
Defines functions halton.lattice.polygon

Documented in halton.lattice.polygon

#' @export halton.lattice.polygon
#' @title Halton lattice inside a \code{SpatialPolygon*} object.
#' @description Constructs a lattice of Halton boxes (a Halton lattice) inside a 
#' \code{SpatialPolygons} or \code{Spatial}\code{Polygons} \code{DataFrame} object. This is a wrapper for
#' \code{halton.lattice}, which does all the hard work. 
#' @param x A \code{SpatialPolygons} or \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} object. 
#' @param J A 2X1 vector of base powers which determines the size and shape 
#' of the Halton boxes. See additional description in help for 
#' \code{\link{hip.polygon}} function.  
#' @param N Approximate number of points to place in the lattice.  If \code{J} 
#' is specified, it takes precedence.  If \code{J} is NULL, the 
#' algorithm attempts to place \code{N} points in the bounding box 
#' using Halton boxes that are as close to square as possible.  
#' This \code{N} is not exact, but is a target. 
#' @param eta A 2X1 vector of the number of points to add inside each Halton box.  
#' e.g., if \code{eta} = \code{c(3,2)}, a small grid of 3 by 2 points is 
#' added inside each Halton box. \code{eta[1]} is for the
#' horizontal dimension, \code{eta[2]} is for the vertical dimension. 
#' @param triangular boolean, if TRUE, construct a triangular grid. 
#' If FALSE, construct rectangular grid.  See help for \code{\link{hip.polygon}}.
#' @param bases A 2X1 vector of Halton bases.  These must be co-prime. 
#' @return A \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} containing locations in the Halton lattice
#'  Attributes of the points are: 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{latticeID}: A unique identifier for every point.  ID's are integers
#'   numbering points in row-major order from the south.  
#'   \item \code{geometryID}: The ID of the polygon in \code{x} containing each 
#'   point.  The 
#'   ID of polygons in \code{x} are \code{row.names(geometry(x))}. 
#'   \item Any attributes of the original polygons (in \code{x}). 
#' }
#' Additional attributes of the output object, beyond those which 
#' make it a \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}, are:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{J}: the \code{J} vector used to construct the lattice. 
#'      This is either the input \code{J} or the computed \code{J} when 
#'      only \code{N} is specified. 
#'    \item \code{eta}: the \code{eta} vector used in the lattice.
#'    \item \code{bases}: the bases of the van der Corput sequences used in the lattice, 
#'      one per dimension.
#'    \item \code{triangular}: Whether the lattice is triangular or square.
#'    \item \code{hl.bbox}: the bounding box surrounding the input \code{x} object. 
#'      This is saved because bounding box of the return object is not the 
#'      same as the bounding box of \code{x} (i.e., \code{bbox(return)} \code{!=} 
#'      \code{bbox(x)}).
#' }
#' @details This routine is called internally by \code{hip.polygon}, and is not 
#' normally called by the user. 
#' @author Trent McDonald
#' @seealso \code{\link{hip.polygon}}, \code{\link{halton.lattice}}
#' @keywords design survey
#' @examples
#' # Take and plot Halton lattice to illustrate
#' WA.hgrid <- halton.lattice.polygon( WA, J=c(3,2), eta=c(3,2), triangular=TRUE )
#' plot(WA)
#' points(WA.hgrid, pch=16, cex=.5, col="red" )
#' # Plot the Halton boxes
#' tmp.J <- attr(WA.hgrid,"J")
#' tmp.b <- attr(WA.hgrid,"bases")
#' tmp.bb <- attr(WA.hgrid,"hl.bbox")
#' for(d in 1:2){
#'   tmp2 <- tmp.bb[d,1] + (0:(tmp.b[d]^tmp.J[d]))*(diff(tmp.bb[d,]))/(tmp.b[d]^tmp.J[d])
#'   if( d == 1){
#'       abline(v=tmp2, col="blue")
#'   } else{
#'       abline(h=tmp2, col="blue")
#'   }
#' }
#' # To explore, re-run the above changing J, eta, and triangular, 

halton.lattice.polygon <- function(x, N=10000, J=NULL, eta=c(1,1), triangular=FALSE, bases=c(2,3)){

  if( is.null(J)){
    # Get area of object, subtracting holes.  
    sp.area <- polygonArea( x )
    # Bump up the N requested to account for area outside polygons, but within bbox.
    bb.area <- prod(apply(bbox(x),1,diff))
    N <- N * bb.area / sp.area

  # Get the halton lattice inside the bounding box, this does all the hard work
  hl <- halton.lattice( bbox(x), N, J, eta, triangular, bases)

  # Convert lattice to SpatialPoints object
  hl.points <- SpatialPoints(hl, proj4string=CRS(proj4string(x)))
  # Do point-in-polygon selection to get just those inside a polygon.
  # Make sue x has a data frame attached with attributes we want 
  # so over() works
  if( inherits(x, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") ){
    #   x has a data frame, save it
    x.df <- x@data
  } else {
    x.df <- NULL
  x <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame( x, data=data.frame( geometryID=row.names(x), row.names=row.names(x) ) )

  pip <- over( hl.points, x )

  hl.points <- hl.points[!is.na(pip),]
  pip <- pip[!is.na(pip),]

  if( !is.null(x.df) ){
    x.df <- data.frame(geometryID=pip, x.df[pip,])
  } else {
    x.df <- data.frame(geometryID=pip)
  hl.points <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(hl.points, data=x.df, proj4string = CRS(proj4string(x)))

  # Erase row names
  # Add attributes
  attr(hl.points,"J") <- attr(hl, "J")
  attr(hl.points,"eta") <- attr(hl, "eta")
  attr(hl.points,"bases") <- attr(hl, "bases")
  attr(hl.points,"triangular") <- attr(hl, "triangular")
  attr(hl.points,"hl.bbox") <- attr(hl, "hl.bbox")  # save original bbox, because bbox(hl.points) != bbox(x)

# ---------------------------------------------
# # Example of this fuctions use and plotting
# tmp <- halton.lattice.polygon( WA.nodf, N=200, eta=c(3,2), triangular=F )
# tmp <- halton.lattice.polygon( WA, N=200, eta=c(3,2), triangular=F )
#tmp <- halton.lattice.polygon( WA.ll, J=c(3,2), eta=c(3,2) )
# # 
#points(tmp, pch=16, cex=.5, col="red" )
# tmp.J <- attr(tmp,"J")
# tmp.b <- attr(tmp,"bases")
# tmp.bb <- attr(tmp,"hl.bbox")
# for(d in 1:2){
#   tmp2 <- tmp.bb[d,1] + (0:(tmp.b[d]^tmp.J[d]))*(diff(tmp.bb[d,]))/(tmp.b[d]^tmp.J[d])
#   if( d == 1){
#       abline(v=tmp2, col="blue")
#   } else{
#       abline(h=tmp2, col="blue")
#   }
# }
## Compute Voronoi polygons and variance of sizes
# library(dismo)
# tmp.v <- voronoi(tmp)
# plot(WA.utm)
# plot(tmp.v, add=T, col=rainbow(length(tmp.v)))
# plot(WA.utm, add=T)
# plot(tmp, pch=16, add=T)
# tmp.v.sizes <- unlist(lapply( tmp.v@polygons, function(x){x@area} ))
# cat("Standard deviation of tesselation sizes (m)\n")
# print(sd(tmp.v.sizes))

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SDraw documentation built on July 8, 2020, 6:23 p.m.