
#' @import MSEtool
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom TMB MakeADFun sdreport
#' @importFrom graphics arrows abline points lines legend text title mtext axTicks axis box contour hist 
#' layout matlines matplot par polygon segments
#' @importFrom stats acf coef cov cov2cor dbeta density dlnorm dnorm formula integrate lm median nlminb nls 
#' optimHess optimize plogis pnorm predict qlogis qnorm quantile rbeta rnorm sd setNames uniroot weighted.mean
#' @importFrom utils browseURL globalVariables packageVersion
setClassUnion("sdreportAssess", members = c("character", "sdreport"))
setClassUnion("optAssess", members = c("list", "character"))
setClassUnion("vectormatrix", members = c("vector", "matrix"))

#' Class-`Assessment`
#' An S4 class that contains assessment output. Created from a function of class `Assess`.
#' @name Assessment-class
#' @docType class
#' @slot Model Name of the assessment model.
#' @slot Name Name of Data object.
#' @slot conv Logical. Whether the assessment model converged (defined by whether TMB returned a
#' positive-definite covariance matrix for the model).
#' @slot UMSY Estimate of exploitation at maximum sustainable yield.
#' @slot FMSY Estimate of instantaneous fishing mortality rate at maximum sustainable yield.
#' @slot MSY Estimate of maximum sustainable yield.
#' @slot BMSY Biomass at maximum sustainable yield.
#' @slot SSBMSY Spawning stock biomass at maximum sustainable yield.
#' @slot VBMSY Vulnerable biomass at maximum sustainable yield.
#' @slot B0 Biomass at unfished equilibrium.
#' @slot R0 Recruitment at unfished equilibrium.
#' @slot N0 Abundance at unfished equilibrium.
#' @slot SSB0 Spawning stock biomass at unfished equilibrium.
#' @slot VB0 Vulnerable biomass at unfished equilibrium.
#' @slot h Steepness.
#' @slot U Time series of exploitation.
#' @slot U_UMSY Time series of relative exploitation.
#' @slot FMort Time series of instantaneous fishing mortality.
#' @slot F_FMSY Time series of fishing mortality relative to MSY.
#' @slot B Time series of biomass.
#' @slot B_BMSY Time series of biomass relative to MSY.
#' @slot B_B0 Time series of depletion.
#' @slot SSB Time series of spawning stock biomass.
#' @slot SSB_SSBMSY Time series of spawning stock biomass relative to MSY.
#' @slot SSB_SSB0 Time series of spawning stock depletion.
#' @slot VB Time series of vulnerable biomass.
#' @slot VB_VBMSY Time series of vulnerable biomass relative to MSY.
#' @slot VB_VB0 Time series of vulnerable biomass depletion.
#' @slot R Time series of recruitment.
#' @slot N Time series of population abundance.
#' @slot N_at_age Time series of numbers-at-age matrix.
#' @slot Selectivity Selectivity-at-age matrix.
#' @slot Obs_Catch Observed catch.
#' @slot Obs_Index Observed index.
#' @slot Obs_C_at_age Observed catch-at-age matrix.
#' @slot Catch Predicted catch.
#' @slot Index Predicted index.
#' @slot C_at_age Predicted catch-at-age matrix.
#' @slot Dev A vector of estimated deviation parameters.
#' @slot Dev_type A description of the deviation parameters, e.g. "log recruitment deviations".
#' @slot NLL Negative log-likelihood. A vector for the total likelihood, integrated across random effects if applicable, components,
#' and penalty term (applied when `U > 0.975` in any year).
#' @slot SE_UMSY Standard error of UMSY estimate.
#' @slot SE_FMSY Standard error of FMSY estimate.
#' @slot SE_MSY Standard error of MSY estimate.
#' @slot SE_U_UMSY Standard error of U/UMSY.
#' @slot SE_F_FMSY Standard error of F/FMSY.
#' @slot SE_B_BMSY Standard error of B/BMSY.
#' @slot SE_B_B0 Standard error of B/B0.
#' @slot SE_SSB_SSBMSY Standard error of SSB/SSBMSY.
#' @slot SE_SSB_SSB0 Standard error of SSB/SSB0.
#' @slot SE_VB_VBMSY Standard error of VB/VBMSY.
#' @slot SE_VB_VB0 Standard error of VB/VB0.
#' @slot SE_Dev A vector of standard errors of the deviation parameters.
#' @slot info A list containing the data and starting values of estimated parameters
#' for the assessment.
#' @slot forecast A list containing components for forecasting:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `per_recruit` A data frame of SPR (spawning potential ratio) and YPR (yield-per-recruit), calculated for
#' a range of exploitation rate of 0 - 0.99 or instantaneous F from 0 - 2.5 FMSY. 
#' \item `catch_eq` A function that calculates the catch for the next year (after the model terminal year) when an
#' apical F is provided. 
#' }
#' @slot obj A list with components returned from [TMB::MakeADFun()].
#' @slot opt A list with components from calling [stats::nlminb()] to `obj`.
#' @slot SD A list (class sdreport) with parameter estimates and their standard errors, obtained from
#' [TMB::sdreport()].
#' @slot TMB_report A list of model output reported from the TMB executable, i.e. `obj$report()`, and derived quantities (e.g. MSY).
#' @slot dependencies A character string of data types required for the assessment.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' output <- DD_TMB(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData)
#' class(output)
#' }
#' @seealso [plot.Assessment] [summary.Assessment] [retrospective] [profile] [make_MP]
#' @author Q. Huynh
#' @export Assessment
#' @exportClass Assessment
Assessment <- setClass("Assessment",
                       slots = c(Model = "character", Name = "character", conv = "logical", UMSY = "numeric", FMSY = "numeric",
                                 MSY = "numeric", BMSY = "numeric", SSBMSY = "numeric", VBMSY = "numeric",
                                 B0 = "numeric", R0 = "numeric", N0 = "numeric", SSB0 = "numeric", VB0 = "numeric",
                                 h = "numeric", U = "numeric", U_UMSY = "numeric", FMort = "numeric", F_FMSY  = "numeric",
                                 B = "numeric", B_BMSY = "numeric", B_B0 = "numeric",
                                 SSB = "numeric", SSB_SSBMSY = "numeric", SSB_SSB0 = "numeric", VB = "numeric",
                                 VB_VBMSY = "numeric", VB_VB0 = "numeric",
                                 R = "numeric", N = "numeric", N_at_age = "matrix",
                                 Selectivity = "matrix", Obs_Catch = "numeric", Obs_Index = "vectormatrix",
                                 Obs_C_at_age = "matrix", Catch = "numeric", Index = "vectormatrix",
                                 C_at_age = "matrix", Dev = "numeric", Dev_type = "character",
                                 NLL = "numeric", SE_UMSY = "numeric", SE_FMSY = "numeric", SE_MSY = "numeric",
                                 SE_U_UMSY = "numeric", SE_F_FMSY = "numeric",
                                 SE_B_BMSY = "numeric", SE_B_B0 = "numeric",
                                 SE_SSB_SSBMSY = "numeric", SE_SSB_SSB0 = "numeric",
                                 SE_VB_VBMSY = "numeric", SE_VB_VB0 = "numeric",
                                 SE_Dev = "numeric", info = "ANY", forecast = "list",
                                 obj = "list", opt = "optAssess", SD = "sdreportAssess",
                                 TMB_report = "list", dependencies = "character"))

setMethod("initialize", "Assessment", function(.Object, ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (length(dots)) {
    for(i in names(dots)) slot(.Object, i) <- dots[[i]]
  attr(.Object, "version") <- paste("SAMtool", packageVersion("SAMtool"), "with MSEtool", packageVersion("MSEtool"))
  attr(.Object, "date") <- date()
  attr(.Object, "R.version") <- getRversion()

#' @name summary.Assessment
#' @title Summary of Assessment object
#' @aliases summary,Assessment-method
#' @description Returns a summary of parameter estimates and output from an [Assessment-class] object.
#' @param object An object of class [Assessment-class]
#' @return A list of parameters.
#' @examples
#' output <- DD_TMB(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData)
#' summary(output)
#' @exportMethod summary
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "Assessment"), function(object) {
  if (is.character(object@opt) || is.character(object@SD)) warning("Did model converge?")
  func <- paste0("summary_", object@Model)
  do.call2(func, list(object))

#setMethod("show", signature(object = "Assessment"), function(object) print(summary(object)))

#' @name plot.Assessment
#' @aliases plot,Assessment,missing-method
#' @title Plot Assessment object
#' @description Produces HTML file (via markdown) figures of parameter estimates and output from an [Assessment-class] object.
#' @param x An object of class [Assessment-class].
#' @param y An object of class [retro-class].
#' @param filename Character string for the name of the markdown and HTML files.
#' @param dir The directory in which the markdown and HTML files will be saved.
#' @param ret_yr If greater than zero, then a retrospective analysis will be performed and results will be reported. The integer here corresponds
#' to the number of peels (the maximum number of terminal years for which the data are removed).
#' @param open_file Logical, whether the HTML document is opened after it is rendered.
#' @param quiet Logical, whether to silence the markdown rendering function.
#' @param render_args Arguments to pass to [render][rmarkdown::render].
#' @param ... Other arguments.
#' @return Returns invisibly the output from [render][rmarkdown::render].
#' @examples
#' output <- DD_TMB(Data = Simulation_1)
#' \donttest{
#' plot(output)
#' }
#' @seealso [retrospective]
#' @exportMethod plot
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "Assessment", y = "missing"),
          function(x, filename = paste0("report_", x@Model), dir = tempdir(), ret_yr = 0L,
                   open_file = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, render_args = list(), ...) {
            # Generating retrospective
            if (is.numeric(ret_yr) && ret_yr > 0) {
              ret_yr <- as.integer(ret_yr)
              message_info("Running retrospective...")
              ret <- retrospective(x, nyr = ret_yr, figure = FALSE)
            } else ret <- NULL
            report(x, ret, filename = filename, dir = dir, open_file = open_file, quiet = quiet, render_args = render_args, ...)

if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
  # Define global variables for Assessment objects

#' Class-`RCMdata`
#' An S4 class for the data inputs into [RCM].
#' @name RCMdata-class
#' @docType class
#' @slot Chist Either a vector of historical catch, should be of length `OM@@nyears`, or if there are multiple fleets,
#' a matrix of `OM@@nyears` rows and `nfleet` columns.
#' Ideally, the first year of the catch series represents unfished conditions (see also slot `C_eq`).
#' @slot C_sd Same dimension as `Chist`. Lognormal distribution standard deviations (by year and fleet) for the catches in `Chist`.
#' If not provided, the default is 0.01. Not used if `RCM(condition = "catch2")`.
#' @slot Ehist A vector of historical effort, should be of length `OM@@nyears`, or if there are multiple fleets: 
#' a matrix of `OM@@nyears` rows and `nfleet` columns. See also slot `E_eq`).
#' @slot CAA Fishery age composition matrix with `nyears` rows and `OM@@maxage+1` columns, or if multiple fleets: 
#' an array with dimension: `nyears, OM@@maxage+1, nfleet`. Enter `NA` for years without any data. 
#' Raw numbers will be converted to annual proportions (see slot `CAA_ESS` for sample sizes).
#' @slot CAA_ESS Annual sample size (for the multinomial distribution) of the fishery age comps. 
#' A vector of length `OM@@nyears`, or if there are multiple fleets: a matrix of `OM@@nyears` rows and `nfleet` columns.
#' Enter zero for years without observations.
#' An annual cap to the ESS, e.g., 50, can be calculated with something like: `pmin(apply(CAA, c(1, 3), sum, na.rm = TRUE), 50)`.
#' By default, 
#' @slot CAL Fishery length composition matrix with `nyears` rows and `n_bin` columns (indexing the length bin), or
#' if multiple fleets: an array with dimension: `nyears, n_bin, nfleets`. Enter `NA` for years without any data.
#' Raw numbers will be converted to annual proportions (see slot `CAL_ESS` for sample sizes).
#' @slot CAL_ESS Annual sample size (for the multinomial distribution) of the fishery length comps. 
#' Same dimension as `CAA_ESS`.
#' @slot length_bin - A vector (length `n_bin`) for the midpoints of the length bins for `CAL` and `IAL`, as well as the population model, if all bin widths are equal in size. 
#' If length bins are unequal in width, then provide a vector of the boundaries of the length bins (vector of length `n_bin + 1`). 
#' @slot MS Mean mean size (either mean length or mean weight) observations from the fishery. Same dimension as `Chist`.
#' Generally, mean lengths should not be used alongside `CAL`, unless mean length and length comps are independently sampled.
#' @slot MS_type A character (either `"length"` (default) or `"weight"`) to denote the type of mean size data.
#' @slot MS_cv The coefficient of variation of the observed mean size. If there are multiple fleets, a vector of length `nfleet`.
#' Default is 0.2.
#' @slot Index Index of abundance. Enter `NA` for missing values. A vector length `OM@@nyears`, or if there are multiple surveys: 
#' a matrix of `OM@@nyears` rows and `nsurvey` columns.
#' @slot I_sd A vector or matrix of standard deviations (lognormal distribution) for the indices corresponding to the entries in `Index`.
#' Same dimension as `Index`. If not provided, this function will use values from `OM@@Iobs`.
#' @slot IAA Index age composition data, an array of dimension `nyears, maxage+1, nsurvey`.
#' Raw numbers will be converted to annual proportions (see `IAA_ESS` for sample sizes).
#' @slot IAA_ESS Annual sample size (for the multinomial distribution) of the index age comps. 
#' A vector of length `OM@@nyears`. If there are multiple indices: a matrix of `OM@@nyears` rows and `nsurvey` columns.
#' @slot IAL Index length composition data, an array of dimension `nyears, n_bin, nsurvey`. 
#' Raw numbers will be converted to annual proportions (see slot `IAL_ESS` to enter sample sizes).
#' @slot IAL_ESS Annual sample size (for the multinomial distribution) of the index length comps. 
#' Same dimension as `IAA_ESS`.
#' @slot C_eq Vector of length `nfleet` for the equilibrium catch for each fleet in `Chist` prior to the first year of the operating model.
#' Zero (default) implies unfished conditions in year one. Otherwise, this is used to estimate depletion in the first year of the data. Alternatively,
#' if one has a full CAA matrix, one could instead estimate "artificial" rec devs to generate the initial numbers-at-age (and hence initial depletion) 
#' in the first year of the model (see additional arguments in [RCM]).
#' @slot C_eq_sd - A vector of standard deviations (lognormal distribution) for the equilibrium catches in `C_eq`.
#' Same dimension as `C_eq`. If not provided, the default is 0.01. Only used if `RCM(condition = "catch")`.
#' @slot E_eq The equilibrium effort for each fleet in `Ehist` prior to the first year of the operating model.
#' Zero (default) implies unfished conditions in year one. Otherwise, this is used to estimate depletion in the first year of the data.
#' @slot abs_I An integer vector length `nsurvey` to indicate which indices are in absolute magnitude. Use `1` to set `q = 1`, 
#' otherwise use 0 (default) to estimate q.
#' @slot I_units An integer vector of length `nsurvey` to indicate whether indices are biomass based (1) or abundance-based (0). By default, all are biomass-based.
#' @slot I_delta A vector of length `nsurvey` to indicate the timing of the indices within each time step (0-1, for example 0.5 is the midpoint of the year). By default, zero is used.
#' Use -1 if the survey operates continuously, the availability would be `N * (1 - exp(-Z))/Z`.
#' @slot age_error A square matrix of `maxage + 1` rows and columns to specify ageing error. The `aa`-th column assigns a proportion of animals of 
#' true age `aa` to observed age `a` in the `a`-th row. Thus, all rows should sum to 1. Default is an identity matrix (no ageing error).
#' @slot sel_block For time-varying fleet selectivity (in time blocks), a integer matrix of `nyears` rows and `nfleet` columns to assign a selectivity 
#' function to a fleet for certain years. By default, constant selectivity for each individual fleet.
#' See the [selectivity](https://openmse.com/tutorial-rcm-select/) article for more details.
#' @slot Misc A list of miscellaneous inputs. Used internally.
#' @seealso [RCM]
#' @author Q. Huynh
#' @export RCMdata
#' @exportClass RCMdata
RCMdata <- setClass("RCMdata", slots = c(Chist = "vectormatrix", C_sd = "vectormatrix", Ehist = "vectormatrix", 
                                         CAA = "array", CAA_ESS = "vectormatrix", 
                                         CAL = "array", CAL_ESS = "vectormatrix", length_bin = "vector", 
                                         MS = "vectormatrix", MS_type = "character", MS_cv = "vectormatrix",
                                         Index = "vectormatrix", I_sd = "vectormatrix", 
                                         IAA = "array", IAA_ESS = "vectormatrix", IAL = "array", IAL_ESS = "vectormatrix",
                                         C_eq = "vector", C_eq_sd = "vector", E_eq = "vector",
                                         abs_I = "vector", I_units = "vector", I_delta = "vector", age_error = "matrix", sel_block = "matrix",
                                         Misc = "list"))

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