
Defines functions depthfilter

Documented in depthfilter

#' @aliases depthfilter
#' @title Filter locations by water depth
#' @description Function to filter locations according to bathymetry and tide.
#' @param sdata A data frame containing columns with the following headers: "id", "DateTime", "lat", "lon", "qi". 
#' See the data \code{\link{turtle}} for an example.
#' The function filters the input data by a unique "id" (e.g. transmitter number, identifier for each animal). 
#' "DateTime" is the GMT date & time of each location in class \code{\link[base:DateTimeClasses]{POSIXct}} or \code{\link[base]{character}} with the following format "2012-06-03 01:33:46".
#' "lat" and "lon" are the latitude and longitude of each location in decimal degrees. 
#' "qi" is the quality index associated with each location fix. 
#' The input values can be either the number of GPS satellites or Argos Location Classes. 
#' Argos Location Classes will be converted to numerical values, where "A", "B", "Z" will be replaced with "-1", "-2", "-3" respectively.
#' The greater number indicates a higher accuracy. 
#' @param bathymetry A stars object containing bathymetric data in metres. 
#' Negative and positive values indicate below and above the water respectively. 
#' Geographic coordinate system is WGS84.
#' @param bilinear Logical. This defines a method for how to extract cell values from the \emph{bathymetry} layer.  
#' Options are bilinear (TRUE) or nearest neighbour (False) as inherited from \code{\link[stars]{st_extract}}.
#' @param tide A data frame containing columns with the following headers: "tideDT", "reading", "standard.port". 
#' "tideDT" is date & time in class \code{\link[base:DateTimeClasses]{POSIXct}} at each observation. "reading" is the observed tidal height in metres. 
#' "standard.port" is the identifier of each tidal station.
#' @param qi An integer specifying a threshold of quality index. 
#' \emph{depthfilter} does not filter a location that is associated with a quality index higher than this threshold. 
#' Default is 4.
#' @param type The type of water depth considered in the filtering process.
#' "exp" is for the water depth experienced by the animal at the time.
#' This option may be applicable to species that remain in water at all times (e.g. dugongs, dolphins, etc).
#' "HT" is for the water depth at the nearest high tide (default). 
#' This option is useful for animals that use inter-tidal zones at high tide and may remain there even after the tide drops (e.g. some sea turtles).
#' @param height A numerical value to adjust the water depth an animal is likely to use. Default is 0 m. 
#' This parameter is useful if the minimum water depth used by the animal is known. 
#' For example, a dugong is unlikely to use water shallower than its body height (e.g. ~0.5 m)
#' so it may be sensible to consider the fix is an error if the estimated water depth is shallower than its body height.
#' A negative value indicates below the water surface. 
#' For the dugong example, to remove locations for which the water depth was <0.5 m, 
#' it should be specified as; height = -0.5.
#' By supplying the body height to this argument, all the locations recorded shallower than its body will be removed. 
#' @param tidal.plane A data frame containing columns with the following headers: 
#' "standard.port", "secondary.port", "lat", "lon", "timeDiff", "datumDiff". 
#' "standard.port" is the identifier for a tidal observation station. 
#' "secondary.port" is the identifier for a station at which tide is only predicted using tidal records observed at the related standard port. 
#' "lat" and "lon" are the latitude and longitude of each secondary port in decimal degrees. 
#' "timeDiff" is the time difference between standard port and its associated secondary port. 
#' "datumDiff" is the baseline difference in metres if bathymetry and tidal observations/predictions 
#' uses different datum (e.g. LAT and MSL). 
#' @param filter Default is TRUE. 
#' If FALSE, the function does not filter locations but it still returns estimates of the water depth experienced by the animal at each location.
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom stars st_extract
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf st_distance
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @export
#' @details The function examines each location according to the water depth experienced by the animal or the water depth at the nearest high tide. 
#' The function looks for the closest match between each fix and tidal observations or predictions in temporal and spatial scales. 
#' When \emph{filter} is disabled, the function does not filter locations but returns the estimated water depth of each location with 
#' the tide effect considered (bathymetry + tide). 
#' @return When \emph{filter} option is enabled, this function filters the input data and returns with two additional columns; "depth.exp", "depth.HT". 
#' "depth.exp" is the estimated water depth at each location at the time of location fixing. 
#' "depth.HT" is the estimated water depth at the nearest high tide at each location. 
#' @author Takahiro Shimada
#' @note The input data must not contain temporal or spatial duplicates.
#' @references Shimada T, Limpus C, Jones R, Hazel J, Groom R, Hamann M (2016) 
#' Sea turtles return home after intentional displacement from coastal foraging areas. 
#' \emph{Marine Biology} 163:1-14 \doi{10.1007/s00227-015-2771-0}
#' @references Beaman, R.J. (2010) Project 3DGBR: A high-resolution depth model for the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. 
#' \emph{Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility (MTSRF) Project 2.5i.1a Final Report}, MTSRF, Cairns, Australia, pp. 13 plus Appendix 1.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dupfilter}}, \code{\link{ddfilter}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #### Load data sets
#' ## Fastloc GPS data obtained from a green turtle
#' data(turtle)
#' ## Bathymetry model developed by Beaman (2010)
#' data(bathymodel)
#' ## A tidal plane for the example site
#' data(tidalplane)
#' ## Tidal observations and predictions for the example site
#' data(tidedata)
#' ## Maps for the example site
#' data(SandyStrait)
#' #### Remove temporal and/or spatial duplicates and biologically unrealistic fixes 
#' turtle.dd <- ddfilter(dupfilter(turtle))
#' #### Apply depthfilter
#' turtle <- depthfilter(sdata = turtle.dd, bathymetry = bathymodel, 
#' tide = tidedata, tidal.plane = tidalplane)
#' #### Plot data removed or retained by depthfilter
#' to_map(turtle.dd, bgmap = SandyStrait, point.bg = "red", point.size = 2, line.size = 0.5, 
#'         axes.lab.size = 0, title.size = 0, multiplot = FALSE)[[1]] + 
#' geom_point(aes(x = lon, y = lat), data = turtle, size = 2, fill = "yellow", shape = 21)+
#' geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y), data = data.frame(x = c(152.68, 152.68), y = c(-25.3, -25.34)), 
#'            size = 3, fill = c("yellow", "red"), shape = 21) + 
#' annotate("text", x = c(152.7, 152.7), y = c(-25.3, -25.34), label = c("Retained", "Removed"), 
#'          colour = "black", size = 4, hjust = 0)

depthfilter <- function(sdata, bathymetry, bilinear = TRUE, qi = 4, tide, tidal.plane, type = "HT", height = 0, filter = TRUE) {
  ## Original sample size
  OriginalSS <- nrow(sdata)
  ## qi format
  sdata <- within(sdata, {
    qi[qi %in% "A"] <- "-1"
    qi[qi %in% "B"] <- "-2"
    qi[qi %in% "Z"] <- "-3"
    qi <- as.numeric(as.character(qi))
  ## Date & time
  sdata$DateTime <- with(sdata, as.POSIXct(DateTime, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "GMT"))
  tide$tideDT <- with(tide, as.POSIXct(tideDT, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "GMT"))
  ### Sort data in alphabetical and chronological order
  # Animal data
  sdata <- with(sdata, sdata[order(id, DateTime),])
  row.names(sdata) <- 1:nrow(sdata)
  # tidal data
  tide <- with(tide, tide[order(standard.port, tideDT),])
  row.names(tide) <- 1:nrow(tide)
  # tidal plane
  tidal.plane <- with(tidal.plane, tidal.plane[order(standard.port, secondary.port),])
  row.names(tidal.plane) <- 1:nrow(tidal.plane) 
  ### Set lat and lon as a "sf" object
  # Animal data
  LatLong <- sf::st_as_sf(sdata, coords = c('lon', 'lat'), crs = 4326)

  # tidal data
  LatLong.tide <- sf::st_as_sf(tidal.plane, coords = c('lon', 'lat'), crs = 4326)

  ### extract bathymetry at each animal location
  sdata$bathy <- stars::st_extract(bathymetry, LatLong, bilinear = bilinear)[[1]]

  ### Find the nearest tidal station for each animal location  
  # Get nearest tidal ports
  distance.to.ports <- sf::st_distance(LatLong, LatLong.tide)
  rm(LatLong, LatLong.tide)
  if(nrow(tidal.plane) == 1){
    np.index <- 1 
  } else {
    np.index <- apply(distance.to.ports, 1, which.min)    
  sdata$nearest.port <- tidal.plane[np.index, "secondary.port"]
  rm(np.index, distance.to.ports)
  np.list <- levels(factor(sdata$nearest.port))
  # Get the names of standard ports associated to the nearest ports
  s.index <- match(sdata$nearest.port, tidal.plane$secondary.port)
  sdata$standard.port <- tidal.plane[s.index, "standard.port"]
  ### Subset tidal data according to the range of animal data
  sp.list <- levels(factor(sdata$standard.port))
  tide <- tide[tide$standard.port %in% sp.list,]
  trimTide <- function(j){
      MaxInterval <- max(diff(tide[tide$standard.port %in% j, "tideDT"]))
      units(MaxInterval) <- "mins"
      minDateTime <- min(sdata[sdata$standard.port %in% j, "DateTime"])-MaxInterval
      maxDateTime <- max(sdata[sdata$standard.port %in% j, "DateTime"])+MaxInterval
      with(tide, tide[tideDT >= minDateTime & tideDT <= maxDateTime & standard.port %in% j,])
  tide.list <- lapply(sp.list, trimTide)
  tide <- dplyr::bind_rows(tide.list)
  rm(sp.list, trimTide, tide.list)
  ### Organize tidal data
  # Calculate difference in tide to a subsequent record
  tide$range <- unlist(tapply(tide$reading, tide$standard.port, function(x) c(diff(x),NA)))   
  # Calculate tidal height increment per minute
  Interval <- unlist(tapply(tide$tideDT, tide$standard.port, function(x) c(as.numeric(diff(x)),NA)))
  tide$increment <- tide$range/Interval
  ## Estimate tide at secondary ports
  GetTideSP <- function(j){
      pri.port <- with(tidal.plane, tidal.plane[secondary.port %in% j, "standard.port"])
      sec.port <- with(tidal.plane, tidal.plane[secondary.port %in% j, "secondary.port"])
      tide.sub <- tide[tide$standard.port %in% pri.port,]
      timeDiff <- with(tidal.plane[tidal.plane$secondary.port %in% sec.port,], timeDiff)
      tide.sub$tideDT <- tide.sub$tideDT+timeDiff*60
      tide.sub$secondary.port <- sec.port
  tideS.list <- lapply(np.list, GetTideSP)
  tide.s <- dplyr::bind_rows(tideS.list)
  rm(GetTideSP, tideS.list)
  #### Estimate water depth with the tide accounted for
  ### Actual water depth
  # Estimate tidal height at each location 
  tide.s$tideDT1 <- tide.s$tideDT
  sdata$DateTime1 <- sdata$DateTime
  DateTime <- increment <- reading <- rm2 <- rm3 <- tideDT <- NULL
  tidalHeight <- function(j){
      ## Make data tables
      tide.dt <- data.table::data.table(tide.s[tide.s$secondary.port %in% j,], key = "tideDT1")
      sdata.dt <- data.table::data.table(sdata[sdata$nearest.port %in% j,], key = "DateTime1")
      ## Get the differences in time between each location and tidal reading at secondary ports
      estTide <- tide.dt[sdata.dt, list(DateTime, tideDT, reading, increment), roll = "nearest"]
      estTide$gap.time <- with(estTide, as.numeric(difftime(tideDT, DateTime, units = "mins")))
      ## Estimate tidal adjustment for each location
      sdata.dt$adj.reading <- with(estTide, reading+increment*gap.time)
  sdataDT.list <- lapply(np.list, tidalHeight)
  sdata <- dplyr::bind_rows(sdataDT.list)
  rm(tidalHeight, sdataDT.list)
  # Estimate actual depth of each location with tide effect
  d.index <- match(sdata$nearest.port, tidal.plane$secondary.port)
  adj.datum <- tidal.plane[d.index, "datumDiff"]
  sdata$depth.exp <- with(sdata, bathy+adj.datum-adj.reading)
  if(isTRUE(filter) && type %in% "HT"){
      ### Water depth at closest high tide
      ## Organize tidal data
      #Estimate high tide at each port: (0 = High, 1 = others)
      peakTide <- function(j){
          tide.temp <- tide.s[tide.s$secondary.port %in% j,]
          Interval <- as.numeric(with(tide.temp, difftime(tide.temp[2, "tideDT"], tide.temp[1, "tideDT"], units = "mins")))
          ncell.lookup <- 120/Interval
          find.peakHL <- function(i) {
              if(tide.temp$reading[i] >= max(tide.temp$reading[(i+1):(i+ncell.lookup)]) & tide.temp$reading[i] >= max(tide.temp$reading[(i-1):(i-ncell.lookup)])){
              } else {
          peak <- unlist(lapply(ncell.lookup:(nrow(tide.temp)-ncell.lookup-1), find.peakHL))
          tide.temp$peak <- c(rep(NA, ncell.lookup-1), peak, rep(NA, ncell.lookup+1))
          tide.temp[tide.temp$peak == 0,]
      tide.s <- with(tide.s, tide.s[order(secondary.port, tideDT),])
      row.names(tide.s) <- 1:nrow(tide.s)
      peakTide.list <- lapply(np.list, peakTide)
      Htide <- dplyr::bind_rows(peakTide.list)
      Htide <- Htide[!(is.na(Htide$reading)),]
      rm(peakTide, tide.s, peakTide.list)
      ## Estimate height of high tide at each turtle location
      HtideHeight <- function(j){
          Htide.dt <- data.table::data.table(Htide[Htide$secondary.port %in% j,], key = "tideDT1")
          sdata.dt <- data.table::data.table(sdata[sdata$nearest.port %in% j,], key = "DateTime1")
          estHtide <- Htide.dt[sdata.dt, list(DateTime, tideDT, reading, increment), roll = "nearest"]
          estHtide$adj.reading <- with(estHtide, reading)  
          sdata.dt$adj.reading.HT <- estHtide$adj.reading
      sdataHTH.list <- lapply(np.list, HtideHeight)
      sdata <- dplyr::bind_rows(sdataHTH.list)
      rm(sdataHTH.list, HtideHeight, Htide)
      ## Estimate actual depth of a location at the nearest high tide
      d.index <- match(sdata$nearest.port, tidal.plane$secondary.port)
      adj.datum <- tidal.plane[d.index, "datumDiff"]
      sdata$depth.HT <- with(sdata, bathy+adj.datum-adj.reading.HT)
      rm(d.index, adj.datum)
      ### Remove locations according to water depth at high tide
      sdata <- with(sdata, sdata[!(qi <= qi & depth.HT>height),])
      #### Re-order data
      sdata <- with(sdata, sdata[complete.cases(lat),])
      sdata <- with(sdata, sdata[order(id, DateTime),])
      row.names(sdata) <- 1:nrow(sdata)
      #### Report the summary of filtering
      FilteredSS <- nrow(sdata)
      RemovedSamplesN <- OriginalSS-FilteredSS
      RemovedSamplesP <- round((1-(FilteredSS/OriginalSS))*100,2)
      DepthEst <- nrow(sdata[!(is.na(sdata$depth.exp)),])
      cat("Input data:", OriginalSS, "locations.", fill = TRUE)
      cat("Filtered data:", FilteredSS, "locations.", fill = TRUE)
      cat("depthfilter removed ", RemovedSamplesN, " locations (", RemovedSamplesP, "% of original data).", sep = "", fill = TRUE)
      cat("Experienced water depth (bathymetry + tide) was estiamted for", DepthEst, "of", OriginalSS, "locations.", fill = TRUE)
      #### Delete working columns and return the output
      drops <- c("nearest.port", "bathy", "standard.port", "adj.reading", "adj.reading.HT", "DateTime1")
      sdata <- sdata[,!(names(sdata) %in% drops)] 
  } else if(isTRUE(filter) && type %in% "exp") {
    #### Remove locations according to water depth
    sdata <- with(sdata, sdata[!(qi <= qi & depth.exp > height),])
    #### Re-order data
    sdata <- with(sdata, sdata[order(id, DateTime),])
    row.names(sdata) <- 1:nrow(sdata)
    #### Report the summary of filtering
    FilteredSS <- nrow(sdata)
    RemovedSamplesN <- OriginalSS-FilteredSS
    if(RemovedSamplesN > 0){
      RemovedSamplesP <- round((1-(FilteredSS/OriginalSS))*100,2)
    } else {
      RemovedSamplesP <- 0
    DepthEst <- nrow(sdata[!(is.na(sdata$depth.exp)),])
    cat("Input data:", OriginalSS, "locations.", fill = TRUE)
    cat("Filtered data:", FilteredSS, "locations.", fill = TRUE)
    cat("depthfilter removed ", RemovedSamplesN, " locations (", RemovedSamplesP, "% of original data).", sep = "", fill = TRUE)
    cat("Experienced water depth (bathymetry + tide) was estiamted for", DepthEst, "of", OriginalSS, "locations.", fill = TRUE)
    #### Delete working columns and return the output
    drops <- c("nearest.port", "bathy", "standard.port", "adj.reading", "DateTime1")
    sdata <- sdata[,!(names(sdata) %in% drops)] 

  } else {
      #### Re-order data
      sdata <- with(sdata, sdata[order(id, DateTime),])
      row.names(sdata) <- 1:nrow(sdata)
      #### Report the summary of filtering
      DepthEst <- nrow(sdata[!(is.na(sdata$depth.exp)),])

      message("No location was removed (filter option was desabled)")
      cat("Experienced water depth (bathymetry + tide) was estiamted for", DepthEst, "of", OriginalSS, "locations", fill = TRUE)
      #### Delete working columns and return the output
      drops <- c("nearest.port", "bathy", "standard.port", "adj.reading", "DateTime1")
      sdata <- sdata[,!(names(sdata) %in% drops)] 

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