength=", steplength, "\n")
### } # end if bounds
# end box constraint adjustment of step length
bvec <- par + steplength * t
if (trace > 2) {
cat("new bvec:")
changed <- (!identical((bvec + reltest), (par + reltest)) )
if (trace > 2) cat("changed =",changed,"\n")
if (changed) {
# compute new step, if possible
f <- try(fn(bvec, ...))
if (class(f) == "try-error") f <- .Machine$double.xmax
if (maximize) f <- -f
if (trace > 2) cat("New f=",f," lower = ",(f < fmin),"\n")
ifn <- ifn + 1
if (ifn > maxfeval) {
msg <- "Too many function evaluations"
if (dowarn) warning(msg)
conv <- 1
changed <- FALSE
keepgoing <- FALSE
break # without saving parameters
if (is.infinite(f)) f <- .Machine$double.xmax
if ( | is.null(f) ) {
if (trace > 2) {
cat("Function is not calculable at intermediate bvec:")
msg='Function is not calculable at an intermediate point'
# stop('f is NA')
conv <- 21
f <- dblmax # try big function to escape
keepgoing <- FALSE
if (f < fmin) {
# We have a lower point. Is it 'low enough' i.e.,
# acceptable
accpoint <- (f <= fmin + gradproj * steplength * acctol)
if (trace > 2) cat("accpoint = ", accpoint,"\n")
else {
steplength <- steplength * stepredn
if (trace > 0) cat("*")
} # end changed
else { # NOT changed in step reduction
if (trace > 1) cat("Unchanged in step redn \n")
} # end while ((f >= fmin) && changed )
} # end if gradproj<0
if (accpoint) {
fmin <- f # remember to save the value 150112
# matrix update if acceptable point.
### if (bounds) {
for (i in 1:n) { ## Reactivate constraints?
if (bdmsk[i] == 1) { # only interested in free parameters
# make sure < not <= below to avoid Inf comparisons
if ((bvec[i] - lower[i]) < ceps * (abs(lower[i]) + 1)) {
# are we near or lower than lower bd
if (trace > 2) cat("(re)activate lower bd ", i, " at ", lower[i], "\n")
bdmsk[i] <- -3
} # end lower bd reactivate
if ((upper[i] - bvec[i]) < ceps * (abs(upper[i]) + 1)) {
# are we near or above upper bd
if (trace > 2) cat("(re)activate upper bd ", i," at ", upper[i], "\n")
bdmsk[i] <- -1
} # end lower bd reactivate
} # end test on free params
} # end reactivate constraints loop
### } # if bounds
test <- try(g <- mygr(bvec, ...), silent = TRUE)
if (class(test) == "try-error") stop("Bad gradient!!")
if (any(is.nan(g))) stop("NaN in gradient")
ig <- ig + 1
if (maximize) g <- -g
if (ig > maxit) {
keepgoing = FALSE
msg = "Too many gradient evaluations"
if (dowarn) warning(msg)
conv <- 1
par <- bvec # save parameters since point acceptable
g[which(bdmsk <= 0)] <- 0 # adjust for active mask or constraint
gnorm <- sqrt(sum(g*g)) ## JN131202
if (trace > 0) cat("ig=",ig," gnorm=",gnorm," ")
if (gnorm < (1 + abs(fmin))*eps*eps ) {
if (trace > 1) cat("Small gradient norm\n")
keepgoing <- FALSE
conv <- 2
## 150107 check on breakout
## if (! keepgoing) stop("break with small gnorm failed")
t <- as.vector(steplength * t)
c <- as.vector(g - c)
D1 <- sum(t * c)
if (D1 > 0) {
y <- as.vector(crossprod(B, c))
D2 <- as.double(1+crossprod(c,y)/D1)
# as.double because D2 is a 1 by 1 matrix otherwise
# May be able to be more efficient below -- need to use
# outer function
B <- B - (outer(t, y) + outer(y, t) - D2 * outer(t, t))/D1
else {
if (trace > 0)
cat("UPDATE NOT POSSIBLE: ilast, ig",ilast, ig,"\n")
if (ig == ilast+1) {
if (stopbadupdate && ! accpoint) keepgoing=FALSE # stop on update failure for s.d. search
if (trace > 2) cat("keepgoing = ",keepgoing,"\n")
conv <- 3
ilast <- ig # note gradient evaluation when update failed
} # D1 > 0 test
} # end if accpoint
else { # no acceptable point
if (trace > 0) cat("No acceptable point\n")
if ( (ig == ilast) || (abs(gradproj) < (1 + abs(fmin))*ctrl$eps*ctrl$eps ) ) { # remove ig > 2
# we reset to gradient and did new linesearch
keepgoing <- FALSE # no progress possible
if (conv < 0) { # conv == -1 is used to indicate it is not set
conv <- 0
msg <- "Converged"
if (trace > 0) cat(msg, "\n")
} # end ig == ilast
else {
ilast <- ig # reset to gradient search
if (trace > 0) cat("Reset to gradient search\n")
} # end else ig != ilast
} # end else no accpoint
} # end main loop (while keepgoing)
if (maximize) fmin <- (-1) * fmin
if (trace > 0) cat("Seem to be done Rvmminb\n")
msg <- "Rvmminb appears to have converged"
counts <- c(ifn, ig)
names(counts) <- c("function", "gradient")
ans <- list(par, fmin, counts, convergence=conv, msg, bdmsk)
names(ans) <- c("par", "value", "counts", "convergence",
"message", "bdmsk")
ans #return(ans)
} ## end of Rvmminb
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